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File: 172 KB, 1200x1000, moldy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15531282 No.15531282 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the events of the last few days have proven Moldbug utterly and irreversibly correct, this thread is a place to say "I'm sorry, Moldy!" if you have ever doubted him. American progressivism is undoubtedly a secular version of Calvinism and even more fanatic. I'll start.

I'm sorry, Moldy!

>> No.15531287

I'm sorry, Moldy!

>> No.15531347

>cries on your podcast
Is this the famous Moldbug?

>> No.15531358

I'm not sorry, Moldy, because I never doubted.

>> No.15531373

Just say you're sorry, faggot. Don't try to squeeze out of this.

>> No.15531383

doesnt matter how right you are if you write like shit

>> No.15531442

Did I hear a sorry? I think not. Come on, it will make you feel better.

>> No.15531455
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Well the displays Puritanical self-abasement and genuflecting was quite prescient of Moldbug's model.
I wonder at which point literal self-flagellation becomes "mainstream".

>> No.15531460

Not sorry, never will be sorry, dude's a fucking pseud of the highest order, the reason he's been ignored for so long isn't because he's dangerous, it's because he's embarrassing.

>> No.15531997

based keith

>> No.15532003

Name a single original insight produced by this pseud?

>> No.15532009

>Moldbug's model

>> No.15532010

No such thing.

>> No.15532022

This shit has made me realise just how fucking weird human mass behaviour is desu. From religion to pop culture to cults of personality to this shit, people just love rituals and big displays and submission and persecuting.

>> No.15532135

Why doesn't he finish Clear Pill lads?

>> No.15532220

eh I deserve that. Was kinda lazy with coming up with a word to describe his analysis but didn't want to use the word "analysis".
Plus models are predictive so I felt it would fit the point.

>> No.15532302

Name one thing he 'predicted' that isn't common knowledge.

>> No.15532393

Are people across the country really kneeling en masse, or is this just the media laser focusing on isolated incidents.

>> No.15532462

Isolated incidents being amplified to look like it's mainstream behavior.
It's all staged theater for that tacit purpose.

>> No.15532486

>Isolated incidents being amplified to look like it's mainstream behavior.

Same as the George Floyd incident itself then

>> No.15532496

>implying there is actually a "reality" apart from the spectacle-generating algorithm of images circulating on twitter

>> No.15532498

What the fuck is a "moldbug"?

>> No.15532538

It's a type of semitic termite found in Silicon Valley that likes to burrow in wealthy libertarian homes.

>> No.15532568

What does any of this have to do with Moldbug? Communists have been (correctly) predicting situations like this one for almost 200 years, why is Moldbug particularly prescient? Jameson and Zizek have many relevant predictions I can think of for this moment.

>> No.15532794

>Jameson and Zizek have many relevant predictions I can think of for this moment.

Any examples? I'm genuinely interested in American progressive dysfunction.

>> No.15532836

Moldbug did not actually come up with that model himself, which he readily admits. The idea that these types are a sort of hyper-Protestant offshoot was once pretty mainstream. It also misses the obvious Jewish influences on the movement.

>> No.15532857

How could I ever take a pseud who dresses like a highschool english teacher and calls himself "Moldbug" seriously?

>> No.15532942

I've spent years escaping reality, I don't want everyone else to suddenly unknowingly join me

>> No.15532972

It's American behaviour. This is the reason revivalism became a thing.

>> No.15532982

They're flipping out about this in Europe as well and it isn't even their country

>> No.15533014

I'm in bongland and it's the same.

>> No.15533025

It's sjruru!

>> No.15533040

libs bad

>> No.15533048

>It also misses the obvious Jewish influences on the movement.
Omitted by Yarvin for obvious reasons.
Someone said it best that "The Cathedral" should would be more aptly named as "The Temple".

Cathedrals don't have "high-priests".

>> No.15533058

Liberalism bad.
Libs bad is nothing new.

>> No.15533108

I'm not seeing as much sitting down in a prayer circle afterwards, although I have seen a lot of the kneeling.

The kneeling doesn't really make sense here imo, we don't have the whole patriotic standing for the national anthem or to salute the flag or head of state.

>> No.15533184

Only crazy people would deny Memebug's readings of society, it's his solutions that are madness.

>> No.15533393

Fair take. Moldbug is basically watered-down mixture of Gramsci and Nietzche for the right-wing. Still really interesting to read and deserves his influence as a blogger.

>> No.15533436

Carlyle, he's a watered down Carlyle. That is extremely obviously and explicitly his main influence

>> No.15533464

>he's a watered down Carlyle
How watered down? Does he only use the word "quack" half as much?

>> No.15533474

that is what he calls himself 'a third rate carlyle'. This is still rather arrogant given who he's comparing himself to.

>> No.15533479

its a logical fallacy to assume that just because certain progressives are going about achieving their goals in the wrong way, that progressivism is inherently wrong. having traditionalist/conservative views is cool and all, but believing that any form of progress is bad is naive, and pointing to riots carried out by college students, and generally just misinformed people, whose politics begin and end with identity (and the vague goal of equality), doesnt prove this naive belief. it just shows your incompetence and inability to form a rational argument.

>> No.15533503

Seems honest, even if ironic self deprecation.
Carlyle is too good to avoid someone who even tries to emulate that

>> No.15533530

He has an actual physical book coming out soon-ish. Holy shit I am excited. He says he'll focus entirely on strategy in it. Fucking can't wait

>> No.15533543

>believing that any form of progress is bad is naive
wow, thanks for the insight

>> No.15533560

Currently imagining the crying faces of the several redpilled obese mestizos who subscribe to whatever ideology this gaylord does sobbing into their hands about the death of the white race. Hilarious.

>> No.15533599

deflecting from how pathetic that behavior is by attacking a strawman doesn't really work

>> No.15533609
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Death to all Jews, even right-wing ones. Death to America too, imagine wanting to preserve the Yankee imperium. Also death to NRx for being a bunch of fucking nerds who think they should rule over mongrel hordes because they can write Rust.

>> No.15533650
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progress towards what?

>> No.15533653

if progressives get what they want an even stronger race than the white race will be born out of the melting pot. diversity is a genetic crucible but only a few people can see this

>> No.15533679

La Raza Cosmica didn't really work in Latin America and it won't work on a worldwide scale desu

>> No.15533688

That's not really how that works. The effects of such mixing are not purely positive or negative, for whatever set of values.

>> No.15533691

Total failure to understand genetics. Well done.

>> No.15533726

That I called something stronger than the white race implies that I think the white race is strong. The progressive model will, if the course is not amended, end up with a master Sino-Anglo-Judeo race and a massive mulatto slave population. This is already occuring in cities and college towns.

>> No.15533734

>a master Sino-Anglo-Judeo race
These people don't really have kids, the whole fertility distribution is massively dysgenic

>> No.15533755

I kinda like him but he's so physically weak it's hard to take anything he says seriously.

>> No.15533756

Jews have a breeder caste (Hasidim) and a controller caste ("white" Jews). I assume Chinese people replenish themselves by uplifting Chinese peasants. wtf do Anglos do?
Spengler predicted this

>> No.15533782

Chinese also have a fertility problem. Israel doesn't but we were talking about American Jews.

>> No.15533786

The Ashkenazim Jews sometimes ree about how they're not breeding enough while the other Jews are breeding like bunnies

>> No.15533791

Hasidim breed like rats though.

>> No.15533792

It's about the white race. It's just that selection doesn't work that way.

>> No.15533799

*not about

>> No.15533805

who gives a fuck about Carlyle? I'm clearly referring to the ideas he talks about, chiefly the genealogy of progressivism and the Gramsci-like concept of the Cathedral. on everything else, he vacillates between a paleocon, an ancap, and a monarchist, and isn't nearly as interesting. if that's what you refer to when you mean "watered down Carlyle", then sure, whatever. good job of confusing the trees for the forest.

>> No.15533810

This guy is now writing a book which he will publish in installments to his subscribers. It goes by "Gray Mirror" at substack. I was tempted to subscribe just for the meme factor, but fended off the initial urge for now.

>> No.15533813

The assortative mating in the US applies to Jews as well. The Hasidic Jews are obviously not as intelligent on average as the Reform Jews, though because of the literary culture in Judaism there are very smart Jews that become rabbis and whatnot.

Also Jews are outbreeding like crazy in the US

>> No.15533819

This is a fair point but I believe that this is only because they are unconscious of their Aristocratic status. As their superiority or difference becomes more apparent and undeniable following global dysgenic trends, they will adopt first the role of shepherds and then that of masters over the world.

This model may not occur but I see it as the most likely one if one extrapolates from current events.

>> No.15533821

Based kikes getting high on their own supply.

>> No.15533825

I subbed for a year just to get the signed and numbered copy when it comes out.

>> No.15533854

It's because of Feminism, if women are to become educated and have good careers many fewer children will be born, and the most intelligent women will have the fewest.

>> No.15533856

Nah they're poisoned by liberalism and NRx (which is the only kind of illiberalism that's Jewish and bugmanish enough to be palatable to them) is an interesting puzzle toy for fringe elites at best. Thankfully they'll probably sink themselves into late-antiquity style dynastic and petty-ideological squabbles.

>> No.15533880

I'm sorry, Moldy!

>> No.15533897

The Evangelical Revival(s) happened in the whole English-speaking world. I think it had more of an effect in the US than Britain obviously, and we have Revivals every 60 years or so here in the US. Contemporary wokeness should be called "the Fifth Great Awakening" really.

>> No.15533918

>Moldbug is prescient for guessing that Americans can be pretty Puritanical

>> No.15533940

Americans have their distinctive brand of it but it's a very well-spread phenomenon.
During the trial and execution of Gilles de Rais (a serial murderer and pedophile who was also a comrade in arms of Joan of Arc), he apologized so profusely and with such heartfelt and visible guilt that some relatives of the victims that were attending the trials cried in pity and asked for de Rais to be released.

Humans are naturally drawn to drama.

>> No.15533945

I hope you're right because if I am we will be in for the prophesied ten thousand years of darkness. I mean them becoming a conscious Aristocracy could be construed as an ironic Rightist revenge but that isn't any comfort to me

>> No.15533953

A cathedral is the seat of authority of a bishop, that's what the name means. And a bishop is fundamentally a high-ranking priest.

>> No.15533962

Have to admit I envy your enthusiasm. I can't imagine being excited for almost anything procuded by a living person who become known through the internet, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm not just reasoning like an old fag already.

>> No.15534002

>your brain on individualism

>> No.15534005

Moldbug is both more and less interesting than the current sort of view of him would suggest. Back in 07-09 the things he was saying were while not totally original sort of shocking to hear for anyone from an academic background. There was no altright back then

>> No.15534038

Moldy's got the creds, at least IMO. He's wealthy, well-connected and a genius, plus he comes from a family of the very same elites he analyzes.

>> No.15534063

where the fuck is his chin?

>> No.15534089

>and a genius
Mummy and daddy buying you early entry into college is not a real indication of genius, anon. This man exists to steal the ideas of better men; he is a parasite.

>> No.15534138

You're minimizing it deliberately. Guy quit his PhD at 19 to build a startup.

>> No.15534146

Ah, so he's a dropout. Figures.

>> No.15534157
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>> No.15534164
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Sorry chinlet, you're a second rate pseud

>> No.15534184
File: 157 KB, 500x800, Gilles.de.Rais.(Jeanne.d'Arc).full.1447721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember that part in the Saint and the Devil (Frances).
Im not trying to sound like a sarcastic ass, it was a long time ago when I read the book.
Where is his trial best documented?

>> No.15534197

Lasch way more clearly articulated the Puritanism in Liberalism than Moldtard.

>> No.15534229

Zizek's comments on the London Riots hold true: https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v33/n16/slavoj-zizek/shoplifters-of-the-world-unite

>> No.15534244

posting to make sure the thread won't have the Nazi number of replies.


okay, carry on the discussion

>> No.15534288

I don't get the Alt-right's resentment towards Jews. It's gotten so bad that they see all of history as a struggle between semites and aryans (which strangely often involves aryan men getting cucked by semetic men)

>> No.15534296

What does moldbug actually do for a living?

I know he was a dotcom guy but other than that he seems to have started a blog and urbit, and that's it

Guess maybe he's selling urbit galaxies or something

>> No.15534301

Do you wonder why the entire Muslim word also sees Jews that way and why they are continually thrown out of countries?

>> No.15534315

Do I wonder why other abrahamic semites hate other abrahamic semites? Not really, it's just scapegoating

>> No.15534322

Jews generally being shitty doesn't mean that the antisemitic view of them being able to subvert entire countries is correct.

>> No.15534342

It's because Jews tend to be the most vocal and hypocritical proponents of Liberalism. Focus on this then distracts from deeper problems, but appears correct enough on a surface level.

>> No.15534343

Strange that this particular people are always scapegoated, and you see the exact same things being said about them from Tacitus to Martin Luther to random 19th century Europeans. Very strange that this general agreement about what they're like changes just as Jews start to control the press.

Does anyone actually like Jews? Anywhere?

>> No.15534355

The entire Muslim worlds also mistrusts Christians. Same with the being thrown bit, minorities tend to be mistreated and regularly removed either by exile or by slaughter. See also: Christians and Muslims anywhere they didn't come with massive armies.

>> No.15534364

I'll add the theory of jews wanting to import muslims to europe for some religious reasons is I think quite dumb. It's really just progressives following their ideals. Do you really think Jews would want to import people who hate them into their host's country which simultaneously fuels other anti-semetic factions effectively putting them between a rock and a hard place?

>> No.15534373

Yeah but Muslims don't say Christians do the things Jews do. They don't like Christians but they don't accuse them of the specific sort of subversive activities that everybody attributes to Jews.

>> No.15534397

Do you know any other group that was a visible minority from Tactitus to Martin Luther? All the other ones either became assimilated to the majority of converted the majority, like the Christians. Except the gypsies, and you know what people say about them. And even the gypsies are a much more recent minority.

>Does anyone actually like Jews? Anywhere?
Individuals? Pretty much anywhere there are Jews since it varies from person to person. Collectives ? Currently most of the West and perhaps part of Asia.

>> No.15534416

Allow me a measure of doubt. Obviously Jews and Christians are portrayed differently in the Muslim world, but their different portrayals from what I gather are religious in nature (for instance Christians are accused to not be truly monotheistic). Christian subversion seems to be an obsession of many Muslim ideologues, it's just that nowadays it's lumped with the West, the US and Jews in the same package.

>> No.15534452

It's also extremely strange why everyone decided to set the goat off into the desert in the first place. You could say it was form delusion

>> No.15534516

Can anyone explain why Moldbug earnestly wanted Bernie to win?

>> No.15534818

I'm sorry, Moldy!

>> No.15534907

based and baudrillardpilled

>> No.15534919

if is common knowledge why are people falling for it?

>> No.15534932

>Man is stupid, you know, phenomenally stupid; or rather he is not at all stupid, but he is so ungrateful that you could not find another like him in all creation. I, for instance, would not be in the least surprised if all of a sudden, A PROPOS of nothing, in the midst of general prosperity a gentleman with an ignoble, or rather with a reactionary and ironical, countenance were to arise and, putting his arms akimbo, say to us all: "I say, gentleman, hadn't we better kick over the whole show and scatter rationalism to the winds, simply to send these logarithms to the devil, and to enable us to live once more at our own sweet foolish will!" That again would not matter, but what is annoying is that he would be sure to find followers--such is the nature of man. And all that for the most foolish reason, which, one would think, was hardly worth mentioning: that is, that man everywhere and at all times, whoever he may be, has preferred to act as he chose and not in the least as his reason and advantage dictated.

>> No.15534957

I don't know who this is and am young and don't understand the hypocrisy of using free speech that a totalitarian system wouldn't allow, but I want to join in because I am unlovable and retarded too....

I'm sorry you are a jackass jackass!

>> No.15534966

>dont focus on reality focus in the simulacrum

>> No.15534984

Because those chumps are not minimally educated and have not read books?

>> No.15534992

>thinks there's a difference
Be honest: you never actually read that book did you?

>> No.15535014

I'm reading it

>> No.15535040

elaborate. i see the cultural hegemony of Gramsci, but where does Nietzsche come in?

>> No.15535184
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>> No.15535364

No those are just Americanised people, trendy uni students and none are so fanatic. The general population has different opinions, the riots mostly confirming their already negative view on the place.

He's right. Something to do with fundamentalism is why Americans are like this and through cultural influence shift the world towards it. In no other cultural context is shit like that possible. I'd even say it's the reason braindead extremist ideologies thrive online, due to Americans setting the tone for online culture.

>> No.15535377

Resentment of Jews isn't at alt-right thing, it's a historical thing. Christians wound up translating the Talmud and found out that it says the goyim are to be treated like cattle and that Jesus is burning in a vat of diarrhea in hell. Their entire religion is based on their view that they are genetic superiority to all races of man. If you don't resent jews you're literally retarded.

>> No.15535382

>it's all just because America
This is such a childish worldview

>> No.15536683

Keked and underrated

>> No.15536774

The problems the alt-right identifies stem from many causes but Jews (due to their rootless internationalism, high IQs, and clannishness) have been at the forefront of many of them. However, many powerful people of all ethnicities are now like those Jews at heart, so focusing on them alone solves nothing. Replacing Jews with words such as bankers, CEOs, politicians, neoconservatives, and so on is more effective, much more precise and doesn't alienate potential allies. Jews, though, as a catch all for those, inflames passions and conspiracies like no other. It's one of the reasons I enjoyed using the Noseberg meme. It was a lowkey accelerationist meme.

>> No.15536775

Resentment is for slaves. Also a religion claiming superiority over other nations is not exclusive to judaism.

>> No.15536803

>However, many powerful people of all ethnicities are now like those Jews at heart
I disagree, if anything it was these certain jews who usually weren't that religious that became more like the elite that they supposedly infiltrated. Influenced sure, but progressivism is a virus that tries to absorb and adapt everything it touches.

>> No.15536805

Yes but why would you like any ethnocentric religion and why would you exclude Jews from criticism just because they are whiny and petty when called out for it?

>> No.15536817

How tf did Calvinism make it into this thread?

>> No.15536841
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Does Moldbug explain this?


>> No.15536847
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>Curtis Yarvin was born in 1973 from a highly-educated, liberal and secular Jewish family.

>> No.15536851

second religiousness came early

>> No.15536940

1. Never said I did, I don't care for any religion.
2. Never did

>> No.15537618

he literally took Marxist concept of ideology from Althusser's "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses", refurbished it to fit his reactionary agenda and sold the rebranded product as the Cathedral

>> No.15537627

>uses old idea in novel and innovative context
>this is a bad thing
SEETHE tranny

>> No.15537799

I watched the interview he did with Thad Russell, and I could not parse what the fuck he was saying half the time.

>> No.15537832

Oh no anon! 2 times 44 equals 88! Now it's Nazi thread!

>> No.15537875

Because his political position is inherently incoherent.

>> No.15537889

Lives off thielbucks

>> No.15538798


>> No.15538960

Wow, and Althusser got his from someone else, who was saying this stuff before him too! It's almost like this idea of "Cathedral" is just, as Moldbug fully admits, something that literally everyone up until recently just understood, given that fucking Cato the Elder was talking about this over 2,000 years ago!

It's almost like "Progress" is a giant fucking meme or something!

Second Religiousness.

Moldbug is an absolutely SHIT public speaker. Don't bother with anything by him that isn't written, unless you wanted confirmation that the dweeby comp-sci monarchist was, in fact, a huge dork.

>> No.15539349

How does Moldbug suggest dealing with the Great Awokening?

>> No.15539390

>the wrong way,

this is where moldbug, land and his contemporaries ultimately trip over themselves. it's not about "playing fair". the progressives, leftists, antifa, minorities in the streets know this.

so much fake-detached seething born from "why didn't i think about that first?" in those circles on twitter.

>> No.15539392

Run, gather power and wait. Well actually he never addresses that - that's more of an overall NRx position.

>> No.15539438

Moldbug actually talks about this, but he was already blackpilled in early 2000s. Basically he says that it's impossible to win street fights if the justice system is on your enemies' side and that all protests and revolutions have a powerful sponsor, no exceptions. This again turned out to be 100% correct given the recent and not-so-recent events.

>> No.15540312

well you can look in brazil for your master race fren

>> No.15540473
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>> No.15540543

what podcast, when did this happen?

>> No.15540554

How come the people that push that the white race are superior always look like complete dogshit, though. Like real talk?

>> No.15540571

>I have never read Moldbug, but I'll have you know that my opinion is very important
No, it isn't.

It's the precursors of the Second Religiousness, there's nothing we can do.

>> No.15540578

Cried on Justin Murphy's podcast and I think Kantbot's one too.

>> No.15540581

>Second Religiousness
Alright, fine: what is this? Constantine 2.0?

>> No.15540605

he is literally a jew who is opposed to white supremacy

>> No.15540622

can you summarize the context of his crying?

>> No.15540627

He's only opposed to white nationalism because he think it's impractical and that white solidarity is a myth. He's not opposed to it in a moral sense.

>> No.15540632

some wiman got her husbando killed in soviet russia and lefties in amerimutt land didn't believe her

>> No.15540636

No, it's Augustus 2.0. Essentially, you've got a Republic, a state that exists for the benefit of its populace, and then it turns into an Empire, which is a system that exists solely to perpetuate Empire via breaking the populace up into groups and exploiting them. Empires are fine with swapping out the actual people inhabiting these groups if they're more capable of engaging in that niche than the prior inhabitants (the US Empire swapped WASPs for Jews, and the Irish for Blacks; Rome swapped out is patrician class like four times), so there are no such things as "Ethnic Empires".

The problem is that this transition can't be done outright and openly, so the currents that lead to it happening eventually produce a politically schizophrenic system (because it's not concerned with long term stability or coherence, just the furtherance of Empire). So Caesarism starts up, beginning in truth with a dude who engages in large scale conservative (little c) reforms to try and keep the system more stable so the furtherance of Empire can be done more efficiently (you can't be efficient if you're dead). This is done by basically merging the ideology of the day with an entirely inauthentic LARP of the past. In Rome, this was Augustus, not Constantine (Constantine fulfills a different role).

So in the context of America, what this would mean is that we'll all go to church on Sundays (government mandated) so priests can tell us about how Jesus was a Brown Revolutionary Fighting White Supremacy and that Bankers are God's Chosen People and you're a sinner if you don't pray for interest rates to go up every night before bed. It's taking Christianity and unironically making it into what Neopagans say it is: spiritual pig-feed for a slave race to keep them happy until they're slaughtered.

>> No.15540640

Retard here. What did he say?

>> No.15540647

>tells story about yank commie who got BTFO by Stalin and then came back to burgerland and got shunned by her commie friends
>bursts into sobs all of a sudden, like he was recollecting a memory of a recently dead parent
>asks Justin to talk for a moment while he gets a hold of himself
>Justin says one syllable
>Curtis instantly stops crying and starts talking again

>> No.15540667
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>If you don't resent jews you're literally retarded.

>> No.15540678
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>> No.15540780

>sends his kids to a chines immersion school
Have the chinks got to him?

>> No.15540792

He's literally decades ahead of the curve.

>> No.15540795

>Resentment is for slaves
Then why do jews resent everyone except for themselves?

>> No.15540852

He's literally a Jewish supremacist

>> No.15541351

Heard a few talks with him and I'm certain he's on the spectrum: interrupts the hosts while going on thousands of tangents, ends his monologues by erupting into +15dB laughters culminated with "and... and... you know's". Part of it is on the pissy hosts who just won't tell him to stfu, but mostly it's on him being autistic. Works fine in print though, so I echo this anon >>15538960

More generally, I'm afraid he's becoming too self-indulgent in meming himself, and can only hope he will have something interesting to say in his upcoming book. I'd even subscribe to see it emerge and participate in the discussions if I were certain it will have interesting subscribers, but I'm convinced they will mostly be frogtwitter grifters.

>> No.15541356

Government structures should be modeled on the Toyota Motor Corporation or something.

>> No.15541374


>> No.15541401

It’s human nature you ‘tard. This particular event is happening across many western nations as well.

>> No.15541403

>ends his monologues by erupting into +15dB laughters
The laughing at nothing is so incredibly grating. I don't have much faith in the book, he' starting to huff his own flatulence as of late, which is never a good sign in a thinker whose thought has always been somewhat scattershot and vague to begin with. But we'll see. The Right could really really do with a strong work right about now.