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15547974 No.15547974 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ read outdoors?

>> No.15547998
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>> No.15548003

kind of, I live in the country so I read in the sun or under the walnut

>> No.15548005
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I’m doing right now.
Fucking mosquitos are making me rethink it rn

>> No.15548004

Usually no, the light is too bright on nice days

>> No.15548011

I live in a shitty concrete jungle. Why would I go outside when its more depressing than just staying inside?

>> No.15548017

What city? No parks or anything near you?

>> No.15548064

Reading Birth of Tragedy near a church in the spring while smoking is an experience

>> No.15548081

There are some parks but even in them its generally impossible to truly "escape" the city.

>> No.15548124

If you don't like the city, why live there? For real, people always like to talk about how much cheaper cost of living is in the country anyway.

>> No.15548132

Find a shady spot therein and have a sit down read for a few.
I’m in a similarly ugly suburb but have some trees and patch of grass in front of me. Birds and bugs flying. Play some classical music maybe. Just getting out of the house is nice.

>> No.15548134

It's where the jobs are. It doesn't matter how cheap it is to live in the country if you aren't making any money.

>> No.15548156

Yeah sometimes. It can be nice to take of my shirt and get a bit of a tan while reading a few chapters.

Last summer I did a lot of reading by the pool at my apartment. Read 20 pages while sunbathing, swim and cool off for 5-10 minutes. Repeat. Makes for such a nice afternoon.

>> No.15548183

There are parks but you'll get robbed if you go there.

>> No.15548202

Anon already answered, pol.

>> No.15548212
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>Anon already answered, pol.

>> No.15548293

nah, only sometimes on my balcony to get some tan.

>> No.15548336

Figured that's what you would say. What do you do for work? If you're just wage-slaving at a gas station or something, leave the city, it's not worth it if you don't like living there. Right now covid is fucking everything up, but I worked for several years as a janitor in national parks. Decent pay, a place to live, and some of the most beautiful natural surroundings you could ask for, plus they'll higher basically anyone

>> No.15548337

this, surrounding yourself with things you hate your whole life is a small price to pay for a little more money at the end of the month

>> No.15548827
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I try to refrain from going outdoors unless it's a nice sunny winter day; I'm deathly allergic to flying stinging insects and also have hyperhidrosis which means I become a mess as soon as I leave the house.

>> No.15548832

No, I get too distracted.

>> No.15548836

>What city?
Nice try, glownigger

>> No.15548842

>go to park
>too bright
>too hot
>too many people
>allergies and mosquitos

No thanks

>> No.15548959

i want to but then i feel like i should have brought a different book by the time ive walked to the park

>> No.15549239


>Not reading The Antichrist outside the church

I am disappointed

>> No.15549283

Simply saying "I'm in Boston" or whatever is not that much info. If the CIA wanted to know where you lived, they would already know

>> No.15549313

I did on Friday

>> No.15549334

Yeah. Been having indoor allergy issues since I started doing work at home (mold in vents, etc.), so I try to go outside as much as I can.

>> No.15549732

no,rained all day :(