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/lit/ - Literature

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15567438 No.15567438 [Reply] [Original]

>Your university and what you're studying
>Your favourite novel

>> No.15567447

The New York Trilogy

>> No.15567487

>Indiana university - dual degree in linguistics and anthropology, but I'm studying maritime archaeology specifically
>A River Runs Through It

>> No.15567511

>dropped out of high school
>I've never read one, so I can't say

>> No.15567518

>Graduated last month (Video)
>I really liked darkness at noon when I read it

>> No.15567557

>UC Santa Barbara—mathematics + philosophy minor
>Karamazov Bros

>> No.15567559

Is 22 to old for university?

>> No.15567578

I started an undergrad at 23. Nobody gives a fuck

>> No.15567581

22 is too old to not know the difference between ‘to’ and ‘too’. Assuming you speak English natively of course. Apologies if ESL.

>> No.15567585

>Still in swedish highschool.
>The Tunnel, Maldoror, or Tomb for 500.000 soldiers, Can't choose between anyone of them.

>> No.15567595

medicine at a good USMD

>> No.15567610

What are /lit/'s thoughts on university elitism ?

>> No.15567617

>University in Colorado - double majored in English with an emphasis in Secondary Education and Environmental Science
>going back for a masters in creative writing
>The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac. The book is a comfy place for me. It's two friends hiking in the woods, partying, talking philosophical, and just living life. It's wonderful. I reread it every year.

>> No.15567656

No, I started at 21, it makes dating really really easy if that sways you at all. I'd say that you are only too old when you'd be giving up an otherwise fulfilling career you actually want to do. but more education can always be nice if you like that sort of thing.

>> No.15567664
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>Community college drop out.
>I like to read a lot of history. Recently finished Peter Frankopan's the Silk Roads and am now working on Anabasis and The Byzantine commonwealth.
>A Hero of Our Time

>> No.15567677

I went to BYU-Idaho, it has literally 0 ''clout'' but the quality of education Is really high and it's really really cheap. I also liked that it was a Christian school. I would literally bet cash it's the least woke place you can get a degree in America.

I liked living in the middle of nowhere Idaho as well. I'd recommend looking into it of you actually want to learn without having to constantly deal with PC crap.

>> No.15567681

Electrical Engineering at a Washington state college
East of Eden

it's fucking annoying but I know for damn sure if I went ivy league I would rub everyone's nose in it

>> No.15567727

>Heidelberg (Medicine)
>Die Schachnovelle
Any other germanons here?

>> No.15567734

Almost 30 mate.

>> No.15567771

Yurofag here. The only guy from my year who decided to study abroad, went to IU. He keeps bragging about your business school all the time. Is it really that good?

>> No.15567777

Is it worth going to school if I can only get into community college? Seems like all the classes are pretty watered down and only about half the teachers actually give a crap about teaching. No school spirit to speak of, everyone is commuters and most students barely speak English.

Everyone says I'm wasting my time and should be in school, but it doesn't seem worth it. Not like I have a career or any bright prospects for the future, but at least I have time to read actual books and study things I'm interested in.

>> No.15567782

>LLB + BA in Polsci and Philosophy
>Probably The Hobbit but it's been many years since I've read it.

>> No.15567784

Why can you only go to community college? Also, is it not possible to transfer after your first year?

>> No.15567829

Bad grades. Nowhere else wants me, and most schools in my country ask for two years of study from transfer students.

>> No.15567836

>The City College of New York
>graduated with a BS in biology, currently applying to grad school

>> No.15567921

I'd go to cc and apply myself in order to transfer, anon.
Where I come from, lots of majors don't have an entry requirement, so they take everyone with a high school degree and just filter in the first year. A couple of my friends had bad grades in high school and started focusing in uni. On the other hand, lots of people, who had really good grades, end up dropping out or underperforming. I don't think that your HS grades necessarily determine your ability to succeed in college.

>> No.15568054

>not enrolled currently but planning on studying digital media with a minor in philosophy at leuphana college in lüneburg
>coin locker babies

>> No.15568087

Grahm Greene - Power and the Glory

>> No.15568099


>> No.15568146

leuphana soll echt gut sein. ich hoffe nur die nehmen mich mit meiner scheiß fachhochschulreife an.
gottverdammt ich bereue es so sehr auf eine scheiß fos zu gehen anstatt ein richtiges abi zu machen wie jeder normale mensch.
dieser huso vom arbeitsamt meinte das wäre "zu schwer", jaja kackfresse das abi war noch nie leichter als heute du hund. und ich hab dem wichser geglaubt.

>> No.15568176

Literature, but I need to get a minor in something that can actually get me jobs

>> No.15568208

21, oxford uni

favourite? idk. but three books i recently enjoyed are:

- brecht, mutter courage
- woolf, orlando
- and a collection of ginsberg poetry

>> No.15568217 [DELETED] 

>The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter

>> No.15568354

Wenn das nicht klappt, dann geht auch Bachelor an einer FH mit abschließendem Master an einer Uni. Ich hatte mir Leuphana mal angeguckt und fand damals das Modell auch ganz gut. Gib nicht auf!

>> No.15568404
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>Harvard Law
>Count of Monte Cristo or One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.15568420

>none. dropped out of college at 17, want to go back but don't think i could withstand the social aspect of it these days and it depresses me every time i think about it
>dorian gray

>> No.15568443

Dropped out of CMU for CS, transferred to City University of New York. Would have liked the reputation, but I've come to realize that CMU is full of brainlets like CUNY. All the really smart ones are international for both colleges lmao. I'll stop rationalizing aight.

Thomas Szazs Anti-Psychiatry

>> No.15568465

UC Berkeley
Invisible cities
I'll admit that I don't read much fiction
No it's actually better. I started at 22 after 4 years of traveling the world and fucking around, made me very confident in myself unlike most kids who has never yet left the school system and built up real world experience. Dating is very easy and I'm hyper disciplined and truly interested in the material I'm learning, which I was not at 18. I believe most people should take a year or two gap before starting university, would solve a lot of problems undergrads have. Everybody moves at a different pace

>> No.15568466

Unfortunately yes, but to do well you have to be constantly consuming amphetamines. Kelly kids are coke addicted fags, but they're also going to be rich coke addicted fags, so all in all yeah he's goin places.

>> No.15568489

> Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina - Degree in Social Work
> War and Peace

>> No.15568532

I'm the guy above who is in uc Berkeley
I graduated HS with a 1.9 gpa because I barely showed up in class
Once I decided to try out school again I moved back into my mom's house and took 7 classes a semester (and a summer term) at a community college so I can complete it in a year vs 2, had a 3.9 gpa and and got accepted into every uc I applied. I recommend moving to California and going to a cc, it's a really great system. And most community colleges have great teachers too, pretty much all had PhDs and some from schools like Stanford and Harvard. My history teacher was an associate professor at Yale and was one of the best I ever had. Depending on the school, you will run into a ton of international students.
Just suck it up and do it if you really want it

>> No.15568548

Lsat and gpa?
I'm 178 and 3.4(lol fuck freshman year)
Trying to measure my chances

>> No.15568589

How did you deal with funding?

>> No.15568602

Princeton/UVA law
Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften

>> No.15568625

Doing Access course to go to Uni soon
American Psycho

P.S could any anons give me study tips? (uk fag) I fucked up my A-Levels because I was lost in life and didn't study, but now I've began to discipline my life and I've been trying to get into the habit of studying by studying books and taking notes (Annotating What Is Every Body Saying By Joe Navarro atm) trying to aim for 200 minutes or so 5 times a week. I'm really scared of fucking up again even thought I think i'm a different person although i'm not sure...

any help would be amazing anons

>> No.15568645

I lived in my childhood room, worked a part time job, and ate the food my mom made. Cc is very cheap, and is basically free with financial aid. Full price for a year of school at a UC as a California resident is $10000 or less, also basically free with financial aid. Biggest expense right now is having to live in the bay area

>> No.15568663

CSU is even cheaper and easier to get in I might add. And transferring in from a community college is very common here so the process is streamlined, but DO NOT rely on counselors. Do your own research

>> No.15568666

>not studying
>the reluctant fundamentalist

>> No.15568670

U of Oregon
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

>> No.15568680

>CMU is full of brainlets
Explain? CMU was my dream school, didn't get in. It's the top CS university in the world

>> No.15568695


Tunnel by Gass or Sabato?

>> No.15568702

You sound like me in the past. So I will give you my best advice:
Don't worry. Don't over think things. Read constantly: as much as you can. Read things that interest you. If you don't like something you HAVE to read, find a way to like it. SOMETHING about it that you like. Learn to think outside of your own opinions.

DO NOT: smoke weed, orgasm, or hang out with friends too much. These are all very good things but they won't help you academically. That being said, reward yourself as much as you can.

Also, rewrite your essays over and over again. Don't leave them till the last minute. No matter how smart you are or how much you studied a subject, your essay won't be any good until you've rewritten it at least twice. But rewrite it as many as 10 times. It's going to be boring. But totally worth it. 99% of success in college is hard work.

>> No.15568708

Stony Brook
Paradise Lost

>> No.15568723

Shakespeare's henriad, Nathaniel Hawthorne, J. Calvin's instituteso of the Christian religion

>> No.15568728

i got me bachelors at 25 masters at 26, id say its pretty nice graduating with certainty that im doing what i want to do and whatnot

>> No.15568751

What course are you reading?

>> No.15568811

Never went to university. Uni is for limp wristed faggots who get into tonnes of debt to learn bullshit.

I trained as a plumber and now I’m well on my way to running my own business and pulling in a 6 figure salary.

>> No.15568824

hahaha nigga no way in hell ahahaha

>> No.15568835

Get back to unclogging my toilet pedro

>> No.15568838

You’re a plumber lmao, stfu

>> No.15568853

Sure, just after I finish unplugging your mother’s cunt with my thick cock.

>> No.15568862

haha good one, but I feel an eeeextra big steamy taco bell shit coming so I might need your services for a little longer

>> No.15568864

Why not? I'm smarter than you fags

>> No.15569339

UC Berkeley
Women, Gender and Sexuallity Studies
The Turner Diaries

>> No.15569355

Nice, hopefully you will educate yourself and your kids while also raising them to respect work and civic responsibility. If the uni fags are both weak and retarded, what's left of healthy/normal people has to form the new core of intelligent and strong people.

>> No.15569536

This is very true.

>> No.15569620

Stanford, M.A. in Phil. of Physics.
Racism is Good; An Investigation of Perlocutionary Conduct - John Searle

>> No.15569623


>> No.15569642

graduated in 2012 from Notre Dame with a degree in mathematics
Moby Dick

>> No.15569648

University of Utah, Finance & Economics
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.15569654

mount sinai medical school
no longer human

>> No.15569685


>> No.15569702

Dually enrolled at a local CC.
Psychorapist Qu'est-ce que c'est? - James Alefantes

>> No.15569704

Also university of Utah, MS philosophy
Being and Time, Ockham's Razors (Sober)

>> No.15569714

18 :D
Just got out of high school but Im really trying to go to yale :3
I'm torn between the philosophical works of James Ladyman and Sally Popkorn... Dunno which I enjoy more :shrugface: :sexylatinx:
and remember folks! googlius gaga, gaga gee.

>> No.15569719

UC Berkeley
Scrumptious Niggerlover - by Saul Kripke

>> No.15569741

How’s our philosophy department?
I’m scared of state school humanities and post-structuralist/critical theory infestation or else i’d take some classes from the phil or engl dept. maybe get a minor

>> No.15569742

one of the good NESCACs - Studio Art, History
The Recognitions or I, Claudius

>> No.15569747


>> No.15569762

WUR Bsc Spatial Planning, got 4 weeks left then ill start the Msc Spatial Planning
Crime and Punishment or Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.15569769

>pursuing phd in geodesy
>the third policeman

>> No.15569782 [DELETED] 

Virgin at HS.
How to Rape - Roosh V

>> No.15569799

Hello fellow U of U bro’s.
Physics (MS in medical physics)
Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.15569808

Heidelberg here as well (East-Asian Studies). I read Schachnovelle in Highschool, that's why I hate it.

>> No.15569871

Our department is an analytic department and a choice school for those that want to study the philosophy of biology or classical Chinese philosophy. Our school is ranked 1 in the latter field thanks to prof. Eric Hutton according to philosophical gourmet. I didn't notice the biases you are concerned with in my undergrad, though like many humanities departments there is some bias. Our staff is very knowledgable and tries to interact with the STEM departments across campus.
How has our physics department changed recently? I heard there were issues in the grad program.

>> No.15570003

What's your SAT or ACT? I'm in a similar predicament

>> No.15570021
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>> No.15570085
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>TU/e Electrical Engineering
> American Psycho

>> No.15570128

Texas A&M
Agricultural Leadership and Development
No Longer Human

I regret so many of my life choices.

>> No.15570129

>>Community college drop out.


>> No.15570143

>don't think i could withstand the social aspect of it these days

Just fucking go

>> No.15570149

What up Mario

>> No.15570155

>All these Berkley niggas

>> No.15570208


>> No.15570272

My family lives in a shithole small town, so going to school means moving to the big city, having no support network, working full time, and spending the rest of my time going to shitty CC classes where the teacher shows a couple youtube videos and takes a nap.
Got tired of my miserable living conditions, not having money to eat, and my ex girlfriend nagging me so I just called it a loss and moved back home.

Idk everyone tells me I should go to school, since I like to read and write and discuss philosophy/history, but it seems like that sort of stuff doesn't actually happen in college, most people were just immigrants here for the visa and nobody stuck around campus they just came for classes and left immediately after.

Feels kinda hopeless desu. If it was a big school maybe I could at least network or get involved in clubs or something, but it's not. Just jump through hoops, live in miserable conditions for two years, and maybe maybe maybe I will be let into "higher education". Almost insulting.

>> No.15570458

Those low effort cc classes are a blessing. If you're decently well versed then there is nothing in undergraduate classes you wouldn't be able to do yourself without a teacher. And since classes are online now they are piss easy, just stack up classes and finish it as fast as you can. I had the same problem, my ego had me angry sitting in these retard classes when I thought that I should be able to skip it. I dropped out of community college because of this. Well I gained some maturity and returned to school and absolutely killed it getting straight As with barely any effort. Now I'm in a good school with opportunities to discuss my passion with experts
Grow up
Don't make the same mistake I did. Prove yourself

>> No.15570477

I would add that the lack of social life at community colleges also hurt, especially when everybody else my age were in different situations. Just ignore it. Think long term. Form social bonds outside of school until you transfer. And ask to take 7 classes a semester and then do a summer term. You can finish in a year.

>> No.15570487

Thanks anon, that's inspiring.
>If you're decently well versed then there is nothing in undergraduate classes you wouldn't be able to do yourself without a teacher
Lol that's exactly my problem. Every day I'm spending hours sitting at a desk thinking 'fuck, I could just read a book and a couple wikipedia pages and learn more than this crap'.

>> No.15570496

Thats awesome until the bills come. The university system is a walking corpse.

>> No.15570566

>about to start college bio degree soon
How do I stop myself before it's too late?

>> No.15570590

A lot of teachers in community colleges grow apathetic because they deal with loads of idiot kids who don't give a shit and just need the credits. Try participating and showing that you have an interest in the material and background knowledge in the subject. You'll be surprised how knowledgeable they are sometimes and how much they let you get away with once they begin to like you. I had an intro history professor who I would stay after class and ask him questions about books I was reading. He let me write papers in topics I like not officially assigned and didn't care when I would be drawing in a notebook during a lecture. Same in my philosophy and English classes. The world opens up once you lose your ego and try to make the best out of every situation

>> No.15570640

not a chance in hell unless you're a minority

>> No.15570650

Warwick Maths and Physics
Stoner or The Notebook (Kristof) or Blood Meridian

>> No.15570656

>undecided, Indiana University
>Fahrenheit 451

>> No.15570741

I know I just said I'm undecided but honestly I am a business major
But I'm slightly embarrassed to say so.
I want to clear up this amphetamine coke-addicted Kelley kid rumor.
Kelley kids don't do coke and snort adderall because the classes are so hard. They do it because they're rich, privileged, east-coast white kids.
IU Kelley has a "direct admit" program where basically, if your SAT/ACT and GPA are at a certain threshold, you're auto-accepted and fast-tracked. Doesn't matter if it's the most inflated airy GPA ever, you got a decent SAT score, you're in.
It's a genius racket. They scoop up absurd amounts of Out of State tuition from rich numbskulls and stack the school's faculty to attract even more.
The classes really aren't hard. Business school is like a 4 year trade school to learn Excel and how to shirk responsibility in group work. This semester I took the honors data analysis course, it's supposed to be a ball-buster with endless hours of homework, in reality it was a very hands-on, intuitive class where they show you how to put stuff together and then you do it on your own, following a strict instruction manual. A high schooler can pass business classes easily.
So anyway, it all boils down to ego-inflated clowns walking around feeling like they own the world, all the while their university education amounting to serving some big corporation in a soul crushing desk job. And they idolize such a fate!
>What's your dream job?
>CEO of what? How do you want to influence the world?
I swear I've witnessed this very interaction before. Business school is for the uninspired or, ironically, unambitious.
I haven't made a single real friend in this huge business school, at least not anyone I didn't already know from high school. I can't connect to them at all. All the men do is watch sports or sports analysis on their phones, and there are relatively few women.
Sorry for the rant but I am a little ashamed of getting myself stuck in this place, I've been exploring other options. Don't want to do math or engineering or research for a living. Creative Writing or Philosophy are enriching, but don't directly lead to careers. I'll probably double major.

>> No.15570756

>The doom that camr to Sarnath

>> No.15570817

same here (physics). I stopped reading fiction the day I started studying. Honestly have just been lurking for recs here

>> No.15570900

>recently had a falling-out with my pubescent choice of pursuing an engineering degree and will start from scratch by diving into the humanities later this year
>Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften

Would you recommend studying in Heidelberg? Any tips on finding an affordable place to live there or should I just apply for a Wohnheimplatz?

>> No.15570919

>Ph.D. in philosophy at German university

>> No.15570936

>a hero of our time or a picture of the artist as a young man

>> No.15570937

which one?
Anyone else studying in Mainz

>> No.15570967

I'm >>15570817,
I can't really say anything about the humanities here but they seem to have a good reputation (ancient history, theology etc). I'd imagine it's quite nice to get to study in the old town. The Marstallmensa there is top tier if you ask me.
Finding a place is really not that hard, but the Wohnheim is much cheaper and especially the apartments in Rohrbach have good value (I'm talking Römerstrasse, my ex lived there). She didn't even apply for the Wohnheim but just called a number and they gave her a place because there's usually a couple of free rooms there.

>> No.15570974

Not telling, I would be identified too easily. But I know Mainz, if you go there for Kant you'll be alright. Metzinger is a fraud.

>> No.15570992

whats his deal?

>> No.15571007

>ug: oregon state, grad: yale
>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.15571011

>Business school is for the uninspired or, ironically, unambitious.

This is true. My brother is in business school, doesn't have any ambition or direction. Same with any acquaintances from school who are studying business

>> No.15571020

He's a poser/pop philosopher like Gabriel (Bonn). Germany is in a bad state right now philosophically, academia is very nepostistic. Lots of young talent I know is unwilling to play the game and being sidelined, while the sycophants get tenured. Metzinger is one of the latter.

>> No.15571034
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>Niet Delft

>> No.15571043

>Warren Wilson College
>Either Crime and Punishment or The Moviegoer
hate it, but academia has rendered itself an essential step in finding a career so I must tolerate it.

>> No.15571050

Did you get inspired by the book? Or just a coincidence?

>> No.15571055

It’s way better. I have two bachelors degrees and I would certainly say that I preformed better and was far more engaged in my classes and campus life with the second degree that I started at 23. The first degree that I started at 18 was me spending most of my time drunk and depressed, getting pot when I could, watching anime, playing with my dick, fucking around in the gym, and in general being a piece of shit with no direction all because I was going to college for free. I’m honestly still amazed I finished that degree and was able to become a decent human being down the road.
Long post to say that kids going to college at 18 for the most part aren’t mature enough to handle it and colleges become teenage daycare for the upper middle class as a result. Obviously there are exceptions to this but in general if you’re starting college at 22-24 instead you will be far better off.

>> No.15571056

gymnasie är en hora :(

>> No.15571059

Business major here, this is so damn accurate it hurts me to admit

>> No.15571061

I graduated at age 27, oldest in my class was 3 years older. Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.15571144

das war auch meine ursprüngliche Idee. Ich hoffe nach leuphana meinen master in film an der hamburg media school zu machen (welche ja mit leuphana kooperiert). wenn leuphana nicht klappt werde ich wohl einen anderen bachelor machen müssen.

>> No.15571156

Mechanical engineering @ danish technical university
The Portuguese seaborn empire

>> No.15571215

not a coincidence. Maybe even a bit too inspiring and destructive but I can't change that now. Musil confirmed a lot of things that had been in the back of my mind for a long time. Much of it felt so personal that I almost thought I was experiencing synchronicity.

>> No.15571232



>> No.15571257

Just check out one of the student corporations, was a member for a year during my Erasmus, would certainly recommend

>> No.15571277

I'm a physics student, and a lot of it felt very personal as well. His description of the people working in STEM (somewhere in the beginning, where he tries his 'second attempt' by means of technology (i.e. engineering) made me feel so empty and out of place too. Eerily accurate.

>> No.15571404

>Engineering state uni, Biosystems Eng
>Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield

>> No.15571451

Lol, Literature should've been your minor, not major. You dont need a college degree for Literature anon, that's something you easily shouldve pursued in your free time.

>> No.15571462

You need to go and embrace the discomfort you feel. Think of the long term benefits in your life you would gain from going back and finishing your degree.

>> No.15571522

>You dont need a college degree for Literature anon

If you pursue accademic recognition within an educational instituion then yes, he would need it

>> No.15571524

>Going to Colgate next year
>Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.15571577

University of Arkansas- Architecture

>> No.15571584
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>keep masturbating about my uni's national and world ranking

Slightly shameful

>> No.15572047

>Trinity College Dublin, English
>The Faerie Queene

I'm applying to PhD programs in America.

>> No.15572079

I'm the anon you replied to.
Thanks for the effortposts. Yeah, he took classes like History of Rock Music and his native language for business etc. during his first year and everyone kept mocking him over here because of that.
Business school is similar over here, but I guess it's mostly about the connections you make anyway.

>> No.15572081

>Columbia, MFA - poetry
>Winesburg, Ohio

>> No.15572082

Nice get. You do cc for a year or 2 and get excellent grades and the transfer to a 4 year school can be really smooth

>> No.15572107

Business management major, everything you said is true of me and everyone around me. I also want to double major, and am considering all options.

>> No.15572140 [DELETED] 

The World as Will and Representation (not finished though)

>> No.15572166

>just graduated EE, got a few offers for masters programs that im deciding between, probably gonna specialize in control systems so either UoManch or ICL
>cs lewis space trilogy

>> No.15572176

dope homie , i did industrial

>> No.15572179

the only thing employers care about in terms of names is the last place you got your degree and how well you did there (which they don't even care about next to internship experience). you can easily, very easily transfer from any CC to at least a decent state uni. from there just get good grades and you're set

>> No.15572202
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>dope homie , i did industrial
industrial is undeniably based. probably because when you google it, it doesn't look half as cool as it really is but when the apocalypse hits ur way more valuable than i am. godspeed brother

>> No.15572296

>Durham University PPE (St. John's)
>Great Gatsby

>> No.15572521

How is the PPE course at Durham? I'm in a gap year atm and applying for for PPE next year. Also is Durham really as boring and depressing as people say it is?

>> No.15572536

You do know we have a great underwater science department right? For 24 credits you can get a certificate in underwater resource management, your dive master, and be able to apply it with buissiness. You'll learn about ecosystem management, archaeology, marine biology (all of which are optional) and you get a crap ton of SCUBA certifications. If you dont end up wanting to work at a dive shop or doing buissiness things for an environmental organization, you can always just take the basic certification class. I've met many buissiness people who use scuba on their travels so they can get some leisure while they work. If you're wanting something different, just take the certification class and see if you like it.
t. scubanon

>> No.15572567

What are you practicing as part of your MFA?
I'm starting my second year this coming semester and want to apply to some programs for poetry. What advice do you have for your younger self?

>> No.15572965

>recently had a falling-out with my pubescent choice of pursuing an engineering degree and will start from scratch by diving into the humanities later this year
My life too, though I knew I wanted to stop at 19 and started with Philosophy at 21 after a proper gap year.
I had thoughts of perhaps going back again and finishing my engineering degree after my phil, so I checked out some third, fourth semester courses this year again and even sat exams, but all this did was reassure my resolve that I want nothing to do with the STEM world itself and even less with the enginnering side.
Nicht Verzagen wenn du endlich im humanistischen Bereich studierst, weil du glaubst, dass du doch ne falsche Entscheidung gemacht hast.

>> No.15573081

>dropped out of high school
>The idiot

>> No.15573164

post feet

>> No.15573209

The wind up bird chronicles

>> No.15573210

>Colgate University; Applied Mathematics
>Fathers and Sons

>> No.15573282

Holy shit are you in the Groupme chat

>> No.15573320

When Calvino was assigned to you as a reading for 1st year/2nd year?

>> No.15573331


>> No.15573385

comment in the chat and ill dm you bruh

>> No.15573488

tbqh it's not even top-tier here for b-schools. I'm sure he got fed a lot of typical university propaganda about how "No, actually WE'RE the best!"

>> No.15573788

Mafs, the pure kind

>> No.15573916

cheers x

im v suspicious of yank unis but probs same

you can say this about anything bar medicine and maybe archeology

maths & philosophy

>DO NOT: smoke weed, orgasm, or hang out with friends too much
haha mate chill out. none of that is good advice.

1. don't smoke weed bc there's better drugs out there.
2. orgasm thrice a day inside someone who worships you.
3. hang out with friends -- but be friends with really smart and interesting people.

>No matter how smart you are or how much you studied a subject, your essay won't be any good until you've rewritten it at least twice.
This sounds like a huge waste of time.

>But rewrite it as many as 10 times.
Even for a top journal this is over-the-top. Why would you put more than 5hrs of work into an essay which is gonna be read once, by some bored professor?

Replace all this advice with: suck up the the professors, pretend you're a prodigy, get invited to their houses, flirt with their ugly wives, plagiarise work, manipulate the system, get a first, apply to phd, repeat.

>> No.15573981

>dropped out and went to the Army and got discharged for being a nutcase, currently a car salesman
>Disturbing the Peace by Richard Yates

>> No.15574018

Please reply :(

>> No.15574137

where are you doing your phd?

>> No.15574406
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Computer Information Systems (really a business degree with IT courses in the latter half)
currently thinking of getting a Masters of Accounting / start nursing prereqs if I can't get a job soon
Mumbo Jumbo

>> No.15574409

You get assigned fiction in arch school? I've never had that yet

>> No.15574538

UCL (starting bar school in sept)
40k books

>> No.15574573

oh and studying law

>> No.15574592

Leiden University, double bachelors in Political Science and Philosophy
Disgrace, J.M. Coetzee

>> No.15574626

> Law and Political Science at Trinity College Dublin (Law is an undergrad in ireland)
> anna karenina

>> No.15574717

not applied yet rip

>> No.15574969



University of Groningen
International Relations MA
The odyssey

>> No.15575003

Maastrichtchad reporting in.

>> No.15575025
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>Lapin yliopisto Oikeustieteiden tiedekunta

>> No.15575049
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>Undergrad Physics at McGill (first choice, only choice, love-hate it, mostly hate)
>The Samuel Butler / T.E. Lawrence translations of Homer

>> No.15575124

How may times you’ve read Faust and what is your dissertation roughly about?

>> No.15575130

community college is much cheaper than university. Like, $1k a semester instead of the almost $5k I'm paying at my state school.

this does hurt though

>> No.15575143

>CC transfer, becoming an RN
>Crime and punishment

>> No.15575159

>University of Washington
>Of Human Bondage

>> No.15575186

German studies and law, Munich University

>> No.15575830
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Im int he process of transfering universities in the UK and its so fucking stressful. Fuck sake fuck this stupid finance system its all bs. It should be fucking free

>> No.15575841

>UCL (starting bar school in sept)

From year 1?

>> No.15575917

Another Waterloo anon who likes Suttree? Based

>> No.15575944

From what uni to what uni?

>> No.15575950

Also business major, can confirm your entire statement, especially the part about not being able to relate to other biz students. Only did it bc my family is poor and i needed the well-paying internships for tuition and living expenses, decided im going to law school afterwards bc I cannot stomach this anymore

>> No.15575963

> 20
> Auburn University, Software Engineering
> Pride and Prejudice

>> No.15576215

Not saying what uni but Its mainly the finances and getting things to transfer smoothly before term begins. Its awful

>> No.15576317

>Not saying, Econ
>Temple of the Golden Pavilion, Yukio Mishima

>> No.15576327
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>university elitism
bugman involution of actual, based elitism

>> No.15577184

Person who replied isn’t me but I am in the groupme. Guess there’s more than a few of us here, haha.

>> No.15577427

I went to BYU in Provo. They had a survey in 2016 and found most of BYU supported Bernie Sanders than any other candidate at the time. I did my major in philosophy, we tended to be progressive if not straight up leftist. Times are changing, old dinosaur. Before you know it Utah will be blue and it's thanks to the millennial Mormons themselves more than the Salt Lake City 'gentiles'.

But yeah BYU was super cheap so everyone should go there to make net income off of going to school and receiving free scholarship and financial aid money greater than the price of tuition (which is like 5k a year). Then go get a Master's/PhD to make some sweet free stipend money, since they cover the cost of tuition completely. Not a cent of debt if you do it right.

>> No.15577440

university "leftists" are not leftists

>> No.15577457

Wow it's not like Marx and Engels themselves literally went to universities or anything.

>> No.15577632

I go there for philosophy too. What has your experience been?

>> No.15577822

yap. ex is a mormon that moved back to utah, i dont think a single friend of hers didn't support bernie. in fact, they're the most militant berniebros on my fb friendslist still.

i think this is because large parts of mormonism are so fucking ridiculous that once the trad mindset collapses in on itself, everything else does as well, like a rape victim losing trust in absolutely everyone. they never seem to actually depart from mormonism tho, only the mindset that their parents have. thats my experience anyway

>> No.15577851

UFF / Chemistry
One Hundred Years of Solitude by García Márquez

>> No.15577984

Vassar - French
A Season In Hell

>> No.15578092

You know they send missionaries worldwide, and every missionary that comes back has learned to deeply love a foreign culture, the LDS church also supports being charitable to illegal immigrants and Utah implemented some temporary visa thing for them if they show they are willing to work in the United States. Mormonism was always internationally-minded. It's only American-traditionalist (when it is) because of Stockholm syndrome, the conservative Protestants are hegemonic and they mold other nonconformist Christians to their mindset with time, Mormons aren't the only ones this has happened to. When it was still new, it implemented complete communalist redistributionism, and it continues to have a welfare program. Despite its Stockholm syndrome, Mormonism began as 'the church is communist' and is now 'the church is a tithing-based welfare state'. BYU is cheap because of tithing. If you're poor the Church will pay your mission, and give you free food, maybe more. The Stockholm syndrome leads so many of the Republican Mormons to say "Yeah it's okay when a church forces it on its members, but it's not okay when a country forces it on others!" The millennial Mormons are seeing through the Stockholm syndrome and also are well aware of the 1978 revelation without having been part of the generation before it. It's not that Mormons don't have some traditional virtues like an industrious work ethic, but the religion itself is capable of generating leftist sympathies. To be fair so is Christianity itself in general.

>> No.15578134

agreeing with dharma bums. one of those books that you just feel at peace when reading. i feel rejuvenated every time i finish reading that book

>> No.15578157

this is something that i deeply regret. i jumped head into college right after graduating high school, and jumped head into a career after graduating college. i feel like ive wasted 4 years of my life to get a degree i didnt even feel passionate for. but now with the current job market, id feel like im throwing everything down the drain to travel.

i went to a shittier school so im scared of not being able to land a job if i went traveling around the world. what to do...

>> No.15578194

Not at all, go for it.

>> No.15578236

Not at all. Actually, I think 21-23 is the best age to start college for various reasons. First, you are more likely to know yourself better, out of a highscool classroom and you've had other experiences (even if they're just internal, like discovering new interests or asking different questions). More importantly, you do not only know better what you like, but you also know what you DON'T. You'll be more experienced and mature, but the generational difference between you and your 19 year old peers is, trust me, non existent.

Yes, it is a great idea. Besides, if you're american, this time won't be an 18 year old taking a 100,000 dollars loan in something you don't even know what is about. Go for it, anon. I changed degrees at 21 and was the best decision I ever made.

>> No.15578271 [DELETED] 

newcastle university, law
LIBRA DeLillo/The Idiot

>> No.15578291

>Catcher in the Rye
read that shit when I was a junior in high school. it's still the GOAT

>> No.15578797

trinners 4 winners. i know a few english students, what year are you in? are you irish ?

>> No.15578877
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is uni worth it? will i still be hopping around mcjobs if i get a degree or are trades the new uni?

>> No.15578900

>When it was still new, it implemented complete communalist redistributionism, and it continues to have a welfare program. Despite its Stockholm syndrome, Mormonism began as 'the church is communist' and is now 'the church is a tithing-based welfare state'.
>Mormonism was always internationally-minded.
>but the religion itself is capable of generating leftist sympathies. To be fair so is Christianity itself in general.
great points, well stated hadn't thought of it that way

>> No.15578902

Im writing poetry mostly, getting a thesis/manuscript done as well as a dip into editing/publishing. The main focus is making connections and getting publications in journals.

For the application process, the things i recommend are:
>research the alumni/faculty of the schools youre applying to for insight into their aesthetics/preoccupations
>your manuscript/portfolio is the by far most component of your application
>send in your best work and be experimental if you want (standing out is good) but nothing too risqué
>after that is your personal statement, then letters of rec
>apply to a shit ton of programs esp funded ones, call schools to get waivers for app fees
>be confident, revise your shit, have people you trust to give you legit feedback look it over
>be well informed. I know we shit on contemporary poetry a lot here but fact of the matter is its happening, if you write youre a part of it, and honestly not all of it is horrendous, so find a few people you like to be able to talk about them

>> No.15578904

I couldn’t tell you. I’m transferring there in fall from my local CC. Maybe we’ll run into each other, though, not that we’d ever know

>> No.15578913

>is uni worth it?
mathematically? in the US? i'm going to ignore the current covid-economic situation when i saw this, but: always. literally always. even if you're in the worst case getting a gender studies degree and taking out heavy loans a bachelor's statistically 1.5x's your salary overnight in the US. pays off in the long run. i imagine it's even better outside of the US, altho the salary increases aren't generally nearly as dramatic

>> No.15578938

> University in Umeå, studying forest science with history/anthropology master
> Lord of the Rings is my alltime favourite book.
Current favourite novel is Spring Snow by Mishima

>> No.15578953

ayo i did a year in highschool in umea and got some friends that go there. how is it? wanted to go but my swedish was hot trash

>> No.15578963

Literally my favourite city in Sweden. I think its great. They recently built a new bridge over the river as well.

>> No.15578984

>NTNU, industrial economics
>The Fratricides, Kazantzakis

>> No.15579073

same brother, and i don't care what /pol/ says the place is a god damn utopia. cosiest shit ever sitting in waynes (where bodegan is now i guess) on a cold winters day. the market
>They recently built a new bridge over the river as well.
good2hear altho i rarely crossed that line

>> No.15579165
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Why do you retards on this board respond to blatant data mining threads?

>> No.15579191

Hvor /lit/ er Gløs?

>> No.15579236

I literally have middle aged women and men in my philosophy classes, no one cares

>> No.15579266

who cares? what do i care if some chink makes 10 cents off of my post? what's gonna happen?

>> No.15579268

Har noen venner som er litt /lit/, mest da at de har lest noe Dostojevskij og sånt. Føler ikke det er så mange av dem som har lest grekerne eller filosofer, så virker som om jeg er litt alene i interessen om det.

>> No.15579299

data is MUCH more valuable than 10c tard

>> No.15579377

>London school of economics, actuarial science
>master and margarita

>> No.15579397

Also I hate that I gave to go to university. Waste of fucking time, would rather join the military or something but now they made that a fagfest too.
I hate the modern world.

>> No.15579499

>The University of Tokyo, East Asian History
>idk maybe the elementary particles by houellebecq

>> No.15579579

>UEA, Environmental Sciences (graduated in 2017)
>Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell

>> No.15579660
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>> No.15579661

>data is MUCH more valuable than 10c tard
You might be the most brain-dead mouthbreather that I have come across on the internet in decades. I mean this genuinly, are you ESL? Are you the dumbfuck chink trying to "datamine" an international anonymous imageboard? Tell me how that goes for you, brainlet. Also that's a whole different argument because I said,
>my post
nobody is making 10c off of an anecdote

Also, you never answered my question (or anything from my post for that matter). What's going to happen to me? Why the fuck should I care? Kill yourself pussy

>> No.15579665
File: 78 KB, 708x960, 44917875_1175503519266353_1362369398727245824_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fine Arts in some euro country
>Hard to choose. Maybe Canticle for Leibowitz, Gormenghast or The Castle

>> No.15579714

Studied Synthetic Biology.
Francois Rabelais - Gargantua and Pantagruel.

>> No.15579997

>The University of Tokyo, East Asian History


>> No.15580203

invitation to a beheading/stoner

>> No.15580264

University of Adelaide
Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.15580291

lmao what should i say? kinda spergy to say "anyone here from /lit/?"

>> No.15580340

How many poems were in your portfolio? And did you theme them?

>> No.15580353

>UTSA, political science
>The Dying Earth

>> No.15580448

>Open University (cause i'm poor/working class)
>IT (web development and coding)
>The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.15580862

>Church music (organ)
>The Magic Mountain

>> No.15580881

Most places ask for either 10 poems or 10 pages of poems (each p starting on new page)

>> No.15580889

How's "college station"?

>> No.15580894

>Speech-language pathology
>Blood Meridian

>> No.15580915

>Paris 1
>With the old breed at peleliu and okinawa

>> No.15581023

If y'all are in the Colgate 2024 Facebook group, I mentioned Joyce in my bio. Feel free to DM me on there or on Instagram.

>> No.15581055

If you actually want a degree going to a cc for an associate's and then whatever other school for your b is a decent idea

>> No.15581120

I'm an American, third year. What year/nationality are you?

>> No.15581152

Finance, already graduated
Madame Bovary

>> No.15581161


>> No.15581162


graduated from UT Austin with a bachelors in Aerospace Engineering

The Secret Agent

>> No.15581178

How'd you pull that off, anon? I'm planning on going to a state school for ug and want to go to a t20 for grad.

>> No.15581195

>English literature
>Fault in our stars UwU

>> No.15581665

Might study abroad there. How is it?

>> No.15582013

>Polytechnic Institute; International Relations
>The Unremembered Empire

>> No.15582274

Nice to see another Warwick uni poster.
PPE 2nd year here

>> No.15582296

Come to Warwick uni for PPE fuck Durham. If you like Continental Philosophy Warwick's amazing

>> No.15582390

Cambridge - Engineering (I really don't like most other engineers as they think that they are out to save the world with their technical solutions, while ignoring the fact that a lot of issues are social. And they don't read.)

Might be The book of the New Sun. I am about to reread the series, because the second reading is the one that truly shows the mastery of the novels.

Any other recs?

>> No.15582399


>> No.15582506

Oxford Uni - languages
unoriginal, but 'A la recherche du temps perdu'

>> No.15582515


>> No.15582735

>Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.15582883

>Communications/Journalism Major @ MacEwan University (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

>> No.15583050

kth - m.eng
don quijote

>> No.15583714

Pharmacy, university in France
Cyrano de Bergerac

>> No.15584030

>paderborn (history+philosophy)
>monday begins on saturday
wer noch strugatzkigepillt?

>> No.15584087

BA - Comp. Lit at Columbia
PhD - English at Harvard
The Pisan Cantos or The World as Will and Representation

>> No.15584306

don quixote

>> No.15584356

>FSU-English(might double major in some type of CW)
>Novel: Hunger
>Poetry: Paris Spleen

>> No.15584370

dropped out of a university in a now burning midwest city
iliad (lagerlöf trans.)

>> No.15584380

>Times are changing, old dinosaur.
I literally missed my Commencement ceremony because of the Kung flu
I am 100% sure less than 15% of BYU-Idaho contains actual irl leftists

>> No.15585082

did you study something profitable?

>> No.15585862

What did you do your dissertation on?

>> No.15586046

Im gon get rich and live it out in louisiana

>> No.15586180

>columbia - masters in architecture
>blood meridian or san manuel bueno martir

>> No.15586190

working artist
blood memeridian

>> No.15586283

>Universidad de Buenos Aires / Degree in Oceanography
>The Iliad

>> No.15586306

bros do u happen to know the structure of the poem fist by derek walcott? i do stem but i chose poetry as an elective and now i feel lost. i just wanna make sure if im right that the poem has 2 stanzas and are quintain

>> No.15586337
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Are you like those middle-aged moms who don't enter to youtube/use google bc ''they collect your info''?
What are they afraid of? someone stealing their nuclear codes?

Better get off the new-age train

>> No.15586383

I live in California and 100% should've swallowed my pride and gone to CC and transferred. Spent a bunch of money on a solid university when I could've saved that money and gotten a degree from Berkeley.

>> No.15586442
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>Graduated from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Economics
>Decline of the West

>> No.15588014

>Georgia tech, computer engineering (might drop out + do agriculture in home state)
>Crime and punishment

>> No.15588044
File: 43 KB, 270x388, Recognitions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>auckland uni, english & philosophy
>pic related

>> No.15588045

> 23
> Actuarial Sciences
> The Magus

>> No.15588710

start with the greeks

>> No.15590213

>IU Kelley
I've considered doing master's level work in finance or business for the shits and giggles. I'm doing theological work but was raised by a financial advisor and taught about finance/markets/systems since 4th grade. It'd be more of a hobby that I'd study part time if I ever /made it/ or get an inheritance large enough to reinvest + cover classes with the surplus. Do you enjoy studying business?

>> No.15590270

University of Toronto
Medieval Studies Grad Student
Beware of Pity by Stefan Zweig

>> No.15590282

None, nothing formally
Roadside Picnic

>> No.15590286

Invisible Cities

>> No.15590322

>industrial engineering in israel
>The Tartar Steppe

>> No.15590464

Its free if you are good and hard working.
get fucked loser

>> No.15590537

war and peace

>> No.15590954


>> No.15590968

History of Art

>> No.15591005

>not going, really can't be bothered with school anymore, probably going to have failed my A levels because I'm that much of a mong.
>Moby Dick probably

>> No.15591094

Pretty low key city, but learning is online for the rest of the year so not much atmosphere to absorb

>> No.15591201

>Clinical psychology
>not novels but Ecclesiastes or the Denial of Death

>> No.15591237
File: 289 KB, 2212x688, bbklogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here go here? Žižek is part of the Institute for Humanities staff

>> No.15591278

>working artist
