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15539608 No.15539608 [Reply] [Original]

just got my comfy likebook mars

any recc on any apps to install etc? It currently has the stock reader and idk what to put on it.
what font to change to etc

>> No.15540630
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I bought a kobo aura 2 refurbished. Its my first electronic book device. I have a bunch of epubs and pdfs accumulated over the years that I will never read on my phone or on my laptop, so getting that thing was the right move.

>> No.15540793

welcome to the club. why do you need apps? read books. try all the fonts/size/margins/spacing and find the combination you like the most.

>> No.15540822

I bought a a kobo clara. The font size is a little small for some books, but I can read pdfs and out of print stuff in bed.

>> No.15540883

I'm thinking about buying one too. What's the best I can get for 100 euros?

>> No.15540886

Hey pretty boy, remember you can find TONS of epub on the bibliotik dump at the-eye dot eu.

>> No.15540894

Perfect thanks

likebook mars is still better :)

either a smaller one or a shitty kindle. All the based ereaders are 220$+

kindle but still better than nothing

>> No.15541034


>> No.15541062
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I suggest either the kobo clara which is 130€ on fagmazon or the kobo aura 2 refurb for around 100€ on ebay (be quick they only have 4 left).

I think these are good starter models. If you like eReaders you can get a more expensive one once the battery on your first one starts to die.

>> No.15541084

I'd rather kms than buy an e-reader.

>> No.15541097
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>got a new oasis for $120 because it had the tiniest scratch down the spine
>literally have to tilt it towards the sun before it becomes visible
based amazon giving egregious discounts on slight imperfections

>> No.15541127

who cares?

>> No.15541183

I picked up a Kobo Clara HD. How necessary is a cover? Do different file types (and file sizes) kill the battery faster? Will having a ton of books make it slower? What about having the SD card (which I've swapped to 128 GB) full?

>> No.15542473

>downloading non-physical books
not based. Get a job and buy physical books. NEET.

>> No.15542498

i love getting stuff for cheap like that
i don't care about imperfections, i care about spending the least amount of money

>> No.15542504

Corona has made importing physical books impossible and local prices are outright ridiculous

>> No.15542514

I own a Paperwhite. I don't do anything but drag books onto it and read them

>> No.15542524


>> No.15542542

Incorrect. All the based ereaders are $500. If you don't have $500 to waste than you don't have $100 to waste. Save your money for something good or stop all this delusional coping like >>15541034

>> No.15542754

I don't think its necessary but it automatically locks/sleeps when you close the cover which is pretty neat. It also acts as a stand when you are sitting at a table to reading while laying on your side.

>> No.15542761

Kobo Clara HD + koreaer is the based-est combo unless you need something for writing/taking notes.

>> No.15542796

Should I buy an ereader now or wait for colour eink to come to the West? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3NEmgG3JyY..

>> No.15543268

Why should I switch to koreader rather than the stock software?

>> No.15543298

also remember that the current dump on the-eye.eu/public/Books/Bibliotik is only a fraction of what will be there soon. The current archive is just under 3TB. Bibliotik is about 16TB in size, and the-eye already stated they will be updating their archive after the hardware migration.

>> No.15543374

Thinking of getting a Koba Libra H20. Thoughts?

>> No.15543410

You can adjust the font size you know

>> No.15543595

Do it. Best e-reader for the price in the current market.

>> No.15543900

>Do different file types (and file sizes) kill the battery faster?
File types, no. File sizes, for the most part would only have a negligible effect.
>Will having a ton of books make it slower?
So some people have claimed that despite having the space for a fuckload of books, the ereader itself can't properly handle loading pages upon pages of them, and performance will degrade as a result. I imagine anything greater than 8GB for an ereader is a waste, as it won't be able to handle gigabytes of books sitting on there. At least not with the current firmware. I imagine the book covers are the most taxing part of it.

>> No.15545399

do the batteries die? most batteries last at least a few hundred cycles and for an ereader a cycle can be weeks long. most phones have 1-2 day cycles and last a while. i feel like i'll break it some other way before the battery dies

>> No.15545402
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Might sound retarded, but I can't find anything on why you would pick something like an E-reader over just downloading a book onto your phone or other tablets. What makes e-readers so special, especially when considering the limitations of only being able to read books on them.

>> No.15545410

I have a 8 year old Paperwhite where I read more than 200 books and it still holds a charge for more than a week even with the light at medium brightness.

>> No.15545426

>Just use your phone or your iPad bro
Ah, yes, a novel concern! Never read that one before in all my years on 4chan.
Why don't you peruse the archive and read any of the thousand replies to this important dilemma such as
>it has a better screen for text
>doesn't tire your eyes
>no glare under the sun
>extremely long battery life
>no stupid notifications and/or distractions

>> No.15545433
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>it has a better screen for text
Why not just get a blue light filter and read on your phone?
>extremely long battery life
I mean, whatever else you're reading on is probably going to last for ages considering all you do is read books on it.
>no stupid notifications and/or distractions
If you were truly annoyed by notifications, put it in airplane mode.

>> No.15545435

not him, but what do you think? could manually removing the images help ease the e-reader somewhat?
it's not exactly hard to do, but with hundreds or even thousands of books, it can take a while

>> No.15545489

>blue light filter
The light color has nothing to with it's effects on your eyes. It's the direction of the light. Reading on a phone is like looking at the sun while an e ink is basically lights from the side to to lit up the ink, not unlike reading books under your desk lamp

It lasts longer than any other devices like phone or tablet and yes, that does matter

>> No.15545494

>Why not just get a blue light filter and read on your phone?
Because it's not about the light. It's the texture e-ink has for text combined with the matte background.
>I mean, whatever else you're reading on is probably going to last for ages considering all you do is read books on it.
So we agree a device expressly designed to read books is efficient? Amazing.
Is it really that hard to understand why some people would want to spend a hundred bucks or so on a device that works perfectly well for reading books, one which they won't be replacing every 2 or 3 years?

Please answer these 2 simple questions:
How many books did you read last year?
How many on your phone/tablet?

>> No.15545513

I see, that's interesting. I might consider getting one for the old man.
None on my phone or tablet, I use books.

>> No.15545514

Perhaps. I know loading the image itself is taxing on the ereader, as it takes a few seconds at times to load the image. If you have a Kindle and open a fresh book on it, touch to go back. You will notice the image after anywhere from 3-8 seconds, with a bit of a hangup while doing it.

>> No.15545553

>None on my phone or tablet, I use books.
Why do buy or borrow physical books when you could just download the pdf and print it at home, bro.
The only commercial product that more closely resembles a printed page is an ereader.
I don't think it's just the covers. Kindles do some sort of indexing on the entire text of every book you have loaded on it which probably affects performance.

>> No.15545567

>Why do buy or borrow physical books when you could just download the pdf and print it at home, bro.
That's a really good idea, I didn't even think about this. Thanks bros.

>> No.15545747

it is the most counterproductive thing ever
don't fall for that autist anon you will procrastinate getting papers and ink and shit
get an ereader and read away already

>> No.15545781

i'm gonna cash out and buy a paperwhite
can you give me the run down ? and is it really pointless to get the big baller 32gigs ?

>> No.15545931

>Kindles do some sort of indexing on the entire text of every book you have loaded on it which probably affects performance.
I didn't know that was a thing. Thanks for shedding some light on that.

>> No.15545967

Are you just going to read mobi files? If so you don't really need much of a rundown, you just put the books on and read them. It does most things fairly well, my only complaint is the button is in a spot that I sometimes accidentally put my finger, causing the screen to lock

>> No.15546014

if i have a medical atlas that's a text heavy pdf will it run on there ?

>> No.15546081

>All the based ereaders are 220$+

>>tfw bought a 8$ used sony e-reader from 2012 or some shit off ebay
>>tfw it looks and works great, and does what I want it to do-let me read books-and nothing else.

>> No.15546196
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I got the 32gb one recently (Gen 10, I think), and it seems to work pretty well. I download a shit tonne of .mobi files on there and never get around to reading them. It's just nice to have the extra storage.

>> No.15546208

>Drag queen gifts me their old Kindle 4 NoTouch Black
>It's got weed residue and grime on it
>But it can read torrented mobi files from libgen with no problems, unlike a contemporary paperwhite
Feels good man

>> No.15546225

It will run but it will probably read like shit. Small e-readers are for non-pdf ebooks and for pdfs without illustrations and/or tables.

>> No.15546806

I've got an old ass bare bones Kindle that still works. Maybe 6 years old. Is there a good reason to upgrade at this point? How far can these things actually advance?

>> No.15546940

you must always buy the latest product

>> No.15546946

Whats the best ereader for pdfs ? Sony Digital Paper DPT-RP1 but 500 is too much

>> No.15547183

Why would you need a general for this topic?

>> No.15547256

You should look for 10" for pdf with formulas and images. PocketBook and Onyx Boox have some models. I don't know but may be also 7.8" would be fine. Or just buy an ipad or something similar.

>> No.15547274

>either a smaller one or a shitty kindle. All the based ereaders are 220$+

What do you want it do to that a kindle can't do?

>> No.15547314
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Ereaders are based