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/lit/ - Literature

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15560970 No.15560970 [Reply] [Original]

Not including pieces written by Kafka

>> No.15560979

Need I say it, my Diary Desu

>> No.15560997

My dreams

>> No.15561006

Real novels

>> No.15561018

Invitation to a Beheading by Nabokov
City of Glass by Paul Auster

>> No.15561026


>> No.15561033

The Maimed

>> No.15561045

A Man Asleep by Perec

>> No.15561063
File: 43 KB, 377x520, the-streets-of-crocodiles-377x520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15561064 [DELETED] 

the street of crocodiles by bruno schulz

>> No.15561087

The Man Without Qualities
The Sleepwalkers

>> No.15562033

I need more please

>> No.15562042

>The Man Without Qualities
how is this kafkasque

>> No.15562049
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Simply read K. No one can master his style.

>> No.15562056


>> No.15562059

Blind Owl

>> No.15562067

But I already read K

>> No.15562082

I need to find writers like Kōbō Abe

>> No.15562086

shut the fuck up

>> No.15562087

Which one?

>> No.15562205

Check out anything by Kobo Abe

>> No.15562213

Won't and shall not

>> No.15562218
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So many people think he wrote The Double when it was Dostoevsky.

>> No.15562219

The trial, metamorphosis, the castle, aphorisms

>> No.15562227


>> No.15562336

Blanchot: Aminadab, The Most High

>> No.15562340

For the feeling of The Trial/Castle, the traditional /lit/ pick has been The Tatar Steppe by Buzatti.

For the feel of funny stories like The Great Wall of China, Alasdair Gray's stories and some of Borges.

For the feel of stories in the more oppressive mould, Ilse Aichinger and some of Cortazar.

>> No.15562344

Schwanz Kaka

>> No.15562368

Kranz Faka

>> No.15562383

Kafka is overrated. All he did was take the British satires that dealt with bizarre customs and circular bureaucracies (Swift, Dickens, Carroll) and did the Batman movie thing of "No, what if this shit was REAL?" Pretty genius, actually.

>> No.15562458

Nice Book

>> No.15563251 [DELETED] 

I second that.

>> No.15563303

read the short stories, you won't regret it.

>> No.15563675

Memoirs found in a bath tub

>> No.15563731

Maybe try E.T.A. Hoffmann's Nachtstücke. Not sure how much is translated though.

>> No.15563770
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>> No.15563811

robert walser

>> No.15563812

Try the Iranian author Hedayat. His "Blind Owl" is great.

>> No.15563832

Hedayat litarally translated Kafka and is really Kafkaesque.

>> No.15565661

Thanks everyone!