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File: 180 KB, 1242x1571, 1591123778411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15524879 No.15524879[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Apart from politics pls: what does that sentence mean? I'm not native and can't understand anything from what is written on the t-shirt, idk if it's because during translation in my head I lost something or just the sentence is fcked up

>> No.15524972 [DELETED] 
File: 263 KB, 739x748, blacklivesmatter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it means
>if you suck black cock (which all white girls do) then you have a duty to be an advocate for social equality for blacks, otherwise you are just exploiting them

the poignancy of this message is derived from the veracity of the truth which it assumes for its start, i.e. that white girls fuck black men. every white girl who sees this shirt will immediately apprehend its validity, and will do so on a fundamental level. Whereas every whiteboy who sees this shirt will be pierced with the lurking conviction of his own inadequacy and crumble inefficaciously before its declaration.

this girl's shirt is perhaps one of the most important philosophic statements of our time. with a single stroke she has pried a primordial state of affairs from the illicit shambles of unconscious reflexivity and situated it squarely in the conscious field. it can no longer be denied: white girls love black dick, and this love is something that even a virulent systemic racism fails to neutralize.

she has scrawled pure unadulterated truth upon her back, and the world was forced to take notice.

>> No.15525010

yea took me a few reads,
Its like
"Don't; Open your mouth for black dicks but keep it closed on black issues."

The way i read had the opposite message,
"Don't open your mouth for black dick, but (instead) keep it closed on black issues"

>> No.15525035

It's an interjection on hypocrisy. Like "you close your mouth for black people issues but you gladly open your moth for black dick".

>> No.15525049

sucking black dick is racist, duh

>> No.15525081

Doesn't the latter mean that "If you don't suck a black dick, you can't talk about black issues"?

Seems reasonable, but shouldn't there on original sentence be an "AND" in the place of "BUT"
Don't open your mouth for black dicks AND keep it closed on black issues

>> No.15525119

Should be "Don't open your mouth for black dick IF you keep it closed for black issues", no?

>> No.15525128

I'm not your grammar but it's nice that she posts here.

>> No.15525151

if my daughter left the house with those shorts on I will beat the shit out of her

>> No.15525159

Which shorts?

>> No.15525167

Her brain has been ruined by social conditioning / hedonism.

>> No.15525182

How are there so many ESL fags here? It's an imperative to other white women: Don't open your mouth in order to suck black cock but keep it shut (staying silent) on black issues. If you're still having trouble replace "but" with "while at the same time" or something similar.

>> No.15525191

no you wouldn't

>> No.15525195

Basically "I fuck black guys"

>> No.15525209

she probably left the house with those shorts on because of the beatings her dad gave her

>> No.15525220

replace the "but keep" with a "while keeping" and you're good

>> No.15525222

read it in a vapid white girl voice and it makes sense

>> No.15525225

Here’s my take on on what she is trying to say:

Her message is to white girls
The white girls who love to choke on bbc
She must have inside info that Katie, Sarah, and Lucy are ok sucking bbc
But when it comes to this protest about racial injustice, they are silent and not joining her protesting.
Thus she is calling them white hos out.
For opening their mouth for bbc
But keeping quiet (aka “white silence”) about what is happening to the owners of the bbc

>> No.15525226

yeah that's it

>> No.15525234
File: 85 KB, 787x1280, EZnXgn3WAAMYMoE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have backtraced the history of the phrase further.

>> No.15525243
File: 125 KB, 1080x762, EZopXuxUEAAGo-d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grammar will never be the same.

>> No.15525264

overbearing dads are the source of indiscriminate sluts, true fact.

>> No.15525275

Who in their right mind would want to be associated with this pharase?
Don't these women have a shred of self awareness?

>> No.15525277

I don't see the problem

>> No.15525280

no that would completely change the meaning. it turns it into a hypothetical which can be rewritten as
>if you keep your mouth shut on black issues, don't open it for black cock
this statement is directed at people who keep their mouth shut on black issues and a future (hypothetical) hypocrisy if they were to suck on black cock, while the OP image is directed at the people who already suck black cock but keep their mouth silent on black issues, ordering them not to because of its hypocrisy.
I swear you're all ESL or just retarded.

>> No.15525285

The American middle class lack any depth.

>> No.15525286

they're incredibly proud at spiting their dead ancestors

>> No.15525288

they're probably not exactly all there psychologically. Sort of histrionic behavior

>> No.15525307

How dare someone not care about someone else personally. It is like they are just using Malik for his long thick penis

>> No.15525315

everyone talking about "black dick" in a social justice kind of way is a fucking hypocrite.
You know where the black dick idea comes from? When they were trying to justify using us as free labor, the way they do animals, they concocted this idea of the "black dick" and "strong black physique" to draw parallels between black men and donkeys, horses, oxen, etc. Beasts of the field. Beasts of burden.
Now, with black women trafficked, black men murdered in the street, the indulgent white girl and white man masturbate to cartoonish black asses in strip clubs, pumped up black dicks in porn. The grotesque cuckold fetish paints us as hypermasculine apes, literally paralleling king kong in grabbing and fucking a white woman. A man so comfortable in his position of privilege that he has time to draw out elaborate cathartic fantasies of powerlessness against a fucking racial caricature. They claimed we were bred, like dogs or cattle. They claimed we had naturally more sexual bodies, like some kind of fucking blowup doll. None of this is truth, not that it matters to the shitheads who continue to objectify us. Shit like this is so dehumanizing and insulting.
We are humans, just like you. We are not your cartoons, or minstrels, or sexual tools. We want to live. We want to survive on the earth, we fear death. Just like you. Fucking reckon with that fact and you'll be a better "ally" than this fucking insolent little bitch ever will be.

>> No.15525323

Are you ESL? It's pretty simple.

1) Don't open your mouth for black dick;
2) Don't keep your mouth shut when it comes black issues.

Pretty fucking clear.

>> No.15525328

what exactly is wrong with it? if you date black men but don't care about stuff like racial inequality then you are a hypocrite, that's true enough. do you disagree with the premise of miscegenation or are you against it because it's crude and vulgar? the OP image is funny nonetheless.

>> No.15525342

>self awareness

>> No.15525343

>if you date black men but don't care about stuff like racial inequality then you are a hypocrite, that's true enough.
Is it?

>> No.15525426

>Are you ESL?
while OP stated
>I'm not native

>> No.15525449

Why do people put their thoughts on a tshirt?
Its a very peculiar thing if you think about it

>> No.15525453


>> No.15525503

yes, unless you are just a dumb slut. I mean if you are using someone for sex and have "jungle/yellow/etc" fever than sure whatever but if you are legit with someone then you should care about their well being and standing in society. In fact better their standing, easier it will be for your mixed kids

>> No.15525510

Treating black bodies as mere tools is wrong, anon.

>> No.15525518

I bet he has sucked a lot of back dick.

>> No.15525519

Why do people put their thoughts in a message board post? Same shit.

>> No.15525528


>> No.15525545
File: 52 KB, 960x960, 14967834285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make a very fair point, anon.

>> No.15525552

But is it hypocritical? Hypocritical doesn't mean "things that are wrong or I don't like".

>> No.15525555

This must have originated as a saying directed at white women by black women. I like how it's half about systemic racism and half about "keep your hands off our men, you white bish!".

>> No.15525559

Also... tools? What fetish is that?

>> No.15525578

>This must have originated as a saying directed at white women by black women.
Never underestimate white people's contempt for themselves.

>> No.15525577

Black men be like "Well actually, we do offer a dick-only service plan..."

>> No.15525623

I'm talking about the origin of it. White women wouldn't have the stones to start preaching about "black dick" unless they're just echoing what some black woman said.

>> No.15525653 [DELETED] 

The truth is you are cattle, goy. Black goys are as useful as white female goys are in maintaining this travesty of a globalized world. You have no fucking leaders. You have no heroes in your blood. You have no potency. You are a race of degenerates, brought low by recent machinations, and have never been able to overcome this most recent past. Western blacks are the most animalistic people to ever walk the earth, right before the Khazar. You and your ilk gladly accept this characterization of suprasexuality because that is in your blood.

>> No.15525719

unless you are a dog fucker then it can be assumed that you view people of other races as humans since you are willing to have sex with them so it would be hypocritical to acknowledge their humanity in one area only to deny it in another

>> No.15525727

maybe a gay best friend said it.

>> No.15525749

It's incredibly hypocritical. She's politicizing personal relationships. Objectifying black men, referencing archaic stereotypes constructed to justify a brutal system of labor exploitation. At a protest about a murdered black man. It's incredibly poor taste and shows she has internalized and even enjoys spreading the ideology which caused the very deaths she's protesting.

>> No.15525762

Dont open, black dick inside

>> No.15525790

don't black inside dick

>> No.15525839

Black men and white women objectify themselves. They don't care for justice. They want to be validated and gratified. They accept the terms for conditional objectification. Like children, they throw a fit if the wrong category of person objectifies them, but will gladly reduce themselves to less than human for anything else. Cry elsewhere.

>> No.15525856

Non retarded version (lefties not allowed):
Stop opening your mouth for black dick and then keeping it closed on balck issues.

>> No.15525880

You spend too much time on the internet, incel. Your ideas of who people are and what they do are so fucking far off, it's laughable. There's no conversing with you, so deeply misanthropic. You're well off the deep end of alienation. I bet you like violence. Probably gonna off yourself. Do it already.

>> No.15525895

this post lol, projection speaks

>> No.15525916

Classic, calling projection when I nail you. Fuck off.

>> No.15525930

Lol. Boo hoo.

>> No.15525931

Why do American White women consider themselves equity and think offering themselves to black men is tackling inequality?

>> No.15525971

you didnt respond to anything the guy said but gave a detailed profile of a type of person, it's too specific to be anything other than you

>> No.15525975

No it isnt. Fuckign somebody doesnt mean caring for him.

>> No.15525995

Nah kikes made it up for whites to racemix. You are clueless if you think poor white peopel have any privilege other than gentic IQ.

>> No.15525997

Nah it's a good guess at the type of guy who would post something like >>15525839. The multiple samefagging responses are proof that I was on the money.

>> No.15526006

yes you're a mindreader, not an angry antifa incel. just lol

>> No.15526011

lmao ok man keep seething

>> No.15526021

if my daughter did that I would honour kill her

>> No.15526280

No, because it's a contrast between open and closed.
Though and is an acceptable choice, but seems more natural to me.

>> No.15526289

This more or less. "BBC" is actually racist, though a great many people don't seem to realize that. Which is why it's really fucking ironic that there are people out there like "Oh, I only fuck black guys!" and think that makes them not racist.

>> No.15526412

Why do women dress like that? It is disgusting!

>> No.15526443

the most based post I've seen on this board

>> No.15526572

This is a very good observation.

But what do you say to >>15525995 ? Poor white people have been shit on for centuries while having it forced down their throats that theirs is a position of privilege, than backbreaking labor and wageslavery and unhealthy working conditions are part and parcel of the human condition, that they can make it if only we put in the time. Poor white people have been fed a toxic narrative same as everyone else. It wasn't the poor white people who were enslaving you, and it hasn't been the poor white people benefiting from your historical enslavement.

You want to live? Great, so do I.

>> No.15526585

is there a more perfidious creature on earth than a white woman?

>> No.15526590

This post said a whole lot of nothing.

>> No.15526602

My penis.

>> No.15526670

working people need to band together, liberal and conservative objectification of black people needs to stop.

>> No.15526687

You understand I care several orders of magnitude less about black objectification than I do about economic exploitation of poor people, yeah? My preoccupation is killing people, keeping them stupid, keeping them indebted, keeping them from experiencing life.

Yours is making you feel bad about your penis size.

>> No.15526690

wait so blacks aren't stronger and more hung? how do you explain the average penis size in African countries and the number of Africans in sports?

>> No.15526700

I don't know, ask the black guy.

>> No.15526713

If you think you're going to get meaningful class consciousness in the US without demolishing the myths of race which were established to justify slavery and continue to replicate themselves in the minds of reactionaries on both sides of the political spectrum, you are an idiot.
The hatred of black people is what prevents the white poor man from voting to protect social welfare. How do you think they justified austerity? "welfare queens" and "porch monkeys."
And the capitalist urban liberal, whose allegiances go whichever way the latest narcissist tells them to, needs to realize the difference between someone who is trying to take advantage of them and someone who is trying to appeal to them. I've read Marx, Reed, and Adorno, I know where you're coming from, but America is a unique situation which requires a unique response. The current protests are not it.

>> No.15526726
File: 1.75 MB, 1080x1920, 1591178906108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an entire movement. The modern left and modern women everybody. Lovely.

>> No.15526760

No, you retard. She's trying to say that if you're white you don't have to get involved with black people and it's perfectly fine to stick to your own race, but you are also not allowed to speak on black issues.
Why the dick analogy I don't understand, white women are mentally ill.

>> No.15526781
File: 24 KB, 418x370, 1510894069477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debating sucking black dicks
never change you pathetic retards

>> No.15526787

>what exactly is wrong with it? if you date black men but don't care about stuff like racial inequality then you are a hypocrite
>do you disagree with the premise of miscegenation or are you against it because it's crude and vulgar?
Any sane person would find it repulsive and completely irrelevant.
>OP image is funny nonetheless
To literal cuckolds.

>> No.15526788

lmao you're also misunderstanding it
idk what's so hard to understand.
>but you are also not allowed to speak on black issues
goes against the entire message. why would they want less people supporting their movement/cause?

>> No.15526793

There is -- or was, I'm unsure if it still remains -- an article about white running backs who received no offers from colleges to play for their football teams despite having worthy or beyond-worthy stats; meanwhile blacks get an offer.

Someone could point to whites dominating strongman, swimming, biking, etc. It just depends on what you select and how to view it.

>> No.15526796
File: 98 KB, 723x394, 1591285025977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would she think of Kantbot's dick? Would she enjoy it? Would she leave her boyfriends for him? What if he undressed in front of her? Would she want to fuck him?

>> No.15526808

>an article about white running backs who received no offers from colleges to play for their football teams despite having worthy or beyond-worthy stats; meanwhile blacks get an offer.
The selection process is more complicated than you might realise, stats can be misleading for the uninitiated.

>> No.15526822

yeah whites' bodies are better suited for those things while blacks dominate running and are stronger on average. I've heard of bone density studies showing that blacks have a higher density than whites but I don't know if that has a causal relationship to strength.

>> No.15526826

This post will be silently ignored by the leftists.

>> No.15526829

Nobody's talking about the protests, but I respect your point of view overall. I disagree fundamentally that America's state of systemic oppression is substantially different from every other instance of systemic oppression, nor that black exploitation is a panacea to every other mode of American systemic oppression.

I think it's a far more credible position that American politics has been steeped for too long in a two-party dichotomy which leaves so much of the fringe by the wayside that "independent" is an essentially invalid orientation. It forces constituents to adopt the opinions of their majority which, regardless of whether or not you're a reactionary, encourages either a social welfare prerogative or a rugged individualism prerogative, with the only middle ground ceded with a lot of monologuing à la, "now, do I believe that food stamps shouldn't exist at all? no, but..."

I agree that Black representation is an issue, and it's one that deserves to be discussed in schools and universities and the public forum, but I can't get behind that argument that every social issue in America stems from racist reactionary propagandizing. If I'm wrong, and that is the case, then it's as much poor blacks against poor whites as it is poor whites, middles and elites against poor blacks.

>> No.15526843

I'd also be a bit wary of American sports. But if you look at the olympics it's clear that there are populations in Africa that dominate sprinting and long distance running. They are two separate populations, and most blacks don't belong to either of them, but it's a thing.

>> No.15526850

That'd make a great, secretly red pilled but still politically tolerable stand up routine.

>> No.15526856

Cause they don't want white people to even speak on black issues as a way of undermining whites, you mongoloid. What's so hard to understand? That part is literally written on her back without any stupid analogy.
"don't open your mouth on black issues''

>> No.15526866

'blacks' is not a suitable category seeing as they're a diverse bunch, but you're probably thinking of West Africans having more fast-twitch fibres, which makes them more explosive. This doesn't translate to pure strength, as in weightlifting, but things like sprinting and other athletics.

The science on this stuff is not exactly all that rigorous so it should all be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.15526879

>Cause they don't want white people to even speak on black issues as a way of undermining whites
how paranoid can you be? what propaganda have you been consuming? these aren't radical leftists.
>"don't open your mouth on black issues''
nigger can you read? it's saying you're a hypocrite if you suck black dick but stay silent on black issues. it's not an order to stay silent on black issues, that would be counterproductive.

>> No.15526888

Averages =/= essential qualities, even if those things were true (they're not at all, or only true to a far less extent than you think).

>> No.15526897

nice trips but all we're talking about is averages here. no one thinks just because someone is black that they are strong, only that black people are stronger on average than white people.

>> No.15526911

Holy fuck you are literally too retarded to understand what a stupid coal burner wrote on her shirt.
The message is as clear as fucking day she's saying you can stick to your own race (don't suck black dick, nobody's forcing you to), but you aren't allowed to have an opinion about black issues (don't open your mouth on black issues).
>it's saying you're a hypocrite if you suck black dick but stay silent on black issues
No it's not, that would've sounded like this "If you suck black dick don't stay silent on black issues''
No it's not, blacks don't want white people to tell them about their own problems and she's sympathizing with that sentiment.
I can't believe I'm arguing about something as stupid as this with actual brainlets like you.
You get no more replies, this is your last (You)

>> No.15526917


You're both right go have a cookie.

>> No.15526921

Its very hard to measure in large numbers since strength by any metric is massively more malleable than things like IQ. The amount that someone works out dwarfs their genetic input for everyone except the elite.

That is why I posted above about the marathon runners and sprinters in Africa, that is clearly genetic at that point.

>> No.15526924

nah average people are pretty intensely weak regardless of race

>> No.15526937

Which isn't true.
>blacks are stronger and more hung
Is an essentialist statement. Leftists think being athletic and having big dicks are inherent qualities of blacks when even the averages can't even be determined confidently.

>> No.15526945
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1514889684078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't suck black dick
hurr durr she's definitely saying IF you suck black dick
>but keep your mouth shut on black issues
hurr durr she's definitely inviting you to speak freely on black issues

>> No.15526955


>> No.15526970

Imagine getting cucked by your own daughter.

>> No.15526971


>> No.15526980

I'll leave you with something to think about. why would she go to a protest telling people to silence themselves? is it a conspiracy against white people, trying to silence them?

>> No.15526989

I feel like eyeballs have a lot to do with white supremacy. You can tell which way a person is looking by the white of their eyes. Extrapolate that to us watching films balanced towards white skin in the 1950's, the concept of a pure God of white light, etc. it makes sense in a sick way.

>> No.15526998

Every single American girl is dressed like that. When I visited America I got an erection every now and then. No wonder they get assaulted and shit.

>> No.15527016


>> No.15527029
File: 84 KB, 600x681, PS_merry_pipe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scroll through thread
>no one has posted meriadoc

welcome to neo-/lit/ everyone

>> No.15527127 [DELETED] 

The first one awkwardly substitutes "but" for "and", but the logic is sound.

p = (you) open your mouth for black dick
q = (you) keep [your mouth] closed for black issues

So the signs read:

¬(p ∧ q)

which is equivalent to

p ¬q

which translates to "If you open your mouth for black dick, then you cannot keep your mouth closed for black issues" which is finally stated in >>15525243.

>> No.15527135
File: 107 KB, 256x256, ironic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now do "And but so"

>> No.15527152

The first one awkwardly substitutes "but" for "and", but the logic is sound.

p = (you) open your mouth for black dick
q = (you) keep [your mouth] closed for black issues

So the signs read:

~(p ^ q)

which is equivalent to

p -> ~q

which translates to "If you open your mouth for black dick, then you cannot keep your mouth closed for black issues" which is finally stated in >>15525243.

>> No.15527173
File: 79 KB, 500x500, resincerity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said 'NOW DO "AND BUT SO"'.

>> No.15527416

Honestly, 2deep4me.