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15532958 No.15532958 [Reply] [Original]

Did he ruin or save conservatism?

>> No.15533196

He turned it into something completely antithetical to what it ought to be about. It became a vehicle for his own pet concerns, all because he was the 60s equivalent of a campus conservative.

>> No.15533229

considering modern American "Conservatism" is an incoherent dumpster fire ideology, I'd say he couldn't have been such a great influence.

>> No.15533245


>> No.15533251


>> No.15533354

He had a gr8 voice and that's it

He did Jack shit for conservatism otherwise

>> No.15533685

OP is a queer

>> No.15533698

He cleared out the antisemitic conspiratard trash.

>> No.15533712

Quit linking /pol/, I'm never going back.

>> No.15533722

Who this?

>> No.15533965

Ruined. Whatever you want to say about Buckley, he basically made a big list of conservatives and divided them into two groups: those whose raised issues that could actually provoke change or alter the existing fabric of society, and those who wanted to pose as "old fashioned types" to no effect. Then he evicted the former.

>> No.15534007

>he wasn't an absolute lunatic
if this is the nicest thing you can say about him...

>> No.15534022

Well, I've never heard him say anything insightful or thought-provoking.

>> No.15534072
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Yeah, glad we got rid of those fringe weirdos so that conservatism could really flourish in the last 30-40 years.

>> No.15534183
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>all these Seething over Based Buckley

He saved Western conservatives by retaining their classical image but weeding out the radicals who would NOT survive in today's world.

Also, unlike the dinosaur conservatives who would avoid confrontation, he actually went head to head with Liberals.

>> No.15534189
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>he actually went head to head with Liberals
an excellent strategy

>> No.15534211


Those conservative "radicals" would not survive today precisely because the left won every single ideological battle since Buckley's time. That's as much a proof that Buckley-style conservatism totally failed.

>> No.15534214

>he actually went head to head with Liberals

yeah, losing a debate to a fucking nigger like James Baldwin and humiliating yourself in YOUR OWN SHOW to Chomsky must feel pretty great.


>> No.15534220


well if he saved it he didn't do a very good job

>> No.15534222

He did offer a forum for showcasing rising stars like Sowell. Forever grateful for that.

>> No.15534240
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what would you say was the essential definition of conservatism that he ruined? what would you say was his essential definition of conservatism?

really interested in this but sorta new, sorry.

>> No.15534269


>> No.15534297

Read Paul Gottfried's books The Conservative Movement and The Great Purge (which is about Buckley specifically) if you are interested.

Mel Bradford once said something like, to be an authentic conservative today you have to be a reactionary, because merely being "conservative" isn't enough to conserve the things we're trying to conserve anymore, the processes of degeneration and overturn are too rapid and the enemies too numerous and well-organized.

Neoconservatism is a joke, it's neoliberals and lunatics who are just in it to be career politicians. It is hard to see how effectively real conservatism was crushed and replaced with this astroturf movement and not suspect intentional conspiracy.

>> No.15534421

Buckley did his part in defaming and purging anyone who opposed mass immigration or slavery to Israel.

>> No.15534438

So he's a bad guy?

>> No.15534445

He ruived it.
Though others disagree and say he merely sained it.

>> No.15534533

>he actually went head to head with Liberals.
I liked the fact that on firing line he would take conservatives to task too, he never really gave them a free ride.

the fact that he lost some debates actually proves the anon you're replying to's point

>> No.15534550
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>be white
>toil away at great sacrifice to btter the world for your people and country
>it was literally all for nothing because all the savages you fought to better mankind just moved into your country anyway and outbred your progeny like 3rd world animals
I would rather watch the world my ancestors built burn to the ground than let non-whites inherit it.

>> No.15534595
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I'm half convinced that Fuckley's entire purpose *was* to lose.

Imagine you're the American intelligence community, fresh with tons of cash and a whole playground of a planet to dip your grubby fingers into. You have radical elements on the right that could potentially foil your plans for American hegemony, so you have to deal with that somehow. Easiest way is to lead the opposition yourself. You set up a figurehead for conservatism (Buck obv), remove all his opponents by blackmail or blackballing, gradually reroute the public's political views toward the sort of GDP-first Zionist war-hawk neoconservatism *you* want, then sit back and reap the benefits.

The same thing happened to the left. Defense of the native worker was transformed into harmless idpol. Remember the WTO riots of the 90s? Neither does the left.

In the end, you channel the right and left into groups that flail about harmlessly but still end up doing what you want even if they do rebel. It's a brilliant "heads I win, tails you lose" strategy.

>> No.15534622
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Yep, good post. We've been fucked.



"One evening early on in my career as an opinion journalist in the U.S.A., I found myself in a roomful of mainstream conservative types, standing around in groups and gossiping. Because I was new to the scene, a lot of the names they were tossing about were unknown to me, so I could not take much part in the conversation. Then I caught one name that I recognized. I had just recently read and admired a piece published in Chronicles under that name. I gathered from the conversation that the owner of the name had once been a regular contributor to much more widely read conservative publications, the kind that have salaried congressional correspondents and full-service LexisNexis accounts, but that he was welcome at those august portals no longer. In all innocence, I asked why this was so. "Oh," explained one of my companions, "he got the Jew thing." The others in our group all nodded their understanding. Apparently no further explanation was required. The Jew thing. It was said in the kind of tone you might use of an automobile with a cracked engine block, or a house with subsiding foundations. Nothing to be done with him, poor fellow. No use to anybody now. Got the Jew thing. They shoot horses, don't they?

Plainly, getting the Jew thing was a sort of occupational hazard of conservative journalism in the United States, an exceptionally lethal one, which the career-wise writer should strive to avoid. I resolved that I would do my best, so far as personal integrity allowed, not to get the Jew thing. I had better make it clear to the reader that at the time of writing, I have not yet got the Jew thing — that I am in fact a philosemite and a well-wisher of Israel, for reasons I have explained in various places, none of them difficult for the nimble web surfer to find."

Read Samuel Francis, Leviathan and its Enemies.

>> No.15534626
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Buckley refused to obey the Catholic Church when push came to shove, so fuck him. "Mater si, magister no." Fuck that. Bend the knee to Rome or get fucked. Catholics in the United States should never have joined up with the conservatives, it's brought us nothing but trouble. We should have spurned both political parties and gone independent.

>> No.15534655
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not Catholic or conservative, but you might be right. American-style conservatives who are also Catholic are some of the most embarrassing people you'll ever come across.

>> No.15534662

Catholic conservatives in the US are often so smug about their "rock" (the church) that they don't do anything fucking else

Not much point in having a rock when you let everything else burn down around it

>> No.15534788

That entire passage perfectly explains the nervous cognitive dissonance bubbling underneath every American pseudocon.

>> No.15534790
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Who gives a shit about anything that isn't the Church? Every time Catholics in this country have tried to play nice with other religions, other groups, and other elements, we've been burned. We've been used, derided, taken advantage of, and betrayed.

So fuck all the rest of you, frankly. Fuck all American non-Catholics. Fuck all American Protestants, fuck all American Jews, fuck all American Muslims, fuck all American atheists. Every last one of them can get fucked. The Church should look out for the Church, especially in a country that is as anti-Catholic at its foundations as the United States is.

The Orthodox are okay, I guess, but there's not a lot of them.

>> No.15535595


>> No.15536361

The Sampson Option will soon become viable to all "white" countries

>> No.15536371

I read this in his voice for some reason. Probably because you said “ought” which is a word he overuses in every single interview I’ve seen with him

>> No.15536378

He ruined it. He helped enable the Globalist Zionist Republican "conservative" party and policies we see today. Also contributed to Neoliberalism. Fuck that lisping jew receiver

>> No.15536394

This is all you need to understand. And it doesn't even have to be that conspiratorial. It could just have been money-power steering the narrative from both sides.

>> No.15536437

people make fun of "we waz kangs" and then post shit like this

>> No.15536757

>we were workers
hardly compares to
>we wuz kangs

>> No.15536807

>no no no it's actually GOOD that he was fucking shite
you guys

>> No.15536822

imagine the smell

>> No.15536982
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>did it ruin or save dogshit?

>> No.15536990

looks like >>15536982 just did

>> No.15537532

"Conservatism is Progressivism driving the speed limit"

Conservatism as an ideology seeks to maintain the status quo. The status quo in American and the UK being Progressivism since the earlier 20th Century.

A better question would be: "did he ruin or save The Right?" The answer is ruined.

Buckley and Neocons were rebels of the Progressive Elite. Their aim was not to dismantle Progressivism, but to reform it and make it more efficient. This is why the Rands and Rothbards were purged.

The Neocons achieved this in the 80s. Same thing happened in the UK with Thatcherism.

As someone else has mentioned, Samuel T. Francis covers this in Leviathan and Its Enemies

>> No.15538090


>> No.15538165

>Amerimutts larping as catholics

>> No.15538432

Where are you from?

>> No.15538449


>> No.15538454

More Like Cuckley

>> No.15538642


>> No.15539548
