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/lit/ - Literature

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15516074 No.15516074[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15516090

>female sjw can’t comprehend the world without comparing it to her favorite super mainstream books and movies

Why is this so common?

>> No.15516125

I always find it funny when these white middle class inner city kids think Avatar The Last Airbender is like their neolib globohomo politics.

Avatar is about the traditional struggle, both physical and spiritual, of a learned spiritual master who tries to keep the cosmic balance of good and evil, in this particular case between two ancient absolute monarchies, an ascetic spiritual guild that was wiped out, and shamanist clan.

>> No.15516127

It's almost like that's your culture or something.

>> No.15516131
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With every day that passes, i wish more and more for the apocalypse

>> No.15516133
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#readanotherbook fucking bitch. Why are these people incapable of not looking at things through the lens of some kid and YA books? So many books grounded on reality and wizard shit is the first thing that comes to their minds?

>> No.15516141

Because it is the only conceptual grammar they have, this applies to most people. You relate to the world based on the concepts you understand and have been provided.
Basically garbage in garbage out.

>> No.15516144

reminder that every plague or pandemic in history has had its associated civil unrest. I would say quarantine is about 40% behind this shit

>> No.15516152

I would say this is typically more edgy liberals than your typical twitter leftist, because rich liberals treat politics as a question of identity. Complaining about inequality, to them, is no different than posting pictures on instagram. The result of this is that politics to them, is about aesthetics, or at best, a sort of game : hence their tendency to derive their worldview from books written for teenagers.

>> No.15516153

America doesn't deserve to be a democracy any more if this is what the average voter is going to be like from now on.

>> No.15516171

I was raised on Dragon Ball Z which was cool as shit and not that faggy YA crap

>> No.15516188
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Here's what Book 4: The Epilogue looks like

>> No.15516253

it might be nice to relax there, in the shade (wearing a thick biohazard suit for protection against the rat-sized hornets and superviruses)

>> No.15516269

Something something culture industry

>> No.15516285


>> No.15516294

Lmao these kids will stop giving a shit when a MUH BLUE team is in again

>> No.15516329

Real question now : what would be the /lit/ equivalent of this tweet ?

>> No.15516340

Am I a conspiracy theorist for thinking that our existing cultural touchstones were intentionally supplanted by Disney movies?

It would be somewhat okay if we were provided direct replacements for our myths. I guess that was stage one of the mass media, reproducing works in the public domain for a quick buck.

Now we have a cheap simulacrum of myth, works that don't even have coherent storylines or characters. These works simply state their intentions up front and you imagine that the words or images that follow affirm that intention. It's like selling a cover full of empty pages, you fill it out yourself.

>> No.15516356

Yeah, I mean, I thought american cops killed unarmed blacks all the time. Why is this one so much more important?

>> No.15516371

Probably some shitstain that kantbot smeared on his Twitter

>> No.15516386
File: 187 KB, 856x1024, DZI_MwMXcAIdB7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how they fail to see the irony

>> No.15516398

I feel like Disney movies generally get the archetypes right up until the 21st century, and it's not like it's wrong to pull from mythology, what else can you do?

>> No.15516402

What irony? I'm not shitting on you, I just don't see it

>> No.15516413


>> No.15516414

The painter who painted this also loved this shit. Ruins with plants growing on it is the Romantic ideal.

>> No.15516419

That's a bad shoop, I can just about see the original message they tried to magic wand away.

>> No.15516425

"our board was founded on following reading charts and you're all surprised we default to submitting to authority and call it counterculture?"

>> No.15516430

I don’t see anything wrong with this. Whether you like it or not, The Hunger Games is an incredibly famous cultural touchstone. What’s the big deal? You guys are a bunch of pretentious killjoys.

>> No.15516431

Hogwarts students were armed with sticks that can kill people just by saying a word.

>> No.15516443

Twitter only allows so much space to communicate a message.

Changing the subject a little. Why is this board about incel rage at Twitterers?

>> No.15516446
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>> No.15516448

yeah, she should be more redpilled, like in the matrix

>> No.15516452
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You will never pass.

>> No.15516456

not real butters

butters is/was a real girl

>> No.15516467

There is a mythology to Disney movies.

Unironically, and I know this will be seen as kind of a joke, Jordan Peterson touches on the stuff pretty well. The Pinocchio stuff is a little bit overwrought but from what I remember his discussion of princesses is really good.

Women are portrayed as either beautiful and self-evidently valuable or ugly, evil and treacherous. The woman goes on an adventure in which she is constantly the central object. The adventure involves a series of things happening to her. The beautiful woman is worthy of being elevated and pursued by a prince whose backstory is insubstantial, whose only trait is (also self-evident from his mere appearance) his ability and to elevate the beautiful girl to the state of princess. This is what makes him worthy of the girl.

I'm doing a very bad job of explaining it but there is definitely depth to them and they are definitely a psyop.

Also avoid red pill bullshit which has their own misogynist retard barely-literate-tier takes.

>> No.15516469

I don’t need or seek your permission. As everyone I know knows me to be a woman.
If that truly bothers you, again, GET THE FUCK OUT.

>> No.15516473


kill yourself tripfag

>> No.15516478

>As everyone I know knows me to be a woman.
They are just saying that so you don't call them a transphobe on twitter and get them fired.
Remember to dilate before your hatchet wound closes up.

>> No.15516482

I keep seeing videos of elephants mogging bitches. I had no idea they were this based.

>> No.15516487

imagining thinking real women look and behave like that "naturally" and "effortlessly" as opposed to literally painting a different face on top of their real face every day and practicing every expression and movement in front of the mirror since childhood for maximum effect on men.

that's a picture of two different monsters.

>> No.15516489

shut the fuck up you stupid moth

>> No.15516494

Dude. You’re lost. Go back where ya came from.

>> No.15516502

Defending this thread? Are you the OP?

>> No.15516503

no u

>> No.15516512
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>> No.15516514
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This >>>/lit/ is where I came from.

>> No.15516533

And you used to come form your cock but you've done lopped it off.

>> No.15516545

He isn't the OP I'm actually the OP but also fuck you, I really have nothing against trip facts and principle but you in particular are just such a dipshit omfg Your posts are always, consistently such a fucking grief to behold. Why can't you just stop fucking posting OMFG shut the fuck up nobody cares who you are nobody likes you

>> No.15516597

Is life actually anything more than an aesthetic or a game? I find it difficult to prove otherwise.

Their aesthetic is indeed a boring one however

>> No.15516614

not only that, they have the ability to reinforce each others idiocy.

>> No.15516615

Ok we know you read Tolstoy's Kreutzer Sonata, congrats

>> No.15516621

like the bible?

>> No.15516631

>headbutt followed by body slam

>> No.15516633


You are a cancer. Remove yourself from this board and from the genepool you disgusting piece of garbage.

>> No.15516661

Sticks don't kill people. Magic words do.

>> No.15516692

Criminally underrated post

>> No.15516713

I’ve never had one. You just fantasize about it. Gross.

But this thread is shit. Who cares about one poster you can recognize? This cult of NPC-dom is ridiculous. Get over it.

Anonymous is why boards go to shit. You have ALWAYS been the cancer.

>> No.15516788

You're the NPC. That is why you have to attach an ID to yourself and why you share leddit opinions.

>> No.15516799

I don`t like you, your bait is shit.

>> No.15516821

My filters not working again... fuck, why I'm such a brainlet?

>> No.15516830

Butterfly has been a grumpy little cunt ever since she got doxxed lol.

>> No.15516845

No one hates on tripfags on /p/ or /diy/ or /his/ because they bring something to the table other than a cult of personality. When people say their trip they think "oh that's the person who made a post about x or has expertise about y or has valuable perspectives on z"

Their individuality is valuable somehow. You on the other hand...

>> No.15516866
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Look, she's right. The underlying theme in most popular fiction today is transgression and the fight against the system (whatever the system is). Is it strange that the generation is acting the way it is? It is to be expected. This is the garbage they were raised on, the naive worldview of the sixties - the citizenry fighting against "the system" for their rights.
Given how prominent the theme is, and how mixed-in with sentimentality it is, it makes steady consideration of the issues nearly impossible. It is a tragedy. But it can't be helped.

>> No.15516876

NPC are “non-player characters” in video games. They have no identities beyond moving back and forth with one line to offer the players. You grey splotches of paint on a wall have a folder of pepes and blowjacks to share as you walk back and forth, shunning identity of any kind. You are the “non-normies”, you are legion, you always forget. We expect nothing to come of you.
Don’t talk to me anymore.

This shit thread needs to be deleted. I bring what I can to the table, and I am appreciated for it. If you don’t like literature, go find a reddit all about Twitter posts

>> No.15516880
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>I am appreciated for it

>> No.15517091

>Says the same shit on the same board to the same revolving door of teenagers reading 1984 and Mishima the first time for the better part of a decade

>> No.15517179

>I am appreciated
using a tripcode has to be correlated with autism

>> No.15517269

"Our generation was raised on Stirner, Thrasymachus, Machiavelli, Jordan Peterson, the Turner Diaries and a bunch of other books about violent shitheads starting an uprising and you are SURPRISED? This is book 1, soicuck."

>> No.15517292

Just now. I get these regularly. >>15517251

>> No.15517311

Butters hates trannies too.

>> No.15517319

Here's my comparison. These tweets make me want to become less and less like Dr. Jekyll and more and more like Mr. Hyde

>> No.15517335

He's gonna call you a dumb tranny again in about ten minutes.

>> No.15517336

I appreciate you, Butterfly.

>> No.15517350

"Another well-known expression of the archetypes of myth and fairytale. But here too we are dealing with forms that have received a specific stamp and have been handed down through long periods of time." - Jung, "Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious" I'm reading in on a Kobo. Shit's like 3 pages in.

Given that Disney quite literally retells fairy tales, you're not wrong at all.

>> No.15517379

only if you are a pleb. I believe i know concepts first and thelearn the name

>> No.15517439

Don't engage butt hurt it seems to be that time of the month

>> No.15517673

>Why is this one so much more important?
Its an election year

>> No.15517736

At my grad school graduation last year, one of the speakers (Latina) quoted from a Harry Potter book in her speech.

People keep complaining about how kids aren't learning anything because COVID-19 has them out of school, but it doesn't seem like most of them were learning anything there in the first place.

>> No.15517756

>Nothing unusual going on this year
>Just a regular flu season
>congress gives trillions of dollars to the oligarchy all the time
>Poor people are always on the brink of starvation
>America has always been just like Ethiopia Like that
Yeah, CNN is angling to hurt Trump’s approval rating, but Soros isn’t paying antifa to do anything.

>> No.15517761

Lmao. There only a simp schizo that likes you. The rest of the board hate you. Remember the poll?
>inb4: poll was riged
Other anon made an poll that was not riged. The results show that people truly hate you. Otherwise why that autistic anon decide to dox you?

>> No.15517776

>Remember my poll. Please!
“Schizo” doesn’t mean anything you want it to mean

>> No.15517999

Major in Media Studies with a Minor in Gender Studies to find out :^)

>> No.15518036

It is sad fatbot is too fat to protest

>> No.15518067

Nice cope butterdyke. You are delusional. Lets try again.

>> No.15518763


>> No.15518775

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.15518786

**Except when a Democrat is in power.

>> No.15518789

Patrick Tomlinson is seething somewhere right now

>> No.15518899

>Soros isn't paying antifa
He fucking made them, girl. But this isn't the case, just a reminder.

As a latin-american person, I see this as the ultimate oportunity to destroy that fucking country called the United States.

>> No.15518965

>he made them

>> No.15518997

Used to call butterfly an odious cunt to her face all the time now she's actually pretty fucking based. 2020 is a hell of a drug.

>> No.15519054

If the US goes, SA will go, too; and so will many, many economies.

>> No.15519070

English teachers need to be harder on students in America, make sure that they read all of shakespeare's works. Shakespeare was American canon and is still canon today. Fuck the choose your own literature bullshit, make kids read all of it, Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, everything, and our discourse will at least slightly improve.

>> No.15519108

Not that guy, Most economies are based on the US dollar, so the whole planet would go to shit in different degrees.

That being said my country is gonna go to shit either way.

>> No.15519120

If you want justice for CIA fuckery, then based, but if you unironically think life will be better for you if America collapses, then cringe.

>> No.15519128

Honestly I'm a lurker who never posts and have seen you at it for years, and I don't think I can express in words how much I wish you would never posts again.

You call people newfags because youre autistic enough to be one of the only people toteing around a trip in this day and age, what a joke. Seriously get some perspective and maybe not try to derail any thread you enter by means of either) claiming how superior you are or how less everyone else is.

I've got some info for you 'newfriend' the people who see you make an ass out of yourself are around constantly, and that's why noone will ever take you seriously.

>> No.15519135

>watching sweaty men with muscles so extreme some of them don't even exist
>90% of the show isn't even fighting, it's just muscle men standing and staring each other down

Yeah you had a way less gay upbringing