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15524648 No.15524648 [Reply] [Original]

Any books approaching black liberation in a different light than what's currently endorsed by the media (riots, killing cops, white people kneeling)?

>> No.15524653

have you ever heard of Liberia before?

>> No.15524702

Riots are unavoidable consequences of militarized police who are accountable to nobody. Nobody should be surprised .
Sending english speaking blacks to Africa was a disaster considering there were already people living in that area who didnt share the same desire for a Western lifestyle as the freed blacks.

>> No.15524720
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>killing cops,
>oh noes! Not muh cops! They’re good boys. Shut up Anderson Cooper!
>White people kneeling!
The cops are being told to do this to get on the protesters good side before they start bludgeoning the, and spraying the, down with chemicals.
And they let the looters go. They need that as an excuse to keep rioting against the protesters.
This is a cop riot against anti-police brutality protesters

You want different approach?

>> No.15524734


>> No.15524944

>Riots are unavoidable consequences of militarized police who are accountable to nobody. Nobody should be surprised .

Militarized police are an unavoidable consequence of having millions of low-IQ minorities who can't govern themselves and commit crime if not closely supervised. Nobody should be surprised

>> No.15524965

watch this instead. 4 minutes of unfiltered wisdom from a BROTHA


>> No.15524975
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Asian lady covers herself in shit to support BLM

>> No.15524992

>killing cops
Wait is there any evidence that any cops actually were killed by the protestors or is this right wing bullshit?

>> No.15524999

Nnno. The riots are happening because of the cops. This was sparked off by yet another cop murdering someone. For a false accusation of counterfeit bill passing. The poverty imposed on them is the cause of the low IQ and sporadic looting (which the cops are allowing)

>> No.15525013

No black person ever asked for a whitoid to kneel, you guys only do so because you are naturally inferior and are starting to accept this fact


Based Butterfly

It's bullshit. If anything, the cops and authorities are getting more violent as time goes by

>> No.15525027
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For every 10,000 blacks arrested, 3 are killed.
For every 10,000 whites arrested, 4 are killed.

Why do blacks need to be "liberated" again?

>> No.15525028

Thomas Sowell

>> No.15525030
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Shut the fuck up you dumb white bitch. Every time I see your faggot trip you pour out ignorant garbage. Here is your (You).

>> No.15525043
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>No black person ever asked for a whitoid to kneel
They did, actually.

>> No.15525051

>Sending english speaking blacks to Africa was a disaster considering there were already people living in that area who didnt share the same desire for a Western lifestyle as the freed blacks
it's almost like wildly different peoples should not live together

>> No.15525062

It started with that Kapernic (sp) stuff. A soldier suggested it. I find it ridiculous and submissive. The cops don’t care if they’re peaceful protesters, they will make it a riot when they show up.

Even if your ass-stats were accurate you then need to account for demographic percentiles.

An actual shit post bring nothing to a nothing thread. Gtfo my board.

>> No.15525078

>Even if your ass-stats were accurate
They are.
>you then need to account for demographic percentiles
After you account for demographic percentiles in terms of crime. Deal?

>> No.15525089

But you don’t care about the cops killing white people, I suppose. Bootlickers

>> No.15525104

Of course not, I'm a white ally :^)

>> No.15525109

>Even if your ass-stats were accurate you then need to account for demographic percentiles
factoring in the demographics would make the "whiteys dead during arrest" number skyrocket over the equivalent number for blacks, fucknut

>> No.15525118

What would I be getting into?

>> No.15525125

They really are the most retarded and worthless people in the world. I'm seeing calls to abolish the police and they're serious about it. Black lives don't matter. These motherfuckers are just pure concentrated detriment.

>> No.15525137

Yup. They'll still shoot each other up for drug territory.

>> No.15525139

>I'm seeing calls to abolish the police and they're serious about it.
this would be the best possible thing to happen, the outcome would be so bad it would set back all their movements like 10 years

>> No.15525147

Abolishing the police would disproportionately affect them which is pottery

>> No.15525148

Fact is the black population is smaller, so the real numbers are smaller compared to white deaths. The percentages are disproportionately bad for blacks. There’s more cops, more poverty and more racism. The white death, spread out over the nation, are just as nasty and need attention too, but their communities seem to kneel to it more often.

It’s an authoritarian issue. The state have left us all in the lurch and the poorest are feeling it now. The economy is going to get worse and reach you too. But you’ll never understand why. You like the taste of boots

>> No.15525149

Basic and myopic economics

>> No.15525153

Malcolm X.

>> No.15525161

>The riots are happening because of the cops
Low IQ high-crime populations are an easy target for low-IQ militarized police force

>Yet another cop murdering someone
These low-IQ populations murder far more innocent civilians than cops do. Not excusing cop abuse, but I see them all in the same basket

>The poverty imposed on them
What would the powers that be gain from "imposing poverty" on a population? There also isn't a clear distinction between IQ and economic health. Italy is the highest IQ in Europe yet has an unhealthy economy

>> No.15525164

Sending arabic speaking muslims to Europe was a disaster considering there were already people living in that area who didnt share the same desire for an islamic lifestyle as the faithful muslims.

>> No.15525166

These are israelites they do all kinds of dumb shit
(the woman is always kissing her hand btw, not that it matters, just noticed it)

>> No.15525168

This "protest" has nothing to do with police reform, it is entirely about destroying Conservative white America and corrupting white youth.

>> No.15525171

>It’s an authoritarian issue. The state have left us all in the lurch and the poorest are feeling it now. The economy is going to get worse and reach you too. But you’ll never understand why. You like the taste of boots
I agree with you here though, the police state is coming for us all

>> No.15525175

Will Yeezy go down as the greatest intellectual black man of our generation? I miss him and fuck people for calling him crazy.

>> No.15525189

>free but make slavery legal for convicts
>make every aspect of the ex-slaves culture illegal
>bombard with advertisement and encourage emulation so they desire what you have
>make every route to financial success inaccessible

Wait what they're committing crimes??

>> No.15525193

some pretty standard economics, personal responsibility preaching, little Diet RedPills™ along the way, shit like that

>> No.15525196

>What would they gain
Since the labor surplus of 1970, they don’t care.
Economically speaking there has always been a precariate of desperate people in order to keep the wages down. But that’s all changed. They’d sooner see us dead than share the wealth we make them.

Capitalism does not work.

And that’s what this is about. At its core.

>> No.15525206

Turner Diaries?

>> No.15525207

When are you going to stop making excuses for niggers, and realize they aren't compatible with white society?

>> No.15525216

So you have no rebuttal? I accept your defeat.

>> No.15525223

That book desperately wants to be invaded

>> No.15525228

>bu-but, that's they way things are, which means it must be good!

That thin blue line propaganda has you good, boy.

The presence or absence of police has nothing to do with my behaviour except for speeding on highways. As an adult, I don't need an overseer to make sure I'm not naughty.

The world functioned just fine without police officers for all of time until about 200 years ago

>> No.15525237

This couple is so based, they are literally doing the greatest charity work and with gleeful playfulness, these niggers are absolutely stupefied

>> No.15525238

My rebuttal is that you’re nuts or a troll.

Invade your eyes all over it.

>> No.15525246

I cannot wait to curb stomp you.

>> No.15525250

"REAL Capitalism has never been tried"

>> No.15525256

*Blasts kneecap off*

Kneel on that

>> No.15525273

“REAL capitalism” lasts about a weekend before it advances to next stage capitalism.
Liberalism has been tried.

>> No.15525314

When he said "slavery is a choice" and the media jumped on him, nobody understood what he meant. He was talking about the mentality of victimhood. And how blacks succumb to petty materialism -- blatantly on display again with the looting of Nike stores. Sometimes he strikes gold with his lyrics.
>400 years later we buying our chains

>> No.15525337

Venture outside your Democrat run riot safe-zones and see what happens. You'll deserve everything you get.

>> No.15525340

This old white cunt will be calling for the police. oh wait

>> No.15525345


>> No.15525359

Keep thinking that, right up until your thoughts are blown out through the back of your head.

>> No.15525361

>“REAL capitalism” lasts about a weekend before it advances to next stage capitalism.
Neolib propaganda. Anti-lobbying, anti-corrupt regulation laws have literally never been tried, because the people who managed to get power would rather benefit their own instead of the common good.

Now that MSM has lost its monopoly on information, the trumps and bernies have a chance. Yet you insist that its impossible to fix capitalism and its doomed to fail, despite it never having been seriously tried. Hope you at least enjoy your cia-approved socialist larp sessions moron

>> No.15525389

You're insufferable, please kys

>> No.15525408

The media is such a shitshow. I wish he'd be more vocal again but he'd just be more ostracized.

The world needs another Patrice

>> No.15525417

The Second Sex

>> No.15525428

welp I only said that it has never been tried purely to take the piss. what were you >>15525273 referencing with that next stage capitalism comment? and what even is that?

>> No.15525437 [DELETED] 
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You probably never used a gun butterdyke. You are a fucking spinster weak and stupid. I doubt you were even in a real fight.

>> No.15525450 [DELETED] 

Also, remainder this whore lives in woodland hills. Check warosu. Anon gave an approximate location.

>> No.15525470
File: 69 KB, 500x371, C57CE67E-7871-4A22-A71E-786C619146F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-corrupt regulation laws have literally never been tried
The wealthy buy the government so any such reforms will never truly effect them even if you were to hear they passed something you’d like.
I once liked Roosevelt, but it didn’t work anymore than Leninism.
Capitalism isn’t about establishing a “common good”. That’s socialism

Things change. Simply all a part of naturally progressing economic system that’s been around a long time

Would you be so kind as to delete the pictures from your computer

>> No.15525516

>anti-corrupt regulation laws
badly put but to clarify, I meant an appeals system for when regulation is passed that's suspected to have been paid for by lobbyists.
Currently you can file a lawsuit, but its only feasible if youre a large company whose interests are being threatened. Eg google and co suing for FCC's net neutrality ruling. If there's no corporate counter-party you get the corrupt healthcare and education system you see today. Nothing's ever been set up to defend the common people's interest against regulatory capture and the like. Only one-off investigations.

>> No.15525595

>Capitalism isn’t about establishing a “common good”. That’s socialism
The government's role is to regulate capitalism. If you're gonna let capitalism make you its bitch just get rid of the whole charade and go full moldbug neo-cameralism. it would actually be less corrupt than it is now, no hyperbole.

"Socialism" also means abolishing privately owned assets. This is the exact kind of false dichotomy that neolibs would love to convince everyone of. Its either corruption or socialism, not go between! Transparency? Public appeals? Limited direct democracy in certain situation? Never heard of the like

>wealthy buy the government so any such reforms will never truly effect them even if you were to hear they passed
I thought the whole point of your "democracy" was that you could elect a true outsider like trump or a non-controlled-opposition version of bernie, if you could muster enough political will. now that it might be possible, with social media not yet bought out by the government, you seem very keen to throw in the towel and larp under a totally-not-corrupt socialist utopia instead

>> No.15525650

>less corrupt
How about no corruption instead?
How about no.
I prefer direct democracy. Election of representatives, not lawmakers. Haven’t supported Bernie since 2016. He’s a feckless loser of a social-democrat.

>> No.15525662

Sowell, Williams etc

>> No.15525669

>The percentages are disproportionately bad for blacks.
Indeed, blacks are vastly over represented when it comes to crime in general, so it makes sense they are also in altercations with the police.

>> No.15525671
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>> No.15525696

I’m still not seeing any concern for the white lives lost to police brutality.
You know BLM called attention to some of that too.

>> No.15525712
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>> No.15525725

The slave trade was a jewish machination.

>> No.15525766

>How about no corruption instead?
Onus is on you to convince anyone that you've got this problem fully figured out lmao.
>How about no.
Yea no shit. Still better than what you have right now. At least you and your neighbours can pool your votes/stake together, instead of having decisions made by unaccountable assholes.
>direct democracy
Direct democracy at all levels would be disastrous. Tyranny of the majority. But for certain types of legislation, especially ones prone to regulatory capture, perhaps its the best way to go. Having both supporters/detractors of a bill each provide their best arguments for and against. Anyone can sign on as a juror, answer a quiz about the contents of both sides claims to prove they read/understood it, then vote.

>> No.15525772

>The original southern plantations were all owned by de Judens!
>It was going to be a proto-Zion
So you like Lincoln now? Why so many neonazi klansmen there now?

>> No.15525774

Intellectuals and Race by him was great read. Lots of eye-opening anecdotes/facts. Might check this one out see if its any different

>> No.15525792

I pretty much do. Remove money.
>Tyranny of majority
Better than your neo-cameralism bs

>> No.15525818

Oh okay you're just an idiot. Thought we might have some common ground with your last post.

God why are the retarded butterflies on this forum multiplying. Have to start filtering more

>> No.15525823
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Infinite Jest
Wardine be cry

>> No.15525831

A cause, actually.

>> No.15525858

All to maintain the value of shekels and state power.
Ha. You call me name

>> No.15525870


>> No.15525887

Hahahha. It is a story? Fucking nazis

>> No.15525927

Except that's total fucking bullshitting because guards of the state have more or less always existed. Prior to 200 years ago the police was also the military, that was the only difference.

>> No.15525948

Of course not, because leftists despise facts more than anything else. It's all orchestrated and you're merely seeing sheep being herded.

>> No.15526034

Have children.

>> No.15526064

so your telling me a shizoid multimillionair is right wing ??

Who thaught?

>> No.15526072

Go and pound some gravel up your arse you stupid faggot.

>> No.15526088
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Reminds me of these lads

>> No.15526100 [DELETED] 

She has menopause probably. Is she have children at 46 they are probably will be retarded or something.

>> No.15526102

>state power.
How can you be so naive to still believe you can transcend / get rid of state power.
Literally arguing to try and be the native americans instead of the british. Everything you wrote on this thread has been feels>reals larp. The only thing that couldve been real is some virtue-signalling clout, which you cant even get since its an anonymous forum. jesus..

>> No.15526197


>> No.15526215

You will be among the first to accept the mark.

>> No.15526736

You misunderstand the post. We do care about the loss of white live at the hands of crazy cops. I’m not seeing any concern from any of YOU.

My proposal of letting people direct their own lives transcends it fine.

>> No.15527744


>> No.15528185

Read a book called "The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man" it is the best book I've read by a POC about racism in the US.

>> No.15528256

> My proposal of letting people direct their own lives transcends it fine.
Unless they say something that makes me feeeeel baaaad

>> No.15528258

You people spend all day trying to make me feel bad and it just bounces off me.

>> No.15528491

I doubt someone would spend that amount of time to make feel bad a person that already looks bad. Why have you been so angry in your latest posts? Is menopause? Are you in your period? Or something else? I can feel your angry through the monitor.

>> No.15528500

I said “you people” not “someone”

>> No.15528538

My point still stands. You really look pathetic. Why a 46 year old dyke that has a mediocre job is wasting her time debating autists in chinese basketweaving forum? All your recent posts show anger. Why are you not helping your revolution?

>> No.15528549


So you're saying multiculturalism failed them?

>> No.15528975


Historical injustice is my jam baby

>> No.15529297

The Manifesto of the Communist Party

>> No.15530571

>I hate myself and my ancestors so much that I will throw away a civilization 2000 years in the making just to spite them
Haha, neat!

>> No.15530674

A generation that idolizes an impoverished low IQ race, and all of it's hedonistic tendencies, is easy to influence and control.

>> No.15531211

Absolutely yes