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15552416 No.15552416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I hate women so fucking much. What can I read to stop hating them, or should I keep going?

>> No.15552423

can you kill yourself you shit posting retard?

>> No.15552430

Women are meant to be tolerated. Hating them serves no purpose because all it does it eliminate yourself from the gene pool. They should be used, ignored, and tolerated so much as it prevents them from cheating, humiliating those close to them, or crying. That's it.

>> No.15552432

you don't stop hating women, you just learn to love a few ones.

>> No.15552442

Thr sun also rises

>> No.15552451

do you hate your mother?

>> No.15552454

Do you not?

>> No.15552475

Your birth certificate. You realize a woman likely wrecked her body giving birth to you right?

>> No.15552481

yeah then she wrecked my body with years of microwave food and my mind with years of abuse and neglect. t-thanks

>> No.15552500

Imagine having not read schoppies lil pamphlet

>> No.15552530

That doesn't mean shit alone. It's not like every giving birth makes a woman a good person- or even a good mother, just by that act alone.

>> No.15552540

the state of americans

>> No.15552542

Oh yes having given birth makes you good just like having a penis makes you a rapist, right?

>> No.15552553

yeah plus they all get doped out of their gourds while they give birth so its not like its even painful anymore. my mom was in labor with me for three days though, so respect. even when i was baby i knew the world was not worth living in. should've just stayed in their desu

>> No.15552596

No, my mother loves me, works very hard and is an attractive woman.

>> No.15552637

sorry to hear that anon. But don't hate a entire gender because some people are pure shit. I hope you'll be happier one day friend

>> No.15552657

lol its not like i can just tell my brain "don't hate women anymore," that shit is too ingrained in me. plus the fact that 90% of them are whores doesn't help. i don't even hate them i just resent them for being so shit when they're supposed to be the good ones.

>> No.15552677

The world's a real rough place friendo it's not just the women you should be so worried about. Find a small group of people and be chill

>> No.15552690


>> No.15552691

If you are straight and hate women you either started with an overly idealistic conception of women or you met a particularly bad one. Either way you're being retarded and refusing to accommodate reality.

>> No.15552693

I wish you could see how you look from where I'm standing. Have some dignity and stop seething in your cuck pit and be a man. If you never touch a girl again, so what, find something else

>> No.15552694
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>just be chill, duderino! live, laugh, love!

>> No.15552705

If it's so ingrained in you you shouldn't have to rationalize it this much. You're holding onto your hatred of women, maybe it is the superego permission you need to justifiably despise your own mother, even though that is a really stressful emotion for any normal guy to have.

>> No.15552726

>they're supposed to be the good ones
Do you hate men too?

>> No.15552746

>plus the fact that 90% of them are whores doesn't help

stop browsing incel threads on 4chan, for your own well beings sake. It's not a objective view of reality, but an echo chamber of hate and bitterness

>> No.15552753

i don't really "hate" anyone, i just resent them for not striving to be their highest self.

>> No.15552755

What, in your opinion, is a person's highest self? And more specifically, what is the ideal woman?

>> No.15552766

i don't feel like getting into it. and why do you care? i bet you;re a butthurt roastie.

>> No.15552767

>i don't even hate them i just resent them for being so shit when they're supposed to be the good ones.
most cringe thing I’ve ever read on /lit/, stop being a faggot

>> No.15552783

What a dumb bitch, her husband is a good father and did the right thing by comforting the daughter and putting his dumb wife in her place.

>> No.15552785

He's not wrong. There's not much else to do besides that.

>> No.15552789

I'm a 24-year-old dude. I'm interested because I don't understand how someone could hate women. Without being hurt by one.

>> No.15552801

join the Boston bro-men to put your misogyny to the test

>> No.15552807


>> No.15552810

truth is, it doesn't even matter what the mom says, all that matters is that her dad raises her right. having a shitty mom and a good dad will probably make her even more aware of her own evil feminine nature and strive to overcome it.

>> No.15552815

to go from the misogyny of a boston bro-men thread to this simpery...

>> No.15552866
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Book for this feel (and similar) threads should be banned. We all know it's just incel bait threads at this point and just barely /lit/ related

>evil feminine nature


>> No.15552894

it's in the bible and buddha said it too

>> No.15552907

Yeah? Heterosexual men love women. Anyone who violently hates women as a whole is a homosexual.

>> No.15552929

no true hetero likes women. you have to be a little gay to like women. true heteros go celibate.

>> No.15553004

Loving isn't liking, dude.

>> No.15553015

tell it to your boyfriend

>> No.15553030

Still celibate and arrested here, also drunk and losing my mind

>> No.15553044

unironically the Bible

>> No.15553059

just create a grindr profile lmfao

>> No.15553092

I don't hate women in general, but I do hate my mother. She's a miserable bitch. On some level I do love her, I still see her quite often and I'll always make sure she's taken care of as she gets older, but my god I fucking hate spending time with her or having a conversation with her 95% of the time.

>> No.15553095

There's nothing wrong with being a woman-realist

>> No.15553104
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"Men Don't Love Women Like You" by GL Lambert- Allows you to see what women go through chasing chads. Teaches you what behavior to look for when girls are obsessed with you. Teaches you how women act when they think they want something.

"Are You There God, It's Me Margaret" and "Summer Sisters" by Judy Blume- Understand how the female mind processes things with this book. Once you read this and the first book, women will make a lot more sense. You won't be able to explain it but things will start to "click".

"The Conversation Code" by Gregory Peart- Great guide for being better at talking to people. His other books, like "How to Make Small Talk Like a Boss" are good to if you want to take the guesswork out of meeting new people and breaking the ice. All of the advice is practical.

"Games People Play" by Eric Berne- Best book for explaining "game" in a way that even a NEET could understand. Don't late the fact that it's old fool you, it's more relevant nowadays.

"Smart Questions" and "Mental Pickpocketing" by Michael McGaulley JD- These books are wonderful for those of us that didn't really learn "The Game" (and I'm not talking about pick-up) and need help learning how to influence others. You won't be a master overnight but you will at least gain a better social awareness and be able to read rooms easier, especially with women.

"How to Make Someone Fall in Love With You; Forever" by Scarlet Kennedy- It's a two-book series about how to manipulate others emotionally. It's nothing crazy or earth-shattering but it helps you pick up on games that women may play against you, or how to turn the tables on them if need be.

Don't hate women, learn to work with and around them. If you read all this and take what they say with an open mind, you will get better with women. I've read dozens of books on women and the vast majority of them are useless. You're talking to a guy that was reading old PUA forums back when Ross Jeffries was still relevant and NLP was the silver bullet to pussy. All those kinds of books did was make me more neurotic around women and fill me with negativity towards women because for all the tactics, none of them really explained how women process things beyond how they select men (and most of that shit was wrong).

You need positive experiences with women if you want to stop hating them. Learning how to read them, talk to them, and give them the proper emotions at the right time will do that for you. Once you realize how easy it is get along with women, you'll wonder why you ever bothering stressing over it.

>> No.15553131

Hating women is very fun and enjoyable but masturbating over how cool and epic and virtuous men are in these fake reddit posts is kinda cringe

>> No.15553136

Thanks senpai

>> No.15553249

So what do you think, how much do you desire that hot woman you’ve been fantasizing about now?

>> No.15553307

holy based

>> No.15553490
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You shouldn't desire fantasy, because your perceived fantasy can often be a nightmare.

For instance, I thought I wanted to have a harem of women. I soon learned "be careful what you wish for" is hard truth. For one thing, I lost a lot of guy friends as a result of engaging in this kind of behavior. Guys will praise you to your face and call you a "pimp" but try to poach your women from you, talk shit about you, and in general try to fuck with your game. Men can be more jealous and catty than the meanest Karen once pussy is involved. I had one guy try to get me fired from my job, another said I was bringing underage girls into the bar. Name a passive-aggressive game and it was probably pulled on me.

Some women also hate it if you're a player; especially if you don't let them have a go with you. I refused to have sex with this one coworker, so she told the two I was fucking at the time that I had assaulted her. Rumor spread like wildfire. Luckily I had proof it was bullshit but, I realized that just saying "no" when girls know you usually say "yes" is like painting a target on your back.

I also learned that I couldn't provide enough fulfillment to these women because outside of a nice body and fun, I didn't have the knowledge or wisdom to hold onto them. I was no "pimp", I just got lucky but it got to my ego and I started to believe it and got lazy. After I gained weight most of the girls left, except for one whom I got along with really well. She left soon after because I was swaggering around like I was still hot shit but, even she could tell that I had lost my "fire". I had tied my ego and confidence to being surrounded, adored, and liked by women but once they left, I almost had a mental breakdown. I had never felt so alone and miserable.

Fantasy is for the child. It's not bad to indulge in it but, it won't get you anywhere to chase it. I prefer to keep my fantasizes in check by scheduling some alone time to daydream idly, usually while walking in the park with my headphones on. Once that's over, I push myself to get back to business, reminding myself that it's just mental play and nothing to take seriously.

It's hard at first. Almost painfully so, because it feels so good to retreat into one's ideal dreams. But once you start setting a schedule and sticking to it, you find it gets easier to have your hour to yourself, because you get way more shit done and can stay focused. I got for walks, some meditate, others exercise...Whatever works. Pick a time to drift and then put the boat back on course.

>> No.15553503

No book, you go outside and form relationships like a normal person and realize people don't actually behave like memes.

>> No.15553601

What are the comments like? Are they enabling this sociopathic behaviour?

>> No.15553618

Who even has time to read all these domestic Reddit stories? Fuck off and kys

>> No.15553627

I don't know how you expect me to be honest with myself in answering that question anon chan

>> No.15553738

She's a weak and narcissistic person, there's nothing to love about her.

>> No.15553788
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Miya's guide to women unironically cured my misogyny:

>> No.15553813


>> No.15553832

Unironically stop watching porn. I hated them too until I quit

>> No.15553856
File: 1.17 MB, 2001x1024, Miya's Guide to Women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15553869

Thanks primito

>> No.15553902

>tl:dr women have no agency and literally everything is the fault of the man

>> No.15553915

Schopenhauer: On Women

>> No.15553920

Why should anyone take a male larping as a 19 year old woman seriously? Rousseau had a tendency to use words with very nuanced definitions in mind and he didn't see society as bad. He wrote that abiding by the social contract wasn't so much a "giving up" as an exchange because it meant that for most people they would be guaranteed certain standards that they never would have gotten in a more bestial world where everything is determined by one's ability for violence.

>> No.15553930

The sorry state of modern women.

>> No.15553938
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women are ricepilled

>> No.15553948


>> No.15553963

have sex. that will cure your hatred of women for a little while until you inevitably come to hate them again.

>> No.15553976

Yep, for a whole hour and a half.

>> No.15554004

Nothing makes you hate women more than success with them. It makes you realize how illusory and shallow your lust was in the first place, thinking that glorified masturbation was worth spending 50% of your life and energy on. And it makes you realize that you are now shackled to this dumb broad who thinks she's interesting because you and dozens of other men have feigned interest in her to do what you just "succeeded" at doing with her.

>> No.15554046

Miya is obviously a woman. Only a teenage girl would write something as soppy and heartfelt as point 10's women have "boundless love". She puts on a good front but the little girl does comes through at times, a youthful naive romanticism unjaded by age and experience of broken relationships and marriages. She's not wrong either, familiarity with life and women breeds contempt, but that contempt is a spook that blinds you to potentiality with women and marriage.

>> No.15554059
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Women don't have agency in the way men do.

>> No.15554101

You can't read and understand Middlemarch and still believe all women are stupid or evil. It cannot be done

>> No.15554110

>never got over his post-breakup fascist phase in 2016

>> No.15554159

>true trad guide to women in ten points
>lists 11+1 points
If I can't trust her to count things right how can I trust her judgement otherwise

>> No.15554161

All men and women are evil. They are also good. Good and evil are contrary properties that can be possessed by the same thing at the same time, they are not contradictions that negate the other.

>> No.15554167

More proof Miya is a women and therefore honest.

>> No.15554184


>> No.15554202

Indifference is superior to hatred. You hate them because you want something from them. Best to not expect anything from them at all.

>> No.15554210

Unironically /SIG/ recs. Got to learn where to expend your energies. Improve yourself and outgrow your hate.
I think this is the latest

>> No.15554234
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>> No.15554235
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women are to be hated

>> No.15554238


>> No.15554254

LMFAO this is the most cringe inducing pseud trash i've ever read

>> No.15554258

i love how quickly they all change from using this animal as a source of entertainment to realising it's nothing like the cute depictions they've seen on it after decades of "animated animal film" brainwashing