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/lit/ - Literature

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15515713 No.15515713[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15515718

you're bullying a 20 year old girl, grow up.

>> No.15515728

no he's making fun of a reddit autist bullying a 20 year old girl

>> No.15515738

>1 second ago
never mind OP is a sperg

>> No.15515763


>> No.15515766

The mind of the incel/PUA/red pill man is a singular pathology which constantly buzzes in their mind. "MY PENIS!!!! WHAT ABOUT MY PEE PEE". If they see a woman, they are conditioned to feel ignored. Being ignored or lonely means that they might feel inferior, feelings of inferiority mean that their penis will shrivel up and fall off. To maintain their penis, they must maintain superiority. Keep in mind that this is where comments like OP come from, a constant buzzing anxiety that the penis will detach from the body.

>> No.15515770

Yes. Stop it.

>> No.15515790
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>> No.15515799

Honestly why even give a shit about the attention whores. Stop watching and giving attention to them. Read and read more. This is a literature board, by making this thread you are just like them.

>> No.15515886

Incels are inherently left-wing

>> No.15515890

id call a based on that

>> No.15515895

Confirmed manchild.

>> No.15515899


>> No.15515926

>a literal incel can't handle that someone half his age makes youtube videos
>makes an incel comment, like he would
Quite literally nothing to see here

>> No.15515935

>that post
Nah, it's drenched in some newshitter on /lit/'s own self-importance

>> No.15515940

she is seething to this day

>> No.15515942
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>> No.15516029

What would a collab between these look like?

>> No.15516056

Cum tribute when?

>> No.15516484

Romantic porn

>> No.15516519

You're a girl born in the year 2000. Every video without fail is you swinging your arms and making
ridiculous facial expressions trying to be 'so adorable’ while folding your hands like paper cranes.
Just stop pretending this is a channel about books, please. It is attention whoring like I've never seen
before. Of course most teenage girls motive is just to be adored, and it probably blew your little mind
that someone like you, someone so invisible and small, probably only 51, can amass an audience.
but only if you sit in front of the camera up close making quirky faces people might ignore that you
have no personality, nothing to say, no self-esteem, no talent. You use books to escape. You use
books to amass a following. You use books for anything except their only purpose, to enlighten,
educate, and enhance, to offer a sincere emphatic experience. The way you use books is just another
capitalist method of material consumption for clout, no different than make-up and shopping
channels. Do you finally see a chance to be like the popular girls you so despised but did not hesitate
to emulate when you saw the avenue to be like them?

>> No.15516577

I like that she actually replied. Means it got to her

>> No.15516593
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>> No.15516727

Just watched 2 minutes of one her videos for the first time, a lot less annoying than I thought it would be and she has a nice voice. But does she talk good books?

>> No.15516779

She reviews YA Garbage sadly but we dc about her choice of review but because she's a queen :3

>> No.15516815

Her hoolahooping videos are 10/10

>> No.15516887

Just saw it, she should rock that hair more

>> No.15516932

haha epic one my /lit/ bros, include me in the screencap!
we truly are intelligent for reading guenon and browsing pederast nambla discord servers like gen_lit

>> No.15516954

NO NO NO! HOW DARE SHE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15517063

link to the discord?

>> No.15517072

they usually have invites closed to keep things quiet about their borderline illegal 'proclivities'

>> No.15517076


that bitch better be handing that pussy as that is all she's worth for

>> No.15517102


>> No.15517121

Somebody's bitter.

>> No.15517281

who cares about your youtuber drama, you bitter depressed?

>> No.15517309
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>> No.15517322

How can people willingly post themselves crying? I don't think I've cried in front of someone in years, and the last time I did I hated myself for it

>> No.15517331

Women cry over fucking anything, as part of their normal emotional rituals, and women like this are so used to whoring themselves out for attention that they don't even understand what shame or privacy is. Killer combination.

>> No.15517431
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Curious how everyone ITT has resorted to flinging buzzwords instead of actually refuting the image in the OP.

>> No.15517491

You can't "refute" a raging, resentful, small-souled bugman.

>> No.15517496

have sex

>> No.15517498
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>> No.15517507
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>> No.15517665

Uh hello? based department?

>> No.15517669

*hits pipe*
have sex

>> No.15517686
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I shan't.

>> No.15517689

Pick your booktube waifu

>> No.15517693

“If I post this reference about some e-celeb with no context, everyone will understand it and discuss it, because everyone (like me) wastes time fawning over celebrities”
Nobody cares. Nobody watches your “literary youtubers”. Read books.

>> No.15517709

She looks like Kant.

>> No.15517816

*pushes her in*

>> No.15517851

i never took the time to read the full comment
this is actually pretty based

>> No.15517879

which video is this comment on? i am interested in what the back-and-forth between them was like

>> No.15517892

This is no longer a literature board, if you hadn't noticed. "Dispose of the difficult bit in the title."

>> No.15517903

She does not talk about good books, no.

>> No.15517982

how tall is she?

>> No.15518035

I'd like to see her Kant if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.15518079

I bet this got posted to reddit the moment he posted his bullshit here too
>le epin bully thread!! on le 4chinnels!!!1

>> No.15518095

I don't think she's meant to be that tall. She does look tall there though.

>> No.15518113

She has said she's around 5'3

>> No.15518117

She must be lying or living in a doll house.

>> No.15518173
File: 168 KB, 1024x1024, 86E52531-3E72-4849-8724-C716B9A62D77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could this intellectual have possibly meant by this literary reference??????

>> No.15518212

Yes, she was BTFO by a youtube comment. Yet she will continue doing the same she has been doing, except maybe a little more selfconciously. Nothing's changed really.
Is posting pictures of this girl really what you want to be doing?

>> No.15518235

I would have used picture of Freud but ok

>> No.15518253

can you guys just leave her alone ffs; this is cringeworthy

>> No.15518319


>she gets her boyfriend to film

Goddamn men are cucked. Just like those guys taking pics for their girlfriends' Instagrams so other men can jack off to them.

>> No.15518329

i think it was this one
i haven't bothered digging through the comments though, so have fun finding it

>> No.15518393

must this be posted every single day

>> No.15518477

>Goddamn men are cucked.

It’s the dude who runs the channel. I think maybe he makes her be in videos sometimes.

>> No.15518497

get back on your meds, ffs

>> No.15518499


>epicly btfoing women

I don't see the point, women are incredibly weak and gay and it just seems low

>> No.15518511

They are both so nasal. Nice that they did infinite summer though.

>> No.15518533

why she is so ugly?

>> No.15518554

She’s average, you’re just a coomer with overly high standards even you couldn’t fulfill

>> No.15518566

Nah, she has a perverted rat face. The average woman has a neutral face.

>> No.15518597


>> No.15518603

>a perverted rat face
I thought you said ugly

>> No.15518630

I'm not that guy. And perverted rat faces are ugly, yes.

>> No.15518675

how tall are you?

>> No.15518728

>And perverted rat faces are ugly, yes.
Let's break it down
That's HOT and not ugly.
Rat's are beautiful creatures anon.
This can apply to ugly and not ugly people, all have faces it's neutral.
I do not find this to be so.

>> No.15518740

She's the prince of manlets. I think being tall for a woman is very difficult, it's very intimidating to approach a tall woman. Also there's often the question of if they're trans, it's very complicated picking up in that territory.

>> No.15518744

>That's HOT and not ugly.
You're thinking kinky. A perverted face is creepy and it's a sign of something darker. Be it rape, promiscuity, or fucked up fetishes.
>Rat's are beautiful creatures anon.
No, they're disgusting vermin that feed off of leftovers, carry diseases and eat their own offspring during winter.

>> No.15518796

>or fucked up fetishes
>No, they're disgusting vermin that feed off of leftovers, carry diseases and eat their own offspring during winter.
How Saturnalian.