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15569330 No.15569330 [Reply] [Original]

Would you consider your life to be more of a comedy or a tragedy? Explain why.

>> No.15569333

It's far too boring and embarrassing to be either.

>> No.15569437

Truly it would be a comedy as all the audience would laugh at my inability to assert myself in anything besides my own demise, Shameful.

>> No.15569444

So comedy



>> No.15569600
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I guess it's funny how tragically shit my life is.

>> No.15569800

What do they think? Is the question I have lived with, I remember, since I was four, sitting in the lap of my neighbor in a crowded car while my father dropped me off to school and... Her... Someplace... But that is beyond the point because right now I can see an outline of your face on /lit/ musing with a tender frown at my introspection. Looking outside in has been my mirror I held up to society, never amounting to a thing but feeling adequate in my delusions I made 'you' happy... Strange faces I see everywhere.

Someone should have loved me and I would have said my diary desu... Moving on to the next thread forgetting that proximity to my only truth I hide behind my crooked smile.

But we're here aren't we? I have myself by the throat. I want you to like me and I will do anything for it to be real.

It's been a tragedy with comedic interludes. You see this, ma? I can write.

>> No.15570123

a tragic comedy as I have watched my hopes and dreams one by one be crushed down. I for some rsn have dedicated all of my time and effort into music at this point, and I already know that it will be crushed down as the ultimate joke as the tale ends.

>> No.15570150
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Neither. It is a drama, but without any dramatic conflict. So, I suppose it is like one of those avant-garde dramas where no substantial dramatic conflict occurs, and everything perpetually stays the same (in my case, this is not true - there is true growth, but too steady to constitute a plot), one of those dramas of routine life.
It is not unpleasant.

>> No.15570157

Neither, my life isn't worth to be called a play. Would probably be as boring and dull as that movie the room.

>> No.15570161

Your life is so bad it's good?

>> No.15570165
