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/lit/ - Literature

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15561192 No.15561192 [Reply] [Original]

This is a major problem for anyone who wants to publish his work:

>> No.15561200

Were you the same guy threatening to unleash demons on people who insulted you? Lol

>> No.15561201

Just be born into a jewish family lol is literally not that hard.

>> No.15561216

Fuck off to Reddit. When Amazon is pushing for books like White Fragility, you know there's a problem. However, that is just a tip of the iceberg with this issue.

>> No.15561240

If a faggots and cucked mayos want to pay for shit then they will.
Welcome to capitalism

>> No.15561249

Are you a kike or nigger? Do you even understand the argument I'm making in my video?

>> No.15561279

Hahaha you are HIM! Holy shit, I can't believe the guy threatening people was just some soft-sounding punk! Tell me dude, why did you lie? You said you were an illustrator but in the video you say your WIFE did the illustrations! Try keeping your story straight, punk!

>> No.15561298

Spooks nigger

>> No.15561303

I am getting tired of you uneducated, subversive, and unruly niggers and kikes. Why are you even here on a literature board?

>> No.15561311

What are you even doing on a literature board? You probably don't even read literature.

>> No.15561337
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>> No.15561345

You lack the attention span to even watch and understand the argument of my video. Off yourself, nigger-kike worshiper.

>> No.15561353

Listen you little shit. My people have worked hard to run this industry. Do not think for even another second that you can defeat us. We made Hollywood! The American Dream is OUR invention, you will not win. Men greater than you have tried and failed. Now, do yourself a favor. Delete the video and leave the industry. NOW.

>> No.15561415
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>> No.15561488

>Listen you little shit. My people have worked hard to run this industry. Do not think for even another second that you can defeat us. We made Hollywood! The American Dream is OUR invention, you will not win. Men greater than you have tried and failed. Now, do yourself a favor. Delete the video and leave the industry. NOW.
Cyrus the Great truly made a mistake in sparing you vile people. As his descendant, I can say we will correct his error in due time.

>> No.15561514

Hmph. We'll see. My people have a way of coming out on top. I look forward to this battle, I was hoping you'd refuse. The truth is that I admire my ancestors' past achievements and would love to prove myself a worthy successor. Farewell, we are destined to meet again.

>> No.15561533

All I want is to publish my goddamn picture books, but there is a leftist, inclusive diversity, and anti-traditional agenda getting in my way. Anyone who wants to create artwork true to the classics of a genre and not get bogged down in "poc" identity politics is going to suffer.

>> No.15561598
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Gotta suck some cocks if you want to be successful

>> No.15561605

You realize there's a high possibility for a real Holocaust this time around, right?

>> No.15561606

your voice, immediately

>> No.15561614

Should I sound like a prepubescent zoomer instead? Go fuck yourself.

>> No.15562303

anybody got some statistics for either side?

>> No.15562320

This is really cringe, big yikes.

>> No.15562331

This is literally the same sperg from the thread the other day lmao. Now I will imagine all of his insults on this board in that pathetic voice. Thanks for the laughs, OP.

>> No.15562739

Bump, this is important.

>> No.15562824

Just self-publish and hope for readers. Don't fight a battle in a war that Harold Bloom regretted to have partaken in at the end of his life.

>> No.15562896

>Don't fight a battle in a war that Harold Bloom regretted to have partaken in at the end of his life.

>> No.15562959

Bloom's last interviews before his death

>> No.15563129

Great vid OP, hope they don't silence you!!!

>> No.15564211

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.15564214

Why bump this cringe?

>> No.15564228

Were you not in the last thread? OP actually delivered through this video, that's worthy of a bump.

>> No.15564295

delete clickbait threads

>> No.15564379

None of you read literature and need to fuck off. It's as if the only people you can listen to are zoomer idiots like Pewdiepie. If you have an issue with my video than criticize what is being argued instead of just insulting my voice like a bunch of children.

>> No.15564404

Obviously you are the non-reading shill, anon.

>> No.15564437

The video was just repeating shit said in the thread but in a more sanitized version. I accuse you of not even being the OP, you just stole his rants and made it into a video with a stupid fake voice to make him look bad. You're a grifter and I'm calling you out as a PHONY.

>> No.15564440

Did you even listen to my video, or do you have a short attention span? I focus on weird fiction and children's literature.

>> No.15564448

Post your wife's feet please

>> No.15564457

>stupid fake voice
Do you want me to get angry or something? Stop talking about my goddamn voice, you stupid fucking faggot. Go get fucked by a nigger, you dumbass piece of shit. Are you unable to even understand the main gist of my argument?
I have homework to do.

>> No.15564483

>I have homework to do.
Why is someone in his 30s and married working on homework? You not only have the voice of a middle schooler, you have the same chores as one lmao

>> No.15564517

Fuck your clickbaiting, I read literature. Why can't you write down your ideas for us to read and reflect on? It's because you're all talk and a shill going for views. So fuck off.

>> No.15564524

It's my second STEM degree.
It could be due to my mic, manner of arguing, or whatever, not sure. I'm actually tone-deaf believe or not.

>> No.15564545

>I'm actually tone-deaf believe or not.
That's actually the most believable statement you've made so far.

Anyway, I actually enjoyed the video and your rants in the other thread, good entertainment keep up the good work Persian bro

>> No.15564550

I am arguing the the value of artwork should be judged in relationship to the classics of its genre. Yes, art must innovate, but the innovation should not be artificially pushed by political agendas. There has been a huge trend of agents asking for “marginalized voices”, LGBTQ+ themes, and more for a leftist agenda. Also, there is an issue with Jewish nepotism.

>> No.15564582

How many minutes of your audience do you waste with that cap?

>> No.15564593

Why did you lie in the last thread about being an illustrator? In the video you said your wife did the illustrations, so why lie?

>> No.15564604

Sure is fucking summer in here with all the /leftypol/ tourists, holy shit.

>> No.15564608

Explain to me how this is crap? Most agents look to represent writers that serve their political agendas. They don't care about respecting the classics of the literary genres they claim to like.
I also share some pictures of classic Golden Age of Illustrators who gave foundation to the picture book genre, and likewise, I reference weird fiction classic writers too.
The fact is most agents don't care about analyzing and critiquing your work in light of the classics. They just care about serving some kind of globohomo agenda.

>> No.15564619

Who's your favorite artist?

>> No.15564633

I apologize, but I didn't want teenagers to bother me for feet pics and stupid shit like that.
One reason I come on /pol/ is because it's the only place I can talk about issues like the leftist agenda and Jewish nepotism ruining the literary industry. It will become even worse than Hollywood soon.

>> No.15564660

>Most agents look to represent writers that serve their political agendas

>> No.15564668

It's not a tautology. One can easily separate artistic preference or judgment from political agendas.

>> No.15564686
File: 1.78 MB, 898x4498, 1587103161448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this list, but if I were to pick five favorite artists:
1) Fritz Baumgarten's works
2) Inga Moore's works
3) Sven Nordqvist's Pettson and Findus
4) Maxfield Parrish's works, incl. Knave of Hearts
5) Alfred Bestall

>> No.15564688

How do you do it?

>> No.15564701

My video talks about all of this. I think there is an active effort from literary agents and the publishing industry to dismantle literary tradition due to the belief it comes from "white men" and "oppressive patriarchy". I criticized all of this, and I'm not doing it for views or being click-baity. I'm serious.

>> No.15564745

>My video talks about all of this
>Not click-baiting
choose one

>> No.15564777

The way you separate artistic judgment from politics is by judging an artwork solely based on its own merits in relationship to the classics without letting political biases color your perception. In the case of weird fiction, the classics are Machen, Lovecraft, Smith, Poe, Blackwood, and much much more. In the case of picture books, it's mostly Golden Age illustrators like Crane, Potter, Nielsen, Rackham, and many more. You can judge quality without bringing in politics. It's not hard.

>> No.15564802

Killing yourself isn't a bad option you useless faggot

>> No.15564830

Are you a kike or nigger? Nothing I'm arguing is really that controversial. Slit your fucking throat, you absolute buffoon. I am sick and tired of this leftist and kike'ish shenanigans.

>> No.15564837

Nice list, I’ll look for these for my kids once libraries open back up.

>> No.15564855

>It's not hard.
Dubious. Some could argue that quoting canon as a de-facto qualitative statement is an inherenthly political interpretation of art.

>> No.15564872
File: 48 KB, 720x540, 119214451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of stuff being promoted to kids in the modern age.
Also, I recommend buying book in pic related. It gives an idea of the classics that give foundation to the picture book genre.
It compiles many of the important illustrators like Walter Crane, Randolph Caldecott, Kay Nielsen, Beatrix Potter, Ernest H. Shepherd, Arthur Rackham, Edmund Dulac, and more. I find it odd how Louis Wain, Maxfield Parrish, and Fritz Baumgarten were not added though. I also have other favorite illustrators such as Racey Helps and Molly Brett, but I can understand why they weren't added.

>> No.15564904

I have never seen a decent argument about how quoting the canon constitutes a political interpretation of art. Such arguments typically stem from inferiority complex.

>> No.15564926

We need a publisher of right-wing fiction. Golden age SF and fantasy style.

>> No.15564944
File: 1.09 MB, 912x2896, 1564607285547-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, so you are the same picture book poster who made this chart? I saved it from a thread like a year ago. Nice to see you again, man. As a writer and illustrator myself I mostly agree with what you say in your video, also I'm curious about your own work. Would you mind sharing any of it?

>> No.15564951

Well, that's what OP did, in a way.

>> No.15564974
File: 86 KB, 720x540, 119214451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I highly recommend this book too:
A Treasury of the Great Children's Book Illustrators edited Susan E. Meyer
I also updated the chart here:

>> No.15564990

Have you seen the #publishingpaidme hashtag on Twitter? It's trying to strong arm publishers into paying black people more just because. Exactly on the subject of the video.

>> No.15564995

I am not arguing from inferiority complex, you stupid autistic piece of shit. The classics are established, and simply pointing this out does not make one filled with inferiority complex.

>> No.15565006

>simply pointing this out
That's not all you're doing, anon.

>> No.15565021

That's not what I'm arguing. I'm arguing that artwork should be judged based on its own merits in relationship to the established classics. It doesn't have to be driven by partisan politics. However, yes, there is presently a huge leftist agenda with the majority of publishers, but I don't think doing the opposite of promoting a rightwing agenda would help. De-politicizing the industry and going back to the importance of the classics are what needs to happen.

>> No.15565030

Take a knife to your throat, you stupid zoomer shithead. You are incapable of discussing anything without bringing up accusations or other shit.

>> No.15565049

>slips into paranoïd projection mode
Good luck, anon.

>> No.15565051

Children's books are disproportionately affected by this kind of thing because they're inherently pedagogical and the target demographic (parents, teachers) typically sticks to mainstream publishing sources. There's also the fact that they're tied to the world of visual art, which has been completely fucked over by speculation by the super-rich.
I'm confident that the internet will eventually destroy the mainstream publishing industry and replace it with something better, but children's publishing is going to be one of the last holdouts of the old regime. I don't know what to tell you, other than that you should consider changing your strategy. You don't win a battle by charging the enemy where he's the strongest.

>> No.15565052

I've just learned about this, but it proves my point even more. I'm not surprised.

>> No.15565083

In my view, de-politicizing the industry is impossible. Radical leftists are entrenched in senior career positions throughout. They infiltrated it, hired more of their own, and are destroying the legacies of the big houses. Also, I think anything that's not progressive leftist is by default traditional and right-wing, although I mean that more in the cultural sense than political. Self-publishing is a decent alternative but it's a chaotic shit show. A new house must emerge.

>> No.15565086

I agree with everything you're saying except for two points:
>they're inherently pedagogical
This is false. Most of the classics I referenced were not pedagogical. These people tried to either portray a wondrous beauty and mystery in the natural world or convey mythical stories. Adults can enjoy them too.
>replace it with something better
It would be better than where the current publishing industry is heading, that's for sure, but it is far from ideal.

>> No.15565110

>Also, I think anything that's not progressive leftist is by default traditional and right-wing, although I mean that more in the cultural sense than political
I see. I agree with you then. I think a moderate degree of traditionalism is necessary to be a good agent.
>it's a chaotic shit show.
I agree. Even with a decent social media following, self-publishing probably isn't good. It is indeed a chaotic shit show. I have an active social media following of 15k+ for my webcomic series, but I was only able to sell two items from my merchandise store. Based on this, I make the inference an ebook wouldn't sell well either.
>These people
These works*

>> No.15565156

I am just browsing and I thought your video was great. I am a Zoomer, born in 1999, and I was lucky enough to avoid the very political type books that are commonplace now during elementary school.

I hope people like you can figure something out. I plan on having children someday and I don't want them reading garbage.

>> No.15565188

When I was a kid, my mom didn’t let me read anything published after 1950 unless she had already read it and approved. Just gotta keep your eyes on what’s coming into your house.

>> No.15565191
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Yes, I am glad you liked the video. If picture books interest you, I recommend this book.
What astounds me is how this leftist agenda impacts weird fiction and horror too. The important thing is to always remember the classics. At this rate, it is possible the classics will no longer be respected if the far leftists infiltrate academia. Imagine a class based on weird fiction but Lovecraft is left out due to his racism.

>> No.15565244

I actually got a brown friend that couldn’t get his writing published because it had some “contraversive” stuff on WW2 that they wanted him to change.

>> No.15565264

Good vid OP even if you sound like a frail virgin indian CS major.

>> No.15565274

You are lucky. Are you a Zoomer too or an earlier generation?

Thank you for the recommendation, I'll certainly get my hands on a copy.
>Imagine a class based on weird fiction but Lovecraft is left out due to his racism
It's tragic. Culture and politics are intertwined so those rats try to infest as much of the cultural sphere as possible. For them the new normal must include multiculturalism for the West, neo-liberalism, anti-white rhetoric, etc.

>> No.15565356

>For them the new normal must include multiculturalism for the West, neo-liberalism, anti-white rhetoric, etc.
Exactly. They all work to undermine the foundations of various literary traditions.

>> No.15565742

Welcome to the world steered by parasites. Every time you try to discuss the jewish question, or anything they control, you will be met with shills making comments that will attempt to make a lurker discredit your content (controlling the cattle). They have control over media, universities, and many more things. Don't try ~ too ~ hard to expose them, for your own good.

>> No.15565806

The weird thing is this though. During the late 80s and early 90s, there were some good picture books from Jews. In particular, I really liked David Wiesner's Free Fall and Chris van Allsburg's Wreck of the Zephyr. However, in the modern era, I do see many Jewish literary agents asking for "underrepresented voices" and LGBTQ+ themes. I think something happened in the past one or two decades to make them very vengeful towards white men, and thus, they're a part of the issue of dismantling literary traditions now. The overwhelming majority of literary agents are Jews and self-loathing white women.
The literary industry was far from perfect in the late 80s and early 90s, but it was much better than now. There was still a sense of standards in relationship to the classics.

>> No.15565832

>dismantling literary traditions
Is a more heterogenous pool of authors all it takes to challenge it this hard?

>> No.15565864

Please clarify your question.

>> No.15566035

I think I understand your question now after thinking about it more. You have to look at the cause, not the effect. The cause is with what literary agents are asking for. Note, most publishers do not accept unsolicited submissions, but many literary agents do though they give privilege to those received via referral. The literary agents are pretty much the gatekeepers for this industry. Therefore, to a large extent, what they ask for is how the industry, itself, evolves.
Here is a fun exercise if you know any programming. Create a kind of web scraping bot or something like that, and make it go through QueryManager or other websites detecting keywords from literary agents. Determine the number of literary agents using leftist keywords such as "underrepresented", "LGBTQ", "African American", or other such commonly used words. It can give you a stronger idea of how leftism is becoming ubiquitous in the industry. They value politics over the actual spirit of the classics which established the literary traditions.
You can also do this to with common Jewish last names such as those ending in -stein and so forth.