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/lit/ - Literature

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15562889 No.15562889 [Reply] [Original]

What did he mean by that?

>> No.15562898

begone /pol/tard
/lit/ is a leftist board

>> No.15562930

/lit/ is a literature board
ALL pol wankery needs to fuck right off

>> No.15562938

I think it's pretty self-explanatory what he meant. If you don't understand, you might be a nigger.

>> No.15562970

>being leftists means we have to like niggers
Imagine being a simple tool of zionist liberal oligarchs.

>> No.15562975

Didn't Marx advocate for equal rights for minorities such as Africans and LGBT+?

>> No.15563002

>faggot rights
>in the 19th century
>before the advent of liberalism

>> No.15563016

No, Marx rarely talked about niggers. But he did support German imperialism in Africa which implied he thought of them as just chimps. But I doubt he'd ever seen a nigger so maybe if he lived in the 21st century his views might have been different. I imagine he would probably praise organizations like the black panthers and figures like Sankara.

>> No.15563031

How many Lovecraft threads would we have if he never hated black people?

>> No.15563043

But what if Marx had lived in the 21st century and actually got to meet some niggers and then thought they were just a bunch of niggers? Did you ever consider that?

>> No.15563046

Marx refereed to his opponents as niggers on several occasions.
Lasalle is the infamous 'Jewish nigger' followed by a page ranting about crossbreeding with niggers during the Exodus and a description of how niggs are ugly.
He was already skeptical about achieving communism between Germans and slavs, I don't see him taking niggs seriously.

>> No.15563076

It's possible. But he wouldn't disagree that they are animals who like all other animals act in their material self interest and that the best outcome for them is to live in Africa under a socialist leader like Sankara.

>> No.15563891


>> No.15563903

None because he wouldn't have written anything. His fear of the other was integral to his creative process

>> No.15563913
File: 383 KB, 1080x1080, alexandra-fomina-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this poem. Very amusing!

>> No.15564023
File: 193 KB, 920x896, 272-2723550_troll-trollface-funnyface-funny-sad-cry-laugh-pepe.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15564033

Based lovecraft

>> No.15564051

>19th century is before the advent of liberalism
Jesus christ American education fucked up your head so bad. You couldn't be more clueless

>> No.15564108

Yeah we all know how mainstream polyamorous relationships were in the 19th century.

>> No.15564149


He was simply writing a poem.
Granted by "current year" standards it is shocking, edgy and unconventional.

Totally against the Establishment imposed norms.

>> No.15564165
File: 335 KB, 680x798, marx lasalle LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
