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15521360 No.15521360[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok it has become painfully clear to see that the most successful people in life are neo-liberals. What are the best high IQ books about how to be a neo-liberal? Everybody thinks they are stupid, but they are obviously geniuses at exploiting would be rebels and convincing them to identify with their consumer products and services. They literally have people giving the rich their money to complain about the rich and it's all free will. This is not mean to be a discussion about politics. I genuinely want books for strategy on neo-liberal success. Is Manufacturing Consent what I'm looking for?
>mass communication media of the U.S. "are effective and powerful ideological institutions that carry out a system-supportive propaganda function, by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship, and without overt coercion", by means of the propaganda model of communication.

>> No.15521368


>most successful people in life are neo-liberals

Can you quantify what neo-liberal ideologies contribute to successful people's success? I think you're confusing people who /appea/' to neolibs being neolibs themselves.

>> No.15521379

>not understanding that companies are pressured into posting this kind of shit by the fear of boycotting and hate comments on their social networks

>> No.15521383

>Can you quantify what neo-liberal ideologies contribute to successful people's success?
Wealth and preservation of their own bloodline. Freedom from the rules they impose on plebs.

>> No.15521390

I don't think the upper class of neo-liberals can keep the lid on forever. Not if they keep getting more and more greedy (vide the 5 trillion bailout for corporations and a 1200$ check signed by Trump for the peons). They better trickle some of it down or the pitchforks will come.

>> No.15521395

>thinks negroes will stop eating Burger Kangz if they don't tweet about BLM
It's not fear. It's about people adopting brands as an identity. Look at the Popeye's vs Chick-Fil-A thing. Both establishments saw increased sales as people sorted themselves as either or. Some even bought each to compare.

>> No.15521400

It is also an opportunity for them to complete any compliance forms they might need to abide to.

>> No.15521407

>Not understanding that BUSINESSES exist to make MONEY and they'll say whatever it takes to sell a shitty burger.

>> No.15521408

That's literally any ruling class then.
The current situation is not obviously in favor of this mode of organization. Semi-traditional oligarchic models over the world are taking steam again (Mexico, Russia, India) not to even mention the rise of China which will soon make angloid type neoliberalism look like the joke it is. The chinese are materialist goysoomers to the extreme without falling for neoliberalism.
As for the reasons to the increased dominance of this ideology in the west between the 1960s and the current day, it is a matter of particular history. The short meme answer is boomers but that's not very helpful to understand it.

>> No.15521412

Well this might be an exit scam before it all collapses anyway, sure. I wouldn't overestimate consumers' ability to figure any of it out though. They just change the topic weekly and then everyone jumps on social media to argue about the news of the week. It's like a cat chasing a laser pointer. It's never going to catch it.

>> No.15521414

>Not understanding that this is LITERALLY the SAME thing I said

>> No.15521427

Why are their fries so shit?

>> No.15521432

I harp on americans for being retarded mutts but I do admit that even though they have a brief history, it should still be significant enough for them to be able to band themselves around it, especially with the status their country has, hell, look at Macedonia and how fervent they are in protecting some perceived identity. How is it then that burgers are so incredibly susceptible to adopting brands as their identity? Genuinely asking.

>> No.15521435

I agree. It is always going to come down to the ruling class and the ruled. I am just appreciating the subtle nuance where people actually choose to be slaves vs choosing to rise in social stature.
Let's also not underestimate the dramatic shift in demographics. The so-called minorities see this Burger King tweet and feel like they are actually winning something. They feel as though they are rising in society while they are actually just becoming the designated consumer slave class.

>> No.15521447

I guess you didn't understand what you said then.
There's no pressure for these companies to say anything. There are OPPORTUNITIES. Very different dynamic.
The only pressure is to not to say anything condemning riots unless they have a specific preexisting conservative user base.
Corporations predominantly control the narratives in these circumstances.

>> No.15521457
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>How is it then that burgers are so incredibly susceptible to adopting brands as their identity?
I believe cities are mostly just economic farms. Rural Americans have families and communities. City folk are pressured to become fat, rootless, homosexual sympathetic, individualists whose only sense of human bond is found through the consumption of a vegan whopper.

>> No.15521466

>eating fries in a fast food joint
That's the most unhealthy bit of fast food along with sodas. The burgers themselves are relatively healthy for mass produced trash.

The identity of half of amerimutts is hating on anything that actually was and just merely perceived as being amerimutt. What proportion of mutts have a positive opinion of their 'founding fathers'? Certainly history cannot give any substance to these people.
There is also the fact that America is a mismatch of very different racial and cultural backgrounds (even among just whites). There is little common culture to them. Nothing that could contain the brand identity.
Finally American marketing was really just better than in any other place for a long time.

>> No.15521477

That's why they will fly away to New Zealand while the white middle class gets burned to the ground

>> No.15521483

Right. So got any books on how to exploit the eternal consoomer? Example: I know a woman who started a non-profit organization and flies around the world in luxury interviewing women who have some story of dramatic abuse. She shills all of the latest happy meal political opinions and gets rich doing it. What are the best books for people who want to be like this? Guess I should ask her.

>> No.15521484

>people who support the system benefit the most by the system

>> No.15521490
File: 307 KB, 620x420, Dark-Enlightenment-Moldburg393215872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read him.

>> No.15521500

>There is also the fact that America is a mismatch of very different racial and cultural backgrounds (even among just whites). There is little common culture to them.
Exactly. When that's why "diversity is our strength". Did you see that leaked paper from Whole Foods? They said stores with more diverse staff are at lower risk of ever forming a cohesion union. It's an open secret that diversity works in favor of corporations.

>> No.15521503

We're all globalists now, when there are no boarders there will be no boarders to protect them ;^)

>> No.15521518

No books unfortunately. I just handle marketing for a non-profit organization and I've learned all this in real time. So I guess that's what I'd recommend doing. Intern at a non-profit and see how hellishly cynical it all is. It's kinda funny after a while.

>> No.15521540

Why are they bringing so many foreigners to New Zealand if that's supposed to be their safe haven?
Globalism is coming to an end. It was an unsustainable meme. Nations will soon be at each others' throats over resources again as it was before the world wars.

>> No.15521553

That's funny. I was thinking along those lines. Do the people there tend to take it seriously or is it more like an unwritten social contract that they're all full of shit and they love the money? I can see people getting caught up and eventually buying their own bullshit. Kind of like a cult.

>> No.15521560

>Globalism is coming to an end.
[citation needed]

>> No.15521568
File: 167 KB, 668x1000, 71iE+TOpwML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the globalism meme
This books predicted everything happening today in 2014.

>> No.15521569

>Why are they bringing so many foreigners to New Zealand if that's supposed to be their safe haven?
they need cheap labour same as they have in the US with latinos
>I just handle marketing for a non-profit organization and I've learned all this in real time. So I guess that's what I'd recommend doing. Intern at a non-profit and see how hellishly cynical it all is. It's kinda funny after a while.
damn ive done this exact thing. Its just vanity projects and money laundering lmao. Though often the founder/CEO is a fucking idiot who would run the whole thing into the ground by himself

>> No.15521573

Published in 2014, this book foresaw everything that has occurred up until now.

>> No.15521578

>[citation needed]
try going on a plane bro. China has officially broken out of the system and they're right this minute rallying countries to their side or forcing others (mostly Europe) to go neutral. The world is no longer an American unipolar order it is splintering

>> No.15521581

Read Edward Bernays books like Propaganda.

>> No.15521582
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And that's a good thing.

>> No.15521584

It's all unspoken. No one would EVER admit that it's all a game, but when I'm asked to make a post, for example about these riots, my boss will basically say "They're at it again, say something they'll like. I dunno."

Another funny anecdote: Once our organization (around a dozen people) went to this enormous gala with a bunch of other non-profits. While there it was brought to our attention a few times by other organizations that we didn't have any POCs working for us. A week later we hired a hispanic cleaning lady that my boss, with no sign of irony, already announced will be attending the next gala with us.

>> No.15521590

Oh wow I forgot about Freud's nephew. Thank you. That guy was the absolute king of Jewing.

>> No.15521601

>"They're at it again, say something they'll like. I dunno."
Hahaha I love it

>> No.15521611

China's failure to overcome the middle income gap is largely because they don't understand capitalism. Now that factories are moving back to Poland China is more or less fucked.

>> No.15521616

It didn't though.

>> No.15521618

Meanwhile in reality they keep rising. The impeding halt of China has been predicted by mutts every year since 1990.
Truth is a 'middle income' China would still be stronger than the US.

>> No.15521621

What the hell is this?

>> No.15521623

There is no over-arching plot or control theory. This shit is just marketing. You'll never understand why neo-liberalism is unquestionably correct without being in business. The Rebel Sell is a pedestrian but accurate overview of why everyone else is talking shit.

>> No.15521627

They have no third sector to speak of. That is reality. Factories are leaving due to rising salaries. That is reality. Even fucking chinks won't invest in China.
Middle income countries are permenantly fucked.

>> No.15521628

It's just the first step towards apologizing and making things right. But we still have a ways to go.

>> No.15521631
File: 931 KB, 446x550, the eternal progressive.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine specimen of Liberalus Americanus.
Forget about Burger King and Apple, this is their identity.

>> No.15521633

>China has officially broken out of the system
>they're right this minute rallying countries to their side or forcing others (mostly Europe) to go neutral
so globalism is dead but China just went around the globe rallying countries right gotcha lmao

>> No.15521636

They are kissing boots, without coercion. They are allowing themselves to be filmed kissing boots, and they are laughing as if they are enjoying it.
But the most horrifying part is that they look like normal people. Where the hell is their dignity?

>> No.15521637

Wait until they get rekt by Taiwan and Japan.

>> No.15521639

>Just like look around you man

>> No.15521641

TBF Japan is pretty fucked too long term and property prices in Taiwan are insane. My money's on India and Indonesia for 2050.

>> No.15521645

Neo-liberalism is merely the cloak one must wear to survive in the public eye. It is entirely a construction, believed in only by the weak-willed among us who would otherwise succumb to whatever other zeitgeist they found themselves amongst.

>> No.15521650
File: 93 KB, 543x720, long-hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By Toutatis, these Americans are crazy.

>> No.15521651

>They are kissing boots, without coercion. They are allowing themselves to be filmed kissing boots, and they are laughing as if they are enjoying it.
And not any boots, negroes. They are probably the people calling me bootlicker.

>> No.15521654

Crap. Is the market too saturated on this? How much longer can bashing white people and posting gay flags be profitable? It's hilariously terrible at this point. There aren't any minority groups left to sell people on.

>> No.15521656

>Neo-liberalism is merely the cloak one must wear to survive in the public eye.
This. Rich people don't give a shit about large scale economic ideologies because they're not utterly fucking stupid.

>> No.15521670

>There aren't any minority groups left to sell people on.
There will always be an "alt-anti-consumerism" lifestyle group in every generation and they will always be the engine that keeps consumerism turning. It's only minority-flavoured right now but you can trace a line of countercultures back from LGBTQIA+#*"!$% through punks and hippies and beats back to the suffragetes.

>> No.15521673

That propaganda book is nearly a century old and it still holds up at describing how advertising companies operate. Just compare the "torches of freedom" to what's happening right now.

>> No.15521678

Also the point of the Rebel Sell was basically that Naomi Klein is a braindead hipster.

>> No.15521697
File: 140 KB, 1000x800, the-constitution-of-liberty-friedrich-a-hayek-first-edition-signed-rare-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neo-liberalism is merely the cloak one must wear to survive in the public eye.
None of these people are going to openly refer to themselves as neo-liberals. It's "progressive" now.

>> No.15521704

So basically
>read Kaczynski

>> No.15521708

There's no book that can teach you to be clever and ruthless. Successful people barely ever read anything - despite what linkedin tells you.
You can never be successful and intellectual.

>> No.15521713

I'd say it's the flip side of the coin because they've never tried to murder anyone and aren't saying it's a bad thing. Because it's a good thing.

>> No.15521716

>You can never be successful and intellectual.
I mean you can be successful in intellectual and related pursuits. I agree the guys that hold immediate influence on the public are hardly well read.

>> No.15521721

>people in the ruling class play by its rules and presume its doctrines


>> No.15521725

>they've never tried to murder anyone
Are you referring to the big corporations that universally rely on slave labor? If measured by any moral scale, the dastardly deads of these corporations far outweighs anything that guy ever managed to pull off.

>> No.15521728

>Slave labor
Stopped reading here. Graduate college then make an argument.

>> No.15521733

>hold immediate influence on the public
Cope hard. People in power don't read and you've wasted your time if you think your books or the words in them mean anything to them or ever have.

>> No.15521738

>suicide nets
Okay psued

>> No.15521746

That reading comprehension.

>slave labor
Tasty meme. Difficult labor has nothing to do with slavery and trying to use a loaded term only makes you look stupid.

>> No.15521748

>People in power don't read and you've wasted your time if you think your books or the words in them mean anything to them or ever have.
>At a meeting a few months after Margaret Thatcher became leader of the Conservative party, one of her colleagues, or so the story goes, was explaining what he saw as the core beliefs of conservatism. She snapped open her handbag, pulled out a dog-eared book, and slammed it on the table. “This is what we believe,” she said. A political revolution that would sweep the world had begun.

>> No.15521750

The pitchforks are already here anon

>> No.15521753

That book was the bible, Anon.

>> No.15521755

>slavery disguised as capitalism isn't slavery
There are people in this world are actually imprisoned laborers. You don't know anything because your are so privileged. Look at Dubai. Look at China. You know nothing.

>> No.15521759

It was this literally >>15521697

>> No.15521760

dubi and china are run by brown and yellow people respectively

>> No.15521762

>People in power don't read
They are generally above average educated. Trump doesn't represent most people in power.

>> No.15521769

No, that's not the bible.

>> No.15521774

>They are generally above average (((educated)))
explains a lot doesn't it

>> No.15521776

companies who pretend to care about social justice appealing to consumers who pretend to hate the system. when will this hell end? how does it end? in fire?

>> No.15521779

>companies who pretend to care about social justice appealing to consumers who pretend to hate the system
The very system the companies are a part of!


>> No.15521780

>Trump doesn't represent most people in power.
Do you think there are actually two sides? Hahahaha

>> No.15521790

What the fuck are you even talking about?
I'm just saying most people in power are better read than Trump. This includes people who work with Trump, BTW.

>> No.15521801

>in fire?

>> No.15521808

Assuming racism on the part of whites is a form of anti-white prejudice. There is absolutely no reason to think the cop was racist but everyone "knows" that he was. They can't explain why they believe this without revealing their prejudice.

Traitors should get what they deserve.

>> No.15521812

>I'm just saying I'm a fucking retard
Yeah, we heard you bruh lol. No worries, carry on.

>> No.15521838

>Work is like slavery dude lmao
>Pass the bong man
You need to go back.

>> No.15521840

Do you think he just accidentally beat the shit out of all of his well read opponents? He just blundered his way to number one?

>> No.15521841

This is beautiful. Compassion takes strength such as you will never know. What you infer incorrectly about them from their show of solidarity is a product of your fear of your own weakness.

>> No.15521844

learn what unipolar means then learn what multipolar means in geopolitical terms
>Citation even being possible
there is no founding document, or conference or event that was the official start of what is vaguely called "globalisation." It was a long slow process into that trap and its a long slow process out of it. It is started and is only going to keep rolling from here. But it won't be over for a while and what replaces it is anyone's guess. Most likely is cold war 2 between sucking chest wound america shredded by racial turmoil and an insane political religion, europe pushed into a neutral bloc possibly under russian influence, a chinese asia-africa axis, UK/AU/NZ/Canada in the american sphere. The rest of the world bounces back and forth between the US or China depending on circumstances.

>> No.15521848

I'm not talking about your Walmart job. I'm talking about places where people literally have no choice.

>> No.15521854

Nice bait you have there.

>> No.15521864

american negrophilia is wild holy fuck

>> No.15521865

>there is no founding document, or conference or event that was the official start of what is vaguely called "globalisation."
>The Bretton Woods agreement of 1944 established a new global monetary system. It replaced the gold standard with the U.S. dollar as the global currency. By so doing, it established America as the dominant power in the world economy. After the agreement was signed, America was the only country with the ability to print dollars.
Found the psewed.

>> No.15521867

I'll show compassion when Ben Carson gets gunned down. Not when some felon died from OD

>> No.15521871

In that case going back through our thread you either have the reading comprehension of a fucking watermelon or you're an edgy student so I'm going to circle back to "fuck off back to your dorm".

>> No.15521875

>blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Citation or gtfo

>> No.15521876

>I genuinely want books for strategy on neo-liberal success
Neoliberalism by D. Harvey. Or just go for Mises and the Chicago boys, those guys created neoliberalism.

>> No.15521878

Dude you just completely BTFO your interlocutor. Please step up and claim your award on behalf of all the jannies of /lit/

>> No.15521882

So you are genuinely ignorant of slave labor? I don't think I've ever seen so much privilege shine through an anonymous post.

>> No.15521885

>posted from an iPhone™

>> No.15521888

>/lit/ has jannies
Can we stop talking nonsense and get back to the books? What were 'bama and Bill Clinton reading?

>> No.15521894

I'm not even going to bother fucking explaining this. Read back through the thread then rope.

>> No.15521897

It's not, I think kissing boots is another matter and sends the wrong message. Is disgusting even. Unless they love them, which they might and that's their personal matter, not a moral question. Or maybe it's a bit immoral to love any stranger as it's to one's own detriment.
Herein lies a difference in perception and not opinion. I've no reason to think you're a bad person. I'm not certain in my perception, the true fool is anyone who don't see you must be wrong if you are certain but that's a digression.

>> No.15521902

They were reading over their "contract" which explains how after they were done fucking over the American people they would make millions through book deals, speaking deals, and Netflix deals.

>> No.15521909

I think maybe something is getting lost in translation here. Please call me and ask about "forced labor", anon. I've set up a toll free number.
(888) 373-7888

>> No.15522006

thats one link in a massive chain. It has nothing to do with say offshoring American manufacturing to China or something like Frenchmen wearing blue jeans and learning English lmao. Its significant but not the one and only thing

>> No.15522011

There's like one person in this thread who uses the word correctly.

>> No.15522028
File: 1.99 MB, 2496x7336, woke capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*real* communism has never been tri-

>> No.15522062

They already have. All it takes to overcome the middle income gap is to stop the brain drain of your most educated, which theyve done better than everyone but ISIS

This won't show in GDP per capita statistics - they wont have the whole country escape it, nor do they want to in the slightest. Did you forget this is China and not a western country? They will keep a massive underclass, since only few people have the means/abilities to escape the middle income trap anyways. But that "few" will still be a lot compared to other countries due to higher pop overall. More than america? Unlikely if america keeps up the brain-drain, but a firm 2nd place. Not "fucked" by any means until 20-30 years later

>> No.15522080

It's perhaps the most significant single event in which all relevant nations at the time had no choice but to bend the knee.

>> No.15522087

You referring to the Thatcher post?

>> No.15522117

This is peak ancap.

>> No.15522122

>>> /pol/ thread.

>> No.15522123

I was referring to the guy who recommended von Mises and the Chicago school.

The most remarkable thing about a thread full of people using the word "neoliberal" to refer to social justice positions is not that people mistake the meaning of the word. It's that their unfamiliarity with its use indicates that they literally have read nothing at all about politics or economics, or they would have encountered its usage. Yet here they all are, pretending to have educated opinions.

>> No.15522190

you're right the other guy is dum. "globalisation" doesn't mean the american empire. You could define it as offshoring - betraying national common interests in favour of "global" interests. The "fairness" of the free market instead of protectionism for local industries/labour.

But there is no "global" interest, not really, so you're actually doing it for your personal/class interest. This renegotiation of the boomer social contract can still happen even if the American empire shrinks ie offshoring to vietnam instead of china, signing NAFTA/TPP. So no globalisation is not "ending"

The borders of the american empire are being reconsidered, global trade is still a lifeline for US/China, any aspiring power

>> No.15522208


I have come to learn that in this life people with the least amount of shame are the ones that survive and prosper the longest. Don't believe me? Just look at women; they have no shame at all and will attention whore themselves out for simps on onlyfans, be the first ones to bend over backwards to appease the barbarian invaders (blacks) and will gladly give up their individuality safety and security.

>> No.15522279

You're either responding to a different thread or you're insane.

>> No.15522280


>> No.15522290


>> No.15522303

They haven't. Sure they have a "stock market" and "services" but nobody ever uses them unless they're forced to becuase they're all shit.
>They will keep a massive underclass, since only few people have the means/abilities to escape the middle income trap anyways. But that "few" will still be a lot compared to other countries due to higher pop overall. More than america? Unlikely if america keeps up the brain-drain, but a firm 2nd place. Not "fucked" by any means until 20-30 years later
20-30 years isn't mid-term. It's tomorrow. China are fucked.

>> No.15522311

I was obviously referring to market globalism. You know. The one which is coterminous with neoliberalism and neoliberal globalization. Read a book nigga.

>> No.15522324

You aren’t wrong. All of my rich uncles find any way they can to scam out of paying taxes. I feel like a cuck for paying in every year.

>> No.15522354
File: 379 KB, 1367x1024, 1584975093243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this book that /lit/ made last summer has all your answers in it: https://burgerpunk.github.io/

>> No.15522365

The USA will collapse by the end of the decade. Even the ultrapatriotic people like Pat Buchanan have concluded that it is beyond saving.
What will happen is that the American elites will continue to impose aggressive austerity measures within the next few years in order to drain the last few drops of blood from the USA's coffers. This will be the exit scam where they cash out. Neoliberals have zero loyalty to anything beyond the markets, so once they've sucked up all the money they can get they'll just move - as they are rich enough to just fly to wherever they want and be welcomed with citizenship in just about any country, where they will probably repeat this process. I imagine Canada, Argentina, Chile, and NZ will be the places to be because of their proximity to the resources being revealed at the poles.
What happens to the USA afterwards is none of their concern, they could not care less. I don't think there will be balkanization or civil war, it'll just devolve into an irrelevant police state.

>> No.15522372

Read every single article

>> No.15522383

shanghai one's shit but HK one not so much, especially now that local tech giants are getting listed there finally.

People arent using services? It's 50% of the economy. Any GDP fudging probably goes into those numbers more than any other sector, but historically people've had to use the shit services anyways due to protectionism and foreign ones being blocked. Some are relaxed these days (financial esp) but only because local ones are already comparable if not better.

The real question of whether they can escape is if they are able to successfully sell technology like huawei in foreign markets. Losing out on the west's markets will fuck up the roi they need from their national R&D efforts. Was offering to sell its IP for a foreign company genuine? If it was, would that be acceptable to the US?

>20-30 years isn't mid-term
This is the real one. Only thing I can think of would be drastic totalitarian measures. Fucking over the old and poor to fund urban/educated fertility. Like a reverse one-child policy, and likely just as doomed to fail as all their other social engineering ideas

>> No.15522437

>The systems neatest trick - ted kracynski

>> No.15522452



Also you said it yourself, it's just half (maybe more). The other half is fairly patriotic and enjoys what they believe to be are the nations ideals and their heritage, or god. They normally love family and care about their communities at times. I learned this when I joined the military, people actually love the country. I had never experienced that besides from some of my older teachers when I was growing up in NYC.

voting in local elections was a big deal from some of the smaller town people I met. For contrast I don't even think 10 percent of the people in NYC voted for mayor deblasio. They do not give a fuck. The races (I'm half Asian half Hispanic) care about their own cultures (Hispanics, Asians) but there's nothing linking them to the USA, just their skin color and food amongst themselves.

>> No.15522455

Are you the dum guy or the guy i replied to. "Market globalism" has been happening on a variety of terms for all of history, and its not gonna stop anytime soon.

"neoliberal globalization" is just selling out local labour to make more profits.

Breton-woods was just the american empire forcing its subjects like japan to be less mercantilist, and accept free trade on US's terms

>> No.15522500

>There aren't any minority groups left to sell people on
They can always invent one. Once transgender people lose their transgressive edge, they will probably move onto otherkin.

>> No.15522512

Rural americans are nothing but confused hicklibs. There isn't a phenomenological distinction between them and their city slicker counter parts.

>> No.15522533

As Neechee said, "Cowardice is the biggest giver of alms"

>> No.15522579

t. Suburbanite who experiences the worst of both worlds

>> No.15522591

We'll live long enough to see guro pride marches.
I'll get into legal trouble for making fun of vore.
Footfags will never ever be tolerated though.

>> No.15522638


These are just capitalists. Communism was always just capitalism with a revolutionary face.

>> No.15522648

The term "neoliberal" has lost all meaning.

Neoliberals view themselves as essentially libertarians but also think the state's intervention is justified to fix market faults and improve social welfare. This is essentially "classical liberalism", and most "liberals" in the American sense (obviously leftists) also would consider themselves neoliberals when defined this way.

But everybody else, most notably the left (especially in the UK) uses "neoliberal" as a catch-all derogatory way to refer to anybody who isn't a socialist, or more strictly, anybody who supports predominantly capitalist ideologies.

It's just another word like "socialist" and "liberal" whose meaning changes depending on who's talking.

>> No.15522682


>Jewish school

Of course

>> No.15522722

The term neoliberal is mostly a snarl word thrown at people who defend capitalism while calling themselves progressive. Someone like Andrew Yang with his "human centered capitalism" is the living embodiment of neoliberalism in the sense that most people use it. Given that most of the people who are called neoliberals support bailouts and stimulus, the term really has no meaning beyond being a woke capitalist.
But the term really refers to Reagan/Thatcher era practices full of privatization, tax cuts, and offshoring while at the same time using people's taxes to create a strong state that was used to defend capital rather than help people i.e. billions of dollars going into police departments while welfare was cut, all paid out of the pocket of the poor workers while the rich paid nothing.
Almost nobody identifies as a neoliberal, the only exceptions being the contrarians on /r/neoliberal and globe twitter, who only identify as such because they know the term pisses off leftists. They think of themselves as "the adults in the room" who reject idealism in favor of measurable GDP growth, and have a fanatical hatred of NIMBYs and socialists because they slow it down.

>> No.15522740

>and its not gonna stop anytime soon.
It is.

>> No.15522787

Global trade is going to stop? Why, because America is going stop "protecting shipping lines"? Why, because theyd rather rely on their own unprofitable fracking industry instead of dirt cheap ME oil?

Not to mention you'll be driving european and asian countries into the arms of chinese OBOR land trade. Not to mention china will defend its own sea trade up to east africa, using its new african/paki naval bases.

>> No.15522851

>Why, because theyd rather rely on their own unprofitable fracking industry instead of dirt cheap ME oil?
This has already happened. The US is not using ME oil, just forcing everyone to trade for it in dollars.
>Not to mention you'll be driving european and asian countries into the arms of chinese OBOR land trade.
This will happen whatever course the US adopt (except launching world war against China). People seem to forget sea trade using to be big between various European coasts when it's now utterly irrelevant. It is only a matter of time for technology and infrastructure to become good enough for the entire eurasian landmass to trade mostly by land. Random steppe niggers chimping out is the only things preventing this but if Russia gets its conditions met it will be a hard time for maritime empires.

>> No.15522862

>They think of themselves as "the adults in the room" who reject idealism in favor of measurable GDP growth, and have a fanatical hatred of NIMBYs and socialists because they slow it down.
And they are correct in both their assertation and fanatical hatred. Property prices are skyrocketing because of loan restrictions and planning permission supported by NIMBYs and generally socialists.

>> No.15522902

lol your boss is based

>> No.15522916

When do we genocide them? Fucking up urban planning, territory management, industrial capacities and immigration.

>> No.15522950

wtf is a "neo-liberal"

>> No.15522996

Why nations fail
Capitalism and freedom
Courage to act

>> No.15523019

We don't. They're the upper-middle class who like living in idyllic conditions. We continue urban sprawl until it consumes their nice nieghberhoods and wait for the shithole to be gentrified eventnually. They're pushed out further until less of them can afford to live in a small Eden and are forced to actually join society.