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15547569 No.15547569 [Reply] [Original]

Recycling is NOT good for the world. It is bad for the environment, it is bad for our health, and it is bad for our economy. I’m not kidding. Recycling is not good for the environment. It is destructive to the earth and it is a major contributor to global warming. Recycling is not good for our health. It contributes to obesity and diseases like heart disease and cancer. Recycling is bad for our economy. It increases the cost of a product, and in turn, the price of everything that is made with that product. Recycling is not good for our nation. We pay a tremendous price for the privilege of having the world’s most advanced and efficient recycling system. Recycling is a huge, colossal waste of time, energy, money, and resources. And THAT is why we need to get back to basics and get back to basics in our recycling efforts. One of the best ways to start is to look at the process of creating a paper product. When you make a paper product, it is basically a long chain of materials. Everything from the raw materials (wood, cardboard, paper, etc.), to the reagents (dyes, solvents, etc.) to the printing equipment (chemicals, glue, paper, ink, etc.), to the packaging, to the packaging materials (mercury, chemicals, etc.) to the processing equipment (heating, cooling, etc.), to the packaging materials, to the packaging materials that are shipped overseas and to the packaging materials that are used in the United States. Each step along the way creates tons of waste that we constantly have to clean up. The process of making a paper product is a very wasteful one. But the end result is something that all of us need to consume. And if we want to keep the recycling process running efficiently, then we really need to think about each and every step that goes into making a paper product.

Refute me.

>> No.15547658

TF does recycling gotta do with ecology?
Shut the fuck up, delete this thread. If you want to post it again change the title to "against recycling" and post it on reddit. Tldr

>> No.15547750
File: 1.19 MB, 250x188, bump randy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15547848
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>all that text
Ecology is different than environmentalism dumb ass.

>> No.15547886

Dunno if you’re trolling but you’re not wrong. The US recycles about 9% of their plastic per year and they ship it overseas on these giant barges that pollute the ocean, but they do it anyway because PLASTIC MARKETING requires making people feel better so they have to make them pretend to save the earth by recycling.

Creativity in a competitive free market IS NOT the same thing as efficiency. The free market will not just “work things out”.