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15518345 No.15518345 [Reply] [Original]

Write your suicide note /lit/.

>> No.15518363

Poop nigga balls avocado

>> No.15518374

inceldom made me a fascist

>> No.15518399

I have NOT and WILL NOT commit suicide. I am at risk of murder for speaking out against the global pedophile rings and their connection with very powerful individuals. If the news comes out that I have died, it is because they have silenced me. DO NOT BELIEVE the mainstream reports of my death.

>> No.15518406
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>i must go in. the fog is rising.

>> No.15518410

in we go

>> No.15518411

my ho done left me yuh
smokin loud do nothin yuh
what can take the pain away yuh
only this lead from my glock yuh

>> No.15518413

"You aight whiteboy"

>> No.15518414


>> No.15518415

fucking kek
imagine going on to all your friends about seth rich and how you overheard some scary shit about the clintons and george soros before killing yourself via rube goldberg contraption designed to shoot yourself twice in the back of the head

>> No.15518453

God, fuck that looks horrible. Just imagin a wooden stick going in them out and in again like a Shishkabab, not dead, but being pinned in place while your muscles reflexively twitch around the wounds, only making them worse. Gruesume.

>> No.15518478

Its bot fair. The Nightland is a decent premise and stylistic work, with an admittedly lackluster plot. If only i could spruce it up a bit. My brain elements will see to that.

My glorious Mirdith, i will come to you and retweak my effort ever so slight.

>> No.15518489

This world's always felt to me like the time after a party. Everyone's too far gone to sleep, to talk, to watch tv. We're all sitting there after everything, waiting for the morning. Hopefully this time I actually succeed.

>> No.15518516

It's always been like this. It will always be like this. Too long have we observed our reality, our mind, and we have many failing but among them is not self denial.
We are what we are, and that thing is broken. It cannot be fixed because thusly it is implied there is a healed state. There is not. There is what we have, and no more.
The die, as it were, was cast, long ago, eons before your birth.
We were always going to lose like this. We've always know it.
I can only hope God will forgive me, but He will not, and neither will I.
I am sorry.

>> No.15518621

All this buttoning and unbottoning.

>> No.15519283
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Who else /failed attempt/ here? Really wishing I was dead, nothing more embarrassing than waking up in the hospital a few days later.

>> No.15519364

To Boddah

Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complain-ee. This note should be pretty easy to understand.

All the warnings from the punk rock 101 courses over the years, since my first introduction to the, shall we say, ethics involved with independence and the embracement of your community has proven to be very true. I haven't felt the excitement of listening to as well as creating music along with reading and writing for too many years now. I feel guity beyond words about these things.

For example when we're back stage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowds begins., it doesn't affect me the way in which it did for Freddie Mercury, who seemed to love, relish in the the love and adoration from the crowd which is something I totally admire and envy. The fact is, I can't fool you, any one of you. It simply isn't fair to you or me. The worst crime I can think of would be to rip people off by faking it and pretending as if I'm having 100% fun. Sometimes I feel as if I should have a punch-in time clock before I walk out on stage. I've tried everything within my power to appreciate it (and I do,God, believe me I do, but it's not enough). I appreciate the fact that I and we have affected and entertained a lot of people. It must be one of those narcissists who only appreciate things when they're gone. I'm too sensitive. I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasms I once had as a child.

On our last 3 tours, I've had a much better appreciation for all the people I've known personally, and as fans of our music, but I still can't get over the frustration, the guilt and empathy I have for everyone. There's good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that it makes me feel too fucking sad. The sad little, sensitive, unappreciative, Pisces, Jesus man. Why don't you just enjoy it? I don't know!

I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what i used to be, full of love and joy, kissing every person she meets because everyone is good and will do her no harm. And that terrifies me to the point to where I can barely function. I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become.

I have it good, very good, and I'm grateful, but since the age of seven, I've become hateful towards all humans in general. Only because it seems so easy for people to get along that have empathy. Only because I love and feel sorry for people too much I guess.

Thank you all from the pit of my burning, nauseous stomach for your letters and concern during the past years. I'm too much of an erratic, moody baby! I don't have the passion anymore, and so remember, it's better to burn out than to fade away.

>> No.15519490

This is definitely not the best course of action, I've known that every time the idea suicide or death crossed my mind but I simply can't continue being myself in this life.
My life has been bland to say the least, never something amazing and that is mainly my fault because l never had a goal, the only thing that comes close is "just living peacefully" and that is an impossible goal, all thanks to my inability of making lasting relationships with others or being remotely capable of actually helping and improving myself.
The thing is I don't want to die in the literal sense, I want to die mentally... my memories and all that forms my personality, if I somehow forget everything and never get it back I can start over and actually live with freedom

>> No.15520501

One last bridge to burn

>> No.15521377

what did you family say? how did you attempt? did you feel/see anything before you woke?

>> No.15521393

On this day, I am euphoric. I have transcended the base instinct for survival, ossified in holy scriptures and social strictures, and have become a true individual. This is the ultimate act. The ultimate expression of self. The ultimate “being yourself”. I am God.

>> No.15521397

Me pee pee feel funny. My hand sticky

>> No.15521451

To whom it may concern,
I tried it, and didn't like it.
Hope the smell isn't too bad.
Forever Yours,
Anon xoxo

>> No.15521614

Thank you, and Goodnight

>> No.15521617

You'll never do it, Krillov, you pussy

>> No.15521649

Me sad
Gon kil

>> No.15521667

Hey mom,
I’m sorry we haven’t spoken much recently or at all actually. Hearing your voice last night was nice, even though it was through a voicemail. Im sorry i couldn’t be stronger. I’d ask you not to cry for me but that would be selfish, even more so than now, so all I ask is you look after yourself.
I love you mom, thank you so much for everything.

>> No.15521692
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Checked. I snorted 2 grams of Xanax so they thought I was a drug addict and sent me to rehab. Felt nothing.

>> No.15521743

why did you want death?

>> No.15521788

Of course you didnt feel anything retard, alprazolam isn't active snorted

>> No.15521793

Hey man, don’t poke holes in his fake story :((((

>> No.15521796


>> No.15521814

I feel this, or I've felt this. It's not easy to feel good but it is our duty to question any thought that hurts us and console ourselves in sadness we must allow. I truly believe this.

Man this is accurate. Heartbreaking.
>Im sorry i couldn’t be stronger.
What is strenght? Not to make a small step thorough great effort and then another but to take a large step through no effort at all. No fireworks for getting out of the bed and maybe even outside on a walk. I lose myself in this thought even now.

I was sure this day would never come, after making it out of my big depression and over the course of four years healing myself I knew I would never fall into that darkness again, because it is such a long way to fall. Then again I knew I would end my life at my own hand back then. But then I was sick. I thought the healthy knowing was worth more, that it was genuine as everything else in my healthy life, unlike everything in my darkness. But I have feared this, not viscerally, but as a notion, like a dead tiger that cannot rise but close your eyes and you can see it.

I was in bed with a fever once and I had delusions. I've had had such delusions before but always when I was less awake than that time. I didn't know what was real even though I could walk around the hose just fine. It made me think of my grandmothers dementia. How she went out in the night to the laundry shed that hadn't been a laundry shed for 50 years or how she took CDs and washed them along with the dinner plates, that was funny.
What if I knew, 50 years from now that I was 20 years old and in that darkest place a heart can be like my grandmother knew she was headed to the laundry shed. This frightens me.

Why do I want to die? There was a me that would do anything to save me and make me feel loved. Where did he go? All my love and guilt is destroyed by this darkness, I only die because I'm already gone. I used to know this but know only lies anymore.

>> No.15521818
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>I must go in, the pussy is wet

>> No.15521821
File: 50 KB, 1912x792, INTERLINKED INTERLINKED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't really like being alive
actually they're just less effective snorted than swallowed, being a non-drug user I didn't know that you fucking degenerates.

>> No.15521829

Though I may walk through the the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the meanest motherfucker in the valley.

>> No.15521830

sorry grandma, sorry lil bro, sorry [gf name]
i'll miss you - please don't be mad

>> No.15521948

but death is only a launching into the region of the strange untried

>> No.15522105

life's a breeze, mine, a fart

>> No.15522179


Sorry for the mess


>> No.15523097

Jews, it's the Jews. Goodbye.

>> No.15523950

I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clin

>> No.15523956

I have information that will incriminate Hillary Clinton. Like, enough for an indictment. Wait, no I was lying. I’m a lying liar. I even changed my handwriting. I feel so bad about my lying that I’m going to tie myself up, shoot myself in the back of the head and then burn my house down.

>> No.15523958


>> No.15524065

I can't find you in this world and so I travel to another in search of you. One day we will find ourselves again.

>> No.15524071

Cya fags

>> No.15524099

Gay and pretentious

>> No.15524186

I never read any of the books I said I did and instead took speed and acid. I have no regrets.

>> No.15524197

I tried to die. Did I do good?

>> No.15524213

Women are one of the main reasons that men kill themselves. Alienation from society is another major reason. I saw her in a dream again a few days ago. Being with her and spirit is not enough. I want to know God through her. Food and shelter is but a distraction. The world is caught up in animalistic processes. To remain here is to be partially consumed by Nature and to partially enjoy her beauty. I seek for a purer and more perfect Beauty. Just because you think you are nothing does not mean that it is the ultimate truth. I put what I feel in shallow and empty words but only I know her and she knows me as we both do. Because we are a microcosm of reality that shall last forever. Therefore only what is eternal is important. I can only rot in hell for so long.

>> No.15524228

I see a lot of myself in this post anon. Thanks for your honesty.

>> No.15524304
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>it's not your fault.

>> No.15524308

Some time ago I had the worst day of my life, I was feeling terrible and having every bad thought I could, I felt that for some hours nonstop. I wasn't planning on killing myself, I was just trying to think about what I've learned until that day and what was my experience in general. I'm not an actual writer, but I was able to write a big text that managed to be poetic, cohesive and overall pretty good. I named it ''A story of a poorly lived life''.
After that day, I never managed to write anything in that level. Maybe Schopenhauer was right and suffering does ignite your creativity

>> No.15524312

this is the title of my note

>> No.15524375

There is no God.

>> No.15524429

Dear diary,

>> No.15524450
File: 76 KB, 555x807, 1590870159563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The pathetic atheist cried out as he fell through the ethereal barrier and descended into the burning darkness of Hell to truly experience the absence of God's grace.
No higher tragedy.

>> No.15525349

I hope hell exists so i get my deserved punishment.

>> No.15525362

No because any suicide note I’d write I’d ever write would be something I’d like and I’d regret not being able to modify it later on

>> No.15525410
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I don't get it, never did. Wtf is this? Never mind.

>> No.15525656

Jesus, that's really lame. Sometimes I think about that situation whenever I'm thinking of suicide and that thought scares me.

>> No.15525716

You know damn well why I am doing this

>> No.15526352

>tfw you fail so bad it doesn't register as an attempt

>> No.15526519

I really wish that I would have had the guts to also kill others. I hated you so much. Everyone. Even you my friends. I thought about cutting you up making you kneel in the dirt in front of me. I was so angry all the time and still I didnt manage to slaughter humans. I curse you all for eternity and I hope in my next life I will have the opportunity to destroy and kill as much as I like. Life without power over others is not worth shit. I just hate you so much *kisses*

>> No.15527307

All fled, all done, so lift me on the pyre;
The feast is over and the lamps expire.

>> No.15527356

I'm sorry mom, it wasn't your fault

>> No.15527579

Thanks to you anon, I really needed to get that off my mind and I appreciate someone reading it

>> No.15527587


>> No.15527650

I'm coming back as one of those sea bears way down deep by those hydrothermal vents where it's nice and warm. Burn my books.

>> No.15527694

How can something so based be in the presence of something >>15526519 so viscerally cringe?

>> No.15527709
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>> No.15528200

You've caught me at a bad day. I can't be bothered for a bit. My problems will have to take presidence. I don't think that I feel so well. I saw all of life play out before me in a dream. I don't think that I could have a better time. I'll just be heading out for a while. It's a beautiful day overhead just like every day.

>> No.15528848
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My diary desu

>> No.15528904

If nothing in life matters why even leave a note? It's vanity.

>> No.15528947

suicide niggers are fucking pathetic

>> No.15529113

The 11 volumes of journal have under my bed
>Only three are full so far so I have some time left

>> No.15529135

I have no job, friends, or family and I live alone, so some shitty pig cop fuck is going to find my body.

“Hi Officer, hope you’re enjoying your human garbage man job; clean me up, faggot.”

>> No.15529146


>> No.15529302

Sorry everybody

>> No.15529421

Well, bye.

>> No.15530012

Sorry for being a burden
sorry for failing to rise to the occasions
sorry for being a failure to launch
and final thank you for letting me experience this brief existence
vaya con dios il faggot

>> No.15530046

Take care of my own whom I am leaving behind.
My earth mother has permission to loot all my midi(s).
Goodbye cruel world.

>> No.15530099

Please, take care of my cat and love him as if it where me

>> No.15530310

i fucking knew someone was going to...