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File: 110 KB, 740x828, black_jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15541364 No.15541364[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we fix Catholicism?

>> No.15541376

if that image actually pisses you off, then Christianity simply isn't for you

>> No.15541380
File: 50 KB, 736x544, 1591037928298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't Catholicism. this is a whole new religion: Dinduism.

>> No.15541383

>and in his final moments, he cried out for a drink of water and spoke to his mother
No he didn't I've seen the video.

>> No.15541418


>> No.15541435

Christianity has nothing to do with making false martyrs

>> No.15541450

>A criminal is like Jesus
>Also Jesus was black

>> No.15541453

This, with the caveat that Christianity is actually for everyone, just some people have views irreconcilable with Christianity--that is, their racism and hate.

>> No.15541471

You don't. Any religion that walks around accepting anyone to join is for the rabble.

>> No.15541478

Murder victim. Jesus broke some laws too.

>> No.15541480

Apparently he punched a pregnant woman in the stomach at one point in order to force her to give him money. This behaviour isn't exactly Christlike.

>> No.15541495

>Christianity=liberal humanism
That's new.

>> No.15541519

fuck you the nigger was a literal porn star. that priest is conflating Christ with a porn star, its disgusting.

>> No.15541522


>> No.15541530

debatable. And still nothing like Jesus or any saint

>> No.15541542

Not what I said, but it's not like /lit/ can read anyway.

>> No.15541544

it is broken beyond repair

>> No.15541550
File: 514 KB, 595x629, 1591481519467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James Martin
I wonder...oh would you look at that

>> No.15541553

>>Christianity=liberal humanism

>> No.15541556

Father, as someone who converted from paganism to orthodoxy and then to catholicism in the span of three months based on how racist I thought each religion was. Why are you so bluepilled??

>> No.15541557


>> No.15541564

Christianity also has Jewish roots

>> No.15541566

Shut it down!

>> No.15541571

Did you know that blue halo is given to villains in Christian art, like Judas Iscariot?
Left picture is literally Satanic.

>> No.15541585
File: 133 KB, 700x700, mel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last BASED catholic on planet earth

>> No.15541586

It was filmed. He murdered him.
What’s debatable is Derek’s motives. Was he ordered to pick out a guy. I suspect the FBI.
Rightwingers are incensed that big corporations aren’t taking a fascist stance on all this, I’m suspicious that this was to draw attention away from the growing labor movement

>> No.15541603

He didn't die of asphyxiation so no it wasn't murder

>> No.15541610

Crypto-Jews are a spook they say..

>> No.15541625
File: 22 KB, 700x481, 97CB59A0-238A-4534-9002-319018565FE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trust me. I was inside his spinal cord
The autopsy wasn’t even trustworthy, Umbrella man

>> No.15541633

If the autopsy isn't trustworthy then you have to admit you don't know the truth of whether it was murder.

>> No.15541645

We saw him killed on camera.
You’re not getting on the jury Umbrella man

>> No.15541648

Christianity is literally Crypto-Jews: the religion, so no surprise here.

>> No.15541654
File: 771 KB, 2100x1500, 1591121652778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're making insane mental gymnastics.

>> No.15541660

>Christianity is literally Crypto-Jews:
i've had this suspicion for a long time. are there any writers who talk about this? why not just become a jew if you buy into abrahamic sects?

>> No.15541665
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>> No.15541666

You did not see him killed on camera actually, he died an hour after the events in the video

>> No.15541668

you're probably decorating your wall with a false martyr on a cross

>> No.15541677

No, I’m hypothesizing what’s going on. It seems likely enough.

>> No.15541681

Someone redpill me on Greek Orthodoxy. Catholicism is now a carcass of what it once was.

>> No.15541688

^Prince of lies.

>> No.15541690
File: 165 KB, 498x360, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ doesn't know about James Martin
>/lit/ doesn't know about the modern-day Jesuits in general

Boy do you fuckers have a lot of catching up to do. Spoiler Alert: the Jesuits aren't nearly as based as they were back in the day.

>> No.15541693

Let someone kneel on you like that for 9 minutes. We'll check and see how alive you are.

>> No.15541697

he literally had a drug-induced heart attack you retard
he was saying "UHH I CANT BREEVE" for like ten fucking minutes, if you can keep yelling like that, you can probably breath too
the only reason chad kneerson or whatever the fuck his name is kept his boot on his face after he stopped yelling about how he couldn't breath was probably because he didn't want to hear some annoying nigger bitching about how the cuffs were too tight after they resist arrest for the ten millionth time

>> No.15541699

Another heresy of a heresy. They’re all carcasses, but what do you expect from a death cult?

>> No.15541700

based and actually christ-pilled

>thou shalt not kill
it's actually that simple

>> No.15541707

fine because that doesn't kill you

>> No.15541708

>converting away from or towards a denomination depending on how "liberal" it may seem
NGMI. Though if that is your goal, you should honestly go with the SBC.

>> No.15541712

back to pol & take your meds too

>> No.15541716

Knees are not drugs, Mr Umbrella man

>> No.15541728

No no, he didn't just punch her.
He put a gun to her stomach and threatened to kill her and her baby.

>> No.15541732

I don't disagree with that, I just think the elite are indeed obsessed with open and progressive globalism and they genuinely believe they are making the world better.

>> No.15541739

>This, with the caveat that Christianity is actually for everyone, just some people have views irreconcilable with Christianity--that is, their racism and hate.
I don't think you've ever read that book.

>> No.15541740

>redpill me on Greek Orthodoxy
Well as someone who was raised Greek Orthodox:

In the West it is nothing but an immigrant social club for Reaganites.
In the East it is a reactionary misogynistic anti-semitic fascist xenophobic racist cult that is tied to intelligence agencies and organized crime.
Being disgusted by Orthodoxy I've left it behind and I'm now a Communist.

>> No.15541744

Thank God for having predestined me to be Reformed.

>> No.15541747

Souce me up, senpai.

>> No.15541748

Most of these churches are simply not Christian at all, they worship Progressivism. It is perfectly reasonable to not join a church that has nothing to do with Christ

>> No.15541752

this is /pol/
btw how does the fact that he was complaining about being unable to breath before police arrived + the two dropped baggies (presumably of drugs since i can't think of what other substance you'd want to ditch while handcuffed) in the arrest video fit into your theory?
>he was saying "UHH I CANT BREEVE" for like ten fucking minutes, if you can keep yelling like that, you can probably breath too
yeah and jesus threw over some tables and said something about a sword once, i don't see any difference whatsoever, i'm sure he will make a fine nigger jesus

>> No.15541754

Fix the Jesuits first, then the germans.

>> No.15541755

>Rightwingers are incensed that big corporations aren’t taking a fascist stance on all this
What's fascist about "I don't want you giving money to causes that bail out the people the cops may have had arrested for a very good reason such as the rioters"?

>> No.15541759

By crushing a labor movement with a cop riot. The more deaths the better because they think there’s too many people here.

>> No.15541763

Fascism is when you don't let black people commit crime

>> No.15541767

uh excuse me dude all cops are bastards, ergo, all people arrested by the cops are innocent
there are people seriously asking questions like "why do we have prisons?", i hope they some day find out

>> No.15541772

what are you even talking about. it was never a labor movement and you don't have to false flag blacks to get them to riot. And the amount of deaths from all of this is a rounding error of a rounding error

>> No.15541779
File: 634 KB, 238x178, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying black people caused more harm and suffering in the world than the godforsaken motherfucking pedo crime syndicate called church

>> No.15541788

Nobody’s behaviour is truly Christlike. That’s kind of the point

>> No.15541792
File: 23 KB, 439x290, C4X0DxJUYAAD8CU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really just need to read the news. The director general of the order even said the Devil was just a metaphor, a few years ago.

The Jesuits are a mess. Every Catholic who's paying attention these days knows this. They're in need of serious reform. There are plenty of good rank-and-file Jesuit priests but their leadership is insane, and Father Martin is basically a heretic yet no one is willing to reign him in. It doesn't help that Francis being Pope gives them a lot of prestige these days.

Basically if you want to support one of the priestly orders support the Dominicans, they're still very solid. Or the Cistercians, I guess.

>> No.15541793

>Knees are not drugs, Mr Umbrella man

The cops are the rioters, and in some cases the looters. What’s fascist about bootlicking and over crowded prisons? Hmm...

Could you read Voltairine de Cleyre’s essay on prison for me, please?

>> No.15541798

>this is /pol/


>> No.15541800
File: 360 KB, 702x530, thisplace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, Christianity is a religion that justifies hating black people. You sure caught me, anon! Fuck off back to /pol/.
In any case, go with the SBC. They formed because they hate black people, sure you'd fit right in. They absolutely hate liberalism, progressivism, or whatever else your spook of the day is.
This is /lit/, not /pol/, so you're only half right.
The RCC has done good things and is a huge philanthropic force in the world. That said, yeah, they do some incredibly shitty things too, and the laity (especially the new converts) really fuck things up.

>> No.15541808

Nah that's just your phantasy. There's no labor movement.
Holy shit that's based.

>> No.15541814

the SBC are not Christian either. Christianity is about the gospel of Christ not your politics.

>> No.15541826

>The cops are the rioters, and in some cases the looters
there is like hours of footage of blacks looting stores, how deluded can you be

>> No.15541831

That's blatant heresy. Nobody called him out on that?

>> No.15541836

the world itself is only thanks to the church, you realize that, right?
if the church had never existed, how do you think history would have played out? do you think we'd all still be a bunch of forest niggers, living in tiny villages without a care in the world?
something else would done what the church did, and they would probably have done it in a similar way - by the sword. as far as accusations of pedophilia go, you might be interested to know that while pederasty and homosexuality have always been condemned by the church, the same is not true for the muslims (you know, the main competitor to the church, who would have imposed this on the people of europe had they won out in the end) who up until relatively recently in their history, greatly enjoyed prepubescent boyfucking
but who cares about that? some priests diddled some kids once, burn the whole thing down!
the easy solution to the theological quandary of squaring racism and christianity is just to admit that niggers are not people but dangerous animals that cannot be coexisted with

>> No.15541837

And anyone who thinks that the picture in the OP is proof of Catholicism being a carcass is ruled by their politics, hence the SBC being a perfect fit.

>> No.15541845

The gospel of Christ says absolutely nothing about creating martyrs out of random people. The only thing it would say about this entire situation is to practice forgiveness to everyone involved.

>> No.15541851

>it was never a labor movement
Not the protesters, anon. The labor movement that’s been going on since the “lockdown” or whatever. You’re not into it and that’s why MSM likes you best.
>false flag blacks to get them to riot
Loot. They’re looting because things are getting desperate, and there’s a general disregard for rich people when you’re poor. Happens with whites too. So suck it.
And again, the riots happen when the cops show up. These are the cop riots of 2020. It’s all a out them.

No, Im watching it unfold, you’re not. I fantasize about it growing and maturing to something more.

I don’t deny this. Looting isn’t rioting. The cops are even allowing the looting. It give them permission to creak women’s head open on the sidewalk. That shit makes them feel manly

>> No.15541854
File: 120 KB, 672x810, benedict-e1555365070378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you haven't noticed the Church has been a bit of a mess for about 100 years or so. We'll fix it. We always do. But it always takes at least a few decades to work things out.

>> No.15541862

>only le cops do bad and the protesters would never riot
You're a child

>> No.15541873

>random people
That's part of the problem: seeing this as about a random person, rather than an individual made in the image of God. Yes, ultimately everyone should be forgiven, but there's clearly an overarching systemic issue, and as Christians, standing idly by isn't a choice.
Go back to /pol/, don't you have to go call someone a cuck for saying black people are human beings deserving of dignity and respect

>> No.15541879

>as Christians, standing idly by isn't a choice.
That's actually the only choice, you aren't going to find anything in the NT about engaging in politics, especially violent or power-grabbing politics. Again you're not Christian, you're a Progressive.