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/lit/ - Literature

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15557454 No.15557454[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What book enrages /lit/ the most?

>> No.15557497

Ready Player One has to be up there.

>> No.15557499

I don't get triggered by books.

>> No.15557516
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>> No.15557522

Why? It didn't seem that bad.

>> No.15557820

There are worse-written books, but Cline's aesthetic is the embodiment of reddit cringe (I know these are usually buzzwords, but in this case they fit perfectly). It's a book that depends on references to 80s music and movies, used to tell a generic adventure story. The protagonist is a shameless self-insert and the internet references are instantly dated and awkward.

>> No.15557944
File: 1.21 MB, 959x1284, Seethecore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of them.

>> No.15557959

12 Rules for Life?

>> No.15557973

In reading this right now; just finished chapter 6. It's a total mess but very entertaining because I get to the read the drivel of some self hating white woman. It also does a good job summarizing the stage of "whiteness studies" and critical race theory — a total shitshow.

>> No.15558038
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fuck niggers

>> No.15558051

Any book with folded corners

>> No.15558054

The Qur'an.

>> No.15558380

>Mary Beard

Why her? I’ve seen her documentaries and they’re pretty good desu

>> No.15558396


>> No.15558420

the koran

>> No.15558531

You can't just call your own post that

>> No.15558558
File: 57 KB, 700x700, 320d221641d0b7d871d1765a3e89de13c4-30-michael-baden.rsquare.w700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Michael Baden. You may have just figured out who he is during this whole affair. I'll fill you in.

Michael Baden is hired by families when they want a report that matches their views. He was hired by the OJ Simpson legal team and insisted OJ dindu nuffin. He was hired by the Eric Garner family to back their position. You all may like him due to the fact that Epstein's brother hired him to say that Jeffrey Epstein died by homicide. Recently he was hired by the George Floyd family to come to a conclusion of death by asphyxiation. The Hennepin County Examiner came to the conclusion that Floyd died from cardiopulmonary arrest and not asphyxiation. So tell me, why is it that his PRIVATE autopsies are always displayed instead of the ones done by the county? He is nothing more than a hired tool so people can have a known "expert" that has a conflicting autopsy. Notice how his autopsy is being ran with instead of the real one? This man's word is garbage. Do you really trust someone who says OJ couldn't have committed the murders?