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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 125 KB, 383x328, 1588566681312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15568005 No.15568005 [Reply] [Original]

i have a really good idea for a book

>> No.15568009
File: 29 KB, 567x365, dzg_tapir_chico_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that so?

>> No.15568015
File: 211 KB, 1600x1067, publishing-contract-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it? it's not like it's going anywhere.

>> No.15568017
File: 127 KB, 555x555, 1589942831377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think so yes

>> No.15568027

dont put it into a google doc anon. keep it right up in your noggin until the muse blesses you

>> No.15568030

Has it already been written though?

>> No.15568033

Oops, you forget it. I give you the forgetting meme.

>> No.15568048

Nobody has written a great book on a single idea. Great books are always the condensation of many many ideas one after another. People should stop perpetuating the myth that having an idea is enough to make good books.

>> No.15568071

the concept is a main character who is at some level of a recently established government, which has risen following a revolution against a former dystopian totalitarian government.
main character fought in the war, lost a best friend in the war, which motivated him to win the war and build something better for his lost friend.
but as the book goes on he starts to notice others have similarities in their memories of the revolution, and seemingly everyone lost a best friend in the war motivating them to keep fighting 'evil' and win.
he slowly realizes that his memories of the revolution were false, or planted in his brain somehow. this new government he is part of becomes more and more confusing to him as he realises the motivations for setting it up were brainwashed into everyone.

i hope this makes sense, i just had the idea while drinking a beer in the shower. think kind of orwellian, matrixy with less sci fi. idk. i thought the idea of everyone being convinced they won a revolution against something in order to brainwash them was interesting. there are a lot of concepts i think could go into it

>> No.15568240

stealing this idea

>> No.15568262
File: 38 KB, 657x527, BA02D3E4-E23A-4DB7-AFB3-7CFBC7BED32E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga you just came up with a million dollar idea

>> No.15568270

how much do you want for it? just name a number.

>> No.15568271

Sounds like a black mirror episode

>> No.15568272
File: 14 KB, 223x227, 1589020048984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna publish an amazon short story on this by tomorrow, just started writing. not gonna proofread when im done;

>> No.15568281

Good luck anon

>> No.15568289


>> No.15568296

good idea anon. if you write it good could be fucking amazing

>> No.15568301

Reminds me of Total Recall or We Can Remember It for You Wholesale by Phillip K Dick

>> No.15568464

Don’t be discouraged by other anons saying they’ll steal your idea. /lit/ is all archived, in the off chance it ever gave you trouble you could just point to this thread

>> No.15568474
File: 14 KB, 300x300, worried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it really that good of an idea?

>> No.15568485


We believe in you Anon, write this idea into existence. It is worth it on the premise alone

>> No.15568493

unequivocally based
i guess i'll start writing

>> No.15568495

Yes anon!

>> No.15568558

Nah, not really

>> No.15568573

do you have a paypal? do you have a bitcoin wallet? a fucking PO box? how do I contact you and get the rights for this? this is fucking incredible!

>> No.15568591

This website is just algorithms

>> No.15568616
File: 738 KB, 750x980, FCE92DC3-21B8-44C4-A9AE-B7C6104395C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if youre serious contact me at uwuuuo503@gmail.com

>> No.15568704

laughed my ass off at this. Any anon retarded enough to spew out his ideas
for free deserves nothing less

>> No.15568731

>i just had the idea while drinking a beer in the shower

>> No.15568736


>> No.15568742

Good shit bro, write it

>> No.15568782

shower beer? no?

>> No.15568790

Do authors out there "buy ideas" if they're good enough? I think I asked this the other day but I can't remember which thread.

>> No.15568802

holy....i want more....

>> No.15568809




I wish I was rich enough to buy the rights to this idea but I'm just going to have to steal it and publish it first sorry op

>> No.15568819

You have to have been on shower beer #10 before you posted here

>> No.15568836

I'm already writing chapter 3, hoping to get published when it's all over, thanks bro

>> No.15568859

That's a beautiful pen, especially the nib.
I wish there were an actual /writing/ board on 4chan, or at least a regular thread on /lit/ but nobody gives a shit about handwriting or writing utensils or whatever.

>> No.15568876
File: 128 KB, 750x803, irrefutable-proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


guys this is NOT me this is an imposter


please email my disposable inbox at lifay10391@lexu4g.com if youre serious about buying the rights


email me at lifay10391@lexu4g.com.. i would consider letting someone else write this under certain conditions

>> No.15568942
File: 1.29 MB, 1354x780, dontemailthisfag.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont email this redditspacing scammer. the uwu address is me but honestly the idea is out there now so feel free to take it. i'll have another shower beer write an even better concept.

>> No.15569061

i'll expand some other ideas in it.
the main theme is that instead of quashing revolutions, the ruling class just gives in and gives people what they want, a revolution, just a fake one.
an important part is that although in the end there is a eutopia, it has been masterminded by someone else. same for the main character, he realizes his own drive to do good for all and the means to get there are also masterminded by someone else. essentially synthetic "for the greater good" may have achieved the greater good, but at the cost of the individuals own motivation to do so.

i think the means by which everyone was incepted should be left vague, an unanswerable because it really doesnt matter.
the main character will find out he has not actually fought for anything or earned his postion, its actually quite the opposite, his new position in new world order was given because he was the most easily deceived. the most willing to embrace that he is right, that he fought hard and has earned more.

im thinking a scene in the end where he's somehow addressing the public, knowing all of this and still having to keep in line with the thoughts he truly believed, but knows are fake now, with no idea of who he is, what he was before, and who is in control.

>> No.15569075

Who the fuck took this picture

>> No.15569986


>> No.15570001

It's sounds like a mishmash of dystopian concepts but I think it sounds neat. Go ahead and right it anon.

>> No.15570027

fuck I meant "write it" whatever

>> No.15570070

Dude this is unironically really good shit.
Reminds me of the black mirror episode where the soldiers are implanted with chip to see all enemy combatants as monsters, but it's definitely original.
Post the amazon listing when you're finished.

>> No.15570539

That's great Anon. Your next step is to find literature with the same idea. Then you plagiarise it. Good luck.