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File: 43 KB, 618x410, jeffery-epstein-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15519337 No.15519337 [Reply] [Original]

What type of books did a man like Jeffrey Epstein read ? Besides his perverted sexual nature, you have to admit he was pretty smart. I'm picturing his shelf lined with books on mind control and programming. I just want to be as smart as him when it comes to money.

>> No.15519343

He probably didn't actually read, but pretended to be well-read... I can't imagine him actually enjoying a book.

>> No.15519346

The Talmud

>> No.15519351

he didn't read jackshit. The farthest maybe he ever read was the Intelligent Investor when he was pulling shit on Wall St. He was a conman. He had the advantage of background checks being primitive. You don't.

>> No.15519352
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>> No.15519357

He was into eugenics and psychology. He had millions and millions of dollars. He was smart but his sexual nature destroyed him. You hey his ass he read. His IQ was up there.

>> No.15519360
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>tfw no ghislaine gf

>> No.15519378

Writing him off as a con man? Uhh...this guy owned an island with British royalty and US presidents visiting on it. He was bit more than a con man. Crooked ? Yes.

>> No.15519382

Thank you.

>> No.15519401

>Besides his perverted sexual nature, you have to admit he was pretty smart

He was a fuckin dope dude

He thought that we were on the verge of uploading our brains into immortal bodies (we are nowhere near that), and he pretended to be a math genius despite having no credentials. He would regularly invite scientists over and ask them stupid loaded questions that indicated he was a victim of the dunning-kruger effect when it came to nearly every field he was 'interested' in. His entire talent was trafficking children to elite pedophiles, which he even fucked that up.

>> No.15519405

He was huge into evolutionary psychology and funded a bunch of programs for it at Harvard and other ivies. There's a reason Stephen Pinker got invited to his island.

>> No.15519416

120 days of sodom
how to win friends and influence people

>> No.15519428


>> No.15519436
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You know of any good books in this field ?

>> No.15519446

It seems all his money came from Lex Wexner. So you should read Great Expectations or other nobles with a sidekick picked by a rich older mentor who takes over the estate.

>> No.15519449

He was a conman.He stole money from his clients that were too rich to notice. He lied about his credentials to get into the high circle of Wall Street. He created an aura of prestige and mystery around him so bored and desperate socialites would cling to him. After that, he lured the high society into his perverted BS.

>> No.15519454

Or other novels *

>> No.15519455

So did he basically film Wexner having sex with hot young girls and just drain his bank accounts through blackmail?

>> No.15519461

>implying that the elites weren't already into that

>> No.15519462

He wasn’t a con man and he didn’t steal anything. He was the mentee of Lex Wexner and Robert Maxwell. Both guys used wealth and blackmail and had ties to a certain foreign intelligence agency.

>> No.15519469

Yeah ok. But what books did he read?

>> No.15519480

So Maxwell and Wexner are the real head of that serpent ? That means they got away and let Epstein take the fall for them.

>> No.15519482

No. He did that with Wexner money to other people. Why? Because Wexner supported a certain foreign country that had a very active foreign intelligence agency and Epstein did in the USA what Robert Maxwell did in the UK.

>> No.15519494

> The Foreign Office suspected that Maxwell was a secret agent of a foreign government, possibly a double agent or a triple agent, and "a thoroughly bad character and almost certainly financed by Russia." Maxwell had known links to the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), to the Soviet KGB, and to the Israeli intelligence service Mossad.[44] Six serving and former heads of Israeli intelligence services attended Maxwell's funeral in Israel, while Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir eulogized him and stated: “He has done more for Israel than can today be said."[45]

>> No.15519499
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>> No.15519521

What did he do for Israel that was so cool?

>> No.15519522

Imagine you are a certain foreign country with a habit of being caught in difficult wars. You might need weapons for cheap from the west... and if politicians in the west are pliable to your interests all the better.

>> No.15519533

A lot of trafficking. A lot of lobbying as a US citizen and therefore not an Israeli agent. Compromat.

>> No.15519553

Epstein somehow convinced Wexner to hand over Power of Attorney to him. How and why is something of a mystery.


In the documentary series "Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich" it is revealed that they may have been in a sexual relationship. Epstein was called "the boyfriend" by people who knew them both.

>> No.15519556

Maxwell’s daughter is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghislaine_Maxwell

Epstein’s gf and fixer.

>> No.15519573

>In the documentary series "Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich" it is revealed that they may have been in a sexual relationship. Epstein was called "the boyfriend" by people who knew them both
It’s absurd and meaningless. Wexner is no dummy. His sole philanthropy is for Israel and Jewish groups. He randomly gives Epstein a few billon? Just cause he is the bf? Doesn’t make sense. But for Epstein to run a pro Israel blackmail and influence operation coordinated by the daughter of a mossad agent... makes more sense.

>> No.15519585
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Do you think NXIVM had any connections with him? Allison Mack would help recruit desperate actresses.

>> No.15519608

Probably a simultaneous operation run by someone managed by the same people who manage Epstein.

>> No.15519639

Maxwell? He used newspapers in England to push pro Israel news and he used his elite contacts to blackmail them with sexual deviancy to push them to work for Israeli interests in the uk.

>> No.15519657

Maxwell was literally buried in an exclusive cemetery in Israel that has some of their greatest heroes in it, and his funeral was visited by several Israeli intelligence officials.

>> No.15519668

> As of April 2019 five people associated with NXIVM—Mack, NXIVM co-founder Nancy Salzman, Lauren Salzman, Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman, and bookkeeper Kathy Russell—had pleaded guilty to various charges.[5][6]
> Clare Bronfman (born 1979) is an American heiress and former equestrian. She is the youngest daughter of billionaire philanthropist and former Seagram liquor chairman Edgar Bronfman Sr. Bronfman is notable for her involvement in NXIVM, a business involved with criminal activities that lead to indictments on federal charges including sex trafficking.
> Edgar Miles Bronfman (June 20, 1929 – December 21, 2013) was a Canadian-American businessman. He worked for his family distilled beverage firm, Seagram, eventually becoming president, treasurer and CEO. As President of the World Jewish Congress, Bronfman is especially remembered for initiating diplomacy with the Soviet Union, which resulted in legitimizing the Hebrew language in Russia, and contributed to Soviet Jews being legally able to practice their own religion, as well as emigrate to Israel.
> When former World Jewish Congress President Philip Klutznick stepped down in 1979, Bronfman was asked to take over as acting head of the organization, then was formally elected President by the Seventh Plenary Assembly, in January 1981.[8] Together with his deputy, Israel Singer, Bronfman led the World Jewish Congress in becoming the preeminent international Jewish organization that it is today.
> Former Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres said in support of Bronfman, "Clearly, issues that are open for debate in Israel should be open for debate in the Jewish world."[29]

>> No.15519675

Seems plausible since they used the same framework: a woman as bait to lure others.

>> No.15519678

It is literally the same thing. Traces to super pro Israel and Israel agent billionaire family.

>> No.15519688

>tfw you'll never have a qt sadist aristocrat gf who brings you young girls to defile for her own sociopathic sexual pleasure

>> No.15519695

yeah, I posted that right before seeing >>15519668
(((they))) are impeccable lmfao

>> No.15519701

im on that track also

>> No.15519700

They used him to break in the girls and to have an alibi. Le rich degenerate is safe and believable. The elite politicians feel at ease and partake. Little do they know the whole thing is a mossad blackmail operation.

>> No.15519708

He was a dilettante. He didn't read.

>> No.15519712

Wexner probably got a call from the head of mossad or the Israeli pm himself and gladly handed it over.

>> No.15519718

this. he was essentially an extremely successful leech, parasite, and blackmailer.
I bet he would've liked The Great Gatsby

>> No.15519724

No. Evolutionary psychology is bullshit.

>> No.15519732

Super interesting how not just Jews, but literally organized Jewry with Jew state backing, are running all these sex cults that target politicians and the rich and nary a peep out of the media about "waddabout our democracy?" If you wanted a concrete explanation for one way Jews actually control high level politics, this would be it. Not the only way (see the neocons), but definitely a way that they might seek to influence political decision making should other plans fail. Amazing to me that people into debunking conspiracy theories in the media don't take this seriously.

>> No.15519737

Epstein’s job was to pretend to be a rich charming smart guy. He was pretty charming and smart so it worked. That led the marks to believe him and fuck underage girls/boys whatever. The whole thing then got video taped by mossad and they were made aware that unless they did this or that with their vote or company it would be leaked.

>> No.15519743

The closest we got was the Saturday night live admission by Larry David that a lot of these people were Jews. That alone drew gasps despite being obvious.

>> No.15519752

Yeah I'm well off and still feel cheated because I will never have this.

>> No.15519755

if that's the narrative covered and repeated by the media that makes me highly skeptical that's who the man really was, people in those spheres of power work for overarching power and political structures connected to spy agencies,secret societies and nobility that never get covered unless given permission to do so

>> No.15519764

The people who claim this is a conspiracy are mentally ill. I can’t think of another explanation. That or they were Jews who always fight team Jew and are defending the Jewish interests even here.

>> No.15519776

If someone were to point out that maxwell and bronfman and Wexner are all billionaire Jews who worked intensely to promote Israeli geopolitics and intelligence ... and then turn out to be central players in a sex blackmail ring... that just gets ignored.

>> No.15519784

They aren’t just rich Jews who give money. They are receiving direct instructions from Israeli political leaders and working as liaisons in an official capacity.

> According to Joel Bainerman, in 1991 he was appointed to the International Jewish Committee for Inter-religious Consultations to conduct official contacts between the Vatican and the State of Israel.[19]

There’s so much more.

>> No.15519792
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Satanic Bible
Think and Grow Rich
Intelligent Investor
Art of War
Egyptians Book of the dead

>> No.15519796

One thing that red pilled me about Epstein is that the mainstream left wing position about the world being run by billionaires is mostly bullshit. It looks like many of these billionaires are compromised. Not making excuses for the rich because they are probably pedos that should be shot, but the simplistic commie and left take that is merely about money seems crap to me in light of who Epstein targeted and who he is connected to. There seems to be more at play. If you made the argument that is other powerful elites predating upon each other, that is something I could be on board with, but they don't seem to be a monolithic group with the same agenda (otherwise, why set up a vast system of blackmail?).

>> No.15519806

>He was huge into evolutionary psychology and funded a bunch of programs for it at Harvard and other ivies.
This is like something from a satire. I will defend evopsych against people who attack it on obviously ideological grounds, but seriously, the guy with the young teens is funding evopsych.

>> No.15519818

Here’s how it works. Israel is the Jewish state. All Jews feel loyalty. Especially rich Jews. These rich Jews act like Israel’s agents. They do stuff for Israel, and this amounts to influence operations and political manipulation in the USA or EU or UK or whatever. They also funnel untraceable black money to Israeli intelligence. It’s great for Israel. All Jews end up working to obfuscate and hide it so The public doesn’t catch on.

>> No.15519830

>. All Jews end up working to obfuscate and hide it
They also have a religious dictum built into their culture to hide things from non-Jews: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesirah

>> No.15519831
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So who has all the blackmail evidence now ? Mossad or USA ?

For books, I'd say he would read stuff like Sigmund F.

>> No.15519842

Yes and even the non religious Jews do it. They get taught that Israel must exist and thrive otherwise they will be destroyed and that anything to protect Israel is justified so there is no crime too great if it is done to protect Israel. That’s why all these secular Jews are equally fervent.

>> No.15519845


now thats hot, any books on the subject any dont recommend handmaiden tale

>> No.15519854

The eugenics angle is a fun distraction. Nobody is investigating who the many elites were who came to have sex with these children and why this was even being done; the NYT isn’t interested. Like they don’t have an answer. Only some cute article about Epstein telling a few scientists they should start a eugenics program.

>> No.15519865

im already with everyone on that train of thought but im sure fucking 12 year girls gets boring after awhile,so going to the other end of the spectrum with a breeding farm really gets the blood going

>> No.15519888

Trump's fatass is sitting on it, I bet.

>> No.15519894


>> No.15519929

The fact that the media went after MIT and a member of the royals, but no sustained investigation into Wexner, Mega Group, the Mossad connections is telling. It's kinda of like those "dancing israelis" that were arrested on 9/11, then were released under pressure with no one in the media talking about it.

>> No.15520054

He got it from blackmail, you don't exactly need to be a genius to do this, and he didn't even build the list of names in his black book since he more then likely inherited the operation from Ghislaine Maxwell's father, a Mossad agent.

>> No.15520649
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>why doesn't the media call them on it
They own the media. All of it. Every outlet. Even the ones that vaguely decry them are also owned by them and are just controlled opposition. The word "jew" is actually not quite correct. They do use the title to hide under but the reality is that they are satanic freemasons. They call themselves Jews in order to control Israel. They control Israel because, buried under the temple of the mount, where Solomon's temple originally stood, the knights Templar found a series of tunnels and caves that eventually led to an artifact from Bible times. Some believe this was a scripture, others believe it was a demon, some even believe it was the head of st. Peter himself. Regardless of all of that, whatever they found there it changed them. They found power and wealth beyond human comprehension and they've been dominating the world with it ever since, hiding the knowledge and passing it down through various tiers of their secret society. Templars, freemasons, Jesuits, roscrucians, Illuminati, bilderberg, deepstate, elite, Jews - they are all the same thing. Somehow they are better able to establish a magical connection with other realities through pain, suffering, child torture and rape, and anal sex. But I digress. I could go on and on, this is something I've researched for over fifteen years now.
t. /pol/ & /x/

>> No.15520654

why the past tense?
the guy is still alive

>> No.15520667

/r/equesting reading lists on all the topics in this post
books, sites, videos, old /x/ threads, whatever you've got from the last 15 years

>> No.15520691
File: 487 KB, 1280x1920, C05663F6-20D5-4684-8B86-358154445D0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what an übermensch looks like

>> No.15520747

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.15520757

>be a nobody
>don't even have a college degree
>still manage to make it in new york high society
>con and blackmail elitist snobs
>run a massive pedophile pyramid scheme by merely offering high school girls the opportunity to whore themselves out
>become one of the richest most powerful men in america
>with nothing but pure charm and cunning
Yeah I'm thinking that's based. You might not like him, but Epstein is the closest thing our generation has to the American dream

>> No.15520786

he had louis ck's comedy specials downloaded

>> No.15520791

Jewish Media Control
CNN Jeff Zucker Jew
FOX Robert Iger Jew
ABC Robert Iger Jew
Disney Robert Iger Jew
CBS Sumner Rothstein Jew
NBC Brian L. Roberts Jew
FaceBook Mark Zuckerburg Jew
InstaGram Mark Zuckerburg Jew
Google Sergei Brin Jew
Youtube Sergei Brin Jew

Jewish Finance Control
Federal Reserve - Paul Warburg
Seligmann Bank
Strauss Bank
Kuhn Loeb Co. Bank
Rothschild Bank
Oppenheimer Bank
Goldman-Sachs Bank
George Soros Jew

International Monetary Fund
World Bank: Harry Dexter White, John Maynard Keynes Jews

Russia SEVEN-BANKERS (6/7 Jews)

Jewish Conspiracies
Illuminati Adam Weishaupt Jew
Communism/Neoconservstism: Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Bela Kun, Irving Kristol, Bill Kristol, Richard Pipes, Daniel Pipes, David Horowitz, David Frum, Richard Perle, Rahm Emmanuel (All Jews)

Lincoln Assassin - John Wilkes Booth Jew
Oswald Coverup - Jacob Rubinstein Jew

>> No.15520867

where is he? cuba?

>> No.15520880

The Talmud

>> No.15520895

I often wonder what it's like to be an Amazon drone collecting books like this together to put in a package.

>> No.15520913

You're just trying to get me to panic again so i start doing and saying stupid shit, now that im actually trying to actively find out what's going on. It's all empty bluff, i've not seen anything concrete and nothing bad has happened irl. Go make someone else's life miserable, someone who actually deserves it, like trump. And even he doesn't deserve all the shit he's getting. He's stupid, incompetent and self-obsessed, but people wanting him to die or get murdered aren't thinking straight. He's still a person. off topic but idgas

>> No.15520927

Coomer chart when?

>> No.15520954

And even if these supposed videos exist, it's just a bunch of mundane crap, and a whole load of evidence to take to the police, were they to ever get leaked. So, no matter how disgusted i am that they might actually exist and what that would mean for my personal and my family's privacy, i'm not gonna let it influence my thoughts to the point of paralyzing paranoia anymore. My young life is too short for that

>> No.15520957

are you ever going to go see a doctor schizobro?

>> No.15520962

>I'm picturing his shelf lined with books on mind control and programming

Are you one of those "social engineering" nerds who thinks they're master manipulators because they tricked someone into giving them a glass of water by saying "gosh I'm thirsty" and clearing your throat instead of just asking for a glass of water?

>> No.15520984

yeah I felt this too.
I was actually reading up on him a few months before he got back into the spotlight light year. It's pretty amazing and also mysterious how he went from being a nobody without a college degree to being a rich guy with connections to the highest levels of the world, along with having tons of sex with hot underaged sex slaves.
Very inspiring stuff.

But also don't know what to think, he is painted as really smart but then some people consider him to be a dumb charlatan. I'm leaning heavily towards the latter but it doesn't explain his early days stuff where he got hired as a math teacher with no degree, managed to impress one of his students parents enough to get a job at a trading firm, and started his own firm after getting fired from that, tendng only to the richest people. He wasn't a meticulous or cautious person, he got caught for the stupidest things and ended up dead in a jail cell after he pushed his negligence too far. Maybe he just really didn't think anything bad would happen to him? It's possible, but that still wasn't very smart thinking. I guess it's possible if I lived the kind of life he did for that long I'd get sloppy too. I don't know.

Anyway to answer the question, I read that he very conspicuously once left 120 days of sodom out in the open when some journalist lady came to interview him.

>> No.15521006

>doesn't explain his early days stuff where he got hired as a math teacher with no degree, managed to impress one of his students parents enough to get a job at a trading firm, and started his own firm after getting fired from that, tendng only to the richest people.
le early life face

>> No.15521026

Really. He's sort of a hero in a way, when you consider how little social mobility Americans, especially uneducated ones, have.

>> No.15521027
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Reported both of you to the feds for supporting pedophilia. Enjoy prison.

>> No.15521139

We have similar tastes and goals
I read a bit of that last book
Thanks for the extra two suggestions.

>> No.15521145

Nah, I talked to him a few times and he was actually smart. Please, stop talking about something that you don't know about.

>> No.15521269

what did you talk about?
did he seem like a perv or just a regular guy?
how much are you worth?
did you taste any cunny?

>> No.15521370

>what did you talk about?
We talked about mostly psychology in a private party at Harvard and then switched to economics when he told me he had worked at wall street. I didn't know who he was at the time actually.
>did he seem like a perv or just a regular guy?
A regular guy definitely. He was quite charismatic and charming though but at the time it didn't cause any suspicion.
>how much are you worth?
I'm just a psychologist so not much. When I attended this party, especially, I was just in my mid-20's and part of my first research study. The research leader was invited and brought us along.
>did you taste any cunny?
Not at that party, no

>> No.15521388

Im not as into Isreali conspiracy theories as most since their overt actions seem so obvious, but ghislaine was so obviously epsteins handler for a massive celebrity and british upper class blackmail ring that its leaked into the MSM several times.

>> No.15521392

As a psychologist, who do you think are committing the greatest crime against reason, order, and humanity, you or Epstein

>> No.15521394

Interesting. Anything stand out looking back in hindsight or was he just a run of the mill average joe?

>> No.15521398
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>Not at that party

>> No.15521652

marx was redpilled on the JQ and lived his entire life as a protestant. I hate it when /pol/fags put him in the same category as other subversive kikes like lenin and trotsky. He was clearly influenced by christian morality and never integrated with other kikes. A lot of the subversive shit that is associated him was started with engels ie (the origin of the family) and marx wasn't really on board with it and just tolerated it.

>> No.15521806

He was a protestant during his youth only though, so not his entire life. It can be conceded that he took bits of his former beliefs to form his ideology.

>> No.15522090 [DELETED] 

Just take that old Talmud off the shelf
Suck baby dicks and read it by myself
These cattle goyim ain't got no souls
I like that old time Talmud scroll!

>> No.15522114

Sick sick man

>> No.15522116

He was an opportunist who used his finance-mathematical intelligence to his advantage. You're not going to become him by sitting in your gaming chair reading Seneca and Machiavelli.

>> No.15522124
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The proofs

>> No.15522125

>I just want to be as smart as him when it comes to money.

The guy probably had way, way, less money than most people think. It's very likely he was deeply in the red at the end of his life, lawsuits aside. He was basically just renting his US property from other people most of his life.

>> No.15522164

>Serious replies only
That doesn't work here Reddit.

>> No.15522169

When I was young I used to think all adults had money until I realized that a lot of them are retarded and all their stuff is tied up in leases, loans and credit cards, and they really have no cash to speak of.
Like my aunt and uncle were in debt with a struggling business but apparently they needed to lease two Lexus cars and buy name brand clothing.

>> No.15522173

He was probably just really really smart at math and finance. I know a kid who grew up lower middle class with me, was incredible at math, skipped forward a grade, topped his class at a prestigious university, and now works for the country's biggest bank. He had the benefit of a stable education but other than that his family wasn't rich or well connected. It's rare but it happens. Combine that with megalomania and a predilection for sexual deviancy then you have a lethal combination.

>> No.15522211

This. And said foreign intelligence agency has had lots of practice with operations like this. Almost got an agent to be prime minister of Syria.

>> No.15523235

Those people don't read as much as you think they do.
Probably satanist grimoires unironically. Like in the movie the ninth gate.

>> No.15523295

Ghislaine Maxwell, a literal pimp for hundreds of young damaged girls, who most likely also participated to satanic mass and child sacrifice à la Clinton. But since she is pretty, she gets a free pass on 4chan. Reminds me of Carlos Matos, who also got a free pass because he is hilarious, but this one only scammed people.

>> No.15523316
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>> No.15523355

probably not much literature. He was known to have a superficial knowledge of many aspects of science. Pop-culture books about science and specialist hedge-fund/economic books. I suspect "how to win friends....".
Nothing about him suggested he read much literature

>> No.15523401

He was Chad among chads, pounding young underage pussy on his private island all day long. Many don't like him but only because he was successful and got to do things most men only dream about.

>> No.15523402

This might be true, but lets not forget that Capitalism has is own inertia, and that (((they))) rely massively on the principle of exploitation. The whole concept of civilization is based on exploitation. That doesn't mean we cannot reverse what they have built through exploitation, private property and hierarchy obedience. In the end people validate this, and are comfortable in this. We will see if they still obey in the decades to come. If they do, well, i want to get out of this sphere of reality, being human don't interest me anymore.

>> No.15523443

The Lucifer Principle

>> No.15523662
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A fellow poster has compiled the gist pretty succinctly in a now removed (of course) video on YouTube. He still has the trailer up though and in the description is a bitchute link to the whole thing. It's called the knights of zion. It may be hidden from search results so search his channel directly "habbening net news".
For reading: read the works of aleister Crowley. Crowley delved very deeply into Kabbalah mysticism and wrote at length about his experiments and rituals. Look into his connection with wealthy elites in Europe and the assertion (with pretty damning evidence) that he fathered Barbara bush. Read the book of Solomon in the Bible and then theological interpretations of the book.
Taking care of my baby right now but I'll post some specifics in a couple hours if this is still up.

>> No.15523769

Remember reading in articles that he was interested (unsurprisingly) in de Sade and Nietzsche - would leave his de Sade books out for journalists to see when interviewing him

>> No.15523910
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Specifically it was De Sade's Justine aka The Misfortunes of Virtue.

>On the desk, a paperback copy of the Marquis de Sade’s The Misfortunes of Virtue was recently spotted.

What are jokes.

>> No.15524299

Any /lit/ approved books on the operations of a certain foreign intelligence agency?

>> No.15524316

Is that a new slang for CIA assets?

>> No.15524727

Confession of an economic hitman. But it's more about the CIA.

>> No.15524754

my problem with such books is that if the CIA or whoever have that much power why would they allow a book like that to circulate

>> No.15524755


>> No.15524880

>most men just wanna fuck children
Maybe if you're a degenerate mutt.

>> No.15525299

You're right on the money. I can't remember the exact article right now (I believe it was testimony from one of the girls brought to the island to do "massages"), but he made a comment like "It's man's nature to fuck as many young fertile girls as possible. Look it up, I can't help that's how I was made."

>> No.15525455

Haha who wound want to fuck children? Only sick bastards. I prefer old shriveled up cunts myself, and if that's not available I will just fuck some plastic cylinder in a shape of flashlight for 65$. Ahh, it just feels so natural.

>> No.15526186

Wonder if he's got any bastard kids
I mean with the amount he fucked he must, right?

>> No.15526206

I want titles nigger

>> No.15526930


>> No.15527354

Well there are certain books like The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence which the CIA took to court and forced the guy to heavily redact. Its pretty hard to get your hands on a copy these days too, it seems on ebay / thriftbooks for hundreds of dollars
There's a few others like that like Left of Boom which comes to mind. So yeah, it's not like they don't try.

>> No.15527498

Don’t listen to the haters, Epstein has said in interviews to have read Aliester Crowley

>> No.15527506

Epstein was up there with Keith Rainer, they were very well educated despite what most proles will cope with

>> No.15527524

Jews like Epstein exist to become subjects for invasive neurobiological experiments. Just imagine doing something like optogenetics on Epstein and then cracking open his brain to understand the neural correlates of consciousness better. These people exist for the purpose of invasive scientific experiments. That is the only good for their existence. Such people have the illusion of consciousness, the illusion of selfhood, so it is much better to decapitate and collect their brains rather than innocent and divine rats. I had to sacrifice many rats in my Neuroscience lab. I would feel no remorse doing it Jews.

>> No.15527918


>> No.15528305

>but it doesn't explain his early days stuff where he got hired as a math teacher with no degree, managed to impress one of his students parents enough to get a job at a trading firm, and started his own firm after getting fired from that, tendng only to the richest people.

> blackmail your way into a job
> hey this is easy!
> blackmail your way into another job; get fired
> blackmail full-time because it works no matter what income level
> make a financial firm to launder your blackmailing
> no one says shit even though your firm doesn’t actually trade

Hmmm What could the explanation be???

>> No.15528723
File: 44 KB, 300x300, 15925176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley : Including Gematria & Sepher Sephiroth. (1982). York Beach, ME : S. Weiser.
Aha! : Being Liber CCXLII. (1996). Tempe, Arizona: New Falcon Publications.
Aleister Crowley and the Practice of the Magical Diary. (2006). Tempe, AZ : New Falcon Publications.
Amrita : Essays in Magical Rejuvenation. (1990). Kings Beach, CA : Thelema Publications.
"The Blue Equinox" (Equinox III:1). (1992). York Beach, ME : Samuel Weiser.
The Book of the Law (Technically called Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX as delivered by XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI). (1997). York Beach, ME : Samuel Weiser.
The Book of Lies, which is also falsely called Breaks, originally 1912 or 1913, (1981). York Beach, ME : Samuel Weiser.
The Book of Thoth : A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians (Equinox III:5), originally 1944, (1981). New York : S. Weiser.
Clouds without Water. (1909). Illinois : Yogi Publication Society.
Collected Works of Aleister Crowley 1905-1907. (1974). New York : Gordon Press.
Commentaries on the Holy Books and Other Papers (Equinox IV:1). (1996). York Beach, ME : S. Weiser.
The Confessions of Aleister Crowley : An Autohagiography. (1979). London ; Boston : Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Crowley on Christ. (1974). London: The C.W. Daniel Co.Ltd.
Diary of a Drug Fiend. (1970). York Beach, ME : S. Weiser.
Eight Lectures on Yoga (Equinox III:4). (1985). Phoenix, AZ : Falcon Pres
Enochian World of Aleister Crowley : Enochian Sex Magick. (1991). Scottsdale, AZ : New Falcon Publications.
The Equinox (I:1-10). (2006).York Beach, ME : Weiser Books.
The Equinox (III:10). (2001). York Beach, ME : S. Weiser.
The Equinox of the Gods (Equinox III:3). (1992). York Beach, ME : Samuel Weiser.
Gems from the Equinox. (1982).Phoenix, AZ : Falcon Press.
The General Principles of Astrology (Liber DXXXVI). (2002). Boston, MA : Weiser Books.
The Goetia : The Lesser Key of Solomon the King. (1995). York Beach, ME : Samuel Weiser.
The Heart of the Master. (1973). Montreal : 93 Publishing.
The Holy Books of Thelema (Equinox III:9). (1983). York Beach, ME : S. Weiser.
Khing Kang King : The Classic of Purity, Being Liber XXI. (1980). Kings Beach, CA : Thelema Publications.
Konx Om Pax : Essays in Light. (1990). Chicago: Teitan Press.
The Law is for All : The Authorized Popular Commentary of Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX, The Book of the Law. (1996). Tempe, AZ : New Falcon Publications.
Liber Aleph vel CXI : The Book of Wisdom or Folly (Equinox III:6). (1991). York Beach, ME : Samuel Weiser.
Little Essays Toward Truth. (1991). Tempe, AZ : New Falcon Publications.
The Magical Diaries of Aleister Crowley : Tunisia 1923. (1996). York Beach, ME : S. Weiser.
The Magical Record of the Beast 666: The Diaries of Aleister Crowley, 1914-1920. (1972). London : Duckworth.
Magick : Liber ABA, Book Four, Parts I-IV. (1997). York

>> No.15528730
File: 37 KB, 500x425, uncanny-robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also read more. There are hidden scriptures in almost everything now. the number 33 is sacred to them. Look at major "disasters" and key figures. Don't be surprised when their addresses or dates of happening contain some variation of the number 33

>> No.15528739

Behavioral profiling. . . .

Especially flawed because the two parts of his life need not be allied

>> No.15528744
File: 250 KB, 605x605, subway creep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Brian Froud's "Faeries"
"A Brief History of Time" with underlining that ends after the third chapter
Eckhart Tolle
"Girls are Pretty" by Stuntkid
"Capital" by Thomas Piketty, with the receipt from Out of Town News still under the front cover
Robert Mapplethorpe coffee table books
A copy of "Infinite Jest" hollowed out and with drugs stuffed inside

>> No.15528759

>The number of deities in the Vedic Religion is33. The second level of heaven in Buddhism is named Trāyastriṃśa,meaning"of the33(gods)." The divine name Elohim appears33times in the story of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis. Jesus' traditional age when he was crucified and resurrected was 33
Club 33 is a private bar in Disney Land.
Use jewgle. Then use duckduckgo. The truth is out there

>> No.15528773

His wealth came from acting as a middleman for wealthy paedophiles.

he would get young girls to come to him, break them in and then traffic them around the world for the wealthy to use.

>> No.15528783

Nice nothing you've added, faggot.

>> No.15529746


What admission?