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15565755 No.15565755 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for some books to begin in esoteric and atavistic matters.

>> No.15565766

Atavistic generally refers to biological throwbacks like a kid with a tail

>> No.15565809

Post something else than a stupid spurdo spardo and you might actually get taken serious

>> No.15565837


>> No.15565942

Start with the Hermetica, it's basically the foundation of Wetsern esotericism

>> No.15565951


>> No.15567316
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>Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa - Three Books of Occult Philosophy
>Julius Evola - Introduction to Magic Vol.1, 2
>Corpus Hermeticum
Also I'd reccomend looking into Marsilio Ficino who translated and singlehandedly revived most of Western Esotericsim during the renaissance.
His De Vita Libri Tres is a really comfy ten page read - pic related is his super wholesome preface.
Also Ficino uses Neoplatonism and Thomism to give good metaphysical/ontological framework for the esoteric.
Reading the Gita & Upanishads isn't a bad idea either.
Dion Fortune and Evelyn Underhill are pretty good too. Stay away from Cr*wley, Gnosticism and other cringe faggots and you'll have a good time.

>> No.15567350

Oh yea and ignore the schi/x/os
Their recommendations are largely retarded - wicca, gnosticism and satanism are for fags
Anything that intertwines with the Neoplatonic, Hermetic and Hindu traditions are your best bets
Christianity can be ok, like with Ficino, or Meister Eckhart - Iambichlius is a good read too on the note of Neoplatonism and theurgy
And look into the Quadrivium/Arithmetical Theology