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15558660 No.15558660[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books do i need to read to stop falling for 4chan alt right rhetoric on lit?

>> No.15558672

1- getting a life
2- have sex
3- having actual friends
4- exercise your brain to achieve +80 iq score

>> No.15558680

you have to simply leave 4chan or be extremely good at deluding yourself

>> No.15558683

Both Jews and blacks are incarnations of Ahriman.

>> No.15558684


>> No.15558690

Read little more than 5 books, of any political philosophy. Then you will understand that they are simpleminded fools who fell for 80 year old propaganda, who are physically dependant on noxious shitty rhetoric and farthuffing.

>> No.15558707
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Frantz Fanon

>> No.15558711

Reported. This is just disgraceful. I'm requesting a public ban.

>> No.15558714

Not to be a dick, but if you find their rhetoric persuasive, you’re probably to far gone dude.

>> No.15558719

>become an NPC

>> No.15558732

* 80+ and 120- IQ

>> No.15558736

yeah it's obvious to the rest of us that Somalis are exactly the same as Japanese people

>> No.15558760

The Rhetoric of Reaction by Hirschman. It's a handy dandy manual to reactionary rhetoric.

>> No.15558768


>> No.15558781

? The left wants people to recognize cultural differences and embrace them because of their difference. You would know that if the philosophy you read was by real philosophers and not some two-but professor at an American university.

>> No.15558784

Do you consider Hegel a real philosopher?

>> No.15558795

Do you consider Marx a Hegelian?

>> No.15558823

Everybody seems to. It doesn't make that much sense but whatever.

>> No.15558839

Ah yes, the 20 something american white guy who debunked Marx. Brilliant, really.

>> No.15558846

It doesn't make that much sense because Hegel's system was idealist. He was also a monarchist.

>> No.15558858

this meme with a bellcurve is cope for brainlets

>> No.15558871


>> No.15558876

thread done.

>> No.15558879

Why do you willingly lie to yourself?

>> No.15558928

I'm no expert or anything, but my understanding is that Marx inverted Hegel's system. So where Hegel says the world is spirit, or man is God, in the process of becoming/realizing itself (that is realizing the world is spirit), by contrast Marx reverses that causal relationship and says that we are material and we've projected our human ideas onto the divine, and forgot that we did. Idk if this is actually true or if I accurately recounted it, but that's what I read somewhere in an introduction a Marx-Engels reader.

>> No.15558940

The left, not liberals.

>> No.15558983

That would be the opposite of being an NPC.

Imagine playing games autistically, never interacting with any characters or doing any relationship based stuff, doing challenges...

>> No.15558994

And then propagandize to make them mix, and all that will be left is a melting pot of no sense of heritage or culture

>> No.15558996

Hegels contribution to philosophy was dialectics. A Hegelian is someone who solves philosophical questions with dialectics. Marx’s contribution to philosophy was dialectical materialism. A Marxist is someone who solves historical questions through material dialectics. Any interpretation other than that Is conjecture and an abrogation of the facts of basic philosophy. Your version of philosophy is creative non-fiction.

>> No.15559005

Dialectics doesn't make any sense in a materialist system.

>> No.15559037

My god, how miserable your life must be to have fallen for the meme of volk. That you have accomplished nothing yourself and must cope by looking to a sense of heritage and tradition, which amounts to nothing more than the petty beliefs and coping mechanisms of a people who no longer exist. Your refusal to adapt to the modern world is pathological. You should consult a psychologist.

>> No.15559044

It's actually completely normal to feel some sense of connection with your ancestors, it's pretty much a universal human thing apart from deracinated bugmen.

>> No.15559050

Literally any social science published after 1980

>> No.15559065

even in your practically religious institutions there are still people like Putnam who accidentally figure out that multicult is a meme

>> No.15559088

I feel strong connections with history and culture. Why should I feel any more or less connected to things that no longer exist because they don’t belong to my people? Who are you’re people anon? Or you desire them precisely because they are not there? You call me a bugman, and yet we are both posting on 4chan, you from a dark room, and me from my backyard, near the flowers I planted yesterday, while my dogs lay about in the sun. I live in the present, I don’t need roots to determine my happiness. Can you say the same?

>> No.15559106

Would you say the same thing to a Native American who says their ancestors' culture matters to them?

>> No.15559108

If by ancestors you mean a particular ethnic or racial group, then it really depends on what you mean by feeling a connection. Might I naturally feel an affinity for people similar to me that share similar music, traditions, other cultural markers, sure. But that's very different from saying that A) that we ought to value our ethnic group over and against others or B) that such cultural markers are fixed or natural or that we have some "natural" drive to care for one group against another.The ambiguity behind "ancestors" makes your statement impossible to disagree with because racists will read into "ancestors" their racial group, & average people will just assume you mean their familial descendants.

>> No.15559154

Read a good book by Ben Shapiro, some of his arguments are weak in some books so pick one that interests you and has good reviews. It’s hard to believe there’s a secret Jewish cult running the world behind the scenes sending reasonable Benji out to do their “controlled opposition”, do you know what I mean? It’s a lot more likely that he is just another conservative with some rational opinions you may or may not agree with.

Another thing is if you pick up a book and realize the author is Jewish don’t discount it. I have Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari because it’s on a topic I like. I didn’t avoid it because I won’t read a book by a Jewish person lol

>> No.15559404

No. Their connection to their culture is necessary as an alembic to genocide. Yours is pride as a response to deep ennui.

>> No.15559419

That's what I thought lol

>> No.15559421

But honestly, if that indigenous person were a leftist, I think they would agree with me and share the positive aspects of their culture with like minded people in their community.

>> No.15559432

How can you ignore the difference between white European cultures and indigenous cultures?

>> No.15559434

They're both humans who feel a connection to their ancestors

>> No.15559504

The Left and the alt-right, and the 99% of Americans have a common enemy: the elite ruling class. Many of whom happen to be Jewish. /pol/fags have it wrong though. The Occupy movement had it right. Though we've all forgotten that by now

>> No.15559506

Culture of Critique

>> No.15559522

I am sick of this world

>> No.15559553

Yeah, here’s another similarity, they both eat and shit. How about the tell me how they’re different now?

>> No.15559566

They're different in many ways, one of the ways in which they are similar is that they feel a connection to their ancestors, which is, again, a pretty much universal trait. Go all over the world and you'll find people feeling that way.

Some people have sadly been told that it is evil for them to feel such a connection, or that it makes them pathetic. Luckily this bizarre mindset is restricted to certain demographics.

>> No.15559569

have a life, had sex one hour ago (hookup, wasnt good), lost my friends because i defended trump (not from the us and not a trump supporter), 120iq. still fairly right

>> No.15559622

Basically become a normalfag.

>> No.15559636

All I know is this. No, connection to culture is normal in the sense in the humans have culture. It is not normal to think your culture is better than another. It is not normal to derive your personal sense of pride and well being from your culture. I have pride in my accomplishments, to the extent that I rarely need to think about my culture. I derive my sense of connection from my family and my friends. Culture rarely comes into the equation for me, which is why I’m skeptical of white people who are, because they have the means to define themselves by things beyond it.

>> No.15559657

You're so myopic and hyper-individualistic that it doesn't even occur to you how foundational ethnos is to every facet of a society. Futhermore, whether any particular individual is miserable or not is of little concern compared to the future of an entire genetic cluster.

>> No.15559660

It's not meant to replace those things, it's just something else that can influence you in various ways. There is no reason to be skeptical specifically of white people, everyone today has to contend with the strangeness of modernity, many people still feel a sense of tradition nonetheless.

>> No.15559690

What you are saying is embedded in the notion of individuality which is a chauvinistic European idea. Most of the world would disagree with you

>> No.15559730

Those things are completely normal, from an evopsych perspective. You're talking out of your ass.

So you're an achiever. That's great — have a pat on the head. Now why are the values of individual exceptionalism and preserving one's ethnos mutually exclusive?

>> No.15559734
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Read Rivolta
Lift weights
Find a qt gf to make your wife
Stop caring about politics
Make sick music
Stay racist

>> No.15559747

Nice work OP. You've got the small-hats seething.

>> No.15559891

Anon, you’ll be thrilled to know that my last girlfriend was black.

>> No.15560119

this would be a good start OP


>> No.15560302

The Destruction of the European Jews by Raul Hilberg

>> No.15560552

pretty sure you don't have any heritage to any of the thousand year old inbred aristocratic families that ruled the mythical past you cling to

>> No.15560596

I'm sorry you feel no connection to your ancestors

>> No.15560730

Pretty sure we all have some thug or rapist in our ancestry as well, I feel indifferent to that one in particular

>> No.15560736

Prometheus Rising.

>> No.15560766

Political compass is another dumb thing zoomers attach their identity to like fucking Harry Potter houses

>> No.15560850

I didn't know we had so many kike lovers here.

>> No.15560871


>> No.15560927

I second the sex part, preferably with blacks and browns. Changed my life.

>> No.15561128

I predicted the left would co-opt the language of conformity years ago and it's only intensified since. Feels good being right. Thankfully this is also how movements die, if you don't need to argue to defeat an enemy (why would you when shame and force suffice?) you don't need to adapt or innovate. Dogmatism feels good and this is precisely why it isn't expedient as a political tool in the long-term. Leftoids will be indulging in this theater decades from now even as enemies who they won't be able to recognize as enemies begin to replace them. In fact, an enemy they've long since forgotten the face of was reborn this weekend in Minneapolis ;)

>> No.15561136

>imagine being this convenient strawman I made up
>Ha, checkmate
Cringe my dude.

>> No.15561366

>alt-kiker controlled op
>in 2020
Everyone not retarded from /pol pre-election has moved on from this site.
Pol is just pornspammed garbage with garbage distracting shill threads and useless argument.
No one with half a brain should ever identify as such useless terms as “left” or “right”, political thought is fluid and nuanced. It cannot be so linearly categorized.
There is not one book which can provoke self reflection and individual thought. It is a gradual process of uptaking knowledge and experiences to create a unique person

>> No.15561447

Do you even read books?

>> No.15561493

the elite is just another part of the autonomous leviathan of a capitalist system which would have to be extirpated with its roots not merely changed for any sort of meaningful improvement of our now global society

>> No.15561525

how do I get a life

>> No.15561557

Just read their sources, they either don't have them or they're completely fucked

>> No.15561975 [SPOILER] 
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Just keep an open mind, don't believe in what the Establishment tells you to believe or what the T.V. set or the news media say. Think different, be a rebel!

>> No.15561996

Read the bible and the Quran. Read the catechism and the hadiths. Understand that the faith of Abraham is bounded to the material world, not just some cute stories. Meditate, let go of hate, feel your emotions, know the Lord. Act in the world as the lord commands. Every time you fail, get on your knees and pray for mercy and forgiveness. Keep doing it every day and every night.

>> No.15562000


>> No.15562026

You are all pathetic. The true way to find the Lord is to plunge one's blade into the depraved man. If every nobleman were given cool looking swords to slay niggers, then they would believe in God again.