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15532264 No.15532264[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15532289

>dipshit controlled opposition dichotomies like left and right wing in current year
Don't talk to me ever again

>> No.15532303

sense of belonging is important :))

>> No.15532305

I didn’t. What do I win?

>> No.15532308



>> No.15532311

What was the statue?

>> No.15532316

Twitter is a cesspool, stop visiting it you're better than that. Know your worth king

>> No.15532320

Anyone who still supports Democracy in 2020 is basically a moron.

>> No.15532326

There are better ways to find belonging

>> No.15532330

>actually falling for the astroturf

>> No.15532331

i'm just anti-nigger
one free gender reassignment surgery!
cops are gay but niggers are gayer

>> No.15532335

How about just local democracy? No states, no kings, no popes

>> No.15532350

>no I don't actually care for economic or authority policy, I just don't like niggers
>that makes me rightwing
Based retard

>> No.15532358

I never said I was rightwing. I don't care for the controlled opposition dichotomies either. The group I belong to is the Anti-nigger-jew-woman-brit-cop-muslim-pedoelite group

>> No.15532361

Every media source promoting your gay little "rebellion" are either extremely pro isreal or run by jews. You are being duped. White people are idiots. And honestly, imagine rioting and destroying your city for fucking black people lmao
t. arab

>> No.15532364

So you're not OP. Got it.

>> No.15532377

>muh anecdotes
Brainlet alert.

>> No.15532379

Does right-wing just means being a racist?

>> No.15532386

first off >>>/pol/

second, why would I ever want to be anything like one of these smug bootlickers? ACAB FTP 24/7

>> No.15532433

t. underage, unemployed, under 105 iq

>> No.15532438
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>> No.15532440


>> No.15532451

in 2020 yes

>> No.15532453
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Right-wing = Trudge in the wheathfields as the village leader together with an AR and your wife by the side, maintaining a strong and heroic posture while doing this
Left-wing = Achieve maximum consumption efficiency until global capitalism flips into global communism

>> No.15532463

i hate these fags, always hoping for a happening then slipping away when the opportunity arises.

>> No.15532466

that's literally what george floyd's death is too

>> No.15532475

Wheat fields lead to urban civilization which leads to capitalism which leads to globalism which leads to space colonization which leads to finding the demiurge which you guess what comes next

>> No.15532477

It's more demeaning taking the side of a movement like BLM as a white person than it is to submit to police. The former also destroys everything and attracts 80iq teenagers in droves. What whites need to learn now is to protest on their own when police extend their powers

>> No.15532484

According to the highly well-read 4chan intellectual community, yes

>> No.15532489

Murder doesn't need to be evidence for something else in order to be a tragedy.

>> No.15532490

I agree, we need to go back to being hunters and gatherers

>> No.15532493

National Socialism sought to tame this progress process by instead carving the path according to the will

>> No.15532495


>> No.15532501
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I am already so incredibly far right that I'm no longer on the political spectrum. I'm so far right I've entered another spectrum all together.

>> No.15532504

ah yes unlike you, the 29 year old chad who will make 40k until he dies and spend most of that time posting twitter videos of 17 year olds on an anime imageboard

>> No.15532525

How many lessons do you need, between Nazi Germany, the USSR, the Cultural Revolution, the Khmer Rouge, post-Soviet West, etc. to see that the herd can be made to believe ANYTHING? It's pointless.

You're just going to recreate the same structures that you hate, but less effective - anarchists have been nothing but wreckers for their entire existence in the modern era.

>> No.15532543

>the same structures that you hate, but less effective
That's still a good thing, I understand that you can't completely abolish hierarchy but you can get rid of ridiculous centralized hierarchy. Different people have different needs, it's better to just allow people to self determine their own communities rather than imposing the will of the few on everyone.

>> No.15532546

you'll get called a racist because it's been associated with right-wing, especially by people who are obsessed with social media.
people's views on major issues are so one-dimensional nowadays.
and it's the same for leftist, being leftist doesn't mean you have rainbow hair and you want every refugee in your country

>> No.15532548

Honestly i really don't care anymore. I ascended. I hate Trump, i hate Clintons, i hate /pol/ and i hate twitter lefties.

>> No.15532555

Leftism IS centralized hierarchy, an order founded on anarchism can't tolerate any form of subsidiarity by definition, as it's always a threat.

>> No.15532567

Anarchism is the natural state of being. Animals don't have god kings who enforce behavior standards on all other animals, what's going on in one spot is not the business of some centralized spook government. I don't give a fuck what's right wing or left, I only care about subverting centralized fascism

>> No.15532573

yes it's literally a form of controlled opposition you retarded sandnigger. So are the zogbot police. It's basically a fake insurrection vs a fake counter revolution. You're trapped in a cage setup by rich faggots larping as kikes and participating in either camp is just submission to shlomo.
t. persian

>> No.15532577
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desu. As cringe as misanthropy may be, atm all I care about is seeing people I don't like losing. This spans the political world from corporate footsoldier far leftists to the pathetic edge lords on the right.

>> No.15532580

that would be the traditional marxist position imo.

>> No.15532583

are you a divine-right absolute monarchist? an avaritionist (ancap without the nap)? what?

>> No.15532587

I'm even more left now.

>> No.15532589

I feel the same way at this point

>> No.15532592
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I have absolutely no clue anymore.

>> No.15532593
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Maybe but i don't see myself a marxist in any way. I just want some people to lose more that other. But i hate two sides in this conflict for sure.

>> No.15532617

Why would I care about this, exactly?

>> No.15532635
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Collectivism is for fucking losers lmao.
>Right wing
>Left wing

Nigga I serve myself only. I would be in either position if it benefited me. Keep fighting for your "causes" while I climb the hierarchy and watch you all tear each other apart from the top

>> No.15532664
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>> No.15532666

If you can only find belonging though weird and mostly meaningless labels then you are a shallow person

>> No.15532671

>being rightwing leads to NUKE SATURN 2030
wtf I'm against abortion now

>> No.15532680

Based Satan

>> No.15532689

Why would this random encounter "turn me" right wing? All cops are still bastards.

>> No.15532701

You're a moron. There is never a perfect way forward; if you actually care about the future, then you align with the least-worst side and do what you can to make it better.

I suspect you don't particularly care though, since you're sufficiently anaesthetized by material comfort and your smug sense of detachment.

>> No.15532703

How old are you

>> No.15532711

Wrong. I feel incredibly depressed about it.

>> No.15532722

You don't see yourself as a Marxist thinker but a marxist thinker would eventually be lead to the same conclusion.

>> No.15532724

Don't (You) me, fucking police union party whip. You're a fucking cuck is what you are. There isn't any excuse to not be anti-cop. Keep sucking pig dick.

>> No.15532734
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>> No.15532736

>Anarchism is the natural state of being
That is far from the truth.
Animals strictly follow rules, they just don't comprehend that they are.
All animals, solitary as well as social, are also hierarchical.

I'd you think you can throw away these concept and it not being replaced by the same but worse you are dangerously mistaken.

>> No.15532741

I don't think its neccessarily a Marxist position to lose faith in politics. I think anyone interested in politics that isn't a total moron loses faith at some point.

>> No.15532751

So brave. Gargle some cop balls on account of me, cuck.

>> No.15532797

Jon Jones, a black UFC fighter, is also going around helping to clean up the shops and stopping the rioters. Here he is taking spray paint from white rioters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOJbv4b_ofs

>> No.15532814 [DELETED] 

Think about this way, how many intelligent men do you think had to pretend to be good christians in order to not be casted out of society? If you have any capacity to at any subjecg matter or skill, you would pretend tk be a sleft wing as possible in public and continue to do your work in private or in disguise (and obscurity). Just look at Strauss’ Persecution and the Art of writing.

>> No.15532829

Think about it this way, how many intelligent men do you think had to pretend to be good christians in order to not be casted out of society? If you have any capacity at any subject matter or skill, you would pretend to be as left wing as you have to in public and continue to do your work in private or in disguise (and obscurity). Just look at Strauss’ Persecution and the Art of writing. Publicly throwing yourself to a cause is frankly a waste of your time and effort. If you are a individual with capacity any and all roads to collective identities should be noticeably filled with pot holes and defects.

>> No.15532833

That's a very convincing argument against democracy.

I'm an absolute monarchist now.

>> No.15532850

I can't wait to see you fags when you're forced into the neighborhood protection racket under the threat of broken knees and the rabble lynches your friend because billybob thought he saw him breaking into his store. The best thing cops should do right now is go on strike for a month in every major city. Would be hilarious

>> No.15532852

The same would be true then unless your ideology matches 100% with the ruling order and even then any slip up or deviation would still get you “cancelled”.

>> No.15532859
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You should have been an absolute monarchist anyway.

>> No.15532872

You're such a dumb little animal. The only feeble minded faggot LARPing bravery is you.

>> No.15532881

In your strange idealism, who enforces the law? And if you think it should be left up to the community, what's in place to keep it from leading to a rise in criminal enterprises from threatening law-abiding persons?

I assume the latter would be your suggestion.

>> No.15532882

Take your gay little doge memes and tunnel vision view of the world back to twitter, faggot.

>> No.15532890
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BASED ANON. This is a time when we should all volunteer our throats to take a big fat juicy load of cop cummies. Who's with me? Free blowjobs for every cop in the USA!

>> No.15532907

If democracy naturally self subverts it is no longer democracy but rather false populism.
This is bad for many reasons, three major ones being that populism is rarely in the interest of the population, even more so when it's false populism and the state can't even act as forcefully in a democracy so it won't work effectively.

In a monarchy the state would at least be able to ore free, and have more pose to, than the work towards the goals they have. This would lead to more effective governance.

Keep in mind that according to game theory there is no reasons for politicians in a democracy to work for the population, but in a monarchy a strong nation and populace almost directly benefitf the monarch.

>> No.15532917


>> No.15532918

This is what political philosophy is really about

>> No.15532919

>muh left
>muh right
Convert to Islam already and dab on both.

>> No.15532928

>gurgling pig penis
Don't choke, Jesus.

>> No.15532930

I have no idea why anyone would jump in to defend the police, they're the first people called on you for trying to unionize to get better job security while at the same time being the most powerful union in the world.
Has the police EVER sided with the working class in history?

>> No.15532931
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>> No.15532940

>there is no reasons for politicians in a democracy to work for the population, but in a monarchy a strong nation and populace almost directly benefitf the monarch.
Elaborate on this? Or give me something to read on this subject, I'm already familiar with lots of game theory

>> No.15532943

>gobbling nigger cock
Why do you think all the kiked media hates local cops so much? They're the last line of public order for regular people.