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15532282 No.15532282 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine spending thousands of pages to communicate the idea that you should make yourself an NPC. Siri is the most enlightened being for its mind is clear and without desire and works for the liberation of all beings (by telling them what day their dentist appointment is and thus creates knowledge of self.)

That my friends, is Hinduism and Buddhism (with very insignificant differences)

>> No.15532297
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Post pody, gf, watch

>> No.15532298

What Hindu and Buddhism texts have you read that gave you this impression?

>> No.15532314

I read the Gita and some of the Pali Canon before I grew sick and tired of this anti-human nonsense.

>> No.15532336

Really? Which texts? Which suttas?

>> No.15532352
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>> No.15532370

The Gita doesn't want to turn you into a NPC though. The Suttas though.... Yeah stay away.

>> No.15532391

>I have no idea what the actual point of [thing] is, but I'll have you know that I think it's [whatever]
Why do people do this? What's the point? Anyone with even a surface level understanding of the topic at hand can see that you're not just wrong, but have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15532395

Samyutta Nikaya
part of Majjhima

It's the same crap. "The best one is one who looks upon the he who loves him, hates him, and is indifferent to him with the detached mind"

"Just do your duty and turn your brain and heart and body off"


>> No.15532409

Why do you think this is somehow difficult to understand? I know what the point is (to turn you into an NPC so society and tradition doesn't breakdown) which is okay for the time period but it is disgusting people still tell you to read this crap in 2020. This stuff was made for people with a lack of total brain development due to malnutrition and u think it is so hard. lmao

>> No.15532422

>dude I read a third of the Pali canon
Really? You read the over 10 books that those two collections together take up? And you still don't know anything about Buddhism? That's incredibly impressive.

>> No.15532435

>to turn you into an NPC so society and tradition doesn't breakdown
No it isn't, the point of both is enlightenment to achieve a state of spiritual freedom. That's the entire point of the whole "monasticism" thing. Again, why would you form an opinion on something before actually looking into it?

>This stuff was made for people with a lack of total brain development due to malnutrition
Then it's perfect for you.

>> No.15532442

Tell me about Buddhism then and how it isn't about making you a desire-less NPC? Go ahead and dress it in as much retarded jargon as you can muster and show us what a pseud you are. I don't want to be an AI program. Maybe you do

>> No.15532465

If u read it you would know that monasticism and asceticism are not the best thing. Nor is doing your duty. The true best thing is to have complete knowledge that you are an NPC who does stuff without any reaction or emotion. To sacrifice your humanity and senses onto the altar of "god-consciousness." The "spiritual freedom" is the theoretical by-product

>> No.15532481

>If u read it you would know that monasticism and asceticism are not the best thing
The Buddha literally says that monasticism is necessary for enlightenment for like 99.999999999999999999% of people.

It sounds like you're getting upset about Asian cultural norms, in particular those drawing from Confucianism, rather than Buddhism, because absolutely none of this has anything to do with Buddhism. There's no "God-consciousness" involved in Buddhism what so ever, unless you're talking about whacky new-age Christian cults in Asia. What's your background? You're pretty clearly not American or European.

>> No.15532488

Being a human isn't the end all be all

>> No.15532696

Well.. There is action in inaction.
Realizing that there is no point to life,
working and enjoying it nonetheless.