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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 74 KB, 512x256, Boston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15539553 No.15539553 [Reply] [Original]

Any academics/scholars in the boston area interested in a grad-level reading group--particularly from harvard or MIT?
different world post-covid, boys. re-opening the library and reading group. looking to bring on some real talent to meet others. space is (quite literally) very limited--have room for 4 more to join. new summer schedule is up, comprising of 2 scheduled sessions.
topic this year: THE AESTHETIC STATE. first lecturer is from berkeley, second is from princeton.

please check out the reading lists. reading is heavy and all participants are expected to have fully completed the list before participation in the forum:


i'd love to actually meet some really talented thinkers from the boston area from this board. there is already a robust community here, but with corona as it is, the summer is looking a little more sparse than usual.

>> No.15539572
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forgot: please email pykewater@gmail.com from any more info/inquiries.
if you are interested in joining, please email from a .edu address and include a very short blurb of interest. thanks!

>> No.15539660

Hey I’m from Boston, this sounds interesting.
The /lit meet up here is a fucking joke. Would you consider a senior from BU?

>> No.15539711

true boston chads work construction and get their books from the LIBRARY for $1.50!!!

>> No.15539727

Ok Will Hunting

>> No.15539930
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i've taken undergrads in the past, but honestly that's been almost exclusively on the recommendation of a professor/colleague/reference. the reading group is really geared toward grad- and post-grad scholars; you don't have to have gone anywhere super great, but it tends to help/map well.
i'd entertain anyone with committed talent, though. please send an email to the address above and let me know what you're thinking/what interests you about this particular topic/reading series. in theory the forum is open to the "best and the brightest," in whatever/however age/form that may manifest.

>> No.15539955

Hello, I sent you an email but you didn't respond, it's a shame because I was rather enjoying our conversation but I suppose it was better suited for an anonymous image board.

>> No.15539981
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please re-send. i didn't mean to ignore you; i tend to get a lot of junk/troll stuff. it's increased exponentially during quarantine.

>> No.15540038

I would but I fear the spark has subsided. I was unsure then as to the aim of an email rendezvous and even more so now. You seemed to appreciate my writing in that moment, giving me a sense of joy, it is a rare pleasure to spread ones inner self into the world and have it received with such encouragement.
I suppose I just wanted to thank you for that.

>> No.15540051
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ah, i remember you. no--i ignored yours intentionally. i have your email. a "got it" did not seem sufficient. i do intend to get back to you when the time is ripe, when i have something worthwhile to say.
your invitation stands if you ever find yourself stateside/in the boston area circa july 3rd or august 1

>> No.15540143

Well I am glad to hear that, I am not too proud to admit that I felt a sense of loss for our tethered connection.
I would be honoured to accept your invitation of course but the duties of life call me in a duller direction sadly.

>> No.15540202

If I know Harvard/MIT grads (and I do) this is going to be a platitude-ridden masturbation party for self-obsessed haute-bourgeois "doers". Boston is hell on earth and you're probably a careerist vampire, if your search for "talent" is any indication.

>> No.15540206
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MIT grad/alumnus here, living in Cambridge now. Very interested in this. Email sent.

>> No.15540349

he's specifically looking for "elite" WASP trust fund kids, not the diversity quota jews, asians, and niggers with massive inferiority complexes and imposter syndrome.

>> No.15540406

>post covid
The 2020s and 2030s are the covid era. Research is uncovering more and more it exerts chronic effects on the t-cells much like HIV1. Most of the population will be on antiretroviral drugs.

>> No.15540502
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no, it was a pleasure talking. do expect more in the future.
just to say: if travel is a problem, i mention on the site that accommodations are provided. i mean that. if youre in china and want in, then let me know. of course, if other factors attenuate nonetheless, no worries.

that's true for a lot of them, not all. same with the undergrads. i'm not interested in those people. have i gotten some duds, despite being vouched? sure. but more gems then not at this point.

got it, will respond after this thread/effort.

not even close. entrance is virtually a totally blind process based on referrals and suggestions. it has resulted in diversity along every measure: ethnic, economic, geographic, certainly ideological, etc.
i'm getting the sense that it ain't really your cup o' tea, though.

>> No.15540753

Is this real? Wtf am I looking at here? Please explain more

>> No.15540877
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Amen brother.
/lit/'s resident multi-millionaire cancer-ridden WASP. He's legit, you can find his real name on warosu.

>> No.15540931
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>please email from a .edu address
Retarded rule, what if your university gave you a .ac.uk address?

>> No.15540976

You can't LARP as an elite obscure intellectual while simultaneously having a Squarespace template website.

>> No.15540978
File: 334 KB, 894x1521, 0D220175-4410-48C7-B84D-9438E3A23D58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What aspect would you like to know more about?

I’m not used to people defending my credibility on here, even if backhandedly. Thanks. You can find my name on my site, too: Will Pennington. I enjoy being the person that i am.
Are you from the boston area? What do you study/what are you interested in?

Bro, obviously I’d be ok with that. Trust me, I’ve had oxford, LSE, Cambridge, etc. attend. I recognize scholarly emails when i see them; just demonstrate you are an active academic or student in some capacity.

>> No.15540997
File: 213 KB, 1200x1500, 302F45BC-C2EE-4997-A0B3-46AB9F870A32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not formally associated with any institution, it’s my private/personal website. It works perfectly for the task it intends to do. Also use square space as a blog. Have exactly zero followers.

Not sure what is obscure. I’d be happy to answer any questions. Sunlight is a great antiseptic.

>> No.15541041
File: 239 KB, 998x998, Will+Hannah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sunlight is a great antiseptic.
What do you know about sunlight?

>> No.15541066
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one day we'll kick out all these fucking foreigners who desperately want New England prestige and think they can just buy it. sick pine floors btw.

>> No.15541085

>The 2020s and 2030s are the covid era. Research is uncovering more and more it exerts chronic effects on the t-cells much like HIV1. Most of the population will be on antiretroviral drugs.
1. Source? 2. Wuhan coronavirus is not a retrovirus, so antiretroviral drugs?

>> No.15541090
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>ywn be an old money WASP with a hot aristocratic-looking gf and go to formal events

>> No.15541240
File: 15 KB, 220x280, A257FA25-96C4-4F8C-B3CA-54E86EBF6BBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princeton alum reporting. I live in Medford.
I’ve seen your threads before, cool you are opening it up (as I recall: are you a Princeton alum, too?)
I’m not an “active scholar” but i studied Phil./Pol. and would be really interested to find out more about this. The reading list looks pretty solid. Have a couple suggestions if you are interested.
Is it scholars only? I still have my .edu address—can I use this as-is?

>> No.15541271

Is there a reason the reading list is mostly written by and/or about Germany?

>> No.15541289

>if you are interested in joining, please email from a .edu address
You can't be serious. You've just filtered out anybody from 4chan intelligent and conscientious enough to make a valid contribution to your reading group. What a profoundly stupid request to make, on 4CHAN of all places, ANON.

>> No.15541317 [DELETED] 

>it has resulted in diversity along every measure: ethnic, economic, geographic, certainly ideological, etc
I guarantee you that you're not getting any serious ideological diversity if you're recruiting from academia in Boston. My college keeps bragging about it's most diverse class yet (ethnic/economic/geographic, etc.) but people's opinions keep converging to the same boring and safe consensus. It's actually mind-boggling that admissions officers believe that these kind of superficial differences are what actually makes diversity a strength. Modern academia is a politically correct cargo cult.

>> No.15541324

seethe harder poorfag.

>> No.15541337

lol I actually attend Harvard, cope harder

>> No.15541353
File: 20 KB, 598x554, 1580175097230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i attend harvard too -when i have to take a shit and its the closest place with a bathroom LOLOLOLOLOLOL

>> No.15541407

your average shit would probably be a better contributor than most of the retards messaging them with their harvard.edu emails and their cringeworthy "A.B. candidate" signatures

>> No.15541543
File: 108 KB, 640x640, 1573714234245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wife. take that as a compliment. thanks bro.

sup. yes, princeton alum; for sure shoot me an email, would be interested to connect period, especially if you are in medford. right next door. also would like to hear your suggestions--as additions to this series? if that's the case, this series is already pretty locked, but i'd still appreciate the feedback.
it's not "just" scholars usually, though that's what i'm fishing for here as a pretty good filter.

good question. yes on a number of levels. firstly, i had to coordinate with the two invited lecturers and ensure that their expertise/focus/current interests were being met, while also offering something topically-relevant, accessible yet academically rich.
germany is a great example of that. the primary sources outside dewey virtually are all taken up by chytry and some of the secondary sources in the second session--it links the theory of aesthetics to its actual distribution/application in the political/social/economic world of living humans. kinser/kleinman is a great example of this in the form of propaganda, while williamson and viereck use myth as a window into the aesthetic-[political relation we want the seminars to explore and draw out.
basically its an extremely fecund area where political-aesthetics in the form of theory leading directly to practice converge. we could have chosen other areas just as rich--russian revolution, american founding, etc. etc.--but focus is always key, opportunity costs exist, and this seemed a healthy breadth/depth compromise. are you interested in german politics/political aesthetics, etc.?

eh, maybe some. already received an email that has won an invite. had only 4 slots, now have 3. even i get one more person from here that meets my threshold and is legit interested, i'll leave thrilled.

>> No.15541650

i'm that guy from the other day. would you let me come? not that i would really want to lol

>> No.15541741
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here's the thing. i would absolutely love to find some way by which i can legitimately open up all aspects of my operation to anyone. a couple things stand in the way of that.
1. the nature of /lit itself. there's simply a lot of trolls on here, a lot of crap. doesn't mean there isnt great stuff/arent great people--but a certain threshold/standard usually offloads a lot of work. making it an academic one, making it be from a reputable institution--it's worked pretty well so far. do i miss some real gems? unfortunately, yes, and i would love not to.

as to the "mystery" of the operation--it's more for legal reasons than anything else. it is what it says it is. the "ark" is my collection of reading lists i've been fishing for/collecting for a very long time. why is it behind a password screen? because my service to scholars is a free online book project. i am able to offer any book i own digitally by 1. having a concentrated, defined, academically-inclined/focused audience; 2. adding notes to/laboring over the texts themselves before distribution; and 3. doing so for no direct economic gain. hence the "mystery"--i can do what i do by simply keeping some people out, unfortunately (i've got some good lawyers on this). would i love to offer it to the public generally? absolutely. would get sued off my ass, though.
if you have some way to better facilitate moving real talent from truly diverse economic strata into the group/offering the reading lists/project to a greater audience--trust me bro, i'm all ears.

happy to shed light on any aspect.

>> No.15541801

Huge power gap between the first two sessions btw, lol. You went from primary to secondary like a mad man.

>> No.15541830

I’ll probably read a long because I need the guidance in postgrad life rn anyways, looks like my cup of tea. Not going to pretend like I live in the Boston area or have anything to contribute to a discussion especially if you really do have serious scholars there. My brain is too jumbled and I’m balancing five other things out anyways. Any chance you will post the discussion notes or any interesting insights after the fact?

>> No.15541848

Dude your gf is hot af. Looks like a movie star. TOO BAD YOUR DYING LOL

>> No.15542036
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what do you mean by "power gap"? primary to secondary has to be pretty drastic just given the fact that it is reduced to 2 sessions. it was a balance between breadth and depth. what would you have done differently, out of curiosity?

see i think that's a fantastic idea, i'd be super open to that type of thing. i'm an admitted luddite viz. technology so i would even say i'd set up a discord or record it or something but i'd have to learn first what that looks like/how to do it.

see i'd love to open up the discussion as to how to share this shit best. 20,000 legit good books i would love to have cascade across this board/the public/whoever wants them as democratically as possible, while still respecting the copyright limits, etc.

truly im down for any ideas.

wife. thanks. best/smartest person i've ever known, extremely proud. she's significantly better read than i am.

>> No.15542070

Fair enough. Keep in mind, though, that you're essentially demanding the antithesis of 4chan culture from your applicants. It come across as tone-deaf. I apologize for my acerbic response, and I wished I had any fruitful suggestions besides word of mouth and patience.

I once ran a tightly-knit Discord server that had a lot of interesting and well-read characters, but I ended up leaving because I grew suspicious of the platform. It took months to cultivate that group though, and I often went weeks without finding anybody who would have been a good fit across the various servers I used to participate in. If you're not a zoomer, then that might be a lot more trouble than it's worth. Maybe you can request applicants to send you a piece of writing on any topic that is mutually relevant. It would filter out everybody but the highest and lowest effort trolls. You do have a public reading list, so that seems like a good place to start.

By the way, what is the endgame of your reading group? What do you seek to accomplish within the boundaries of the law?

>> No.15542222
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interesting. i have solid mechanisms in place re: getting people IRL; i was hoping to open it up a little online here for a number of reasons. what do you think your time at discord taught you the most viz. judging who to invite/select? hard seeing through some of the trolls. they can legit be dangerous at times. have received death threats, etc.
i'd been down for an application process, i just fear the pretension behind that--how would you suggest i sell it such that requesting a writing sample doesn't come across as patronizing? i agree it will help separate the wheat from the chafe right off the bat in a number of ways; would love to flesh that out. will think on this, thanks.

as far as the purpose of the reading group, it functions on a number of levels. they are intertied and interconnected: simply put, i would like to live well, and ive personally found that being in discourse with people i find interesting and who share interests viz. ideas is instrumental to that end. socratic and all that jazz, etc. etc.: good conversation over good topics has and continues to enhance my life.
there is the functional and admitted economic aspect, which comes down to introducing people i like to one another. admittedly this is the closest it all comes to reproducing wealth in an echo chamber, piketty and bourdeiu's state nobility/cultural capital and all that. this is where i would like to truly open the program up, to exercise the power of the program to bring very bright people to very promising opportunities. it has started as an elite program, as it sorta had to; i now want to democratize it as much as possible. i was the ninth generation of my family born in DC: democracy runs through my blood like hemoglobin or plasma. as much as possible, i would like to share the privilege i've experienced, the ideas that have quite literally saved my life and which continue to sustain me.

>> No.15542298
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further, this talk of "democracy" is ideally linked for me to the very principles of the "aesthetic state" i want to explore a little this summer. that is, i don't expect many people to exactly take my mantle and run with it. i recognize that few people read, that fewer read things worthwhile, that even fewer want to put those principles into practice, etc. quite frankly i'm simply not here for them: i provide the alternative to all that.
so i hope to provide those who do want to make something of this life, who do love the world, who do intend to act under guided and informed principles--i hope to provide them with the tools to pursue whatever effort they so desire. behind this is a vague nietzschean appreciation of the effort of overmen and a vague kant/schiller-informed appreciation viz. the maximization of human experiment/freedom. i think ideas make the world a beautiful place, and i think sharing them facilitates in the manufacturing of that beauty.

herein lies my conservatism as well. part of the "ark" philosophy--and why its named that--is to fireproof what i and sanctioned others consider to be valuable knowledge against a burning world. i do not know what will happen out there; i'm not terribly worried, to be frank, but i respect contingency, i've read a history or two. my library is somewhere between the attempt at a time capsule and a miniature alexandria: i want to offer not only my family, but whoever comes after the opportunity to experience what human thought is capable of at its most intimate and most extreme. somewhere between burke and oakeshott, i sorta see it as documenting ruins, as taking account of/witnessing things of value that are destined to fade. it is my own sisphyean fuck you to cancer, to the reality of my own potential death, etc.
and finally, the most ideal, the highest order, the most extreme desire that informs the library: that someone, somehow, amidst all the wreckage and detritus that is our collective history, will find a way out, will find the answer to it all: immortality. if i am a stepping stone to something larger--then i have fulfilled my vocation as honestly as i can.

>> No.15542378

This is some truly based shit. I thought you were a WASP faggot. I still think you are a WASP faggot. But better now.
Good luck with your project, rapture. I don’t live near boston but it does sound pretty interesting.

>> No.15542383

typed a bunch of paragraphs but then I backspaced back THREE FUCKING THREADS just as I was making my last edits


>> No.15542403
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The Boston lit group doesn't accept members from BU

>> No.15542459
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thanks, brosef. ill take it.

bro. all. the. fucking. time.

and the pykewater doesn't accept members from the boston lit group. and the world keeps on a-spinnin

going to sleep for tonight, gents. hopefully thread will be up tomorrow. thanks for some good responses. will respond to emails that i've received in the morning.

take care for now, all.

>> No.15542469

>very short blurb of interest
Like our academic interest or what?

>> No.15542480

whenever i effortpost i write it in a text editor first in case that very same thing happens

>> No.15542483

>particularly from Harvard or MIT
I'd be willing to join so long as you aren't in the group. You sound absolutely insufferable.

>> No.15542499

>people i find interesting and who share interests
what are you interests

>> No.15542510

>pykewater doesn't accept members from the boston lit group
Have fun with that!

>> No.15542534

Good luck, rapture. Cool stuff.

>> No.15542558

has anyone ever come back from these "retreats" alive?

this rapture persona has been sustained for years and a lot of self-dox from "elite academic" targets have been collected, and some people even seem to have accepted the fateful invitations to the berkshires or the cambridge facility. but there are no testimonials of anyone who's made it out the other end. no one thinks that's weird???

>> No.15542579

nice gets

I wrote a long write-up, which got eaten up, so I'll select the choice cuts.

I cultivated a casual, yet high-effort environment Discord server with people of a certain disposition. I looked for well-meaning, imaginative, motivated, secure, yet interesting people. It takes time to observe people showing these qualities.That's all I feel like saying there. You're clearly not in that position.

Regarding separating the wheat from the chaff without getting too pretentious... maybe ask for a ~2-5 min Vocaroo sample? Has to sound like somebody's impromptu thoughts about the given material... if it sounds like he's reading from a script (usually easy to detect), he's out. This will only get rid of some of the trolls and dunces however. Maybe you should have lunch with the best potential prospects in a well-lit and public place afterwards.

>> No.15542620

It's a dinner party where his college buddy reads a paper for y'all. I'm sure there's a reason it's completely private. A sinister reason


>> No.15542639

Based. Do you see your efforts taking on a more political role now that things are heating up? Would you consider yourself a conservative? What would you say about conservatives today?

>> No.15542676

this is probably going to come off as insensitive, but you ought to think of the big picture. this is pretty boring and mundane desu. if I were a multi-millionaire and I had nothing to lose, I would be building a think-tank of autism to unleash chaos on international progressive capitalism, levels of basedness the likes of which this website couldn't even fathom. a genuine 3rd position. every man a social scientist, A/V producer, and programmer. reading lists to truly liberate, propaganda that was truly dangerous. doing anything else is a dull cope, sorry m8.

you've got enough money to take us out of our postmodern doldrums and leave a mark on history if you were really capable enough, replicating the bars and cafes of the Young Hegelians, and instead you're fellating yourself with the delusion that our kleptocracy could be "aesthetic"... fucking LOL

>> No.15542682


>> No.15542755


looking through lit archives. does anyone else remember that trip who would gum up the board daily with tedious Fichte stuff, got inducted into this "exclusive group", smugly jaunted over to the western mass estate, and then went silent forever

>> No.15542802

don't bully rapture

>> No.15542921

I'm just asking, who really believes Professor X goes to /lit/ to trawl for scintillating intellects to actualize his dying dream of immortality?

>you're essentially demanding the antithesis of 4chan culture from your applicants
Like he says.

What he's doing is a very cunning kind of screening. He is looking for a particular profile: the kind of marginal, deeply isolated, and deeply internet-immersed people who have an alumni .edu and plenty of bookish wishful dreams to their name but no other distinctions. The kind of person who is less of a disease risk than some random bum but whose disappearance will be only slightly more missed, who has the temperamental profile for suicide or abruptly packing up and leaving everything behind. I don't know if the cancer is real, but what seems clear is that he needs biological material, he needs organs, he needs blood. The motive is there.

>> No.15542995

>Princeton alumni
>lives in Cambridge, MA
>openly recruits from Harvard and MIT

Not rapture’s biggest fan, but I have to say, not exactly Einstein over there. Pretty sure rapture is not picking up your average drifter.

I emailed him from an Ivy .edu. I’ll let you know the result, just for shits.

>> No.15543107

the yelp reviews on pykewater are gutter tier

>> No.15543148

>Pretty sure rapture is not picking up your average drifter.

>Not knowing a red herring from a coho
Look, the average invitee/missing person is a bearer of a Tufts diploma. I would guess not even that but a certificate from the Tufts office of Flexible Education. I'm going to ask again, who on /lit/ has actually met rapture and lived to tell the tale?

>> No.15543181

what did you write for your interests anon

>> No.15543277

His criteria and how it is written seems manufactured to filter for the smart but mentally ill. The email blurb should display tics of mental illness and naturally The Organatzia will filter out people will local family ties.

The death threat claim is obviously a lie. But why would They lie about it?

>> No.15543314

nice dandruff, ugly

>> No.15543420

>like hemoglobin or plasma
This is his "was she a great big fat person?" moment. He thinks about this constantly

>the privilege i've experienced, the ideas that have quite literally saved my life and which continue to sustain me.
These "ideas" are flesh itself.

>> No.15543479

Are you saying "college education" is the antithesis of 4chan /lit/ culture?

It seems one of the few places for anyone to have a decent discussion online, "educated" or not.

>> No.15543495

I'm interested if I can get some cute girls' socks for my troubles.

>> No.15543514

Thank you for posting the reading list. Does "available upon request" mean available through email?

Email availability or not, I might go ahead and try to find/read these in case you end up starting that discord you were thinking about.

>> No.15543571

>want to read coleridge's opus maximum
>get hellraisered by an albino millionaire instead

>> No.15543771

I can appreciate that strategy. I probably would’ve just broken up the primary texts across the two sessions. So have, say Kant (which is undoubtedly a major work, resonates to this day)for the first session and Nietzsche (who in this case would be like polar opposite though also influential) in the second. And/or maybe excerpt the lesser emphasized texts if you do see it as necessary to keep all the primary in the first. For example, you don’t need all of Birth of Tragedy to get the point, but you certainly need more from that text than you do Wagner’s writings, especially when they are then put in conversation with each other (where early Nietzsche becomes the upshot of Wagner). It’s kind of hard to think about that beyond the specific examples but yeah I hope that makes sense.

tl;dr chunking and reprioritization to articulate the intended conversation (because, at worst, you could have too much material on your hands or, at best, a feast of ideas).

As for the luddite stuff, I also know next to nothing about discord, though I will say it would allow you to keep track of potential trolls etc. and cut them out quickly, just the nature of the platform (even “muted” people could be assumed outliers and trimmed mercilessly for the sake of solidarity). But I guess the logical step would be to either appoint or just take on the further burden of transcribing your own notes on the general course of discussion. Just very barebones outline of the seminar style stuff. I could link examples, though I’m sure you’re familiar with lecture notes that can be found online. Maybe even add a uni style discussion board (privatized of course) where users can add their comments/notes so you have nice little aggregates for each session. Really doesn’t have to be any more sophisticated than your average Blogger.

>> No.15543784

take your meds

>> No.15543803

>dull cope
Said by somebody without a life. I get where he is coming from. When you have a wife, a kid, a house, the greater structures of society bullshit goes out the window. He has his needs secured. Like yeah he could shoot for greatness but not all men need greatness (especially when “greatness” is vague and contingent anyways). Most men just need a family and something to pass the time. Rapture is going the extra mile, especially given that most people in his circumstances historically don’t expend their energy on anything other than continuing to secure their own.

>> No.15544066

>replicating the bars and cafes of the Young Hegelians,
redpill me on this

>> No.15544466


>> No.15544781

Isn’t that what everyone else is doing anyway, anon?
This project seems interesting to me if only because it is something kinda different, seems somehow exceptionally large but also weirdly humble. I’m not sure if i think any of it will come to pass in any meaningful way, but i respect what he is doing and i think he is doing something good. That’s a weird thing to type on this board.

>> No.15544912

Would you ever be willing to make a bookshelf tour on YouTube or some file sharing platform? I’d really like to see your full collection.

This is literally how conspiracy theories begin that somehow end in national news. How did you reach these conclusions? Your own personal research?

>> No.15545452

No, I’m saying that anonymity is a keystone of 4chan culture. Not that I expected a tripfag to understand this, but whatever.

>> No.15545611

Lol nice hair
QT model gf, though. Probably slay more with cancer than most incels on here.
Is this the power of wealth? You can look like death and still get sum?
Hope you die.

>> No.15545690

Since he already doxxed himself I don’t really care, I’m genuinely curious: I know rapture has been posting on this board for years, does anyone have a pic of him per-cancer? Is that cancer pic him now?
Who the fuck is this person really?

>> No.15545693

>attracts this
Welp, I'm out

>> No.15545699

A quick google search shows he lives at home with his parents. Yawn.

>> No.15545715

The first question should lead you to the answer for the second. "Sunlight"—Ha!

>> No.15545718

Oh word? What did you search for? Does he have social media?
I found the cancer article anon posted pic from but that’s from a couple years ago

>> No.15545858

Damn you sure do expend alot of negativity for someone so disengaged. One could call you, dare I say it, seething, faggot.

>> No.15545928
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i like the vocaroo idea a lot, and definitely the discussion board idea. i'm sorta more old-school and grew up before tech, so the lunch idea is really my favorite, but also brings its own liabilities, etc.
good feedback anon, thanks for sharing the experience. do you still participate in discord at all? without asking you to reveal to much, what is it you do?
any interest in making one with me? i don't need control over that platform, just a medium by which the libraries seminars can interface with a greater public.
wonder how i would set up a discussion board. i honestly dont working with tech/website developers so if it aint squarespace compatible, it usually falls outside my radar. might have to reevaluate that.

i would consider myself a conservative, but of the burke-oakeshott-plato-kirk quality, not really in the capacity that i think the word denotes today.
i think that conservatives today truly need a new foundation of intellectual support. it has become a profound need, not unlike the jurists in the stuart period who needed to invent the fiction of the "kings two bodies" in order to ensure their own continuity. the right has lost its intellectual way; my library is open to all, though i do hope to provide members of the right who are open to ideas with a new and deep basis of political thought, in the vein of ernst curtius re: the canon or something like that. some of my friends IRL are high-ranking righters and they are very much on board.

didn't realize i was on yelp. still don't realize that, since im not on yelp.

in order to avoid copyright problems and potential lawsuits, i can only offer the texts digitally/fully to those selected to attend the seminars. if you are an academic/scholar, that is another loophole: email me and i can send you the files for all titles. again, i'm working on a way to open up not only those titles but the full library to public consumption. ideally you open up a reading list, find a title you like, request it, i add some labor/notes to it, and send it your way. this is a larger project and i will keep you/the board informed.

lots to say here. i'm going to go make some coffee, take a walk, then come back and answer this in a bit. this goes to the heart of my operation and deserves some comment.

hey thanks man, i appreciate the sentiment. you strike me as reasonable and responsible and exactly the type of person i'd love to discuss ideas with.

bookshelf tour--nah, bro, sorry, for a lotttttt of reasons. liabilities abound there, and not just optically. plus it seems like its already pretty inundated. i'm not really looking to fish from that environment--i only deploy optics where i want to recruit, etc.

believe it not, i was once a kinda handsome dude. would post a pic but that seems too vain. imagine this >>15541041 with color, weight and hair.

>> No.15545975
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the only/last time i've lived with my parents post-college was during the summer of 2016 when i got diagnosed and took 9 megadoses of FOLFIRINOX. truly, simply, purely: hell on earth. met my wife during that period, ironically. she is the thing that redeemed it all for me, saved my life.
since then i've lived several places. even the article from hopkins that people troll me with mentions that, as of last year, i'm living in boston and "engaged" (now married).
not sure where you are getting this bogus info from. my parents live in DC, which is where im from. i'm about to go grab some food from tatte in harvard square in cambridge, MA if you want to meet up. not sure how to prove it otherwise.

i have zero social media

this is a-mazing. reminded me of pic related. made me smile.

unless you're made of pure gemzar abraxane, consumption of your body ain't gonna help me.

>> No.15545985

Woah woah, chill brah. Rapture doesn't need you defending him against jokes...

>> No.15546025

I apologize. Whitepages lists your parents as residents with you out in the Berkshires. Is Cambridge open for business?

Why all this for 4 people? Are you sourcing from re*dit or anywhere else? What about /his/? Have you disqualified anyone yet? Based on what?

>> No.15546028

>do you still participate in discord at all?
not with any seriousness. I use it for gaming and talking with my gf. it's a compromised platform, so if there's any political controversy attached to your group, you run the risk of being exposed. there are other alternatives that do a better job of protecting privacy, but I'm not sure about their longevity.

>without asking you to reveal to much, what is it you do?
nothing that grand. we were a bunch of people who followed the YouTube channel The Alternative Hypothesis and The Distributist who saw the interesting potential in their style(s) of political discourse, even if he had major flaws in his approach. when Alt Hype shut down his Discord channel, I gathered all of the people who had impressed me and created our own private and thoroughly vetted server we sought to create a "toolkit" for people to create decentralized dissident groups while also teaching people to become autodidact data scientists & propagandists at the same time. I was motivated out of a strong sense that the right person at the right place could change the fate of nations, and I still believe this to some extent if you have the right toolkit... I wanted to make more influential and serious people "agents" in the political realm. eventually, I realized that I didn't know enough to accomplish what I really wanted to do, and that my friend group wasn't as serious or knowledgeable as I needed them to be to help me with my far-out goals. thankfully, I learned to use R, gathered a massive compendium of academic studies, and was exposed to Samuel T. Francis, James Burnham, Jean Baudrillard, and Christopher Lasch during this period, so I still grew a lot as a person.

>any interest in making one with me?
no offense, while your group sounds like fun, it seems that our aims are not that compatible, so I wouldn't get much pleasure out of running things for you. I can assure you that you could learn everything you need to learn in a few hours though. just ask the right questions.

>i'm about to go grab some food from tatte in harvard square in cambridge, MA if you want to meet up. not sure how to prove it otherwise.
Tatte sucks man, so overpriced for what amounts to boring and stale pastries. at least Clover has their popovers which are always tasty. I'll be on the lookout for you when I return to campus. I'd definitely like to talk to you and pick your brains a bit one day.

>> No.15546404

This is a good thread.
Don’t have a .edu email but I live in the Boston area. I’ll shoot you an email.
I’m interested a lot in early-20th century German politics, so this is right up my alley. Published a small piece years ago on the topic but it wasn’t in an academic journal.

>> No.15546589

How do you come up with this. I genuinely want to know, this is pretty imaginative.

>> No.15546804

did rapture respond?

>> No.15546810
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What did you do before this? How did you acquire your cash? Did books/lit factor in ever?
Some patrician level shit here

>> No.15547103


Does a university email count? Otherwise, what are the requirements here ?

>> No.15547159
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cambridge is open for business.
this for 4chan: because i've been on this board for years, i've collected a lot of interesting insights and recommendations from amidst the crap. some good people i'd like to repay, from however afar in time/space/anonymity. its been there for me at times. do i resent huge elements of it? absolutely. do i know some quality thinkers/scholars/people lurk on here? absolutely. i collect some really smart people IRL already--i have a nice network in place of colleagues, etc. that send their best students my way with recommendation, that type of thing, so i am not starved at all for that. but with corona and a changing world, some people have moved away, things are a little looser than usual, its a great time to fully re-evaluate and open it up. as i've said above, i intend to open it fully eventually--but with current legal issues surrounding lithub, booksharing online, amazon, etc., i'm trying to figure out a legal way to do so.
i've drawn people from /his before, yeah. i've disqualified a bunch--get a lot of troll crap, which is obviously a no-go from the get-go, but there are plenty of people who show interest for the wrong reasons, who i know wouldn't accomplish the work (which is admittedly demanding), or who are simply just not really up to the intellectual standard. also, plenty of arrogance and dickishness which you would think would be more hidden than it usually is.
i'd say, following james, that i permanently leave my door open--and that's true. but i gotta say, i've never had a good experience with anyone from duke or brown. i don't know what it is, just have not had good times with those schools/people.

i got it, thanks, will respond.

no he didnt because rapture can read the thread too, and rapture can correlate the time stamp against the yale.edu email he got and determine who is trying to troll.
so before he spreads false info, he didn't receive a response from me.

>> No.15547167

Southern New England is beyond hopeless. You should move this to New Hampshire or Maine, the only states that care about New England identity anymore.

>> No.15547223
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>tfw ywn be a lobsterman laying your pots around Mt. Desert Island

>> No.15547244

>i have a nice network in place of colleagues, etc. that send their best students my way with recommendation, that type of thing,
you mean your typical status-obsessed shitlib drone, right?

I can't imagine the kind of character "recommended" by a Harvard professor who wouldn't be status quo enforcing buzzkill in any sort of thought-provoking discussion about political philosophy. the last time I took a heidegger class at Harvard, the professor had to spend 30 minutes personally assuaging a bunch of "high-achieving" students that reading Heidegger wouldn't turn them into Nazis. the institution is fundamentally bankrupt to the core.

maybe you do get interesting people, but they tend to be the more reckless types. it seems like all of your recruiting methods require the applicant to take some kind of needless risk. is the reward really worth it?

>> No.15547251
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why do you think anonymity necessarily must be a keystone? are there any conditions you would sanction where moving from the anonymous to the real is acceptable?

sure, absolutely. i'm interested in good, motivated, talented thinkers, period. demonstrate that in some capacity and we're golden.
in order to access the full range of the library's resources, i need to be able to make the potential argument that it is for scholarly/academic purposes in order to avoid lawsuites, so help me help you on that front. anything that helps that goes a long way.

i take it that you are from that region? i absolutely love it up there. portland, bar harbor, burlington, etc. some real gems. do you sail, by any chance?

>> No.15547262

why do you need to offer a library in this day and age? reading a book, whether it'd be purchasing it in print or digital, loaning it from a library, or ripping it off libgen, has never been easier.

>> No.15547276


>> No.15547296

I live in Coös, no sailing to be done here

>> No.15547318

>i absolutely love it up there. portland, bar harbor, burlington, etc. some real gems. do you sail, by any chance?
are you even from new england? or are you just a rich faggot trying to culturally appropriate us? gtfo shitskin.

>> No.15547353
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is this a joke? is every single poster in on this or something?

>> No.15547365
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then i guess me and my library are made moot for you. good talk.

this is an important thing to respond to, thanks for bringing this up. you could look to this to help define what i do by defining it as the antithesis to my intentions.
i worked in PR, brother, and unfortunately when i was younger and without family and full of loneliness (i have always been happy--but did not understand at the time the difference), i have had a hand in some campaigns that you would recognize and that you would (hopefully) disapprove of. in any case, we might call what youre referring to as the AILES model--disruption, distraction, illusion, pomp, circumstance, festival, lights, camera, action: hit em hard and hit em often with some good ol spectacle/propaganda.
the problem with this, outside a conversation on ethics (which is its own journey, and worth having separately), is two things: 1. it is extremely easy; 2. it doesnt actually as well as you would think.
as to the first: what you think is difficult is really the basic-bitch norm at this point. it is a world that believes that the only thing left is illusion, that the only way out is through optics, through some "presence" online, etc., and that most is unreal. this is what everyone is doing already. everyman has already become all those things you have listed: it's almost a lockean problem, a matter of now separating the judge from the executioner, the AV producer from your propagandist again. lying has never been easier or, for that matter, more lucrative.
and yet here we are, no?
so i, for lack of a better term, now repent. do you know how difficult it is to be something real, something lasting--something that is not just a mere illusion or falsity or a matter of personal whim and fancy--a political wish!--but something true, something that others want to congregate around--not out of illusion, but out of a genuine attempt to find something like meaning in this world? that's where i'm at. i need to find pillars of reality, something true that tethers me more permanently at this point; in part i would like to help build that. hence my conservatism i listed above.
and again, unto 2, from someone who has worked in PR: the things that are most marketable are such because they are actually good. tricking the world, while easy, is also pragmatically infelicitous--it'll fuck you eventually. the world is full of a type of resilient common sense that, ultimately and in the long form, responds only to real things; behind the superficial problems usually stands a profound need, and the people most capable of responding to that need are not the deceptionists and falsifiers, but people who are close to the center of things, who have their fingers on the pule of their era. there is a reason why machiavelli's great models are not history's great liars: they are theseus, cyrus, numa pompilius. men who achieved greatness by doing great things. think jaeger and paideia, the whole discourse of arete.

>> No.15547432
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and so the AILES model is one that i very much could pursue, you are right. but i do not think it is good, or right. i do not think it will help the world, or make it more beautiful. i think that it is an effective political tool, like violence--but, like violence, is only effective in incredibly short, small, shock mega-doses. it's become something else entirely.
this is not what i am after. i want truth. i want to find others who want truth. this guy >>15547353 is a perfect example of the sorta last-man-nihilism that i'm referring to above. its just so goddamn boring at this point.
i am not disavowing the importance of propaganda, of the political use of mystery, etc.--these are extremely valuable tools, but tools that i believe ought to be used for higher or common ends. your intentions are so basic and therefore far off from what i'm after.

jesus man, arent you tired of it all? all the falsity, all the low-level ressentiment (>>15547318) manifesting in infinite variety of ways on here? don't you want to build and be a part of something real for a change?
that's all i'm offering. access to real knowledge, to real people who you may agree or disagree with--but who i can assure you will provoke and interest. nothing more, nothing less, take it or leave it.

>> No.15547443
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>why do you need to offer a library in this day and age? reading a book, whether it'd be purchasing it in print or digital, loaning it from a library, or ripping it off libgen, has never been easier.

>> No.15547453

>low-level ressentiment (>>15547318 (You))
yep, found the gentrifying yuppie. go back to california.

>> No.15547486

cmon you can do better than this. you have all the money and options in the world one could ever need and you’re posting on 4chan and sniffing your own farts.

>> No.15547489

>then i guess me and my library are made moot for you. good talk.
wouldn't they be moot for anybody who has a pulse? I don't understand. are you trying to recruit retards too stupid or poor to get a book? or are you passing around secret esoteric texts that would otherwise not be available?

and while I'm not the guy you're responding to in your second text, I can't help but notice that you had no faith in yourself during your old PR years. spreading the truth is still a form of propaganda. nothing that poster suggested implied doing anything unethical. if anything, there's something wholesome about giving people the tools necessary to make some kind of difference in the digital age.

>> No.15547514

do these ivy league fags know you're a 4chan shitposter? don't you think you'd get some volatile chemistry mixing normie ivy fags with 4chan ivy fags whose 4chan affiliation is known and not to be hidden like in a normal seminar at their uni?

>> No.15547516
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i...really don't get what y'all aren't getting here. to save you some time: this project tends to be pretty self-selecting, and this clearly isn't for you. i'm not going to try and convince you that it is.
take care, gents.

>> No.15547529

It’s funny because I grew up in Maine, and the parts he latches onto are literally just colonies for urbanites or rich Massachusetts shitheads. Surprise surprise, he fits exactly into that mold!

>> No.15547552

it sounds like you take yourself too seriously and lack any sort of self-awareness. you're always going to be relentlessly mocked here for being a pseud and a parasite on society. I'm still wondering if you're not some kind of bizarre troll.

imagine if our social milieu's were switched and I were advocating for Harvard normies to come join my reading group on /lit/ and then was surprised when they berated me for the crude unpleasantness of the website. you'd call me an idiot, right?

>> No.15547574

subtext --> none of you are fitting specimens, you have successfully seen through the preppy cannibal's ruse

>> No.15547594

I don't see why you're shitting on this guy so hard, he's pretentious but still way better than the wokeies who colonized MA.

>> No.15547630
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half the anons that are shitting on him are just new englanders who want all the fucking richfags, dominicans, brazilians, out of state college liberals, etc. to get the fuck out.

>> No.15547633

Just calling out a fag when I see one : )

>> No.15547647

>out of state college liberals
Are out of state college conservatives allowed?

>> No.15547653

Not the anon you responded to, but I don't get it. If you want to pursue truth and spread ideas just go to the pub with your mates and watch birds, life isn't that complex. Everything is real on the ground floor. Most sincerely, is there some greater truth to be seeking that I'm too retarded to see? As far as I'm concerned there's no more truth than going outside, saying "cute gosling", and discussing absurd ideas like the implications of the latest telecommercial because it's fun, humans aren't meant to matter this much. For a clear example of why there's a fair few anons here that think you a tad pretentious, take a look at /lit/s latest collaborative book, The Coronameron. I edited it, and with absolute freedom to write anything and get it out to the world as a physical book, 90% of the over one hundred writers involved wrote coomerposts, absurd histories, and parodies of other works. I can remember remember perhaps a dozen pieces out of 700 pages that actually attempted to make a serious point. Regardless, you seem a cool lad I'd enjoy chatting to at the pub after an evening debating, have a good one.

>> No.15547659

What are the BASED parts of Maine?

>> No.15547669

what about campus conservatives?

>> No.15547678

They’re just high schoolers or the kind of college student who never steps foot in the library. They have little to no understanding of how real academic discourse (and the necessity of publications and the accompanying resources) works. Don’t bother. They’ll give up reading as a smart person hobby when they start wageslaving at their McTech startup.

>> No.15547688

You’re a blithering newfag, that much is apparent.

>> No.15547701

It’s cause normies/plebs can’t react to any actually real patrician shit. They can’t react to anything real at all. Rapture is pretentious af but he is sincere. That alone threatens everything they “believe” in.
Ironically you would think that for a board that is constantly complaining about a lack of intellectual direction and who every other day selects a new “ourguy” would respond better. But I’m not surprised.

>> No.15547702

yes. new england was built on immigration, we love based immigrants, but not by fags, we don't like fucking fags, only based white immigrants can come.

>> No.15547709

>unique poster count did not change
seethe. SEETHE!

>> No.15547714

Yes, as long as you don't vote for gun grabbers or nuisance projects that ruin the nice nature.

>> No.15547724

another samefagger. it's kind of funny how this dude always gets 3-5 responses defending him without boosting this thread's unique poster count.

next time, use a decent VPN when you get butthurt

>> No.15547725

northern maine is based as fuck and its absolutely beautiful too. they still have those classic new england inns you read about but instead of horse stables, they're gas stations now. like a big saloon looking building in the new england style with a handful of rooms upstairs and a general store downstairs.

>> No.15547742
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Someone should build a discord for this thread. I don’t have discord but I’ll get one if it means following this.

>> No.15547749

Anywhere north of Bath, excluding “big” places like Augusta and Bangor (plus Orono and Old Town) is probably what you’re looking for. Most of the state is just retirees who want to be left alone or impoverished blue collar towns, like Millinocket. Basically avoid places with lots of people and tourist traps.

>> No.15547769

I sent you an academic email with some writing samples. Just letting you know here so it doesn't get lost among the trolls. : )

The point is for discussion, buddy. Interaction with real, living human beings with living ideas. It might involve going outside... Does this sound complicated?

And what are you trying to do in life? You sound like a fool. If you're on /lit/, you should probably like learning. You can think of this minimum a chance for greater learning.

But you're not here to better yourself, are you?

>> No.15547786

>making a discord for this
Someone’s gonna be dead or groomed once this is all said and done.

>> No.15547787
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Of all places, why post on 4chan? 4chan is a cesspool.

>> No.15547797

you know what they say -"you can't make an omelette without grooming a few autists."

>> No.15547802

i'd like being raputre's Alcibiades t b h

>> No.15547806

>The point is for discussion, buddy. Interaction with real, living human beings with living ideas. It might involve going outside... Does this sound complicated?
you don't need a library in a legal gray area just to talk with other people lmfao. are you dense or just naive?

keep succing this cannibal's dick, see how that turns out for you

>> No.15547807

the grass is always greener, fuller around a septic tank for a reason...

>> No.15547808

Thanks for the explanation. I'm not especially interested in German aesthetics, and I'm not well-read on the subject of aesthetics in general.

It's interesting that you consider Russian Revolution and American Revolution as historical examples worthy of studying to enrich your idea of an "aesthetic state." Although I've never heard the phrase used before.

Good luck with your project.

>> No.15547817
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I'm in New York but I'm thinking of moving to Boston when I graduate and pay off all my debts.

>> No.15547819

I'm lonely anon and have no one to talk to. I've been out of college for 3 years and every day is more silent than the one before.

>> No.15547821

fuck off we're full

>> No.15547831

>Russian Revolution and American Revolution as historical examples worthy of studying to enrich your idea of an "aesthetic state."
socialist realism, not sure what it'd be for America

> "aesthetic state." Although I've never heard the phrase used before.
Schiller coined it, it's a departure of the ideal state being a "just state" that Plato describes in his kallipolis in The Republic

>> No.15547840

what if I'm a based campus conservative?

>> No.15547853

Okay, I'm a based white man. I'm going to be a senior next year, but NE seems like the dream. Any reccs on where a college grad should move and do in NE? Kind of want to avoid Boston, but it seems like a lot of the jobs are there

>> No.15547859

Where else, anon? Where else? People complain about 4chan, but the online alternatives are lacking. I'll throw out Reddit, it's not good for back-and-forth discussion.

Yeah, like you can talk here, with the fine people of 4chan...

If you don't get the difference between discussions here and discussions with educated, friendly people, in-person, I can't help you. You may have never experienced it.

>> No.15547887
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good call on russia. the argument against using america as the context is exactly that: it is far less aparent how the aesthetic state manifested there. certainly not on the level of any theory a la german context. for founding america the argument revolves around the use/abuse/acceptance/rejection of rhetoric--the tension between image-politics and word-politics that for someone like martin jay or jacques ellul is part of a greater historical movement from the icon to hermeneutics/the word. rhetoric would have been more in the primary sources had america been pursued--connolly's "the state of speech" taking on a large role and bringing in the ancients as well--this would have led to discussions surrounding the founders relations to the ancients, etc., but we ultimately thought the german route was far more cohesive, coherent, and lends itself to more "direct" scholarship. you can see that the american route would have required a lot more manipulation/ground work/bridging larger time frames.

do you have interest in the subject? you seem knowledgable.

>> No.15547896

Depends on what you like
CT is an irredeemably liberal shithole, avoid
RI is like CT but somehow more forgettable
MA is nice, Boston is a good city but is full of annoying people
Northern VT, ME and NH are good, the southern parts are full of annoying hipsters. Of the three, NH is nicest to outsiders as long as they aren't gun grabbers.

>> No.15547929

if you don't want to live in boston, but you're thinking about working there, move near a train station and take the T into the city for your commute, you do not want to have to drive in every day. but beware, the MBTA dogs are the natural enemy of the /lit/izen...
honestly though, you'd have to be nuts to want to move anywhere into the greater boston are, or even MA at all without having ties to the land by birth. i love it here and i'll never leave, but this place is a liberal hell hole.

>> No.15547941

This sounds like a douchier boston lit meetup but with less harvard + mit people and no sean goonan

>> No.15547975

>i love it here and i'll never leave, but this place is a liberal hell hole.
Are there any better places in America that have seasons?

>> No.15548100

no. i was just referring to massachusetts specifically though, NH is better, but less of a cultural hub, more quiet, less shit to do, less interesting people. MA has more of a youth spirit overall. new england in general, as well as the pacific northwest are just naturally appealing to white people, even the liberals, but they're expensive, so mostly only the richfags, which tend to be liberal, can move there. as more and more shitskins destroy the southern, temperate lands, there will be a mass exodus of white people to the north east and north west to escape, not necessarily the lesser races, but mostly the things they bring with them, namely crime and destruction of nature and property. most trad/christian minded people will naturally be drawn to NE, and the neo-pagans will be drawn to the PNW, in their turbo-hippie free-love as well as might-is-right racist forms, which will be interesting.

all in all, i would recommend that any based white person move to NE asap, before the mass exodus starts and shit gets ugly.

>> No.15548114

this nigga got himself a lawyer to protect himself while having "discussions" with "educated, friendly" people. how are you this stupid? are you just desperate? like a lamb to the slaughter, lmfao

>> No.15548208
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i'll add, don't know why i didnt mention this initially: the french revolution was the biggest contender outside germany. lots of scholarship here and angles to attack from: the problem of political ritual (kerzer), the problem of expertise and art (j-j david as "painted of the people"; lynn hunt and t j clark have some great stuff here), festivals and spectacles, etc. etc. a very coherent body of ideas and case studies in application.
i'll eventually provide a reading list on this topic as well.

>> No.15548230

wtf, is this thread pseudbait? or are all of the tradfags at church or something? the rest of the board are remarkably higher quality than usual

>> No.15548263

I am not going to "what's the point of a library"-poast like the other guy, but some questions do present themselves.

for someone who already knows about libgen etc., where does your collection shine where public-facing repositories are lacking? do you have professional book scanning equipment?

have you thought about financing any projects of translation into english?

are there any resources open to you that might be closed even to a good university library? they have relaxed things during the pandemic but even I don't normally have full-view access to hathitrust.

I don't know if you're choosing not to show all your cards here, but if I had the means, i would formally register a non-profit specialized research institution as that seems to open a lot of doors.

haven't been around Tatte for a while, what is your go-to there?

>> No.15548298
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Not >>15547840

>> No.15548348

I don't know anything about Rapture having a lawyer. What does that have to do with opening a literary discussion group?

I think people like you are just afraid of being able to have an actual discussion because you're going to come out looking dumb. You're going to complain and make insults because you hate the idea that somewhere else people are working together to find truth and make a difference in the world.

Again, what do you do? I would not be surprised if it is some menial work, and you are proud of it. I don't mean to sound like I'm speaking down-- I've done plenty of menial work in my life. But it's not a proud state to be in, especially when you begin to value harmful ignorance.

>> No.15548412

>stupid peasant, me smart, me went to college, me no clean toilet, you clean me toilet stupid!

>> No.15548559
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this. you seem to know what you're talking about. will happily answer.
simply: yes. i have professional book scanning equipment and various resources to acquire virtually any title that a user may want for academic purposes. obviously there are limits when it comes to rarity, etc., but i offer a type of network to access any book you, as a scholar, could want, for free. it also comes down to a larger search engine and a highly-customized service: i've had people working on political campaigns that come to me and say "hit me with lit concerning southern electoral politics c. 1950-1975". gotcha. cut, tape, print: send you the materials, summaries, whatever you need. think blinkist--but comprised of actually deep knowledge and for free.
i have financed some smaller, private translations projects, as well as some other artistic endeavors. have not set up a serious charity or formal initiative, though. i have considered this and am always open to the right translator approaching with the right project in tow.
thought about a non-profit route, LLC route, INC route, etc. benefits and drawbacks all around. for now i am content allowing it to still grow into its "final form"--it is fully self-sustaining and purely mine, which obviously gives me great leeway and command but limits my recourse to certain forms of legitimacy. fortunately this hasnt been much of a problem, as much of my work is network- and IRL-based. now that i am re-evaluating, non-profit specialized is certainly an option i'm considering.
re: tatte--i usually make my own espresso from beans from fromaggio on huron ave; my machine is currently broken and the repair place in newton is still covid-closed. SOOOO morning runs to tatte: croissant/palmier, 3 iced lattes with extra shots, shot of espresso on the side, pear juice if they have it. i take it you've been? you from cambridge/harvard? seem to know a lot--what do you do?

>> No.15548621
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i'll add: i receive and want no direct financial compensation for the project. you can, as people have, argued i receive reputational benefits that have financial payoff, even if the potentially liquidity is hard to measure. wink wink that's true, but i guess anything i would try to do would equally be so. the point being: i am honest in my intention here, that this functions more as a plaything of my personal ideology than it does a serious economic institution. i am not sure if it will ever reach/if i ever want it to reach the status of the latter.
so without the direct economic end, its mobility and plasticity has honestly been one of its greatest components, especially when i've faced previous liabilities. i'll tell you: it's gone through several iterations, the pennington library, the glowworm library, etc.--due to legal problems i've shut down and rebirthed each in turn. i'm hoping this iteration gets it "right"--hence some good lawyers behind this one. feel comfortable with where i'm ultimately at right now, though.
of course, always down for brainstorming, ideas, what not. if you have some project or business you think could collaborate well, i like to network with smart and ambitious people.

>> No.15548657

>SOOOO morning runs to tatte
its like you want to get murdered!

>> No.15548776

New Englanders should prove yourselves to be better than the Old Englanders and resurrect Old English.

>> No.15548800

Leave the redpill behind with your fantasies of the matrix. You must drink the milk.

>> No.15548808

fuck that, we need to invent New English.

>> No.15548848

>i have financed some smaller, private translations projects, as well as some other artistic endeavors. have not set up a serious charity or formal initiative, though.
okay, that's helpful. this is actually really cool

>i offer a type of network to access any book you, as a scholar, could want, for free.
so you offer something unique that most scholars, who are independent of academia at least, could want. interesting. unfortunately, it goes against your current method of filtering out people by their (lack of) academic credentials. you may want to re-think your approach, if you plan on offering a product/service strictly to a class of people who have no need of it. the serious book club seminar and dinner sounds comfy as fuck, but the rest of the idea needs to be fleshed out into coherence with its mission, or the mission reworked entirely.

also, an unrelated and unsolicited word of advice, but you really seem like a newfag or a boomer. you're making elementary mistakes in the way you're reaching out on 4chan, which desu, I advise against in the first place given your objectives. if you presented yourself more in line with board culture, then you probably wouldn't attract as many trolls, but it might lower the decorum and sophistication that you're seeking to cultivate.

... provided that rapture doesn't murder and consoom you first. could easily be bait. whoever went after him probably wouldn't be missed.

>> No.15548875

can't wait for Jersey vocaroofag to send in his sample

>> No.15548978
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>presented myself more in line with board culture
im curious what you mean by this. imbibing a certain language? imitating certain post styles? not giving a fuck? what aspects here are you pointing to?
also, just genuinely curious at this point, where is this coming from--have you had experience building an institution? i wouldn't say these are standard questions/pieces of advice.

>> No.15549017

>not giving a fuck?
pretty much this, knowing your audience, and understanding how you come off towards them. you don't have to spout 4chan lingo all day long, but you could at the very least not feed the trolls

>i wouldn't say these are standard questions/pieces of advice.
if it isn't a standard question to first know your market before trying to advertise a product to them, then it should be. I know you're not operating a business, but the analogy still stands.

>> No.15549025
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So four of us who can convinve you that we'd benefit from a library that may or may not have better material than our Ivy league's are invited to your dinner party? Do you have Miguel Serrano's works? Do you have access any privately circulated memoirs or journals? Asking for a friend.

>> No.15549037
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i mean i agree and think they are standard--the point being i am not standardly asked them, nonetheless.
are you in PR/business?

>> No.15549044


>> No.15549215
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i was going to open a separate thread for this eventually but i might as well use this platform as is:

what are the most important/needed reading lists on here? what concentrated reading lists/bibliographic data/accessibility would benefit y'all the most?
the more specific the better.

>> No.15549236

something based. give us your top 10 most based books you'd recommend reading off of the top of your head.

>> No.15549338

The top 100

>> No.15549365

>responds to two different faggots
>gets marked as “seething” by an autist who keeps his eye on post counts
Either this is massive projection or you need to take your meds. Regardless, again, I will call out however many fags I see in a thread. You can seethe about that : )

>> No.15549376

Your obsession with samefagging is still showing. You need to develop better hobbies with your summer.

>> No.15549389

Has Goons really showed up to a meetup? Holy fuck that dude must be incredibly awkward irl

>> No.15549393


>> No.15549414

You went to Stanford at one point too, right? I’m almost positive I knew you/saw you there. Abrams?
A pic wouldn’t be vain, it would just flesh all this out, especially if pics are already circulating of you. Genuinely curious what you looked/look like- not to judge but just to envision.

Anyway a rundown of the major topics- propaganda, German idealism, mass movements, that sort of thing- but just done comprehensively and well would be amazing. Maybe even suggested starting points and trajectories.

>> No.15549417

fuck board culture dude. You know better than anybody how much it had changed over the years. Most of the “defenders” of board culture are the same fags who respond to bait and/or came here in 2016 or after.

>> No.15549429

keep projecting nigger

>> No.15549441 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15549447

he chill ngl

>> No.15549453

Hey, buddy, do me a favor and find a rope. I’m going to keep calling you a dirty nigger until you hop off my board.

>> No.15549459


>> No.15549467

Story time? Hey Sean

>> No.15549475


>> No.15549492


>> No.15549560
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im not good at these games, but, truly randomly:
lovejoy--great chain of being
woolf--the waves
mann--doctor faustus
kantorowicz--kings two bodies
shakespeare--king lear
grass--tin drum
d thomas--poems
tawney--religion and the rise of capitalism
dante--divine comedy
more than 10 cause fuck your "top x" games. judge the memeness accordingly.

that'll take longer.

holy shit i did live in abrams for a year. i take it you were a residence there? i miss overlooking el camino.

sorry bro not posting a pic. just too vain. might do a FAQ or something and include one on my site eventually, we'll see. have one on my blog but not sharing that.

i'm with you, again i'd like to provide the alternative to all that. i was curious what he meant by that. i take it you've been here a while, too--it's always pretty much been the same, i just tend not to learn/don't really care/find that imbibing that culture would be false and disingenuous.

i'd very much like to meet that man.
i've reached out to a couple of meme-status posters/youtubers. some of them are genuinely good and deep and interesting people, surprisingly. some of them arent, unsurprisingly. all in the business of building this new bayreuth. would be happy to share some stories. interesting world out there. it's really remarkable how readily people respond if you just honestly reach out to them--no smoke, no mirrors, just cut to the core.

>> No.15549574
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You can truly see a cross-section of /lit/ in this thread. From bickering retards and trolls, to overly aggressive rabble-rousers and overly critical maligners, disillusioned and skeptical students and ex-students, and genuinely singular people with ambitious and unique designs and projects.

>> No.15549582

>poster count still at 33
samefag, AGAIN

>> No.15549611
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I (alien guy) posted something irrelevant yesterday. I have no idea who you are arguing with or what you are arguing about, not gonna track the quotes through this whole thread lol.

>> No.15549618
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P.S. You're in the "bickering retards" category.

>> No.15549643

...he said as he bickered with his fellow retard.

>> No.15549685

>poster count still at 33
bro idk who you think you're fooling with this utter newfaggotry. KEK

>> No.15549702

I am confused about the point of this thread. Also benis

>> No.15549714

What do you think that proves exactly? There are 200 posts over 24 hours, loads of people posted in the subdiscussions above previously and then in the later subdiscussions now. I don't know who you are or what you want. Never reply to me again.

>> No.15549722

>200 posts
>most by the same person

>> No.15549728

you won't even know if it's him replying to you lol

>> No.15549740

rapture wants frenz but not you

>> No.15549825

I love this shit, man. Some already bald, New Criterion reader larping a Secret History-style society with his book collection that barely offers what a public library’s holding does, much less a university’s. Then, there’s the book club that somehow squeezes Burke, Heidegger, Kant, Nietzsche, Schiller, and whoever else into two hours. The next month, you get to cram the secondary texts into 120 minutes. Just incredible.

>> No.15549926
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Yes, I'm the physics anon who e-mailed you. I've always found intriguing the idea of the Soviet new man and Soviet physical culture and how it could give insight to our own in the USA. Soviet physical culture operates from a foundation, radically different from the West's. This Soviet foundation has arguably produced superior results. One rough metric for this is seen in how the USSR excelled at the Olympics and led in Gold medals (and total medals too I believe) after WW2.

I believe these radical foundations in Soviet physical culture can be traced to a different understanding of brain physiology where plasticity is the dominant property of the brain, while specialization of certain parts of the brain is a by product of evolution. Western science sees this in reverse, believing the brain as something more or less "genetically wired." Hence, why we see the system of specialized training for specialized jobs that has only intensified with American behaviorism. These different understandings obviously have tremendous impacts on how you study the body and thus train your athletes.

Ivan Pavlov is really the founder of the idea (in the Russian scientific community) that the whole organism is to be the subject of study, and not just its particular systems if you read his writings. This is a far cry from the crude Western caricature of Pavlov as some proto-Watson/Skinner figure that only concerned himself with individual behavior reactions with no regard for consciousness. Pavlov was heavily influenced by the Russian Greats of the 19th century, particularly by Dostoevsky's The Double where we see the problem of self-importance for European-minded people where they see themselves and only themselves everywhere, creating a very closed mind and limited existence. To rectify this and achieve its antithesis in the openness and sensitivity of a Father Zosima, one must turn their perspective from inward to outward. This perspective change isn't just abstract, but also physiological. This shift in perspective, mental imagery, has led to significant research in how mental images relate to our learning, reflexes, senses, and so forth (see Alexander Luria's work, especially with Patient S), unlike the imageless thought school of Freudians where they will even deny mental images and excuse any of them as neuroses. The practical consequence of this Russian research is a reflex theory different from where reflexes and the nervous system are dominated by afferent, not efferent, feedback, leading to the notoriously heavy training seen in Soviet weightlifting.

Whether any of this can be transferred over to Anglo-American culture is something I'm unsure about, but I definitely believe it's a starting point to reawaken our imaginations like Blake would want us too.

>> No.15549975

This thread is gold. What a fucking ride

>> No.15549976

>Then, there’s the book club that somehow squeezes Burke, Heidegger, Kant, Nietzsche, Schiller, and whoever else into two hours. The next month, you get to cram the secondary texts into 120 minutes.
sounds like you went to a shit school anon if you're mocking this

>> No.15549994

samefags. maybe if you suck rapturefag's cock enough, he'll kill you painlessly before filleting your twink body for a human barbecue.

>> No.15550011

Hahahaha, Anon you are proving my point; this thread is pure gold

>> No.15550013


>> No.15550015
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I love rapture threads. You get the gestalt of /lit/ in them. You have your LARPing wannabe Will Huntings, your ivy league snobs, your depressed midwit state schoolers with no prospects, and posts from aggressive, vindictive trolls to insightful posts on state aesthetics, patrician literary taste, and soviet neurophysiology

there's no place like this shithole, cheers frens

>> No.15550117
File: 7 KB, 198x254, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo mr. money, you do realize torrents exist right? that we have shit like IPFS and TOR in 2020, right? what the fuck are you on about with all this hush hush lawyer shit. get on with the program.

>> No.15550140

dont have anything to add to this thread but bros... cmon... dont roast the dude for having cancer

>> No.15550146

Lots of niche books aren't uploaded anon

>> No.15550158

true. the doctors will already do that for us.

>> No.15550229

I agree, i love them too, been seeing them and enjoying them for years,
Your point is insightful and true. What is it about rapture that draws out the full range of this board? It’s such a particular thread/experience that I’m not sure if he crafts or is thrust upon him or some combo.
I’d say he’s a great man, idgaf, Ive seen enough of him, I don’t care. Pretentiousness and all, he’s closer to an overman than most, even with cancer. He impresses me on a deep level.
Help me understand your insight and this, anon. Is it in the nature of great men to draw out the true aspects of their environments?

>> No.15550315

Is science in countries really that different from each other? I always thought science was science, like 2+2=4. Insightful nonetheless.

>> No.15550354

not saying he isn't a great man, or that great men don't do that, but i think its just more that this type of thread is more personal and less shitpost-y.

>> No.15550410

ayyy are you the dude I argued with about aesthetics and empathy in the thread where some guy killed a paki? I quoted that one Borges story with the Nazi's. Big ups for actually trying to build something, please don't turn in a faggot triptag though

>> No.15550415

this sounds too much like a rapture post

>> No.15550418

he's at a position to enrich the world with his private collection, and even claims to want to but somehow unable due to legal considerations? c'mon man. the tech exists, is easy to use, and **is** used by those who actually want to spread knowledge and information.
as for the "discussion group" aspect of it, there's no reason why the discussions shouldn't be public. sure, limit access to who can actively participate in order to maintain standards, but why treat this like some degenerate secret college society? why not open the discussions for everyone to read?
this guy is larping. HARD. but well, at least that aspect of it i can respect. at least the faggot put in some effort into it, created a squarespace website n shit lmao.

>> No.15550419
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Did we once have a conversation about rare book collections on here? You seem familiar, I think you linked me to an online catalogue of private book collectors. We had a very nice conversation about the limited editions club and you offered to buy some bindings off me if I ever got a website running.

Its an interesting project, or at least it seems that way due to the veil of secrecy around it. Not sure exactly what you mean by "aesthetic state" but it seems like you might benefit from reading Navid Kermani's God is Beautiful: The Aesthetic Experience of the Quran. It deals with the role of aesthetics in justifying both Islamic Theology and the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate. Not many Empires stake the claim of legitimacy on pure aesthetic beauty the way the early Islamic Empire did.

Not sure what kind of applications you're looking for or what sort of contribution you want from applicants,but I'm not associated with academia at all so the prospect of gaining access to a library is appealing to me. I have no problem contributing books from my own library, annotations, translation help, etc. in exchange for access.

>> No.15550438

this narcissistic faggot keeps samefagging his own posts praising himself whenever he's criticized. he's remarkably fragile.

>> No.15550475

>linked me to an online catalogue of private book collectors.

>> No.15550500


>> No.15550549

Not that anon but thought I'd briefly comment since I've done a bit of study on that lately. What science is has changed a fair bit, from logical positivism to extremists like Feyerabend saying scientists are just people who do things. Feyerabend talks about there being no one method or approach to science that works, as that which is rational is entirely relative. Eg: nowadays we regard using a telescope as perfectly reasonable to find things accurately, but Gallileo suggesting that maybe science shouldn't just be things we can see with our eyes and could include tools was a radical idea. I think Kuhn talks about scientific revolutions - paradigm shifts. Essentially, the key ideas that form a current understanding of a scientific fields regularly change when someone really smaht comes along. Recently read an example about disease theory: current medicine science has the idea of bacteria and viruses being responsible for disease transmision, but a few centuries earlier the base understanding of medicine was 'miasma theory' - that disease spread through foul air. Therefore in the time of each of these paradigms, research will be built upon them to reinforce then, until someone really brave/retarded comes along to say the base understanding is wrong. Also in regards to science across countries, it's often highly influence by culture and politics. Beyond the simple matter of the funding priorities of governments, some "sciences" are really fucking weak and contain multiple disagreeing paradigms. For example: psychology. You've got psychoanalysts, gestalt, cognitive, evolutionary, behavioural, etc psychs. All of these seperate paradigms come up with completely different research methods and explain results differently, so science in such fields can be highly influenced by what paradigms the universities are teaching, and what patterns of thought are culturally accepted.

>> No.15550584

Wow, thanks anon. What was the last paradigm shift? QM? What are some potential paradigm shifts in science right now or likely areas to have one?

>> No.15550706

Interesting, but wasn't socialist realism just the soviet state's approved aesthetic theory? When I heard "aesthetic state" I assumed it meant that the state exists for some aesthetic purpose or is justified on those grounds, not just that the state approves of certain aesthetic theories.

>> No.15550732
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fascinating. what do you suggest would be a "next step" in a program like this?

i'm genuinely curious what is still "secret history-style society" about all this. are there dimensions that are still hidden? like what? i'll answer any question you might have.

that actually wasnt me, but it sounds like a great conversation and the link your provided is very helpful, i'm going to post it on my website now.
please tell me: what other insights did you glean from that conversation? any other helpful resources/links?

>> No.15550743

>grad-level reading group
>every text is in translation
no thanks

>> No.15550851

I want a list about “ambitious outsiders who rose to the top”

>> No.15550898

I study psychology mainly so don't take my answers as 100% on other sciences, but yes I think quantam mechanics has been a paradigm shift for Physics. We can see this in the fact that it's solved problems our previous models couldn't explain for, it's created new questions our previous models couldn't ask, and as a bonus it's making radical changes in other fields. For example quantum mechanics is enabling new quarries in materials science, computer science, mathematics, chemistry, etc. IIRC Feyerabend also talks about paradigm shifts being entwined with cultural circumstance, so with so many different fields trying to push the boundaries of what's possible so the consumer may benefit, radical ideas that can lead to paradigm shifts are embraced. In the field of Biology stem cells were a pretty big deal, but I think the real paradigm shift with Bio has been epigenetics. It's a still developing field that's likely to bring changes to our lifestyles in the future I feel. If you're not familiar with it, epigenetics is suggesting that we can "evolve" on a much smaller timescale through activation and deactivation of certain genes depending on environmental conditions. This is big shit for health and psychology and I think in the future intergenerational health will become more and more important. No longer is it just what you consume during a pregnancy that matters for your children, it's also what traumas you go through that could have effects on your grandchildren. Computer science fully embracing quantam computing is really the most predictable paradigm shift we might see in the future, as soon as frontrunners like Google can prove the technology at smaller and cheaper scales, there's likely to be significant changes in the way we do science as computers rapidly draw synthesise the research humans never get around to reading. Bit biased, but psychology is an area ripe for a paradigm shift. Psychology needs to form standardised testing methods that cut out the human element, it's somewhat ironic that the science of humans is ultimately prevented from being a true science by humans. As much as I have a distaste for neuropsychology, we're going to see major innovations in that field as it's one of the few fields of psychology that produces hard data. Once software and scientific protocol can develop enough to properly process that data, we're going to understand a lot more about the brain. Psychology will move from decades of introspection, to an understanding unfiltered by bias.

>> No.15550899

Paradigm shifts usually happen when we get better instruments, things which generate new, more precise data which may contradict existing models. With that in mind the last paradigm shift was probably in genomics, namely next-gen sequencing platforms. The next one, within the same domain, might be nanopore sequencing. Targeted immunotherapy, CRISPR germline editing, and microbiome genomics are also possible candidates.

There's also an interesting phenomena now with AI data extrapolation (e.g imputation of dropouts in scRNA-seq data) which looks pretty exciting, especially because of how many domains are using it now. Using AI to improve data collection and instrument calibration (e.g I know someone using AI to calibrate high powered microscopes to drastically improve resolution) might be the next "instrument upgrade"

>> No.15550958

This anon
Checked and listen to this guy instead of me, instruments are a really important bit I neglected to mention.

>> No.15551016
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Old Princetonfag reporting. Good to see Nassau well-represented. Email sent.

>> No.15551030
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Here's the thread. It's discussing mostly fine press bindings Since you have a private library and lots of money you would probably be interested in that kind of thing. The material aesthetics of the book as an art form and so on.

I don't think it was discussed in that thread, but I could talk all day about the the role of material form for displaying text. Since the creation of the internet, printing has become somewhat superfluous as an industry, and is well in the process of shutting down entirely. Publishing in particular has never been profitable, but it has generally tried to make ends meet by sacrificing quality in order to enable mass production. This has lead to most books being done in perfect bind, which is cheap and easy to reproduce in a print shop (takes a couple of hours to spit out hundreds of copies) but is much more fragile than a book bound with folios. Of course this is just one example of a long trend starting with Gutenberg, in which the book stopped being a singular work of craftsmanship (in fact many of the fonts we use to day were developed in monasteries that developed their own calligraphic style for copying texts) and started being seen as mass produced products focused more on conveying text than the experience of the book itself. Here we see a decline in elaborate illustrations, visual puns, use of high quality material, standardized calligraphic styles in monasteries, etc. etc. alongside an overall increase in literacy. Now we're at a point where any body of text can be infinitely reproduced almost at no cost, so the ethos of mass publishing (which is to disseminate books not as physical objects but as a textual ideal bound in paper) has suddenly found itself fulfilled beyond it's wildest dreams. From here there's no further way for this tendency towards mass reproduction to express itself, so literature is now forced to grapple with new expressions of form and the impact of technology on information dissemination.

Some further reading on the subject are
The Renaissance Computer: Knowledge Technology in the First Age of Print by Neil Rhodes and Jonathan Sawday
The Art of the Publisher by Roberto Calasso
The Art Forger's Handbook by Eric Hebborn
A Geology of Media by Jussia Parikka

>> No.15551189

So do you still think publishing has an important role? What would this role look like? Niche binding of....?

>> No.15551226

Could you invite me to the discord group? Also, I am highly interested in the toolkit you've attempted to develop. Could you tell me what it was?

>> No.15551349
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>So do you still think publishing has an important role?
Roberto Calasso discusses this a lot in his book. His opinion is that publishers should act as critical readers providing guidance and commentary on texts, or an exclusive library where one is guaranteed to always find a good book. His theory is that each publishing house creates a 'canon' which is the totality of all the books it puts out, and does the hard job of going through hundreds of unpublished manuscripts and ancient tombs in order to find the couple diamonds in the rough.

That's all good and fine, but there's no reason why somebody cannot simply do the same with digitalized pdfs and a private library. In fact, I think that is where the future of literature AS A BUSINESS is going to be- private libraries with online collections. Now that every writer can publish and advertise for free, publishers need to compete not on a basis of intellectual property, but of physical luxury. This is more or less how publishing operated for thousands of years pre-gutenburg.

On the flip side, I think writing itself will trend towards non-linear collaborative projects like wikipedia. It's never been easier for people to simply get together and write things down, and currently our technology allows for a lot of cool things like hyperlinks, image and video embedding, multimedia, interactive media, and so on which provides a lot of new avenues for literature. Chose your own adventure books (Fighting Fantasy especially, which incorporates aspects of dice games and cryptography into the narrative structure) might be seen as trail breakers for a new kind of literary genre.

Obviously this depends a lot on the economic direction the world takes. With more centralization of wealth and education, there is going to be more demand for unique luxury products signifying prestige. This is what I am betting on as a book-binder. If society moves towards a more equal distribution of wealth, then literature will probably take a form more similar to more democratic/populist social network platforms like twitter, 4chan, wikipedia, etc. and already we are starting to see this emerging either in the various polemical e-demagogues that get spammed here, or the reduction of a lot of journalistic discourse to twitter inspired one liners and 'take downs'. If we consider wikipedia as an encyclopedia, its structure (a woven fabric of self-referential links to different pages) is something completely unique, and no less revolutionary than when the Romans first started cutting up scrolls and binding them into codexes.

>> No.15551356

Used to love Fighting Fantasy. Caverns of the Snow Witch mystified me for a whole summer somehow.

>> No.15551368

>Could you invite me to the discord group?
it's been disbanded for over two years now, and I've long since discarded all of the handles I used during that period
>Also, I am highly interested in the toolkit you've attempted to develop. Could you tell me what it was?
basically, a curriculum for critical thinking, a roadmap of steps it took to break the typical two-party paradigm (events and studies from credible sources that really... um... made you think), ideas for exploring a synthesis between tradition and the postmodern condition (a true 3rd position that wasn't LARP nonsense)(we were really interested in hard-to-pin-down authors such as Houellebecq and Lasch, among others), and a toolkit consisting of all the technical skills required for an individual or a group to push above their weight in influence (photoshop, video editing, statistical software, a database, proven techniques for organizing IRL in a serious yet wholesome & non-LARPing way, a crash course for opsec, a list of vetted open source software necessary for all personal and organizational needs, etc.). at the very least, I wanted to make it easy for dissident groups of all flavors to form their own decentralized think tanks and eventually make a meaningful difference if their hearts and minds were sufficiently involved. I hoped that, eventually, we could see a true evolution in Western political discourse with enough people exercising their full potential agency.

eventually I realized I was way over my head and I needed some time to mature and flesh out my ideas more if I really wanted to see this idea through. there was no point in doing all of this if it would only create chaos and not promote the disclosure of truth. also, I wanted to graduate college and have some sort of fall-back plan in case all of this backfired.

>> No.15551425

Thanks fren, really appreciate insight

>exclusive library where one is guaranteed to always find a good book
How does this work exactly? You subscribe to a specific library and people recommend good books to you based on what you say you are looking for? I guess what i'm struggling to understand how does a library guarantee a "good book"? Do you mean the physical quality of the book itself?

What exactly is a luxury book? And what type of books would be most popular as a luxury book?

>> No.15551437

>(photoshop, video editing, statistical software, a database, proven techniques for organizing IRL in a serious yet wholesome & non-LARPing way, a crash course for opsec, a list of vetted open source software necessary for all personal and organizational needs, etc.)
Could you give a syllabus for this type of stuff? Or what you found at least if not complete? Especially photoshop, video editing, statistical software, and a database?

>> No.15551465

no, I pretty much tossed all of that in the garbage, and a lot of my knowledge was cursory for the most part anyway. I wouldn't mind starting it up again in the future, but I'm talking in at least several years.

>> No.15551480

I’ll be holding a competing forum.
The reading list:
saved image of /lit/ starters kit but did not read any of them
the first 3 chapters of Moby Dick in high school
Welcome To Demon School, Iruma-kun manga chapters 1-74

>> No.15551706

what do you think were the most valuable insights?

>> No.15551728

>epigenetics is suggesting that we can "evolve" on a much smaller timescale
no. be more careful with how you use and reference evolution.

>> No.15551809

AI controlled gene editing, hell yeah! what could possibly go wrong!

>> No.15551850

hmm, i've read some of that stuff, but i only got into tufts. can i still come?

>> No.15551941

Yes but you will not be allowed to speak at the meeting

>> No.15551981
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4 spots have been filled.

received some great emails, boys--thanks, it's been a time and a half.

will try and find out ways to open up the discussion to the public, and will update when there is news.
in the meantime, i will update with access to select reading lists in a couple of weeks. i will make a thread for anyone interested.

my discord username, for anyone who cares: rapture#6934
not very active. like not active at all. but its there, would love to chat sometime with some of you.

heading to sleep. take care, all!

>> No.15552001

>not very active. like not active at all. but its there, would love to chat sometime with some of you.
Would you send me some naughty pics and maybe your dirty panties? ;^)

>> No.15552016

>4 spots have been filled.
What were there backgrounds?

>> No.15552022

Hopefully cute girls with a background in sock wearing.

>> No.15552064

This. And how many faggots applied to slobber all over you knob to join your pedo club.

>> No.15552127

tfw rapture never responded to your email and rejected you

>> No.15552204

there are at least three different posters you are accusing of same faggotry i.e., take your meds you dirty nigger

>> No.15552431
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someone please find this. i want to read based holy rapture's writings.

>> No.15552447


>> No.15552688

bump for my fellow speuds

>> No.15552698

You were only accepting people from the Boston area for the live meeting right?

>> No.15552699

>How does this work exactly? You subscribe to a specific library and people recommend good books to you based on what you say you are looking for?
No, more that today a publisher's job is not so much finding great literature, which can be found in any used book store, but filter out the mass of literature which is merely 'good'. Basically a publisher is a critically engaged reader and should consider publishing a book as equivalent to recommending a book to a friend, only in this case that 'friend' is the loyal consumer base of the publishing company.

Luxury book isn't a technical term, I just meant thinking of books as a luxury consumer product. In particular, think of the material aspects of a book, take away all the blocks of text and images which could be condensed into a pdf file or digitized. The thread I linked, https://archived.moe/lit/thread/14900572/, has many example of books being sold as consumer goods based on things like quality, uniqueness, and rarity. https://www.arionpress.com/store/110-the-bridge for example, is a scroll which was published in a run of 300 copies. Because it's unique and rare, it is quite expensive. It's not unimaginable that private collectors will chose to focus more on aspects like material quality, scarcity, potential to accumulate value, etc. now websites like project gutenburg and libgen can provide readers with instant access to the actual textual contents of most books for free.

>> No.15553047
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Is this like the Visionists 2 in a way? I like Cram

>> No.15553495

Hey rapture are you willing to videotape some meetings/lectures and put them on youtube as samples? Just to show the quality of your work.

>> No.15554158

Actually, as it stands, the idea of 'intergenerational inheritance' is not all too convincing a concept. The physiological mechanisms of how this can occur are pretty narrow and somewhat insignificant (I can go into details if anyone is interested, but basically the informational transfer is necessarily restricted to germ cells ie the sperm/egg, of which proof of a recognisably discrete form of inheritance is lacking). It likely occurs to some extent, but the variability from non-germline environmental factors during development vastly overshadows the practical relevance of intergenerational epigenetic inheritance.

There are indeed pockets of research into this area, but I suspect this has to do with existential anxiety on the part of individual researchers than any 'paradigm shift' in the field of epigenetics and inheritance. Just another 'immortality project' imo, if you believe Ernest Becker's 'Denial of Death'

>> No.15554243
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Love me some Nasreddin.

>> No.15554518

So who actually was selected? what did you say/send to rapture that got you in?

>> No.15554572

I already spoke German and had read.the texts in the original. Also I'm in one of the 'right' universities for him. After writing some filler proving I could actually think as well, that was it.

>> No.15554577

Interested this, too.
Is there any work of his online? I’d love to find that blog. I think he taught at one point as well somewhere but I doubt there is anything like that to view. Doesn’t seem to have much social media- maybe a LinkedIn but I cant tell for sure

>> No.15554583

Oh fuck that’s awesome
You go to an Ivy League? Are you German?
You didn’t know rapture beforehand, did you?

>> No.15554914
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I was selected. Happy to provide a little insight.
I'm from the midwest and I graduated from RISD. Currently live in the Boston area and work for adobe.
Example of some of the latest marketing I work on:

I expressed interest in the creative and artistic aspects of the reading list. I'm not really an academic but I'm fairly well-read in aesthetics. He seemed most interested in my experience "in the field."

I'm married and have a family, wouldn't say "well-connected" but "established," so I'll let the conspiracy theorist know if he eats me.

>> No.15554933

holy cringe

>> No.15555012

Oh that's interesting, thanks anon.
If only installing Adobe products was as intuitive as that ad implies. Cute though.

>> No.15555134
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>reading group
am i on fucking reddit?

>> No.15555139

I did not accept anyone who was a marketer or spoke German. Please refrain from listening to the trolls.

>> No.15555149


paste us the acceptance letter - i want to see it you LARPer. Let's see if you're both bullshiters or not

>> No.15555174

Interesting. Fuck the politics but cool ad. Why did you want to join his group anyway? I guess I can see the overlap on aesthetics but are you just in it for the readings or you looking for connections...?

>> No.15555330
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so this is gonna sound funny, since i know this dude here >>15555139 just typed in my trip and is trying to impersonate me, no doubt gonna try to fuck up the thread somehow, BUT he actually did me a service.

i actually really didn't get any emails from or accept anyone like the two described. not sure who the adobe guy is at all.

funny world where the lying liars lie so much that they end up telling the truth for you. i gotta say: my own threads boggle my mind at times.

working on it, brosef. will let y'all know.

this guy here really did get accepted, if anyone cares (don't mean to out you, friend--just thought a real example would be better than whatever the trolls are tossing around).
you're good. emailed you back.

i'd maybe share my blog if it were the case that i absolutely am not going to.

>> No.15555347

>this guy here really did get accepted,
I thought you had to be in the Boston area to be accepted

>> No.15555373

what was the profile of your typical rejection

>> No.15555447

That’s fucking hilarious
Trolls trolling trolls ends in mistaken truth
God this board

>> No.15555636 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15555760

I will say it again, this thread is a wild ride.

>> No.15555878

what % of this is a larp

>> No.15556454


>> No.15556532

Try explaining this thread aloud to yourself

>> No.15556568

the website tho. has anyone tried to reverse search the images to see if theyre legit

>> No.15556627

Your threshold for believing in a 4chan lit League of Extraordinary Gentleman is a website?

>> No.15556660

He's been posting on here for years under that trip. He's changed his website/blog a couple of times, but you can check the archives. It's a consistent story that has been both questioned and verified countless times.
Probably some false elements here and there, can't give you a "%", but its more real than not, don't let ignorant anons/trolls fool you.

>> No.15556728

Can someone give me a quick rundown on who Will Pennington / Rapture is?

>> No.15556789

except the tripcode isnt here

or evidence

>> No.15557320

God you are insufferable

>> No.15557324

rapture1, could you fulfill your noblesse oblige and grant us a scan of Creative and Critical Thinking by W. Edgar Moore, 2nd edition?

We already have a scan of the 1st edition, but we would be gracious if we could get a scan for the 2nd edition too so we could compare the differences and improve its accessibility. I would buy it myself, but unfortunately, some assholes are only selling it for hundreds of dollars, which isn't something I could afford right now. /lit/ would be eternally grateful.

If you decide to do it, you should distribute it somewhere anonymously, outside of your website, that would be even better (and probably preferable in your case, given your desire to shield yourself from legal liability). Perhaps libgen would be best.

>> No.15557379

This person would look down on poors if they were handed a college education

>> No.15557385

Literal cancer.

>> No.15557394

I need people that respond to Jung and succeed. I can’t defeat that crazy gnostic fuck but Adler’s the closest thing so far.

>> No.15557399

I'm not sure how you are handling direct replies, but please see:

>> No.15557433

>being proud of working on that faggot shit

>> No.15557482

Of course: So Rapture (real name is Will Pennington) is a guy from a rich religious family. He as an Ivy education (Princeton), was going to do a PhD at Cornell but was diagnosed with cancer. He allegedly as a humungous library. Now this guy, for some fucking reason, decides, of all places on the Internet, to offer book scans to the 4chan /lit cesspool, and (like this post) decides to find intellectual buddies on 4chan.

>> No.15557509

Ngl it does give off a Nigerian Kangz email vibe but I don’t give a shit. 4 o’ clock wojak is proof that weird people post here, like actually weird people. Insane people always tell the truth.

>> No.15557521

I know this girl irl

>> No.15557531

describe the scent of her feet?

>> No.15557536

they stanky

>> No.15557549

She’s cute af, she cool?

>> No.15557612

Yeah, she's 5'5'' so that makes rapture a manlet

>> No.15557630

does she fuck black guys?

>> No.15557762

She seems nice. Kind of twee style etc. Had no idea she was married to a 30 yo dude with cancer.

I thought she was taller?

>> No.15557867

i wonder how they met.
"just contact me with a .edu email with a little bit about your area of study and a blurb about yourself and i'll get back to you about setting up a date. sorry in advance if i don't respond right away, its hard to sift through all the trolls!"

>> No.15557908

how do you know her

>> No.15557931

She was a TA for a class I was in this fall and was in another class I dropped this Spring.

>> No.15558039

what school

>> No.15558052

I don't want to leave a paper trail to her jic but it's very much not an Ivy.

>> No.15558063

Say more we wont tell
What she study? Good TA? She cute IRL?
We want deets

>> No.15558080

Also do you know rapture? Wtf is he like? Is he actually in the Cambridge area?

>> No.15558109

She was good afaik but I don't know her well. I might have exchanged a grand total of thirty words with her, most of those about handing in an assignment via email. The picture is a faithful representation.

I had no idea he existed until a friend shared this thread with me (last time I payed attention to trips was when arguing with Butterfly and Foucault in 2015).

>> No.15558161
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>reading is heavy and all participants are expected to have fully completed the list
>if you are interested in joining, please email from a .edu address
>outstanding members will be recognized with a custom Waterman pen
>sanctioned texts
>Most of the population will be on antiretroviral drugs

>> No.15558526

Judging by the way people here seem to treat opportunities, there probably weren't (m)any rejections to make.

Why not embrace the Jung? Hahaha... No, but really. Do you have some sense that he's "wrong" somehow, but you're not sure how... and are looking for someone who can put that sense into words?

>> No.15558614


>> No.15559245

No single person has all the answers in my mind and I refuse to become a hero worshipping goon. I think he resisted translating into analytical forms and generally disliked the rise of cybernetics. I have zero knowledge of those forms.

>> No.15559630

bump for my speuds