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15529171 No.15529171 [Reply] [Original]

Christianity, a doctrine that proselytized the poor and venerated the weak. Weakness being the root of ressentiment is an evil. Christianity and its fixation on the poor is of slave morality. Doesn't that render the doctrine evil in its own right? Not to mention, Christ is accessible to everyone. Implicitly in that is the assumption of equality among all. This is anti-hierarchical in the same way that Marxism is

How do Christcucks answer this one?

>> No.15529174

>actually defending a universe Nietzsche himself calls a "monster of energy"


>> No.15529186

>not refuting the point made

Mega retard

>> No.15529256

It only venerates phisical weekends because it much easier to get spiritual strength that way.
And it does not condem strong people in any way as long as that follows God's will.
For example king Davi was the strongest araund and is a great saint. You can you for tons of other king and emperors like Constantine who where strong and still became saints.
Neetche was critiqueing abominations of Christianity and is quite right in some of his points.

>> No.15529273

Matthew 19:24

>I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

How is this not anti aristocratic?

>> No.15529342

It is anty money lovers and worshipers. If you read the book holistically, and don't quote pick it's pretty obvious Jesus is making an example of this guy who even after God himself tells him to abounden money he can't.

>> No.15529357

>Christianity and it's fixation on the poor
Most of IRL Christianity now and past has been focused on the community it's based in. I like N but his criticisms are so specific to fanatic Lutheranism that it doesn't bear much relevance to the churches of today.
>Implicitly in that is the assumption of equality among all.
Not everyone is saved, not everyone will find faith, not everyone will be allowed to enter heaven's gates. Not everyone who is a Christian will be.
t. atheist
The "eye of the needle" they had to pass through was (I think) a narrow gate in Jerusalem which could only fit donkeys through when they were unloaded of their cargo and baggage. The symbolism here is obvious. Nietzsche's aristocrats are defined by character - not wealth. He was emphatically not suggesting everyone should be Cesare Borgia.

>> No.15529396

Christ's weakness and servitude was not out of hate or ressentiment towards the rich and powerful. Rather Christ's servitude was out of pure love of humanity. The Christian thesis is that love is superior to fear.

Fear is what motivates many people: fear of government, fear of being poor, fear of hell. Christ sought to remove fear as the key motivator of our lives by teaching us that salvation is a gift not an achievement and also by setting the ultimate example of living a perfect life and dying a horrible death out of pure love for humanity.

We do not pray for those who persecute us because we hate them. We do not pray that God would send the rich and powerful to hell because we are afraid of the rich and powerful. Rather we pray for them because we wish to see them saved. We pray for them because we love them, just as Christ loved us.

>> No.15529400

Keep reading.
24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

25 When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?

26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

>> No.15529674

If you compare Christianity to Paganism, you can clearly see the discrepancy in hierarchy. In one of the traditions of Paganism, only the hero is eligible for a place in Valhalla whereas in Christianity, the weak and the strong can both be eligible for a place in heaven. There is clearly difference in value for these two hierarchies

>> No.15529858


Nietzsche criticized the church of his time because like most churches it was just another shitty religion with master-slave morality. But the "Kingdom of Heaven" that Jesus speaks about is more like Nietzsche's Übermensch, because it transcends the rat race. In the Kingdom of Heaven, it's not about who you are, it's about what you do. Imagine that: a world without identity politics.

If you ingenuously want to know about Christianity, you just have to read the gospels yourself. You can't count on the church to "get" Christ's teachings. It's too tempting for them to grab some of Christ's authority for themselves.

>> No.15529906

Equality among all, but not all are the elect. The elect may come from all walks and races, but they are still to be a minority.

>> No.15529930

did u read marx to know this? or did u just read nietzsche's tarantula's thing?

as i marxist, i can definitely afree that in most cases what nietzsche's saying is true, but is not in the essence of marxism neither of communism itself, if one does purge its liberal components. I am an hard core elitist, but precisely because i read nietzsche i am also a communist, since he taught me the role aesthetics truly plays in existence, and no other culture would be as beautiful as the one that is finally free from the law of value. I do not care about well being of workers or all that ethical bullshit, all i care about is beauty and its realization in culture, and for that to happen, exchange value has to be abolished, so that its own value might cast its light upon humanity

>> No.15529949

as a* agree*

>> No.15530184

Christianity became popular in a world where people didn't need to go sailing, rampaging, and stealing just to get through the winter so an emphasis and convincing people to rush headlong into battle wasn't necessary.
Christianity promotes a different kind of strength - one that is actually beneficial to a modern civilization.
How would the modern world by improved by the introduction of murderous, rapey Danes who have no abilty to overcome themselves?
I think you may be misunderstanding both N and Christianity here.

>> No.15530238

Nietzsche was a bullied loser in denial, just like everyone on here

Christianity elevates losers and gives them power over others, so idk why the hate for it

Your garbage genetics will prob oppress you far more than any theocracy ever will

>> No.15530247

I've concluded that I should start referring to liberalism as Degenerated Slave Morality (DSM) since it is the degeneration of the American christian ideology.

>> No.15530270

if you're not a king or a genius i dont wanna hear hierarchical shiit about no nietzsche fucking faggot

>> No.15530296

>Christianity promotes a different kind of strength - one that is beneficial to a modern civilization

It's a decadent kind of "strength". The type to collapse an entire empire. The Roman Empire was arguably humanity's peak and who's to say that it wasn't civilized? The men were so strong there was no need for morality to keep the herd in check

>Danes who have no ability to overcome themselves

N actually praised the nordic tradition for being in tune with themselves for exercising their will and not having the constraints of morality in their way.

>> No.15530329

Rapey and murderous in conquest, yes

>> No.15530337

End your worthless lives already.

>> No.15530348

uh no, I'm going to make some dionysian art that'll make nietzsche go "well, why'd you do that faggot?"

>> No.15530365

The eastern Roman empire is not real ok....

>> No.15530402

>Heavily relied on slavery
>Emperor succession was insanity
>No police/gangs acted as police
>No soap/disgusting public baths
>Atrocious numeral system
>Lead in the water
>Peak of humanity

>> No.15530956

>It's a decadent kind of "strength". The type to collapse an entire empire. The Roman Empire was arguably humanity's peak and who's to say that it wasn't civilized?
Probably all of the slaves that died horrific deaths. I think it'd hard to call Rome the peak of civilization - it fell into nepotism and disrepair because at its heart it was always just a second rate Athens. It's a different kind of strength and the hatred N has for it doesn't extend too far beyond the Lutheranism he was familiar with.
>The men were so strong there was no need for morality to keep the herd in check
There was a heavy behavioural context even in Pagan Rome, look back at some of Octavian's speeches and he's talking about returning Women to Virtue and such.
>N actually praised the nordic tradition for being in tune with themselves for exercising their will and not having the constraints of morality in their way.
In the sense that master morality is obviously preferable to slave morality but neither are ideal as both are incapable of ovf overcoming themselves. If what you took from N was "be a master" you've entirely missed the point he was making about morality and herds.

>> No.15531087

Nietzsche was a genius of far greater caliber than Plato.

>> No.15531098

>slave morality

>> No.15532167

>Goes mad from syphylis
Behold the overman!

>> No.15532533

Look up Liberation Theology. There are many Christian Marxists.

>> No.15532730

>can't spell syphilis
>thinks he had syphilis
>thinks the overman is some kind of mystical centaur immune to disease
>the absolute state of Nietzsche's detractors
Many such cases.

>> No.15533469

>Caring about english ortography
Imaginee bein slav to dictionary writers. Wait you dot'n has too imaggine.

>> No.15533638

t. Slave

>> No.15533994
File: 33 KB, 318x458, 53144646._SX318_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche was following Lutheranism to it's logical conclusion. The Catholic faith and even many Protestant ones do not uplift the weak because they lack worldly might and if you don't understand that much you're a retard.

>> No.15534217

It take more strength of will to love the weak and be a good shepherd than Nietzsche ''over-man'' can ever dream of.
Nietzsche philosophy is childish.