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15544225 No.15544225 [Reply] [Original]

Here we go:

>Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type.
Ted may claim that his activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the Tedist of the hypocritical type who uses technology to post their 'thoughts' on the Internet ("But it's just a communication tool!" Exactly -- as it is for everyone else who uses it, Copernicus.)

>But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism.
But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for Ted's serial murders.

>Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power.
Hostility is too prominent a component of Tedish behavior, specifically: literally mailing bombs to people who engage in WrongThink.

>Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms?
If one believes that technology is bad for people, does it make sense to demand the abolition of technology in hostile or dogmatic terms? For instance, by sending mail bombs?

>Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them.
Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to those who think the industrial revolution was not all bad. Like, for example, not sending them a mail bomb.

>But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs.
But Tedist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Their emotional needs, of course, involve using technology to post on the internet about how absolutely evil technology is.

>Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power.
Helping people is not Ted's real goal. Instead, technological 'problems' serve as an excuse for him to express his own hostility and frustrated need for power.

>In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.
In doing so, Ted actually harms people, because his hostile attitude toward the masses of people comfortable with technology only intensifies their hostility toward, and fear of, eco-terrorists like Uncle Ted.


So... any thoughts on the Unabomber... or terrorism in general?

>> No.15544227

yes Ted is probably a heartless asshole but he's still right about progs

>> No.15544230
File: 99 KB, 500x381, 1591433817630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt read lol

Ted thread? Ted thread.

>> No.15544240

You are analyzing the persona not the ideas or the writing. Please, try again. Be less smug this time. You are writing not recording a yt video.

>> No.15544257

>he's still right about progs
In other words: himself.

>> No.15544260

Sounds like Ted hurt your feefees by making you look in mirror. kys liberal scum

>> No.15544265

Did you read the manifesto?

>> No.15544271

nope. he was a primitivist.

>> No.15544275

I don't doubt his motives for doing what he did are petty but he's still very smart and he's right about a lot of his analysis. He's definitely not a progressive

>> No.15544280

>You are analyzing the persona not the ideas
Did you miss the part of his writings/'ideas' where he ad-hom "analyzes" the persona of what he considers 'the leftist'. Turnabout is fair play.

>> No.15544288

Ted doesn’t claim what he does is motivated out of compassion for others or that he acts out of pure goodness which doesn’t not derive him great pleasure or moral fulfillment. He’s attacking the progressive as fundamentally disingenuous. That the progressive masquerades his “gratuitous benevolence” as if it is an easily parted gift which bears no significant meaning upon the progs life. Desu.

>> No.15544293

>He's definitely not a progressive
How do you define that? Anti-technology basically means anti-white, no?

>> No.15544302

Why people are obsessed with this guy in here?

>> No.15544305

Why did he engage in targeted killings if he was not interested in producing societal change?

>> No.15544310

>Anti-technology basically means anti-white, no?
no, what? Progressives are obsessed with racism, sexism, etc. He explains it he just calls them leftists, which word I don't use because it makes Communists lose their shit and derail the conversation.

>> No.15544325

>He fucked at least two dogs to death that we know of, one with a knife and one with a gun.

>> No.15544326

Then don't call it an "analysis". Smug cunt.

>> No.15544331

Almost every board attracts contrarians. That's what this site is for. /lit/ contrarians tend to be anarchoprimitivists and communists.

>> No.15544342

>no, what?
Wait, you think technology was invented in Wakanda? Please tell me you are joking.

>Progressives are obsessed with racism, sexism, etc.
True. But how does that not make Ted exactly what he is rejecting?

>which word I don't use because it makes Communists lose their shit and derail the conversation.
Thank you for that, anon.

>> No.15544365

>That's what this site is for. /lit/ contrarians tend to be anarchoprimitivists and communists.
Don't forget that shill for James Macpherson and his pseudo-Ossianist Scotch nationalism.

Johnson. Was. Right.

>> No.15544377

Also, /lit/ attracts really mentally ill people like guenon fag.

>> No.15544392

Being against technology is a much more radical position than being pro or anti white. It's just an entirely different dimension.

Kaczynski isn't a conservative or rightwing guy, he talks about them a bit, he just considers them irrelevant because Progressives run everything and they're the ones who would co-opt an anti-tech revolution(in his opinion).

>> No.15544413

"Non-progressives" (among others) believe that that the industrial revolution originated in northwestern Europe rather than central Africa due to genetics (IQ, etc), rather than happenstance or geography or whatnot.

>> No.15544427

Yeah I'm aware but it's not relevant to whether Kaczynski is a progressive or not. I don't really understand what your angle is here, I've never seen Ted say his opinion race but it doesn't matter whether he thinks they're equal or not, it's just not relevant to his anti-tech stuff.

>> No.15544435

What are you getting at? Does Ted claim that he’s some benevolent do’er of good that just so happens to have the spare time to “lend a hand” in dismantling a supposed system of oppression like contemporary progs, or do he just do it and say that he’s going to fuck up your whole world because he thinks it’s a giant fucking sham? There’s a fundamental behavioral operant which gives the opposing Ideas of who Ted K is and what a progressive is. If this what not plainly and matter of factory obvious to you in that you somehow thought you could
make an asinine comparison of a man bent on revenge and another dude who’s being patronizing fuckwit, then stop trying to be intellectual. This may come off as harsh but you’re clearly agenda pushing and it’s obnoxious to those who know the know.

>> No.15544444

Not about his analysis of technology. It's full of holes.

Our languages are a form of man-made technology. We invent alphabets and grammar and words as tools of communication and they serve as representations of our inner nature; they're also used to exploit and tyrannize over others all the time (i.e., prevent the illiterate's "power process"). Where does he draw the line with good and bad tech? Nowhere, because it can't really be done. If you want to abandon all "bad" tech, tech that blocks someone's "power process," you have to abandon our languages too. But then, aren't you using your ideas to take away these tools and consequently block someone else's "power process" in that process? Ideas too are our inventions, and they'll disappear along with our languages, in which case we pretty much have to abandon human consciousness as well to maintain this endless endeavor. And at that point, what kind of utopia is this? What kind of sick man wants this?

>> No.15544447
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if your ideology doesn't kill anybody it will always be cucked by ideologies that do kill people like the status quo, literally the only reason anybody gives a shit about anprim is because this mk ultra reject bombed some people. zerzan et al owe him their careers.

face it faggot, nonviolence is just gaslighting by (indirectly extremely violent) neoliberalism and you fell for it.

>> No.15544454

>not one (1) refutation listed

>> No.15544458

Based. That's why after May 68' nothing changed.

>> No.15544462

checked and I had a similar argument when I read his manifesto but his Anti-Tech Revolution has a different argument. Basically he thinks that the technological system is going to destroy large parts of the world to the point humans won't be able to live in them anymore, so it has to be stopped sooner rather than later as a matter of saving the species.

And I'd guess he doesn't think there is any optimal type of life but that living as hunter-gatherers is what we're psychologically evolved for. Language would be a type of technology we've evolved to be ok with, like spears or something, unlike industrial society.

>> No.15544463

>Our languages are a form of man-made technology
Oh no no no no no

>> No.15544470

In other words: despite what Ted jokingly says, Leftism is based as fuck.

>> No.15544493

There is no way to measure what technology we are "evolved" for because "we" are a very broad group with a variety of physiologies and genealogies. Some are too feeble to handle spears, but they are great at handling ledgers. Some find great beauty in building mechanical or electronic devices and need them to express themselves. Lots of people who satisfy their "power process" in the world today wouldn't be able to if society were to change that drastically. The only way to make this work is if you executed or at least sterilized everyone who thought and tasted differently from you, which would only end in the species' extinction.

>> No.15544503

Everything you can say about industrial technology you can also say about our languages.

>> No.15544505

do you not get the argument? It's that if you spent tens/hundreds of thousands of years in an environment you're better adapted for it than industrial society which is 200 years old

>> No.15544511

>Some are too feeble to handle spears, but they are great at handling ledgers.
Hmmm, I wonder who (((they))) could be.

t. an actual leftist

>> No.15544513

This is patently false on the fact that the entire universe communicates without the overt form of man-made phonetics.

>> No.15544518

What you're having trouble understanding with anon's argument is the weird headspace he's in. He is one of the people who are so insecure about his race that he has internally equated it with other "good" concepts, without any particular regard to how the two may actually be connected. Apparently for him "technology" is one of these, so when you tell him Ted was against technology he assumes this must mean he's anti-white. You see this a lot in discussions about Christianity or music, but it not infrequently comes up in seemingly random topics.

>> No.15544521

>There is no way to measure what technology we are "evolved" for
Stick you finger in a hot cup of coffee and tel me what you’re evolved for.

>> No.15544527

Not in the scientific sense of 'language'. But maybe you mean metaphorically...?

>> No.15544531

Do you not get mine? It's not all about you. There are a lot of people who fare extremely well with modern technology. Therefore, there is no way to determine which technology at present is bad, unless you slaughter countless millions and severely narrow the gene pool, which isn't possible or desirable for anyone other than very sick people.

>> No.15544541

Go back to Wakanda, libfag.

>> No.15544544

I'm obviously not talking about universal communication, I'm talking specifically about the way we communicate using complex alphabets and grammar systems.

>> No.15544546

Probably an average thing, it would be weird if you were well adapted to an environment that had never existed before. People in industrial societies do seem kind of depressive and unhealthy

>> No.15544557

There are millions of people around the world who work jobs that use modern technology who don't feel this way.

>> No.15544566

No it isn't.

>> No.15544567

...so we just invented an explicit form of verbal behavior which completely excommunicates and averts its natural and unconscious origins? How is this even possible? Do you understand the fundamental properties of intelligence?

>> No.15544576

What is that even supposed to mean?

>> No.15544588

No? This discussion is built on the English language. It couldn't be had without a language like English allowing us to communicate such complex ideas. The ideas are dependent on these man-made languages, formulated and refined by them, and said languages prevent a lot of people from satisfying their "power process" too! Imagine all the people with a terribly weak command over the language trying to survive today with all the texting and emailing and legal jargon they have to read. Many can't even grasp basic logic, which is another of our inventions.

>> No.15544589

A magical mythical place where the Negro race has more advanced technology than the White race:


>> No.15544606

You’re using complexity to justify complexity without explaining the complexity.

>> No.15544627

No, I'm just pointing out how there is no way to measure what technology is good (=doesn't interfere with our "power process") or bad (=does interfere with it) while there is any diversity at all. If you want to make sure only the technology YOU consider good is allowed in society, you basically have to reduce the human population down to the size of a small village.

And at that point, you're admitting that you can only grasp life when it is at the complexity of a small village, and no further... which makes it apparent that you really should not be trying to be in charge of things. Those computers that you think tyrannize us? Other human beings, which you obviously have nothing in common with, invented them, and build and use those on a daily basis.

>> No.15544630

That's not radical, it's reactionary.

>> No.15544641

>no you
sigh... that's the analysis? honestly when I read the title of your thread I thought it would be fun to have a rigorous debate. But this is /lit and I should have known that people can't develop an argument.

>> No.15544649

based. the guy is a poor man's nietzsche

>> No.15544650

>I've never seen Ted say his opinion [on] race
Read between the lines, mongoloid.

>> No.15544660

>zerzan et al owe him their careers.
lol this is not remotely true

>> No.15544664

A racist Polack... that's a good one.

>> No.15544670 [DELETED] 

>No, I'm just pointing out how there is no way to measure what technology is good (=doesn't interfere with our "power process") or bad (=does interfere with it) while there is any diversity at all
Is eating scalding hot pizza good or bad for a person?
If you want to make sure only the technology YOU consider good is allowed in society, you basically have to reduce the human population down to the size of a small village.
Actually, we don’t. As long as we can agree upon a set of axioms which render everyday life and the requirements of general human survival then we have effectively arrived at the logical praxis of behavior. Do you live in a big city ? I am getting the vibe that your sense of physical has been clinically warped. You may be experiencing a form of psychosis which has yet to be made personally aware for your self.

>> No.15544674

Which, of course, poses the perennial question: are Slavs white?

>> No.15544675

>>15544627 #
>No, I'm just pointing out how there is no way to measure what technology is good (=doesn't interfere with our "power process") or bad (=does interfere with it) while there is any diversity at all
Is eating scalding hot pizza good or bad for a person?
>If you want to make sure only the technology YOU consider good is allowed in society, you basically have to reduce the human population down to the size of a small village.
Actually, we don’t. As long as we can agree upon a set of axioms which render everyday life and the requirements of general human survival, the. we have effectively arrived at the logical praxis of behavior. Do you live in a big city ? I am getting the vibe that your sense of physical has been clinically warped. You may be experiencing a form of psychosis which has yet to be made personally aware for your self.

>> No.15544681

the point is that it doesn't matter, how dense are you? Whether he thinks blacks are dumb or not is completely irrelevant to the anti-tech arguments

>> No.15544687

Ted looks closer to Middle Eastern so I'm going with no in his case.

>> No.15544698

>he was a primitivist
No he just wanted a return to pre industrial times. He was an authoritarian Luddite not an anarcho primitivist or anticiv

>> No.15544700

What? "Technology" is clearly an invention of northwestern Europeans. Are you just fucking with me or what?

>> No.15544707

>Is eating scalding hot pizza good or bad for a person?
Why do you think this is the equivalent to, say, some people having trouble learning how to read, and some people being literal, highly successful nuclear scientists who have written genius level papers?

>As long as we can agree upon a set of axioms
We can't. That's my point. If you can't see it, you have a very, very narrow sample size of human beings as your reference.

>> No.15544717

>it makes Communists lose their shit
Well Ted basically said the only two options are liberalism, conservatism, or his thing. So yes communists are mad - he basically only took into account only US neoliberalism and then claimed primitivism was the only alternative. He ignored communism which has extensively developed theory - if he had read which, andnot been an MK ultra victim, he wouldnt have needed primitivism

>> No.15544718

Looks can be deceiving, as Ice Cube discovered recently:


>> No.15544720

>Technology" is clearly an invention of northwestern Europeans.
absolutely retarded. You can call the industrial revolution a mostly WE invention but to claim that other races would never have gotten there is dumb, and to claim that technology in general came from there is just idiotic and objectively wrong.

>> No.15544734

>We can't. That's my point. If you can't see it, you have a very, very narrow sample size of human beings as your reference.
If we couldn’t, then how are we communicating with any intelligence? The fundamentals of behavior reach further back then the “invention” of modern, spoken phonetics.
>Why do you think this is the equivalent to, say, some people having trouble learning how to read, and some people being literal, highly successful nuclear scientists who have written genius level papers?
It’s important that we establish the basics. You’re putting the cart before the horse and making generalizations without even bothering to explain how other than resorting to the pedantic retort of “we’re just super complex, bro”. Like, the argument you purport is so far detached from reality that I know you have clinical psychosis.

>> No.15544735

>to claim that other races would never have gotten there
Which I didn't.

>to claim that technology in general came from there is just idiotic and objectively wrong.
Where did it come from, then? Your engorged anus?

>> No.15544745

I just meant the word 'leftist', which I really wish didn't exist. I think he was aware of communism but he wouldn't approve of any communist society that used advance technology, since that's his whole issue. Agrarian or pastoral communism I doubt he'd be opposed to, not that I really know.

>> No.15544751

Technology in general? Literally all humans use it. Egypt, India, China, the Middle east, Native americans, all invented complex technology. What are you even asking

>> No.15544754

>If we couldn’t, then how are we communicating with any intelligence?
Because communicating doesn't necessarily mean that we're agreeing on any set of axioms regarding what technology is good or bad within the context of the "power process." We are also only two people. There are billions on the planet and they all have different thought patterns and tastes.

You seem confused by big numbers. Do you realize how big a million really is? Ten million? A billion? There are billions of people on the planet. There are millions who work in IT and computer engineering alone. Lots of them are successful. Lots of them have acquired certain tastes that rely on these modern technologies. Tell me, how can you declare these technologies are bad when these people exist and disagree? What's complex and detached from reality about this?

>> No.15544761

Have you even read anything written by Theodore J. Kaczynski? Like... ever?

>> No.15544772

I've read his manifesto and Anti-Tech Revolution. Do you have literally anything of value to say or are you going to continue shitposting

>> No.15544792
File: 316 KB, 2048x2048, 6DA1D384-630F-4308-AB73-B9A9B7EF87F7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because communicating doesn't necessarily mean that we're agreeing on any set of axioms regarding what technology is good or bad within the context of the "power process."
So you’re really just saying good and bad are subjective and objectivity does not exist, which means I can entirely disregard whatever you say anyway, because it’s all subjective.
> We are also only two people
an Idea
an Idea
an Idea

>> No.15544793

What? I replied to your idiotic post that began:

>absolutely retarded. You can call the industrial revolution a mostly WE invention
Is that not factually correct?

>but to claim that other races would never have gotten there is dumb
Where the fuck did I claim that?

>and to claim that technology in general came from there is just idiotic and objectively wrong.
Where did it come from, in your mind?

>> No.15544806

I literally fucking told you humans universally use technology and civilization using complex technology was independently invented all over earth. How fucking stupid can you be.

>> No.15544811

Read Spengler.

>> No.15544821

I've read Spengler as well you have no idea what you're talking about, he has nothing to do with Kaczynski. Do you think you can just say random shit and nobody will call you on it

>> No.15544822

So basically, in your mind, all homo sapiens (or, all hominids??) should be exterminated immediately...?

>> No.15544824

Read Spengler again.

>> No.15544827

Fuck off tourist. You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.15544955

Ted said nothing wrong.

>> No.15545027

This. The immediate shutdown of all industrial/technological machinery (and the total extermination of the whytes who invent and operate it) is the only path forward for the human race.

>> No.15545240

Bruh, there's an interview where Ted literally says he did it for REVENGE, because they built a road on a creek that he loved. He never pretended to be some moral savior of justice, which leftists fancy themselves to be.

>> No.15546084
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>> No.15546090

terrorism is always a good thing when committed on US soil

>> No.15546096

>Reddit-tier analysis
Nit-picking each sentence and conflating snarky one-liners with a serious refutation. Absolutely cancerous to read, not to mention that it is a recipe for getting lost in the weeds instead of dealing with the big picture.

How about you tackle the crux of his ideas with a paragraph of your own? Or does that escape your intellectual capabilities?

>> No.15546167

>Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type.
This is my main issue with Teddy and people like him. They're good at creating models and noticing behavioral patterns but they get upset instead of calmly noting it. They feel like the human animal is an animal who lies, lies to others and lies to himself. This is true but it is also true of people like Ted, people like Ted just engage in a more advanced form of trickery.

Instead of seeing it as a question of the oversocialized and the rational, see it as a question of the more self-aware and the less self-aware. We don't hate the pig for being a pig, it's just a pig and it does what the pig does. The same thing goes for the human animal; we'll always do what feels good, for "compassion" or for the image of ourselves as "rational agents"

>> No.15546201

Gee it's almost as if most people who mention him disavow his early complaints regarding virtue signaling, which themselves are only used by reactionaries to condemn riots Ted himself would have supported (albeit for different reasons I assume).

>Do not use the weapons of your oppressors to rid yourself of them
Now this is an actually bad take. If Ted is copernicus then who are you? Batman?

>> No.15546229

>condemn riots Ted himself would have supported (albeit for different reasons I assume).
Ted explicitly talks against riots

Why /lit/ doesn't read?

>> No.15546244

>Ted explicitly talks against riots

>> No.15546544

>So you’re really just saying good and bad are subjective and objectivity does not exist, which means I can entirely disregard whatever you say anyway, because it’s all subjective.
Yes, you can. It would make you an idiot with no argument and an inferior perspective to do so, but that's the beauty of perspectivism: it helps the smarter of the two perspectives realize when the other one is losing and coping as a result of its inferiority.

At no point did you ever address the arguments provided to you.

>> No.15546559

OP is triggered because corporations are worse than Ted

>> No.15546570

>to condemn riots Ted himself would have supported

If you mean current riots, I doubt Ted would support them since their aim isn't against the technological system. The technological and certain corporate systems even back them, which is the antithesis of what Ted endorsed.

Now, if they started looting banks and destroying electrical grids...

>> No.15546585

What a shit analysis. I seriously hope you don't go into academia.

>> No.15546597

>nonviolence is just gaslighting by (indirectly extremely violent)
So by your own standards nonviolence is more effective and less cucked than violence, because it actually is violent according to you

>> No.15546613

Anti tech revolution

>> No.15546630

>albeit for different reasons
I mean more that I doubt he would really object to them, he would grump that they're not doing enough or that they're some manner of insincere etc as he does with all things.

A) examples of him condemning motives are not him condemning actions
B) examples of him condemning peaceful protests are not him condemning riots
C) statements of the form "I think we should live in a society where riots do not occur," even, do not operate as the condemnation of any particular riot, as even the rioters themselves can agree with this; I am sure Ted decries all these things as symptomatic of oversocialized society, but we could just as easily say that Marx believes the collapse of capitalism is symptomatic of capitalism without taking Marx FOR a capitalist

>> No.15546684
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Not wrong.

>> No.15547135

He bombed people because he wanted attention drawn to his manifesto. He bombed the people he did because if he was going to kill people, he felt at least he should kill people that he felt were responsible for the world he hated. He did not bomb people thinking it would provoke change, he thought his manifesto might do that. I'm sure a lot of people have his opinion. Actually, my neighbor Bill has been rambling on about what he's been saying for years. Have you read Bill's manifesto? Oh, have you read Ted's? I wonder why Ted's got attention.

>> No.15547342

>examples of him condemning motives are not him condemning actions
He condemns the actions, he doesn't care about the motives

>examples of him condemning peaceful protests are not him condemning riots
Riots don't work, read the book again

>statements of the form "I think we should live in a society where riots do not occur," even, do not operate as the condemnation of any particular riot, as even the rioters themselves can agree with this
Not relevant

>> No.15547357

The perspective is relatively clear and simple: the wise man not only attains to, but is, the “true” world. The world is the projection of a way of life, which is itself a camouflage of the will of the sage, exemplified by Plato.

In support of Nietzsche’s thesis, one might cite the Philebus, in which Socrates says, “The wise all agree, thereby exalting themselves, that intellect (nous) is king for us of heaven and earth.” This passage comes closer than any other in the platonic corpus to expressing Nietzsche’s interpretation of the origin of the true world. But there is a fundamental difference.

Socrates says that the philosophers exalt themselves by making nous their king; he does not say that they are or that nous is truth; instead, he means that nous apprehend the truth. By “heaven and earth,” Socrates means the cosmos, not “the true world”. The cosmos is the order that is accessible to nous.

One could even says that nous shares in the ordering of the cosmos because the order is disclosed as such only to nous. But this is not to derive the order from the will.

Nous could be called the perspective onto the cosmos, but it is the synoptic perspective that is the sake for all who attain to it. Nous is not the will; there is no independent will in Plato.

This is why Socrates subordinates the desires to the intellect of the soul of the philosopher. And the erotic desire of the philosophical intellect is not the will, that is, not a projection from the intellect outward or the constitution of the world, but a force from above and outside the soul that comes down into it and raises it to the heavens.

In Nietzsche, Empfindung replaces nous; the world is projected from within outward. But this explains the origin of the world as it were from within the perspective of the Schein, that is, the perspective of how the world appears to human beings themselves.

In Heidegger’s interpretation of “Nietzsche’s Chaos”, he associates Chaos with praksis, and says the former is schematized in the acts executed in daily life. The horizon of a perspective, which rules vie schematization, is thus both the mastery of Chaos and the manifestation of Chaos as Chaos. The world shows itself as the securing of duration or existence thanks to this perspective.

Unfortunately, the Nietzschean philosopher cannot emulate thinkers such as Spinoza in understanding the structure of necessity because no such structure exists. In one last formulation; all structures of Chaos are transient if recurring production of that which has no structure.

If the number of fundamental world-epochs is finite, then we might indeed be able to know the structure totality of the production of Chaos. But this is not the structure of Chaos itself. If Chaos possesses a structure, it would no longer be Chaos or Becoming but a quasi-Platonism Being.... (1/?)

>> No.15547374
File: 19 KB, 600x450, 4E3540E2-4EF1-4EDF-A9BA-EE9047EB87AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...However, Nietzsche does not say that Chaos is Being; he instead says that Being, that is, what we take for Being, is Chaos. To this one may add the following remark: Chaos is the ancestor of Heidegger’s understanding of Being as a process of emergence.

To attribute a structure to Chaos is equivalent to attributing a structure to Heideggerian Being and thereby rationalizing or reifying it.

>> No.15547400

he did literally nothing wrong, not a single thing
except get caught

>> No.15547433

>Hey cool it with the antisemitism Ice Cube.

>> No.15547449

Was getting caught part of his plan?

>> No.15547527

The difference between the leftist is they are trying to continue the "system" (read more Ted for definition of the system) and in some instances add even more to the system. The system can only exist in relatively peaceful compliance. Ted wants to break the system, hence violence. I am not a primitive anarchist but I have read technological slavery.

>> No.15547670 [DELETED] 

discord . gg/mVNUytg

>> No.15547877

Ted is analyzing the leftist persona, why can't we do the same to him and his ilk?

>> No.15547903

>Tedist activists
No such thing, Tedism didn´t spread past Ted.

>> No.15547940

You could have made your post shorter by just writing "no you"

>> No.15548056

>Not relevant
Except it's the mistake you've been repeating since the OP. "You want/use A, but you're getting A from B; that makes you B, curious." Read the book again.

>> No.15548078

Actually, just fuck off and read a better book. I'm not even replying out of admiration for Ted at this point, I just can't stand these idiotic Shapiro-type criticisms.

>> No.15548090

Glowies are really shitting their pants the last few days, all their threads about Ted won't change a thing.

>> No.15548218

Don't know what you're talking about.
Let me be particulary explicit: Ted makes an analysis on riots, and explains why in this day and age, whatever the motives behind them, they are bad and lead to nothing.
Let me repeat: whatever the motive behind them, yes, even if they were "anti industrial revolution riots" they would be bad. Why? Read the fucking book
Ps: anti police riots are the worst kind, again, for reasons specified in the book

>> No.15548233

>these idiotic Shapiro-type criticisms
Hey Anon I deeply respect you and your work, but this post is profoundly offensive and here’s why. I support the tech-skeptical community in their journey for justice and self-exploration -- but I will NOT subordinate Jewish dignity as a tolerable byproduct of that journey. I will NOT let the dignity of one group come at a cost to my own. Delete this post and your account.

>> No.15548242

Of course!
Except not. He literally would have never got caught if it wasn't for the manifesto. His brother recognized some words from it and his wife made him call the feds on him. If his brother didn't snitch he would have never, ever been caught

>> No.15548251

This. America is about to be burnt to the ground and there is nothing the pigs can do about it. Light it up and fuck the police.

>> No.15548275

>Ps: anti police riots are the worst kind, again, for reasons specified in the book
Ahhh fuck who turned my flashlight app on shit fuck aaaah! Is this the light of me exiting the cave, or--gasp--a glowie!

>> No.15548291

>Bill and Ted's Excellent Manifesto

>> No.15548327

>Bruh, there's an interview where Ted literally says he did it for REVENGE
Learn to read. "Moral principle does play a role for the Tedist OF THE HYPOCRITICAL TYPE who uses technology to post their 'thoughts' on the Internet"

>> No.15548354

This reads like you're seething at Ted's conclusions of leftism, but your response isn't to refute the claims but to point them at Ted. Sure ted and 'tedists' could be everything you claim them to be and you still wouldn't have dis-proven a single thing he said. So, why bother?

>> No.15548414

>look ma, I done proved it!

>> No.15548431

Believe it or not, there are literally people on 4chan who claim Ted wasn't a leftist, and that those passages weren't about himself.

>> No.15548483

Anti police riots are good if want an excuse to have military patrolling the streets for the rest of your life

>> No.15548501

Read a book before commenting on it or trying to guess what an author's opinion is

>> No.15548537
File: 22 KB, 720x405, FB_IMG_1591150246229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15548569

TLDR: Ted was a repressed tranny.

>> No.15548655

Do people really think Ted wasn't just a mentally unstable, angry, vengeful person that was too smart for his own good?
He brought up good points in his manifesto, but his project is fundamentally flawed. I'm also not convinced he thought his actions were effective means, either.
Classical anarchists discovered this in the early 20th century: propaganda of the deed is not an effective way of bringing about the human conditions required for anarchy to work. Anyone that thinks smashing capitalism will make people want to cooperate in free association and equality in a sustainable way. People must want to be cooperative, and it's the anarchists' job to lead them there.
Luddism, anti-civ, anprim, etc. (that disjointed sphere) are a challenge to civilization on every level. The rejection of the fundamental tenets of civilized society requires an answer: a positive development from pro-civ people. There has been no development; silly ideas like fully-automated-space-communism or the end-of-history are unphysical fantasies with no basis in reality. "Bridging" technologies like nuclear are untenable; scientists at Sandia National Labs even admit that it would require a new reactor to be built every day for the next 40 years to satisfy growing energy demands. Then, what do we do with the waste?
How will civilization evolve to become truly sustainable? Is true sustainability even possible? The current opinion among economists and scientists appears to be: technically no, but we will still pretend as if it is. "Let's develop solar cells, batteries, electric cars, etc., to curb climate change." What of the environmental destruction inherent in economic growth? What of land use, deforestation, nuclear waste, mining, mass extinction?
I personally think industrial society was inevitable just as anarcho-primitivist societies are inevitable (e.g., post nuclear holocaust, asteroid strike, other Armageddon). The challenge to us is to develop a theory that can survive absolute destruction of the environment (artificial or otherwise). The environment will persist no matter what we do.

>> No.15548662

>Anyone that thinks smashing capitalism will make people want to cooperate in free association and equality in a sustainable way
is naive or dishonest*

>> No.15548678

>Our languages are a form of man-made technology.

language is literally an innate human capacity determined by genetics and natural human development

>> No.15548688

Ted isn't an anarcho-primitivist and hates anarchism

>> No.15548722

You know who else he hates? Unbombed people. He's not interested in any specific cause, he just boombs. Somebody should make a meme called "the 78-year-old Boomber".

>> No.15548729

>an analysis
>I don' like leftists so i'm going to just talk about the bit where he mentions leftists in the first few paragraphs and ignore the rest of his arguments

>> No.15549231

>glowie making threats instead of posting passages

>> No.15549755

He's a neo-luddite

>> No.15549863

Except when it comes to bombs.

>> No.15549893


>> No.15549900

typical leftie lol

>> No.15550291


>> No.15550600 [DELETED] 

Why is there variation between people on how strong their command over their native language is?

>> No.15550700

Why is there variation between people on how strong their command over their native language is?

I don't think you understand just how unfathomably stupid your assertion is. Are you aware of the concept of evolution? Do you think humans have existed forever? Do you think we've possessed complex verbal and written systems the whole time we've been on the planet as our current species? These systems were created by us. Words had to be invented, and as more words were invented, and people grew accustomed to communicating with them, and then thinking with them, even more words were created, because thoughts became more complex... meanings became more complex. More intelligent members of the species, who mastered the language, discovered that there weren't words that were sufficient for what they wanted to describe, and so they created even more words. How many countless members of our species have been left behind because they weren't intelligent enough to keep up with all these inventions, just like industrial technology? We even see it today: some people have an absolutely terrible command over their own native language, and the meanings of more complex words go over their heads completely.

>> No.15550745

Are you high?

>> No.15550762

What's wrong with his post? Seems perfectly coherent and interesting to me.

>> No.15550776

It's like calling defecation a technology because laxatives exist.

>> No.15551128
File: 49 KB, 850x400, Witty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read any philosophy? I take it you haven't.

>> No.15551336

>The challenge to us is to develop a theory that can survive absolute destruction of the environment (artificial or otherwise).
What do you mean a theory? And how absolute is this destruction of environment going to be?
How about a solar powered satellite that broadcasts music into space