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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 126 KB, 256x376, Catchcov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1552734 No.1552734 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in the process of reading the Catcher in the Rye, thanks to a suggestion from my lit arts teacher.

Two words,


I fucking love this book, the writing is so good and fluent, it really is. Has anyone ever read this book? It's great!

>> No.1552736



this aint good

>> No.1552741

Never heard of it.

>> No.1552743

you're under-aged, aren't you?

>> No.1552744
File: 2.65 MB, 4320x3240, 001 (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you know anything about going full retard?
you ain't supposed to do it, phony

>> No.1552746 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 532x431, urdoinitrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll. Also, popping the cherry on some quasi-OC.

>> No.1552750
File: 64 KB, 500x375, 1297231687077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was pretty good, couldn't get used to the fifties language so I quit reading it though.

>> No.1552751

wait virginia, is that you?

you are kind of cute when you're out of your professor look

not as cute as I

but cute

>> No.1552760

Can you seriously not recognize me without the glasses?
I don't even wear glasses

Also, prove you're hawter. PIX PL0X

>> No.1552764


>> No.1552767

Yeah, I read that book a while back in high school. Very good story.

>> No.1552769

ill post some later this week

i need a haircut

>> No.1552771

Haulden Caulfield is the most unlikeable character. Ever.

>> No.1552775

I'll get my dick all prepped for the fap sesh.
Make sure to ask /fa/ about dat cut.
Hitler youth

>> No.1552780
File: 12 KB, 268x236, 1297578093841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you only connect to him if you relate to his situations. When I was a teen I related to him a lot, and found the book to be almost a path of some sort for me.

But damn... talk about nostalgia, I might go and pick up this book and read it again for shits and giggles.

>> No.1552783


fuck that

it doesn't even look good on hipsters

is it a joke?

i have sorta been suspicious it's the infinite jest of /fa/

>> No.1552788

you're all just a big bunch of fucking phonies.


>> No.1552789

I'd argue that the narrator from NftU is less likeable. At least Holden will grow out of his teen angst.

>> No.1552791

Honestly I don't know. I stopped going on /fa/ as much once I lost my hair and got out of anorexic mode.

>> No.1552797

It's very poignant if you can relate to Holden.

>> No.1552814


>disliking a book because of the cadence

You're an idiot.


>> No.1552964

I didn't like it 'cause the asshole main character reminded me of myself and what an asshole I am.

>> No.1552971

read it when your a teen. its great, excellent sometimes life changing

read it as a 21 year old hipster who. you look kind of like an idiot.

i try to remain nice to people like the later hipster but its hard.

>> No.1552975

three books which changed me as a teen reader
the stranger
the hitchikers guide

i still rather love these books

>> No.1552991


Pea coat, badly knitted hat, v-neck, affinity for the hitler youth hair-do... hipster detected.

>> No.1553053

Don't forget the scruffy beard or the defensive expression.

>> No.1553054

Read three pages and wanted to punch that little snot in the mouth.

>> No.1553055


you say that word...i don't think you know what it means...