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File: 704 KB, 1920x1276, 1-suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15567959 No.15567959 [Reply] [Original]

What reason is there to not commit suicide?

>> No.15567962

you will get to see the jewish race go extinct if you stick around for long enough.

>> No.15567965

There isn’t one. Go ahead. I’m personally too much of a pussy to go through with it, but I think about it everyday.

>> No.15567973

LOL dude. Like, rebel.

>> No.15567975

Kikeanon here. That's not very nice of you to say.

>> No.15567984

Why hurry the inevitable?

>> No.15567985

Irrelevancy in this world, irrelevancy in the other...does it truly matter whether you do or if you don't do it?

>> No.15567988

Being too depressed to.

>> No.15567990

You get to eat three whole meals tomorrow, you get to experience the pleasure of defecation and cleansing yourself, you get to sleep every night and even during the day if you’re lucky. And, most of all, every cell in your animal body will revolt as you attempt to commit suicide. So, I cling to life like the emperor from the Dark Crystal. Fuck dying, dying is gay

>> No.15568032
File: 259 KB, 1242x835, Negro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either find a way out of your predicament or desensitize yourself to the point where you can go the college-wageslave route without the soul crushing implications weighing too heavily on you. or just get it over with and kill yourself.

>> No.15568047

You commit suicide, you go to hell.

Simple as to why I'm not an hero.

>> No.15568060

You'll make some people sadder than you realize, assuming they're not complete scumbags.

>> No.15568092

What reason is there to commit suicide?
>Inb4 le life is sad :^(

>> No.15568096

Life is boring and predictable.

>> No.15568097

jk rowlings next series hasnt come out yet

>> No.15568133

as opposed to the exciting twists and turns of non existence

>> No.15568153

You can't read books when you're dead

>> No.15568189


Your family will have to pay for the funeral and will bring shame upon your family forever.

If you are selfish... then I suggest you go drown yourself so they cant recover your body, which saves funeral costs, and leave a suicide note.

Your still be a shame to your family but at least they don't have to waste money on you.

>> No.15568206

Conscious activity and thought.

>> No.15568210

Read The Myth of Sysyphus, the first third is about this exact question

>> No.15568213


>> No.15568275

you don't get to eat hamburgers anymore

>> No.15568292

You’re not married
unless you are :(

>> No.15568294

top kek

>> No.15568295

Humanity's golden age might explode or go full china mode and it might be sort of cool to watch but not really since both outcomes sound pretty depressing so idk

>> No.15568302

because it is painful to go on
so why prolong the inevitable?

>> No.15568305

This will pass if you make your stand, anon. Honestly, felt like doing this one time. And it is not like I'm extremely happy right now, but things definitely aren't that bad. You have to be strong and bear whatever pain you are feeling now. It will go away and your life will get better.

>> No.15568319

"Being alive is great, you can eat at Denny's, you can wear a hat whenever you want to, it's wonderful."

>> No.15568347

I tried like 3 times but I pussied out/it didn't work

I could give you reasons but you've probably thought of them so it'skind of a rabbit out of the hat situation. I guess I got lucky enough to have been a giant pussy to not kms back then and I cringe hard at the journaling I did in that time period. God I was a pos

>> No.15568447

The cats have become used to a standard of living nature cannot provide. If we don't maintain it, they go back into the cold. Do you want that on your conscience?

>> No.15568794

this life is a punishment from a crime in another existence, killing yourself will only reset the time

>> No.15568801

>bro just imagine sisyphus happy bro

>> No.15568856

there literally isn't one. life is the presence of suffering. every waking moment is suffering ranging from the almost imperceptible (eg, the transient nature of all things - even the pleasures in life are ephemeral, not guaranteed, and impermanent), to outright physical and mental agony. All of this is within the context of being embodied within a deprivational human animal - subject to constant bodily, social, and existential needs, which we are caught up in an endless striving against (through work, maintenance, cleaning, the endless little banalities and boredom's of life). When one has done their work, maintained their bank account and bodies, they are not rewarded with a state of pleasure, or even a neutral contentment with existence. Rather, boredom, ennui and restlessness rears itself - another cause of suffering which must be combated and struggled against. "Find a hobby", "get out more", "pick a goal and work towards it" - these are common ways in which people suggest dealing with the inherent deprivation and lacking at core of human existence. And in fact the overwhelming majority of people fail to even grasp the presence of themselves. They see the future as a real thing ahead of now, a place they'll reach eventually, the prize at the end of the road where their strivings are worth the struggle. But the reality is the present is eternal, and imagining oneself as in a better off state in the future, or even happy, is nothing more than a cope to deal with the dissatisfaction of the present (which one never leaves). It is as if the human is like a rat in a cage, running on it's wheel faster and faster as it imagines how good it's life is going to be in the future where all the running is worth it - until it drops dead from exhaustion.

But the reality of human biology is that it traces it's history through 4 billion years of selection bias - the drive to survive is embedded deep within our psyches. And to overcome ones biology is no easy feat. It's gritty, and violent. The reality is that to end this suffering involves lethal self harm to ones body - to murder oneself. If the erasure of oneself was as simple as flicking a lightswitch, I would imagine the earth would be a sparse place indeed. But to go on living and struggling, knowing the nature of the world, simply because one cannot find the courage or steel to overcome ones survival instinct is the worst of all.

>> No.15568896

stop whining

>> No.15568903
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Christ loves you anon

>> No.15568910

there are as many reasons not to kill yourself as there are people in the world not killing themselves right now, and who didn't kill themselves. also, there are as many reasons TO kill yourself as there are people who killed themselves or are killing themselves

>> No.15568919

Like life

>> No.15568932

Because tomorrow might be better than today. Tomorrow has no chance to be better if you kill yourself.

>> No.15568941

lots of assumptions here about what matters and what doesn't. for starters, the assumption that the presence of suffering somehow makes the presence of any kind of enjoyment immediately worthless. also, designating any kind of pleasure or any kind of suffering as part of one spectrum of suffering (what is imperceptible suffering? near to complete suffering might as well be imperceptible enjoyment) is needlessly pessimistic

>> No.15568979

Unironically this. If you can’t find happiness, then happiness will be forced upon you
You just have to imagine it

>> No.15569037

It's so fucking lame that people say you should just continue on with mediocre living, not doing anything important, not making shit, being apathetic, and tired all the time.. No real friends a lousy family. Fuck this shit I want off. And I'm a slave to society too.

>> No.15569054

>also, designating any kind of pleasure or any kind of suffering as part of one spectrum of suffering (what is imperceptible suffering? near to complete suffering might as well be imperceptible enjoyment) is needlessly pessimistic

No, it's just a recognition that the goods and pleasures in life occur against a background of impermanence (they don't last even when we want them to, they aren't guaranteed, and often have negative externalities (eg, drug use, overeating, our friends die, our children can get sick and die, etc)). And all of this being felt by a person that is caught up in an endless striving of bodily maintenance - a body that is subject to stress, need, wants, desires, sufferings, aging, sickness, and unavoidable death. These are facts, realism isn't pessimism.

>> No.15569265

suffering is impermanent just as well as pleasure is. there's an equally infinite number of reasons to kill yourself as there are to not kill yourself. life is equally the presence of suffering as it is the absence of it, as it is the presence of happiness as it is the absence of that. you're not necessarily wrong, but you're only telling half the story. this kind of inflation is pessimism.

>> No.15569293
File: 40 KB, 500x428, Dont-give-up-cartoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll feel better if you keep going.
Pic related minus the connotations that money is the key to life

>> No.15569366

t. pollyanna

>> No.15569385

>money is the key to life
Expand on this a bit. Are you implying that your life would not be substantially improved with a sizable sum of money? Are you implying that the life of the sadsack OP who posted this thread would not be substantially improved with a sizable sum of money?

>> No.15569394


>> No.15569419

They're not going to stop being a sad sack if they get a bigger house and still do nothing but masturbate to trap porn.

>> No.15569443
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more like this

>> No.15569493
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>> No.15569533
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>> No.15569534

Based beyond mortal comprehension

>> No.15569560

can't fuck when you're dead

>> No.15569565
File: 193 KB, 775x1168, 7220f1fb69192cd47285e34b478f71c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what reason is there not to stay alive and work hard in order to help other people?

>> No.15569566

They are genetically hardwired to say that. Pay it no heed

>> No.15569567

muh dick

>> No.15569568


>> No.15569575

eros vs thanatos nigga

>> No.15569581

Helping other people is exhausting, unrewarding and more likely than not, due to the nature of the world being tilted towards a zero-sum, will hurt someone else or that person in the long run. Compassion is a scam; an atavism. No need to hurt or help. Dying is better than both

>> No.15569582

I kek'd

>> No.15569586

>Dude, just rebel. Just imagine Sisyphus being happy lmao

>> No.15569591

>Life will get better


>> No.15569594

this analogy would’ve worked if i didn’t have a scat fetish

>> No.15569596

>Helping other people is exhausting
you can just do a little bit and stop if you get exhausted

because you aren't compassionate, which is a consequence of your being deluded and seeing others as not the same entity as your self

>due to the nature of the world being tilted towards a zero-sum
What do you mean by this? How do you know this is the case?

>> No.15569601

>Dude, this dead guy from 2,500 years ago loves you!

That's how hollow you sound when you say shit like this.

>> No.15569606

>happiness will be forced upon you


>> No.15569610

I don't get to fuck now. Fuck you.

>> No.15569617

>compassion is an atavism
no it isn't, it's a quality embodied in those who see the world in the present moment for what it is, and isn't due to any kind of adherence to cultural/traditional ways

>> No.15569622

once in a while a good show or video game will come out but otherwise pretty much no reason.

>> No.15569629

save up some money and hire an escort

>> No.15569632

>you can just do a little bit and stop if you get exhausted

Why discomfort myself? What the hell is the point?

>because you aren't compassionate, which is a consequence of your being deluded and seeing others as not the same entity as your self

Nobody does. Compassionate people are so because of feelings of guilt, worthlessness or religious sentiment (not non-dualistic btw.) They empathize only with things immediately before them. Some kid just starved to death in Yemen after his family was wiped out by a drone. Do you seriously care? Does anybody?

>What do you mean by this? How do you know this is the case?

This whole fucking miserable toilet world is built (from Nature onto Civilization) on the principle of buying pleasure at the cost of another being's suffering. This thing eats that thing then you eat it. Your food and clothes are provided by some form of slave labor. So the idea that helping people is totally beneficial can never be stated with certainty because we don't know the full extent of what our "help" will entail. You get an alcholic homeless man clean and get him a job interview. He is selected and as a result, someone who was rejected (who was already depressed and suicidal) does some hard drugs to cope and OD. Existence is a nightmare and can not be redeemed.

>> No.15569636
File: 1.66 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i do it?

>> No.15569638

I often think about killing myself and how beautiful it would be; I think about setting myself on fire and getting to feel such an intense sensation; I think about the grief those who care about me would feel and what people would think about my death; I think about how much easier being dead would be. But then I realize that I wouldn’t be able to think if I were dead. And in your head you can bear anything and escape even the most agonizingly mediocre lives. You can think about anything: nonexistent worlds, tales of heroism or tragedy, romances you’d never have — it’s all you really need in the end. I still think about burning to death a lot thought, and that’s good enough for now. Sorry if this sounds retard, I haven't been getting a lot of sleep, ironically.

>> No.15569643
File: 57 KB, 700x512, 1589550269145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek but also correkek

>> No.15569646

lmao got him good

>> No.15569665

>Why discomfort myself? What the hell is the point?
It is pleasurable to help people.
>Nobody does
Nope sorry you are wrong. There are compassionate people who believe that everyone is one and help others the same way as they would have helped themselves
>Do you seriously care? Does anybody?
Yes, compassionate people care but they don't necessarily suffer if they know they couldn't have done anything about it
>Non-dualistic btw
Then the problem is your ontological perspective about what it means to exist in the first place.

You can actually be happy right now. That is what you actually want. You think you want something else. I am telling you you are wrong.

>> No.15569666

I can't afford $2000 an hour.

>> No.15569674
File: 566 KB, 762x428, 27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like this

>> No.15569676

Where do you live anon?
Even in Australia they are $200- $400 an hour.

>> No.15569678

Not with that small a caliber. I wouldn't go any lower than a shotgun loaded with solid slugs.

Anything else risks a one-way trip to vegetable town.

>> No.15569684
File: 149 KB, 476x476, 1588621479503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't help people just for the feeling of moral superiority
Do autists really? Sometimes, I pick up litter and throw it away when no one's looking just for that high of being a good person.

>> No.15569686

Maybe a run-of-the-mill lot lizard. Escort implies high end pussy.

>> No.15569701

I am willing to accept the existence of ice cubes in an inferno. What the hell does it matter? Will this world ever stop being pointless misery and suffering non stop? All your philosophy does is make you stick not your finger but your whole hand on a stove. Why the hell would being "one" with a turd make me happy? In fact I genuinely wish I was born without any empathy at all. Those are the people made for this world. They don't need mental gymnastics and cope, nor do they fall into despair. They live in accordance with reality as is.

>> No.15569725

>Will this world ever stop being pointless misery and suffering non stop
The world will instantly stop being "pointless misery and suffering" the moment you stop creating the world as such in your mind. You could create the world as something beautiful (may try go observing some flowers or listen to an orchestra)

>> No.15569745

You’re insufferable anon, no wonder you’re so miserable. You’ve cocooned yourself in a thick layer of adolescent pessimism and you somehow think that differentiates you from the billions of other people who are coping the exact same way

>> No.15569748

9mm hollow point ain’t enough through the top of my mouth?

>> No.15569750

Flowers and an orchestra! You think I should do that before or after my wage slavery? On my way home to my box apartment? Let me tell my friends and loved ones about this flower and orchestra stuff. Oh no, they can't see or hear them! That tends to be the case when you don't exist. Ah, but come seriously, I am thinking about flowers. Hemlock that is

>> No.15569759

Here comes that genetic programming and bullshit whataboutism. If other people are also miserable and yearn for ddath but don't have the courage to ever express that, how does that disprove my point? All you people do is roll out the same fucking life affirming cliches.

>> No.15569764

>wage slavery
You mean you aren't already sentenced to life in prison? What is even the problem then? I had assumed there was something wrong with your life.

>> No.15569817
File: 810 KB, 1024x738, d5ml3ss-7952ab13-c6e2-43ba-8228-2f3c2bfb1ac6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you get older than 15 you'll realize how retarded you sound right now.

>> No.15569845
File: 43 KB, 324x400, 1589302354281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, you fucking loser. The consciousness is all the freedom you need to be happy. You can think can't you? Think outside of your material hell and enjoy sentience: you're too focused on negativity -- even if you were rich or in prison you'd feel the same because you're choosing to be a whiny little gayboy. You know what they say, "A poet in prison is freer than a fool on a field." Enrich your thoughts and cultivate them, it's not hard or even taxing but it's still the most valuable human liberty.

>> No.15569848

Words wasted on a wannabe Nihilist. Let him stew, we get a massive influx of these borderline underage retards each year

>> No.15569854

Stop watching anime you fat faggot

>> No.15569895
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 8wqufrfgkvuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but I've known people like this and unironically "cured" them with the correct doses of philosophical conjecture and rhetoric. These guys just need to hear the right words that resonate with them personally -- of course some, some of these guys just want to plug their ears and revel in the arrogance that something like nihilism offers; those guys are often too stupid or self-centered to into something more abstract. Hopefully anon finds his way.

>> No.15570056

Terror management Theory(TMT) aka distractions, copes, living in the illusion of being a person, living in the illusion that I am important, living in the illusion that I have free will, creating artworks in hopes of becoming immortal, submitting my life time services to a roastie so hopefully she will shit out few heat dissipating "sentient" machines that will carry on my name, living in the illusion that my words matter on an anonymous cartoon website's """literature""" forum.
Also being a scared pussy faggot helps too.

>> No.15570094

I wouldn't risk it.

>> No.15570105


>> No.15570508

If you're Czech then Braník beer sold in 2l bottles being very cheap.
Outside of this beautiful country, I don't know.

>> No.15570551

There is a good chance you will never again have the privilege of owning a human body and mind.
Consider the pain of life to be the price you pay for human power and do something great with it.

>> No.15570591

... have you read it? When does he say to rebel? Against what? Have you only heard the "imagine sysiphus happy" line? Jesus you sound like a retard

>> No.15570598

>living in the illusion that I have free will
Imagine living in the illusion that you don't

>> No.15570615


>> No.15570619

I would be upset to learn that you killed yourself anon even though I have no way of knowing if you ever did it.. I just hope you find a reason not too

>> No.15570620
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Boomer tier comic

>> No.15570702

Neuroscience proved determinism long ago. Even if you believe in omniscient and omnipotent God then he already knows past, present, future and everything. But as Thomas Metzinger said:
>Can one really believe in determinism without going insane?

>> No.15570763

There isn't any reason to do anything.

>> No.15570765

If I don't get up and walk to the toilet I will smell like piss. That's a reason.

>> No.15570775

>>Can one really believe in determinism without going insane?
my insanity is unrelated to my belief in determinism

>> No.15570808

i genuinely dont know anymore. i thought religion, but nowadays, its impossible to say. i dont know anything. nothing makes sense to me. im just scared of everything. i dont want to be here

>> No.15570828

Everything is momentum anon. Even suicidal thoughts, your experience of everything is related to an idea and the momentum of that idea.

If you pick a new idea and have the balls to pick up momentum your life will be much better

>> No.15570833

Not if you don't care about smelling like piss

>> No.15570858

lol pussy. Make everything scared of you

>> No.15570889

One thing you and many atheists don't realise is that God is real and so it hell wether you want to belive it or not. But you just go ahead and say "no proof" and live in your little wonderland, thinking something's reality counts on proof. Gravity existed before it was discovered, you know?

>> No.15570898

Because ''''you'''' won't '''''''''die''''''''' and by the laws governing reality and experience suddenly you find yourself being pushed out of the vagina of another woman, or perhaps something better or worse, or maybe its the same, forever.

>> No.15570912

You don't remember shit about who you were before being born, all you remember is nothingness.

>> No.15570917


I think about it every day, I'd pull the trigger if not for my pre-order of cyberpunk 2077, other than that I have nothing to look forward to, I'm a deadbeat looser.

>> No.15570942


based and saved

>> No.15570963

You die eventually anyway, so you're not missing anything by not committing suicide.

>> No.15571099

Only if you’re a faggot

>> No.15571107

suicide is super gay

>> No.15571115

Maybe. Whats the point of ending it if you know it won't be the end though?

>> No.15571139

>Neuroscience proved determinism long ago
(It didn't.)

>> No.15571147

Yes, memory dies with the brain. Thus there is no way to prove or disprove the occurence of a previous life.

>> No.15571150

(Dyor you pessimistic fat faggot)

>> No.15571155

it's scary that someone believes this
there is no soul, you are just one body

>> No.15571158


>> No.15571175

what proof, give me a proof for soul
it's just a dumb obsolete belief

>> No.15571176

>there's nothing outside of this cave, bro

>> No.15571195

Am literally none of these and
is a copout

>> No.15571226

there is no reason for anything, you merely think there is. But I am not suffering so you don’t have to be either since we are the same

>> No.15571233

>there is no soul
The soul isn't some identifiable magical ghost that takes its memories into another body or dimension, it's just a little point in space surrounded by a brain and a body that enables it to perceive and interact with the universe.

>> No.15571242

There is no reason. Just go insane studying about the world, larping as a believer in God if you don't want to commit suicide.

>> No.15571246

>a little point in space
so it is described by anatomy? i guess not

>> No.15571273

Anatomy would only locate it. Psychology describes the soul.

>> No.15571278

but anatomy doesn't locate it
neither psychology describes it, it analyzes the manifestations of brain fuctions, there isn't anything 'extra' besides brain

>> No.15571286

Its scary for you, that's interesting. Why?

>> No.15571288

How do you know?

You don't realize it but you're just as retarded as anyone who says for sure there's a soul or for sure there's a god. You must entertain all possibilities cause it's illogical not to. You can't just say "there isn't" when you actually have no idea, but you also can't say there is.

>> No.15571290
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>What reason is there to not commit suicide?
Because you can't

>> No.15571299

I've looked at NDE stories where they've supposedly seen the other side, if you are to believe these stories then it seems that there's
negative consequences for committing suicide

>> No.15571305

Why the fuck would you do that? Idiot. If you have no reason to live then you have nothing to lose, so why not instead of becoming an hero and dying for real, just get out the house and take some risks for once in your life. Go do something cool, prove to the world you deserved to exist.

>> No.15571355

because it is 2020 and you have endless source of education, yet everyday i see dumb shit like that and this >>15571288

>> No.15571367

>it analyzes the manifestations of brain fuctions
No, the brain is the medium through which the soul functions.

>> No.15571372

did you read that in bible

>> No.15571376

I don't read the bible

>> No.15571394

What reason is there to commit suicide? Since there is neither reason to live nor to not live then the logical course of action is whatever requires the least action, or the status quo, therefore life.

>> No.15571397

You should not take your life before your time. Depression is literally a state of mind. Rise above it.

>> No.15571400

>what reason is there to not commit suicide
what reason is there to feel pain you little bitch faggot cunt nigger. Grow up.

>> No.15571405
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It's morally wrong

>> No.15571408

Came here to post this. Book's very interesting, a bit hard tho.

>> No.15571421

Personally I think youth and early adult years are meant to be enjoyed but after 40-50, I’d like to die if possible

>> No.15571457
File: 32 KB, 391x391, 1547222714485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe and medieval peasant pilled

>> No.15571523

it takes far more effort to stay alive than to die

>> No.15571605

If you're considering throwing your life away, try just abandoning life as you know it instead
Go but a tent and some supplies and live in the woods, struggle to survive, experience actual living opposed to whatever tech-surrounded individualist hellscape you've wrought for yourself
There are many lifestyles you've never tried out, aren't you curious at all about them?
Why waste the only thing you really have?
You were born, if you don't like the way things are in life to the point that you'd consider suicide then just make radical changes to your life and see what sticks
Also, the thoughts and feelings you've been experiencing aren't the result of any rational thinking or true experience, you're most likely influenced by depression/anxiety which manifests itself in those intensely unpleasant moments
You do not really think life is pointless, your illness presents that idea to you and you've succumb to it, it's hard not to give in though so I don't blame you
But really, try out some different lifestyles
Could just be simple as getting rid of the smartphone I assume you own and replacing it with a flipphone, could be going full neo-luddite, could be becoming a forest hermit and trying to better yourself out in nature, could be train hobo, could be a new job, could be so much more
What you have experienced is only a tiny subset, a miniscule sliver, of all the possibilities life has to offer

>> No.15571622

Money would allow you to roleplay more effectively, it definitely helps to catalyst the creation of experiences

>> No.15571643

but how does it scare you apart from it being the current year? What exactly frightens you about what I said?

>> No.15571655

Reason, just like imagination, takes its orders from the survival instinct. However their assorted inner workings & sub-systems combine to make choices, the problem being solved, which is the intellect's way, or coped with, which is the imagination's way, is always how-to prolong or perpetuate the given, no matter how contrary to that the aims of a given voice may seem--as in the case of thoroughgoing misanthropes, or satirists so digressive there's no telling what the object of ridicule is. Just as our own births, as individuals, is a matter in which choice plays no role, so it goes for our circumstance in nature as a species. That discourse, even in high rhetorical poetry celebrating the limits of potency in matters of success, in which being attains the conditions optimal to it (Example: Stevens's Credences Of Summer) essentially rationalizes being in the sense of concealing how axiomatic it is to everything in view, it always resembles music the meaning of which is the tremendous momentum of the musician's motive to go on, splendidly if possible, but to go on nevertheless. Too much can be made of the word invention, but making too little of what it's for is not an option, so life stops only when the heavens of its makings do, whether the case is particular as a person, or general as a planet animated by a sun of requisite longevity.

>> No.15571711

Existence is temporary and death is eternal.

>> No.15571720

you'll never see how the game ends if you delete your save file

>> No.15571888

Read Being No One by Thomas Metzinger

>> No.15571967

life is more interesting than nothing. and humans are hardwired for self preservation

>> No.15571978

Just kill yourself already, coward

>> No.15571981

So you can see the new Marvel movie and memes that come with it.

>> No.15571986

I hate faggots like you. No one gives a shit about this dead kike on a stick.

>> No.15571992 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself is the greatest act of bravery you coping pussy

>> No.15572008

I envy Americans for having quick way to go so accessible to them, here only ways are rope, drown or jumping off a tall commieblock

>> No.15572019

>implying I wasn’t saying that him refraining from death right now is cowardice
Don’t worry, I’m no life cultist

>> No.15572050

what a facebook tier advice

>> No.15572060

>advising someone depressed and suicidal to go thru with all that bullshit
what's up with all these boomer moms here

>> No.15572074

I’m not even suicidal but these desperate pleas and cliches normalfags spout are so cringe. I’d kill myself out of spite if anyone ever said these to me

>> No.15572076

Odds are your family will still want to have a symbolic funeral and plot at a cemetery, even if there is no body. This will still cost them.

>> No.15572101
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inordinately based

>> No.15572109

This. It's literally the only reason.

You'll get to die eventually anyway, might as well stick around on the off chance something good will come of it.

>> No.15572128

Who gives a shit about "shame" after you're dead and won't be around to experience it?

>> No.15572138

Can you recommend any books or authors that expand on this topic?

>> No.15572145


>> No.15572151

listen to Won-Ton Soup by Lil B TheBasedGod

>> No.15572162

>there are as many reasons not to kill yourself as there are people in the world not killing themselves right now
Most people in the world aren't content with their current situation. They strive on at the hopes that some day they'll reach a point where they could be happy. And I don't just mean "depressed" people, I mean everyone.

>> No.15572172

>Think outside of your material hell and enjoy sentience
Sentience is much worse than the material world. What's hellish about the material world? Just eat and shit and sleep and you've mastered it.

Sentience is the root of all the problems. Just look at wild animals, very few of them go on contemplating suicide.

>> No.15572278

Not OP but mine would improve like you know a LOT with money...

>> No.15572291

you didn't exist for an eternity, you wont exist for an eternity, you will forever have been a faggot

>> No.15572319 [DELETED] 

I don't think my life would not improve at all with any sum of money. Unless we're talking ridiculous amounts like trillions where I could control the entire world economy, but I doubt the stress that would come with that would in the end be a positive change.

>> No.15572322

I don't think my life would improve at all with any sum of money. Unless we're talking ridiculous amounts like trillions where I could control the entire world economy, but I doubt the stress that would come with that would in the end be a positive change.

>> No.15572375

>due to the nature of the world being tilted towards a zero-sum
>world is built (from Nature onto Civilization) on the principle of buying pleasure at the cost of another being's suffering.
>You get an alcholic homeless man clean and get him a job interview. He is selected and as a result, someone who was rejected (who was already depressed and suicidal) does some hard drugs to cope and OD.

This is a purposefully limited and overly simplistic view of the world.

There are things in this world that are zero-sum, but most aren't. If you got up from your computer and went for a walk outside and got some fresh air you'd feel better. No one was robbed of anything in the process. Helping others isn't just a matter of moving money from one pocket to another which does tend to be zero-sum.

>> No.15572485
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>suicide thread
>no suicide book recommendations
Time to change that.

If you're interested in suicide you should check out this book, you can find it on libgen.

>> No.15572515

>continue on with mediocre living, not doing anything important, not making shit, being apathetic, and tired all the time..
this is all on you

>> No.15572532

I understand what you're saying but you do realise that animals are also sentient, right? I think you mean self-awareness.

>> No.15572713

female anon panties on fire confirmed

>> No.15572783


>> No.15573025

t. Cioran

>> No.15573053

Love makes life worthwhile.

>> No.15573851


>> No.15573974

But it’s illogical to consider every possibility equal.

>> No.15574034

Nice spook faggot

>> No.15574044

Imagine basing your entire existence around some external thing.

Weak cope, just kys

>> No.15574480

God, I’m terrified.

>> No.15574546
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my cute doggo

>> No.15574575

The genuine human connections you accumulate through the course of your life.

>> No.15574861
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>genuine human connections

>> No.15574900

Its not scary because its indulgent, you can do whatever you want in this life with no consequences, just as eternal heaven from semitic religions (but for materialists eternal heaven is unconsciousness)

>> No.15575666


Blessed posts.

>> No.15575702

Rich people still have mental illness

>> No.15575708

>because you aren't compassionate, which is a consequence of your being deluded and seeing others as not the same entity as your self

I don't even see them as entities in general.

>> No.15575785

Big reason I can think of is that you might bring about sadness to your family/friends.

A smaller reason, is: if you've got the iron nads to off yourself, those big balls should be able to stand living another fucking day or two, or another week, or another few years, etc.

That is, if you've developed the courage to fucking put a bullet between your eyes, you've ironically developed the courage to live

>> No.15575992
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Wow, I'm amazed by your undisputable capacity of writing a hundred lines of text while still saying nothing of value. Congratulations, anon.

>> No.15576113

just imagine sisyphis happy bro

>> No.15576324

because we dont know if death is worse than life

>> No.15576353


Merely performing the deed might not yield the intended results. The idea that ending your body will end you is one of the world's favorite ideas, so you should be skeptical if you truly hate the world.

>> No.15576764

do you know how many fucking books i have to finish reading first

>> No.15577032

Someone will have to clean your stupid selfish ass up. You will hurt others by doing so. Won't ever get to understand the meaning of life.

>> No.15577056

"meaning of life" = buying your own cope.

>> No.15577373

>prove to the world

>> No.15577584

Why do fedora types always mention their names like this, one of these has the same name as me and for some reason I find it quite upsetting

>> No.15577643

It would make sense if the universe does not reward suicide...So that means you may return to Earth as a starving African in an ISIS occupied shit hole village...wanna chance it?

>> No.15577659

the fact that if you jump off that building either you aren't going to keep falling forever, or you are

>> No.15577683

Based Schoppiebro

>> No.15577690
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>> No.15577697

>implying that all relationships are not transactional
>implying that seeking relationships is not motivated by deep set personal anxieties

>> No.15577768

What was Schopenhauer's suggested cope?

>> No.15577780

Asceticism/denial of the Will where possible. Also, aesthetic contemplation.

>> No.15577797

He also believed compassion to be the basis of morality.
>The conviction that the world, and therefore man too, is something which really ought not to exist is in fact calculated to instil in us indulgence towards one another: for what can be expected of beings placed in such a situation as we are? From this point of view one might indeed consider that the appropriate form of address between man and man ought to be, not monsieur, sir, but fellow sufferer, compagnon de misères. However strange this may sound it corresponds to the nature of the case, makes us see other men in a true light and reminds us of what are the most necessary of all things: tolerance, patience, forbearance and charity, which each of us needs and which each of us therefore owes.

>> No.15577808

"An ancient legend recounts how King Midas hunted long in the forest for the wise Silenus, companion of Dionysus, but failed to catch him. When Silenus has finally fallen into his hands, the King asks what is the best and most excellent thing for human beings. Stiff and unmoving, the daemon remains silent until, forced by the King to speak, he finally breaks out in shrill laughter and says: 'Wretched, ephemeral race, children of chance and tribulation, why do you force me to tell you the very thing which it would be most profitable for you not to hear? The very best thing is utterly beyond your reach not to have been born, not to be, to be nothing. However, the second best thing for you is: to die soon.'"

>> No.15577845

If asceticism is hard for you then don't marry and sacrifice yourself to art and philosophy.

>> No.15577876

This is starting to look like the most attractive option.

>> No.15577886

Can you summarize his thoughts on suicide?

>> No.15577887

Why would you WANT to

>> No.15577929

Show some courage anon and read The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer. Read it slowly with your full concentration and in the blessing of solitude. Make sure to read it twice before forming your opinion.

>> No.15577955

He said that suicide is not immoral. He understands why someone would commit suicide and he respected the choice. However, it was still an affirmation of the Will as denial of the will involves the denial of pleasure and not necessarily the avoidance of pain. And killing yourself does not destruct the Will as it remains the metaphysical essence of all things. All that will change is how it is objectified.

He wrote a short essay that summarises his views on it: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/On_Suicide.. However, the more fleshed out analysis is in his main work, TWWR.

>> No.15578078

> Kikeanon here. That's not very nice of you to say.

stop destroying western society then if you dont want to hear bad words against you

>> No.15578549

The way I see it, killing yourself is just as much of a wuss move as living out of fear of death is. Instead of trying to escape life, you should make it pay for what it's done to you, beat the shit out of it, the system and all the people who have wronged you. If you can't do that, at least you've got a goal to work towards.

>> No.15578582

You’ll upset family who either depend on you or care about you so it’s a pretty shitty thing to do if u aren’t completely alone in the world.

>> No.15578611

Because I have a disease that leaves me in constant, sometimes unbearable pain and completely saps me of all energy to do anything. I can barely even stand sometimes.

>> No.15579180

I personally do not feel myself worthy of causing harm to others, so killing myself while people still care about me is something I simply can't do.

>> No.15579456
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pic related basically asks and answers the same question

>> No.15579513
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can you read book?

>> No.15579584

if you don't like the gameplay - logout. jesus showed by example that death is inevitable and not important. you can die tomorrow because of many other reasons, so it is just delaying inevitable. on the other hand if you were already dead you would not create this thread and I would not be here now.

>> No.15579591

this. if your life is shit make it shit for others.

>> No.15579595

Pain and terror. I've felt my own heart stop during a drug OD before. The endogenous terror that came next in waves as what was probably only a couple of seconds stretched on for what felt like 15 minutes was indescribably intense. The body is a cunt when it wants to keep you alive. In adulthood I'd overcome my childhood fear of dying thinking it'd just be like falling asleep but now I'm terrified all over again.

>> No.15579604

remember a tale about buddhist monks who before dying hid a fireworks in their clothes so when their bodies set to fire turn this event from tragedy to celebration. life is journey, death is returning home, best moment of your life.

>> No.15579626

What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.'

>> No.15579652


>> No.15580247

>phone verification

yeah fuck off nigger

>> No.15580262

I can't imagine killing myself in any other way than my 12 gauge shotgun. It sits in the corner of my bedroom always staring at me. It offers me an instant way out with just a little bit of finger pressure. I'm terrified of drowning/heights so I'd be fucked if I wanted to die and wasn't american.