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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 253 KB, 1423x1002, America vs England.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15568113 No.15568113 [Reply] [Original]

Who has the superior lit (19th, 20th, and 21st century only, given that the US is younger)?

>> No.15568122

So good doesn't even need to be in the race.

>> No.15568124

>invites himself
classic Ireland

>> No.15568131

Different styles, OP. It is like asking which one is better, apples or oranges?

>> No.15568141

oranges are better because theyre more durable and overall healthier.

>> No.15568145

It's apples.

>> No.15568148

apples are dull and generic. oranges are tastier.

>> No.15568152


>> No.15568158

>le wacky contrarian third option xD

>> No.15568160

Modern US lit is far better and I'm British.

>> No.15568161

America has the best English language novel of the 19th century but I think Britain produced more in volume that was good.
20th century American literature is ok and British of the same period is mostly crap.
21st is almost entirely awful for both.

>> No.15568167

Apples got that crunch tho

>> No.15568170

now I love the US of A

>> No.15568171

whats wacky about pears they just taste better

>> No.15568173

They're objectively right though.

>> No.15568174

Fuck you, mongoloid.

>> No.15568185

>more durable
apples are typically sprayed with a wax that makes them as durable as oranges if not more
>overall healthier
I've never heard the phrase "an orange a day keeps the doctor away"

>> No.15568195

Beowulf was written in the 11th century retard

>> No.15568212

I really dislike both. I hope left bitch gets casted less in films.

>> No.15568263
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>> No.15568274

t. retard normie

>> No.15568279

citrus was vital in preventing scurvy on naval ships, though

>> No.15568307
File: 202 KB, 993x665, 93B76A6F-5E84-4286-854A-39B64C844957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I viscerally hate Emma but I am absolutely captivated with her beauty. The hate as well seems to help the tsundere mental image I have. I’d do absolutely anything to marry her younger self and create a dozen beautiful aryan children via hate fucking each other until we pass out near death. Hell I’d date her still now if she just toned it down with the braindead politics.

Do you think if I tweeted pic related at her everyday it would save her, or wake her up at least?

>> No.15568393

>listening to Hammock in the dark
>listlessly browsing through /lit/ threads
>this post has me absolutely dying of laughter
toppest of keks, anon

>> No.15568405

jlaw isnt attractive in the slightest but god damn those leaks had probably the greatest nude ever taken so i have to applaud her

>> No.15568415

digiorno pizza cause i'm allergic to both of those

>> No.15568418 [SPOILER] 
File: 316 KB, 788x1197, 1591754604621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.15568441

the one where she's clearly just gotten out of the shower and is standing in front of a mirror with a horrendous mess of clothing surrounding her

>> No.15568444

is this Celine?

>> No.15568456
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>> No.15568460 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15568467

fucking yes. god i don't know why i think it's so good bros but i do. fuck

>> No.15568476

She's god a goddess body but something about her face makes me want to punch a hole in a wall.

>> No.15568488

>I've never heard the phrase "an orange a day keeps the doctor away"
Yes but orange you glad I didn't say banana?

>> No.15568501
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She has droopy dog face

>> No.15568508
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>> No.15568513 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.15 MB, 765x661, 1591755377278.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very aesthetic photo indeed.

>> No.15568550

Yes its how uninterested in reality but especially my penis all women are but her's especially. I wish I lived in ancient Rome with her as my celtic slave so I could beat her and beat her and beat her and beat her until she never shows any disinterest in anything on her face again. She will MARVEL at my cock like it its3lf is a glowing god to worship.

>> No.15568552

The cum on her face isn't her

>> No.15568565

Of course not, she's a fully grown woman now.

>> No.15568570

post more coomer pics

>> No.15568577

is there any way I can watch each separate frame of a gif?

>> No.15568582

what the fuck is this drivel?

>> No.15568603

god, i hope his fiction is better than that

>> No.15568604

google is your friend

>> No.15568618



19th Moby Dick
20th The Sound and the Fury
21st The Secret History


19th Middlemarch
20th Heart of Darkness
21st Never Let Me Go

They’re pretty even although bongs are leading the 21st with Ishiguro.

>> No.15568622

>emma watson
jesus christ, you are lost.
and just the notion that you'd think anyone, not only fucking emma watson, would willingly read that shit hows how fucking pathological you are.

>> No.15568623 [SPOILER] 
File: 288 KB, 700x287, 1591756119165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you fuck her?

>> No.15568629

If I wasn't already married, yes.

>> No.15568634

Apples are the literary mans choice, the symbolic content of oranges is fuck all whereas Apples are right up there with Roses for symbology.

>> No.15568639


>> No.15568653

Adam & Eve ate a fruit, not an apple, so what other famous apple symbols are there really?

>> No.15568655

>the symbolic content of oranges is fuck all
Yeah, well, oranges are not the only fruit.

>> No.15568661

Heracles stole the golden apples. Johnny Appleseed sowed a lot of apples. Will Hunting wanted to know how people liked their apples.

>> No.15568665

Apples, objectively.

>> No.15568671


Even though it wasn't specified as an apple that's the image most people have. The symbol remains.

>> No.15568674

People find that thing on the right attractive?

>> No.15568675


>> No.15568678

Discord's Golden Apple.
The Golden Apples of the Hesperides.
Idunn's Apples of immortality.
Wassailing the apple trees.

>> No.15568681

Woul fuck but not breed.

>> No.15568687

The Apple of Discord too. I had forgotten about those.

>> No.15568696

She's so fucking trashy, I would love to fuck her brains out.

>> No.15568703

Madonna-Whore Complex. Freud was right.

>> No.15568705

The golden apples were actually oranges though. Apples rot in the heat of that climate.

>> No.15568713

Freud is not the first person to point out that men will fuck whores but not marry them. I don't get why people always refer to Freud for things he obviously did not invent.

>> No.15568718

Sure, but symbols don't care about the facts, they have their own momentum.

>> No.15568724

All the good Irish writers were anglos

>> No.15568729

>doesn't know of the polyphenols on apple's peel

>> No.15568740

freud was wrong about everything

>> No.15568759

>it doesnt know about toxins and pesticides extremely concentrated in apple skin that slowly poison you

>> No.15568767

I have my own apple tree newfag

>> No.15568777

and i promise it's full of toxins no matter where you are. Pesticides and plane chemtrails fall on everything.

>> No.15568780

>it's 4am and I am unironically witnessing a fight over apples and oranges on 4chin

>> No.15568783

Kek, when a stupid normie with old wife wisdom gets btfo utterly by chan autists

>> No.15568787
File: 39 KB, 474x689, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA - Moby sick
Brit- Lorna doone.

Usa- a farewell to arms
Uk- Lotr

- meh, it's all so tiresome. Repetitive modern pseudo-lit.

Emma Watson has a neotony about her face; superior Anglo characteristics. Better lit better women

>> No.15568792


>> No.15568797

she's French-blooded, though.

>> No.15568800

Quick kind stranger, make a screencap and post it on r/4chan!

>> No.15568813

Personally, I'm partial to anything between a grapefruit and a small melon.

>> No.15568820

Why does she have a fountain pen? Do Euros use fountain pens normally or is she just a snowflake

>> No.15568828

she's classy. she was born in Paris.

>> No.15568832

no, we use shitty biro pens. i can assure you the phrase "anyone got a pen?" is said thousands of times per day here
>t. bong

>> No.15568833

It’s like something Botticelli would have painted.

>> No.15568840

Ahmad was born in Paris sonny. Class he aint got except the under type.

>> No.15568847


>> No.15568849

if we're talking about apple vs oranges for taste, it's very subjective.

but when talking about the usefulness and versatility of the fruit, apples absolutely shit on oranges on pretty much every aspect.

>> No.15568857

I grew up on eating sacks of oranges fresh from Florida until my mouth hurt from the acidity. Suck on my left nut.

>> No.15568858

Oranges. They're 1) really juicy, 2) slightly sour and sweet, 3) already naturally sliced.

>> No.15568867
File: 248 KB, 683x1024, EF421D3C-BE4A-4112-B251-A3F1494B8AAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not a competition. Enjoy it while it lasts.

It may all be over soon

>> No.15568869

>if we're talking about apple vs oranges for taste, it's very subjective.
No, it's not. Orange taste is far richer. Apples taste like nothing. It's a fruit for faggots and women.

>> No.15568878

i've never been so glad from the simple fact that i'm not an american as i have been lately.

>> No.15568891

Because of the cop riots?

Natalia is a UK girl with Basque roots

>> No.15568901

thought you were talking about american lit.
why the enjoy it while it lasts, then, old age or what?

>> No.15568923

Don't listen to butterfly. She is retarded.

>> No.15568939

i prefer ketchup and therefore welsh lit reigns

>> No.15568948
File: 24 KB, 220x330, 04A29827-7BE3-4475-BC85-BEE865F961E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I did mean literature.
What’s (assuming you’re British) the best Fiction from the UK since 2000
I can humbly submit Le Guin’s Lavinia

>> No.15568954

then it doesn't matter if it has toxins because it's all even out and the antioxidants are actually a plus

>> No.15568955

I'm confused are we arguing over Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Watson, American and British lit, or Apples and Oranges.

>> No.15568956
File: 309 KB, 1800x1200, Emma-Watson-Harry-Potter-and-the-Goblet-of-Fire-Warner-Bros-Everett-052015-1800x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you greentext aryan for? She was prime aryan nubile pussy. I could impregnate her with bronze age heroes if she took my seed.

Explain how what Celine wrote was wrong.

>> No.15568969

She has superior Med genes, I agree. Blondniggers are inferior.

>> No.15568977

All three debates.

>> No.15568983

it's not wrong entirely wrong, it's just terribly written and drenched in is fucking pathological racism and anti-semitism, it's embarrassing to read.
>I could impregnate her with bronze age heroes if she took my seed.
i'm sure you could, dude

>> No.15568987

watson looks like an extremely attractive trap in that picture

>> No.15568993

oh, so you're just talking about the general downfall of literature?

>> No.15569000

Then explain what about it is wrong. Antisemitism and racism are not legitimate criticism you 70 iq nigger monkey.

>> No.15569016
File: 146 KB, 853x1280, 9704809B-A088-44AF-B617-9C2FC93453DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the impending extinction event. If we can avoid it, the arts will see better days than these, I’m sure.

>> No.15569018


Oranges honestly, they're juicier, sweeter, more filling. Apples are a chore to eat.

>> No.15569022

in what world are they not legitimate criticism if that's part of what makes it so irrevocably shit?
this is not from a literary text, so he can't hide behind diegetics.
The entire paragraph is, as all of his terrible fucking pamphlets are, filled with retarded speculations obviously tied to race, because how can it not?

>> No.15569031

again, in general, or related to what's happening in america?

>> No.15569044
File: 91 KB, 626x530, 4575DBE9-F67D-4E02-98C9-F67D4317372B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In every world, ther is nothing wrong with being antisemitic or racist since anyone objective is.

>> No.15569045
File: 96 KB, 1200x800, 8EE5D5B5-5A41-4253-8179-15C31749CA4A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extinction by climate change?
Our systemic problems contribute to both even though they look completely unrelated

>> No.15569049

aren't skulls also different even among a particular group?

>> No.15569053

ah, i feel you then.
you think climate change will be our downfall before technological development, post-humanism etc.?

>> No.15569055

Sure but not to the same degree.

>> No.15569056

i literally can't understand what you're even trying to say

>> No.15569063

Christ you natsoc cucks are pathetic.

"Aryan" does NOT mean Germanic white. It was a term used to refer to PERSIAN NOBILITY. I.E. SANDNIGGERS. Jesus fucking Christ stop being so fucking THICK.

>> No.15569067

It looks bad, but I’m hopeful.
We shouldn’t rely on technology to save us though. We have to make major changes to the way we live, and “eco fascism” certainly isn’t it.

>> No.15569069

Peruvian has the most chad skull. Also every time I see a Euro skull I notice how the jawline is so pointy like a tube of toothpaste that's been squeezed down. The whole Euro face is just pointy as fuck

>> No.15569076

i agree completely, you're completely wrong about Lavinia, though

>> No.15569083

Aryan before Hitler went crazy meant what is now referred to by Proto-Indo-European. If you read books from before that period that's how they use the word Aryan

>> No.15569093

No shit, men want to control sexual access to ensure they don't get cucked and unwittingly help another man continue his genetic lineage.

Why are you saying this like it's a bad thing?

>> No.15569094
File: 492 KB, 395x235, 85CA32B5-C71B-4741-8843-743A87BC564F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The whole Euro face is just pointy as fuck

>> No.15569097

it isn't he invented them, rather he noticed and gave it a name

>> No.15569099

I liked it.
What’s the better American novel? I hate Infinite Jest

>> No.15569100

Don't care. We shouldn't use new meanings for a word that was warped by the losers. Nazi cucks co-opted a bunch of Eastern shit for their ideology and I'm sick of them getting away with it.

>> No.15569102

No she isn't.

>> No.15569105
File: 256 KB, 1200x851, 8859FFBB-429C-40C3-AA71-FC2D9F2101E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you’re just a 70 iq nigger monkey so it’s actually pretty impressive you can read at all.
Proto indo-aryans were blonde and blue eyed faggot.

>> No.15569115
File: 469 KB, 1554x2400, 81IEhMEnzkL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do short story collections count?
>infinite jest
you said after 2000

>> No.15569122

You don't understand, it's the Nazis who twisted the meaning of the word. Before them people would refer to the 'original Aryan language' which meant the language that Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, etc came from, what we now call PIE.

>> No.15569126

Because they have Amerindian aka Mongoloid genes so their faces are wide and almost circular. The European skull on the other hand is elegant and more refined.

>> No.15569129

>posts a pic that is completely reasonable and painfully walks on eggshells not to offend anyone
literally fucking kill yourself

>> No.15569137

emma watson would probably lay still during sex and offer nothing. some might call this a more cerebral experience
jlaw would enthusiastically ride your dick while engaging in banter. this is shallow and less desirable than the other according to people who think highly of themselves

>> No.15569138

>Proto indo-aryans were blonde and blue eyed faggot.

>> No.15569143


>> No.15569153

Nah.. somehow I doubt that.

>> No.15569160

Sure. Okay, how’s George Saunders short stories compare? Haven’t heard of McGuane

>> No.15569162

No, I do understand that. I want that 5' 9" cuck Hitler to stop getting away with it.

>> No.15569169

Haven't read him, but i've heard good things about Lincoln in the bardo

>> No.15569179

Look up the Andronovo culture. They have been proven to be largely light haired and light eyed. Most of Central Asia was we’d now call white up until the mongol and Turkic invasions 1000 years ago.

>> No.15569183

I read Pastoralia and The Very Persistent Gappers of Fripp. All very dream like weirdness

>> No.15569185

>>>Heinrich Himmler carried a copy of the Bhagavad Gita with him everywhere he went

Did the Nazis blatantly steal from the Indians and just think no one would ever find out?

>> No.15569187

too ugly face

>> No.15569190

i think id rather have sex with jennifer lawrence

>> No.15569194

>Mongol invasion 1,000 years ago

You're a fucking dipshit, you know that?

>> No.15569195

Where is this from? One of the antisemitic pamphlets that aren't allowed to be published?

>> No.15569203

>Siberia and Eastern Eurasian Steppe

Sooo... Slavs?

>> No.15569210

Maybe it's because I'm British, but Jen looks like a much more fun American girl who is loud and fucks good.

Don't know how anyone could pick that humourless cunt Watson over her.

>> No.15569236

What the ever loving fuck are you on about? That culture has nothing to do with Germans or "white".

What you cited as "Indo-Aryan" goes back to what I said earlier, East Indians and Persian Iranians.

The article I'm reading is using the term "Aryan" in the proper sense, meaning PERSIAN FUCKING IRANIANS.

Goddamn it, the members of the "master race" are fucking retarded.

>> No.15569238
File: 1.46 MB, 3000x1900, D69286D3-A46A-4FCF-8298-AD9CC755CA64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’ll Slavs are one descendant branch, all European people’s are a descendant branch and still a decent amount of central Asians and northern Indians.

Interestingly Slavs do still share the same haplogroup as northern Indians.

>> No.15569250

What you're telling me is that natsocs are fucking retards that don't know what they're talking about, yeah? Because Slavs are supposed to be the "untermensch".

>> No.15569259

I never read the Nazi race theories but I'd hazard a guess they considered the Slavs impure due to East Asian admixture

>> No.15569271

The Persians were also descended from the larger Aryan group he's talking about, as were the Germans. Everyone who speaks an Indo-European language is partially descended from them, or conquered by people who were.

>> No.15569272

The Andronovo culture were a light haired and light eyed branch of the Yamnaya culture. The Yamnaya were an aryan people as well and would go on to invade and conquer and intermix, and dominate Europe’s culture.

The Andronovo branch would go on to conquer northern India after the fall of the Indus Valley civilization. The vedas and Hinduism come from the Andronovo culture, which is why there are religious links between European polytheism and Hinduism, as well as linguistic links.

As well the Slavs and modern day northern Indians still share the same r1a haplogroup.

>> No.15569282

Well yeah Hiters conceptions of what an aryan was wasn’t exactly accurate, I never argued as such.

>> No.15569300

My point was just that germanics and European people’s as a whole are aryans, and the original aryans that spread protoindoeuropean language, religion, and genetics to the norther India area were blonde haired and blue eyed.

>> No.15569322

american lit is best when closest to British tradition

American Heritage apples are best- yet when closest to British varieties.

American women are at their most beautiful when from wasp stock- where Albions seed took root.

"Aryan" is mutt and euro cope for not being Anglo.

>> No.15569351
File: 11 KB, 200x250, 1591694137444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peruvians and other natives have angular face shapes, unlike mongoloids who have round face shapes

>> No.15569362

Racism stems from incels perverted sexual fantasies
Oh boy am I laffing

>> No.15569637
File: 1.67 MB, 480x368, 070C6F5C-D17F-4293-80E8-A76A77D33CB3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mmm, Proto-Indo-European

>> No.15569737

19th -- UK

20th -- US

21st -- ?

>> No.15570076
File: 1.05 MB, 1136x640, 1591653451079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a slight allergy to the pesticides they use on apples, so oranges. I've always hated this anonly: why are apples and oranges incomparable as fruits. Sure they're incompatible for which is a better apple or which is a better orange, but they're not above comparison. And neither is American vs English literature

>> No.15570091

What's "?"?

>> No.15570106

this guy fucks

>> No.15570114

Peruvians doesn't mean natives. They're quechua, incas, etc.

>> No.15570265

to be continued

>> No.15570273

literal subhuman

>> No.15570286

china and it has already begun

>> No.15570290

I don't know. It feels different when I'm reading. It is like comparing Brazilian literature with Portuguese. While is it the same language things definitely feel different. The thematic, type of thoughts, word choice, which elements they focus.

>> No.15570367

Linguistically, there's a reason they named a worldwide mega corporation after one and not the other. 'Apple' and its connotations is a far more aesthetic word than 'orange'. While it might be considered a bonus for orange to be both the name of a color and a fruit, I disagree - orange is an intermediate color. Especially seen in nature, an orange sunset can be beautiful, but a red sunset far more rare and passionate, and one red sunset eclipses the orange sunset in its beauty and chronological order. You can enjoy eating the skin on apples, it would be far more unpleasant and difficult to eat the skin on oranges. Orange seeds also lie in the actual carpels that you eat, so with each bite you have to spit out a seed, this is not the case with apples because the seeds are clustered in the core which is in the middle of the apple - it is your choice whether you bite into it or not, but you only make that choice after eating the apple meat itself, which makes up basically the whole thing. Apples have a lot of variety in their flavor, ranging from sour to sweet, whereas oranges, at least in the public consciousness, are seen as tangy and sour, usually had in juice form since the raw form is harder to eat (as I stated earlier). Apples are known for apple juice, but also apple pie, apple crumble, apple as a school snack (conducive to learning) etc. Not only are they not really comparable beyond their basic size and definition as a fruit, and subjective taste remains a variable... but apples are overall objectively better just like bigger breasts are objectively better because you can remove them but also stick your willy between them and suck more milk from them, not possible with small breasts.

>> No.15570420


>> No.15570455

Alien literature will mog us all

>> No.15570478

Only if I was married to her.

>> No.15570490

Dam we got him busted on her

>> No.15570623

Only one of those "British" novels are by a Bong. There are plenty to choose from in C19 (Bleak House, Jane Eyre, the list goes on), thrashing USA despite Moby Dick. But C20 is not even close (Faulkner, Pynchon and McCarthy). C21 dunno, cannot think of one from either shithole of a country.

>> No.15570634

Yeats and Beckett on one side, Joyce, and Flann on the other. Impressive teams whatever way you lean, but seriously, Joyce is so far above the other three that there's no contest.

>> No.15570665

all i eat is pizza, grilled cheese, chicken strips, and mac and cheese. specifically only kraft mac and cheese

>> No.15570674

apples obviously

>> No.15570728

>Apples are dull

>> No.15570737

They were quinces, damn plebes not knowing about quinces.

>> No.15570754

Rotten apple in Kafka's Metamorphosis, the poison apple in Snow White, William Tell being a fucking psychopath.

>> No.15570758

Yeah, learn to polish your apples idiots.

>> No.15570797

Emma Watson is a MtF tranny.

>> No.15570802

Oranges give you more and are tastier. I also grew up eating them so they are packed with childhood memories.

>> No.15570804

Why were you eating childhood memories?

>> No.15570820

Mandarins and pears > apples and oranges

>> No.15570924

>Joyce far above Beckett
They look really close to me, is just that they took different directions

>> No.15570933

That comparison is not exactly bergamot and quince now, is it?