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/lit/ - Literature

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15562882 No.15562882 [Reply] [Original]

What's with the islamists shilling on this board lately? I've never seen these many islamic threads in the history of /lit/. Did the Guenonfag become sunni muslim? Or is it someone else who saw one Zakir Naik video and think they've learned everything about Christianity ?

>> No.15562907

Christcucks mad

>> No.15562940

pol realized they were really isis all along

>> No.15562962

I remember seeing this on a self improvement themed literature subreddit, I remember it being related to the Kingpill too. You wouldn't happen to be from there?

>> No.15562969


The unstoppable tide of Islam has made it's way into lit.

>> No.15562976

Probably just getting internet in their countries for the first time.

>> No.15563004
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No, I'm from the Christian board

>> No.15563024

People realized putting women in power was a mistake, islam is the only cure they know
inshallah sharia will rise in the west

>> No.15563053

Okay, the creator was a based man, getting people to read redpilled literature. It was something of a haven on that cancer site, pretty sure it's banned now.

>> No.15563058


>> No.15563065

Hello Abu Anon.

Do you happen to have the subreddit name?

>> No.15563078

Start with Qutb and everything will fall into place.

>> No.15563084

r/BooksForKings, just remembered it and it got banned. Such a shame. r/CleanLivingKings has some literature on it too, and a lot of users share books and bible verses which is good.

>> No.15563159

great sub

>> No.15563167

People who spend a lot of time on 4chan tend to be disaffected, unattached young men. Often they ascribe to weird and/or extremist ideologies as, basically, a hobby. This is true of guenonfag. As far as the "islamists", there are two Americans who were memed into thinking that tldr the Taliban are the MOST BASED people currently alive, although the sum total of their actual experience with the religion is a diaspora neighborhood and attending a mosque that's under FBI surveillance.

>> No.15563237

Love it. Thanks for sharing :D

>> No.15564544

Stage 1: "Muslims bad because they hate Women Atheists and Fags"
Stage 2: "Muslims bad because brown"
Stage 3: "Muslims actually trad and based and so was Guenon and Lings"
Stage 4: "Osama was right"

>> No.15565565

>Did the Guenonfag become sunni muslim?

Why did he “become”? He has always been.

>> No.15565683

ngl, osama turned out to be pretty based

>> No.15566137

He certainly put out a lot of literature
Bin Laden --

"The Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants."

"The best proof of this is their eagerness to destroy Iraq, the strongest neighboring Arab state, and their endeavor to fragment all the states of the region such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt into paper statelets to guarantee Israel's survival."

"That is to offer support to the Jews... to achieve full control over the Arab Peninsula which they intend to make an important part of Greater Israel."

"After the events of September 11th, Bush is still engaged in distortion, deception and hiding from you the real causes."

"The reason for our dispute with you is your support for your ally Israel."

"The time has come for you to liberate yourselves from fear and the ideological terrorism of neo-conservatives and the Israeli lobby"

"Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children, and other people. Such a practice is forbidden ever in the course of a battle. I have already said that we are against the American system, not against its people"

"Freedom and human rights in America are doomed...
These Jews are masters of usury and leaders in treachery. They will leave you nothing, either in this world or the next."

Theyre closer to alqaeda(actually motivated by anti-Jewish control than fanaticism)

>> No.15566603

Had to deal with Islamic shills on /his/ a lot lately, mainly claiming that Islamic sources hundreds of years after an event were somehow reliable and that the New Testament has millions of corrupted parts even when that goes against all historical consensus.

>> No.15566664

I don't remember the guy's name with 100% sureness, I think it was Constantine or something. He was a huge orthodox shill a while back but he recently converted to salafist islam and is now trying to shill it with his discord. Those are the guys making the threads and doing everything they can to shill islam.

>> No.15567484


The anonymity makes it really easy to distort shilling, back when Christianity was big here Constantine (Orthodoxy) and Wolfshiem were the main drivers (although Constantine was the more prolific and duplicitous of the two). As soon as they stopped putting in that large effort the general threads dried up as did most of the periphery discussion and almost all mention of seraphim rose.

If you actually go into the islamic discord group they spam its got about 2-3 active users of which 70-80% of that activity is Constantine now Full Metal Jihad.

>Or is it someone else who saw one Zakir Naik video and think they've learned everything about Christianity ?

The other poster has their name right, if you look through the archive you will see how similar the approach and style is.