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15524697 No.15524697 [Reply] [Original]

THerapy is a load of bullshit and you know it. Most drugs do more harm to you and make you a lifeless robot. Gimme some books that show this or maybe the other side why they are good.

>> No.15524731
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>> No.15524732

That's why you get therapy to not be dependend on drugs.

>> No.15524758

What a dumb blowjack.
This applies to three people at some French university and not even for very long.

>> No.15524809

You get therapy and drugs like zoloft. Therapy is just some guy with a degree who thinks normal behavior is abnormal for most cases.

>> No.15524820

I dunno mate, pretty accurate here in Cali. Though most of these chicks aren't actually french, they studied.

>> No.15524853

This post:

>GF tells me to try prozac because im miserable
>ask doctor for it, he cheerfully gives it to me
>makes me violently sick for a few days
>feel a pleasant blankness
>find myself staring out windows
>cant focus on reading
>cant enjoy television that isnt pretty people having fun
>have no sensation in my dick, cant get hard
>find myself staring out the window alot
>go off it
>feel like killing myself

i prefer the consolation of philosophy

>> No.15524905

based and Boethius-pilled

>> No.15524921

It applied to quite a lot of French expatriate 'arthoes' in London.

>> No.15524929

"Mad in America"

>> No.15524957

Do you live in America or France (suggested by the picture)? Is, wherever you are, therapy inevitable linked with drugs? Were you forced into therapy?

I just got onto the waiting list for behavioral therapy after the mandatory initial meeting (Germany) and it feels reassuring to have the oportunity to seek out help whenever you feel like you need it. Please elaborate what's so bad about it.

>> No.15524959

when women try to be 4chan cool they always make it about their appearance

>> No.15524976

Cognitive behavioural therapy plus exposure response prevent effectively cured my OCD

Sure, therapy might not help with whatever bugman self-absorbed /lit/ boredom you experience, but who cares

>> No.15524982

how long have you takenit?

>> No.15525019

antipsychiatry comes from such an idealist attitude, completely impenetrable to those of us who live in the real world.
Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress, nigger.

>> No.15525061

As opposed to therapy, what would you prefer to do if you felt some kind of emotional or mental malaise?

>> No.15525070

escitalopram saved my life; to each their own

>> No.15525092

the majority of pol dwelling burgers would unironically call a priest to perform an exorcism if they had a schizophrenic daughter

>> No.15525095

David Healy's The Antidepressant Era and Let Them Eat Prozac (two different books) were really interesting

I know they help some people so I don't say this casually but I firmly think that in 50 years we are going to look back on this era of casual drug prescription the way we now look back at lobotomies, like wtf were they doing

>> No.15525142

>psychiatry can progress
I take it you've never had to talk to a psychiatrist, the dull fucks can't even come up with an effect mechanism for the drugs they prescribe. Any apparent positive effects psychoactive drugs do have is through false attribution.
Read Thomas Szasz and get redpilled about mental illness as whole. Regardless of the awful theory upon which therapy is built, the basic premise of being able to talk to someone about your problems is something that works and always will.

>> No.15525231

i took it for 2 months

>> No.15525300

Thanks bro! I know that some people really need therapy, but most people really don't. They just need a good purpose in their lives. They don't need zoloft or all that bullshit.

>> No.15525333

Psychology students are taught, specifically at Harvard, that it is more efficient to prescribe drugs in a 15 minute appointment rather than spending hours talking to a patient.

>> No.15525344

source on something like this? i don't doubt it but would love to have a smoking gun for how bad it's gotten

>> No.15525357

Well this is what they do in psych wards. THey get you on drugs immediately.

>> No.15525835

Psychology isn't psychiatry retard, psychologists are unable to prescribe drugs. Psychologists/therapists have the ability to refer a client to a psychiatrist for drugs, but as long you get a psychologist/therapist that isn't part of a larger mental healthcare operation, you won't be forced to take drugs. What psychology students are taught is that drugs are most useful when combined with therapy, and doing therapy by itself is preferable to drugs by itself. Therapists won't even refer you for medication if you don't agree to continuing therapy and psychiatrists also necessitate therapy if you want to be prescribed drugs.
t. psychology student that has dealt with alot of mental health professionals.
This is largely true as mental health institutions deal with a lot of psychotics and other hard to manage people, so drugs are very useful there to keep the residents placated. That being said, psych wards in Western Europe tend to treat patients much more liberally than places like the US and England.

>> No.15525846

Therapists are the ones who make you go on drugs, their whole career revolves around pushing drugs.

>> No.15525889

I was talking about the US. The US of A is also very liberal with medication. Giving addereal to little kids and what not and zoloft for everyone who's feeling down.

>> No.15525961

Get a real degree.

>> No.15526097

Shut up faggot. You niggers don't even know the difference between psychiatry and psychology.

>> No.15526173

Therapy is a fucking meme and a waste of hard earned money.
SSRI's work by blunting most emotion, you might not realize while you're on them, but you will once you get off them and all your emotion rushes back and you start crying at movies and getting angry again.
SSRI's make life a lot more bearable, but only as long as you take them and you won't be able to take them for the rest of your life, if you take them more than 5 years or so your withdrawal once you get off them is gonna be hellish.

>> No.15526194

Any books that cover this? I think SSRIs are a waste of time as well. People get prescribed it fro "depression" and I firmly believe that many people would no longer be depressed if they worked a job they love and had a loving and supportive family.

>> No.15526251

No, I'm talking from experience. They temporarily cured my depression by minimizing emotions all around.
But they saved my life when I was about to go crazy and commit sudoku from constant panic attacks so I won't say they are useless.
But for depression they are just a bandage and it will come back in full force after you get off them and you can't be on SSRI's your whole life.

>> No.15526304

I think you're confusing depression with sadness.
A lot of people are sad because their lives are shit, work is soul crushing, unbearable routine, then they come home to an empty apartment and browse this shit site for a few hours then go to sleep and repeat for the rest of their lives. Of course getting a good job, gf and winning the lottery will make them happy.
Depression puts you into a state of sadness regardless of your circumstances. No matter what you change you'll still be sad.

>> No.15526337

>But for depression they are just a bandage and it will come back in full force after you get off
This. Depression is physiological, you have to experience real life changes or the pain will just compound

>> No.15526374

No that's just sadness, depression is not even an emotion. You can cure sad by getting a better life.
Depression is a disease that puts you into a state of eternal sadness regardless of your lifestyle.

>> No.15526423

Most people think they are depressed because they are sad all the time. Well guess what when your life is shit all the time it's normal to be sad all the time, it's your body telling you to fix your fucking life.
You have depression when your life is good, yet you are sad all the time nonetheless.

>> No.15526428

Faggot. Only fucking faggots seek help. I will proudly kill myself and make my mom cry before I even talk about feeling bad. How can fuckers be so unmanly. Also the humiliation you receive for seeking help is way worse than any death

>> No.15526433

drugs are bad? stupid fucking faggot. be a based native american doing psychedelics ritually, you aint about that life fag

>> No.15526451

This and more brother. None of those fancy degreed people know quite what is wrong with you and are more likely to project problems onto you. It makes me angry that a person could diagnose you in 15 minutes and change your life forever. I wanna write more about this topic and how mental health is a complete shitshow. Now I do believe that a lot of people need help, but what offer right now cannot be the best way.

And about dperession, how many of those people are actually depressed. If wee didnt treat the symptoms but fixed the cause of their depression (yes yes for some its physical, but not for all) and led much better life, would they be as depressed?

>> No.15526463

Well I believe the drugs peddled by drug companies for profit are bad. Is it not funny that etheogens and psychadelics are illegal and perscription drugs aren't?

>> No.15526529

This is the correct answer but for the wrong reasons. If you actually become depressed it's over, you will kill yourself eventually, there is no help.
Most people aren't though. They live shit lives and go take pills instead of fixing their lives. Most people who think they are depressed are wrong.
>Also the humiliation you receive for seeking help is way worse than any death
It's also funny because there is no help they can give you. Just fix your life if that doesn't work blow your brains out because it's over.
>for some its physical
Yeah for some as in 100%. If it ain't physical it ain't depression. Shit lives =/= depression.

>> No.15526531

Therapists can't prescribe drugs, only psychiatrists can

>> No.15526538

it's cuz it's scary and makes you re-think the value of coke, the us govt hates that

>> No.15526586

Coke is a very good social anxiety drug and makes you a Chad in an instant. It's much better than whatever garbage they are prescribing.
If you hate life and this shit world opiates are the only thing that can make life bearable and stop you from putting a shotgun in your mouth. But guess what? They're illegal with a chance of getting butt raped in prison if you mess with them. Haha really fucking funny, they got us, they got us really good.

>> No.15526591

>fix life

Like I even have a clue what life I would even strive for. The problem is last thing I want is happy, wife, car, kids and house. I think I just want to hurt people who are actually haply. That would get me off. But to truly hurt people they have to like you first. And they dont like me if I tell them about my murder fantasies.
I just have to kill everyone who got ahead of me in life, that way I would feel better, sadly I dont own nukes

>> No.15526652

Perhaps you should go to therapy :^)

>> No.15526692

Nah you aight bro. The best of us all want to kill people. Some of the people definately deserve, but don't don anything crazy my dude. You don't want to be like Uncle Ted. That was a hell of a crazy guy and I still can't believe you guys all love him. Future won't pass the way he wants it to. Nobody will give up technology, all this shit is mental masturbation.

>> No.15527197

Try Pristiq

>> No.15527303
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>> No.15527637

we're definitely going to do that with HRT when it turns out to cause all kinds of gnarly chronic conditions years down the road

>> No.15527789

They are useful for intervention when there is a serious risk of suicide.

Personally, people I know have had success microdosing LSD to help with depression.

>> No.15527991

White Noise by Don DeLillo

>> No.15528097
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this happened to my sister while I was out of state because our parents let her go to art school
how do I save her

>> No.15528114

There is no chemical imbalance bro. You’re miserable for a reason and you KNOW why. Focus on optimizing your life to the best of your ability. Therapists don’t know shit. Unless you have literally nobody you can confide in they are basically stealing your money. Hell, you can confide in online strangers more reliably than therapists.

>> No.15528172

Maybe it would be helpful to breakdown the psychology/psychiatry difference? Usually when people say “therapy” they mean psychology y’all therapy, not prescribing drugs like psychiatrists

>> No.15528235

my take is the best and100% correct because i am right.

therapy is NOT BS, but just because someone is certified, doesnt mean they are more qualified than say, a random friend who can listen

OCD works well with CBT, esp if its not in-born i would assume

the counterargument would be see how modern psychiatry is ineffective and treats its own poor/weak takes as gospels, and those that aren't aware of it (more than half) think that they are some pastors

interesting take, and thought i agree, probably in a much weaker sense, or perhaps, for heavily medicated people (admittedly, a lot)

>drugs are most useful when combined with therapy
this is so true, you might as well say that drugs are /only/ useful when combined with some sort of therapy or environmental change.

pretty sure that they guy said psychology but meant psychiatry in his little mind

depression is like being a ball stuck in a ditch: you can kick yourself out many times, but unless you get a massive kick, you'll keep falling back. SSRIs help in that they perhaps dampen the slope (only analogy), but you still need a great kick to get you out. once you're out of it and maintain a healthy lifestyle, thats when you can stop ssris.

there is literally nothing wrong with seeking help. it doesn't need to be a "professional"

there certainly is an issue in mental health services, being that a lot of credited people are frankly very bad at their job, but that doesn't mean the content of their toolset are bad: they just dont know how to use it or their position of authority.

>> No.15528262

What's sadder than seeing a young man turn for confirmation instead of an honest quest for truth.
>If you wanted the truth, you'd be looking at data right now.

>> No.15528503

>You get therapy and drugs like zoloft
lol this can happen only in the us
there you can get prescribed a shit ton of shitty meds
I know many people that had to go to Italy for getting a detoxication therapy for that shit they got prescribed

>> No.15529249

For all those who say therapists are just stealing your money: You must realize that in countries with healthcare it's a free service available to you when you need it.

>> No.15529634

America is trying to drive its population insane in the hopes that out of the inevitable Civil War a phoenix will fly from the ashes

>> No.15529640

That's psychiatrists ya idiot

>> No.15529812

french doomerettes better stay among anglos cause nobody going to fuck their ugly ass in the métropole

>> No.15529844

infinite jest

>> No.15529849

You realize "doctors" are literally paid to get people on drugs. They will wait for any reason to prescribe them to get rid of you.