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15532697 No.15532697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is modern judaism just an esoteric religion adopted by the bourgeoisie that is no way connected to ancient judaism? When people refer to the jew conspiracy they seem to only be talking about ashkenazi jews, who were anciently members of kazarian high society that decided to convert to judaism. The other jews like mizrahi and sephardics were just average sandniggers who were kicked around by arab muslims and never truly held as much power as their ashkenazi counterpart. If this is true wouldnt that invalidate nazi theory?

>> No.15532732

Yes. All that weird satanic jewish pedo shit and freemasonry are just symbols used by rich people because they love being part of secret clubs. Like the skull and bones.

>> No.15532753
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I take it your long haul point is that the jews are the real high IQ nazis? Aw dude, it's even in the last four letters of ashkenazi!

>> No.15532765

Ashkenazics still have J2 semite haplogroups to this day. Theyre not kazar

>> No.15532766

>ashke.. Nazi
Omg I see it now.

>> No.15532773

>t. Shlomo mordecai shekelstein.

>> No.15532778

Due to intermixing with Iberian kikes after the foundation of Israel. They are kazar.

>> No.15532790
File: 51 KB, 1200x805, A0F77E1D-E8D3-4B63-8D34-B0CA64696B79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s been 8 years and you /pol/tards STILL don’t get it. Basically, Judaism has risen to top by exploiting genetic capital through having a strong ethnic band while marrying into powerful families, with the only consequence being higher concentrations of poor genetic health pool (think of all the inheritable diseases common in ashkenazi Jews). This effectively allows Jewish tribes to navigate the hierarchy to the top within a society, all the while promoting ingroup interest.

Jews did nothing wrong, they just outsmarted everyone else by taking advantage of an exploit in commodity value society.

>> No.15532821

But how come the Mizrahi and sepharidics were so inefficient at it and were mostly just sandniggers who got kicked around like Ethiopian jews

>> No.15532832

No, by adopting the name and the practises they have inherited both the power bequeathed upon them by God, and also the oppression brought down upon them, by God, for turning away from him.

>Jews did nothing wrong
They killed Jesus, retard, and spent their entire history turning away from God. Read the Bible. But you are correct about them outsmarting everyone else, they're God's chosen people.

tl;dr: all your questions about the power, wealth and oppression of Jewish people are answered by the thesis that they are God's chosen people who consistently turned away from him and killed his son. As his chosen people they get power and wealth; because they turned away from him, seething Gentiles keep oppressing them.

>> No.15532834

So what's the solution anon? Now it seems the Jews and bourgeois are one in the same.

>> No.15532841

They were, they arose to high society in the royalty and shit. The real Jewishness however begun for real just after Jesus.

>> No.15532851

Not really they were considered pathetic creatures amongst Arabs. They were objects of ridicule rather than fear.

>> No.15532860


>> No.15532884


>> No.15532896

Those weren't Arabs tho. Unironically Islam knew how to deal with the jq. They never trusted them from the beginning and gave them limited rights

>> No.15532913

>he doesn’t know

>> No.15532927

Know what??

>> No.15533130

Christians and pagans had limited rights as well

>> No.15533152

They didn't outsmart anyone. What happened was that Jews were one of the few groups that could lend interest loans, while also being strongly nepotistic and tribalistic compared to Christian and Islamic society. And many times they weren't trusted to be serfs. So a minority of Jewish families, by an almost mechanistic selection, got into some key monetary positions.
And this snowballed, because most Jews were still pretty poor urbanites, and many still are.
The middle class Jews did have success, because like many such immigrant groups (see: Chinese), they kept their heads down and focused on social mobility.
The idea that this makes them competent geniuses is patently untrue, as it is for many nepotism cases. Feel free to study how often major financial figures are either failures, mediocre, or frauds, and made their position through different kinds of connections. I'll give a couple of examples. Incidentally they're Jews, but this behavior among this class of people is true for other groups.
1. Bernie Madoff, famed fraudster. Madoff wasn't a self made man. His mother was a broker, and his father in law, Saul (hint hint) garnered him some connections. He was also a fucking huckster, and got caught.
2. Alex Kurtzman, movie producer. This man is responsible for some successes, but lately more so massive critical and financial flops. In fact, the last ten years he's been making flops nearly sequentially, but still gets hired. In terms of cultural merit, he's trash and always has been. In his industry, as with most, the financial corporate men are basically gamblers running on pure luck.

>> No.15533153

Well yeah every religious minority.

>> No.15533177

>It’s just a coincidence that so many of the science greats happened to be Jewish bro

>> No.15533190

>by adopting the name and the practises they have inherited both the power bequeathed upon them by God
That is not how covenants work. You do not get to invite yourself.

>> No.15533203

I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.15533279

I do know what it means faggot. It just seems that a good percentage of the capitalist class are Jewish. Nearly half of them for that matter in America.

>> No.15533439

they bred themselves in

>> No.15534190

>This man is responsible for some successes, but lately more so massive critical and financial flops.
Read Fatal Subtraction to get the realization that you, as an outsider, have no idea whether a movie flopped or not.

>> No.15534204

>It's just a coincidence that the Jewish media portrays Jewish scientists as being our brilliant saviors

>> No.15534223

The argument can be made that this is not true, hence the anti-proselytizing movements that have come and gone within Judaism. Further, the covenant is supposed to convey on the father's side but the Jews inverted this to the mother's side somewhere along the line, presumably voiding the covenant altogether.

>> No.15534231

So if I want to be a billionaire elite, do you guys think it would be a smart move to convert to Judaism?

>> No.15534258

Your fully indoctrinated and corrupted grandchildren might be invited to the big boys' table. You would always be suspect as an outsider.

>> No.15534327

You can if you show willingness to comply with terms, which is why the conversion procedure is so arduous.

>> No.15534353

>Is modern judaism just an esoteric religion adopted by the bourgeoisie that is no way connected to ancient judaism?

>When people refer to the jew conspiracy they seem to only be talking about ashkenazi jews,
A lot of the people criticizing Jews are Muslim, and they definitely dislike ALL Jews, not just ashkenazi.

>who were anciently members of kazarian high society that decided to convert to judaism.
That's a /pol/ fiction.

>The other jews like mizrahi and sephardics were just average sandniggers who were kicked around by arab muslims and never truly held as much power as their ashkenazi counterpart.
Until recently, Ashkenazi Jews didn't hold much power, either. Back when Europe was ruled by religious authorities and aristocrats, the Jews were restricted from power. They weren't part of the aristocracy, or part of the dominant religion. And both of those were usually requirements for holding government power.

Plus, there were significant numbers of Sephardic Jews in the European Mediterranean. E.g. Italy and pre-Inquisition Spain.

>If this is true wouldnt that invalidate nazi theory?
1) It's not true.

2) Not really. But there are a lot of easier ways to demonstrate that Nazi theory is bullshit.