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/lit/ - Literature

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15554442 No.15554442 [Reply] [Original]

Any quality literature on the transsexual experience (asking legitimately without a trace of irony)? Ideally something that toes the line between a detailed medical text and a throwaway memoir from some literally who that somehow ends up on the NYT bestseller list

>> No.15555634
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just pick up any book on schizophrenia/mental-illness dealing with delusion. There are a ton to choose from. Don Quixote and Despair (Nabokov) are a couple decent novels I've read on the subject but they aren't really a detailed medical texts. I guess what you'r4e looking for is the Tristes Tropiques of Trannydom, I doubt you'll find it.
1) lack of serious psychologists willing to write anything that accurately depicts transsexuals (because they would have to make them look bad)
2) lack of publishers willing to print anything that accurately depicts transsexuals (because that would make them look bad)
But good luck, please keep us updated.

>> No.15555690

Philosophy wise, its worth checking out: Butler's Gender Trouble, Salamon's Assuming a Body, Sandy Stone's The Empire Strikes Back, and Donna Harraway's The Cyborg Manifesto.

Not so theory heavy: Jan Morris' Conundrum, Valerio's Testosterone Files, Green's Becoming a Visible Man.

Hope this helped

>> No.15555736

if i was still on lefty discords i could pull a bunch of whack screen caps for you