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15514806 No.15514806 [Reply] [Original]

It's about as good as 1984 (in terms of the dystopia of "the System" being present in both novels, although this one has a more optimistic ending) and makes quite a good points. For instance, the author notes that most people within society are morally neutral, with their right and wrong being crafted by their leader.

Here's an example of the prose found within this novel:

"His tongue flickered wetly over his lips and his dark eyes gleamed balefully as he described the hail of nuclear annihilation which he said had been unleashed on California that very afternoon: “Their precious racial superiority did not help them a bit when we fired hundreds of nuclear missiles into the racist stronghold,” the newscaster gloated. “The White vermin died like flies. We can only hope they realized in their last moments that many of the loyal soldiers who pressed the firing buttons for the missiles which killed them were Black or Chicano or Jewish. Yes, the Whites and their criminal racial pride have been wiped out in California, but now we must kill the racists everywhere else, so that racial harmony and brotherhood can be restored to America. We must kill them! Kill them! Kill! Kill!...” Then he lapsed into Hebrew again, and his voice became louder and harsher. He stood up and leaned into the camera, an incarnation of pure hatred, as he shrieked and gibbeted in his alien tongue, gobs of saliva flying from his mouth and dribbling down his chin. This extraordinary performance must have been embarrassing to some of his less emotional brethren, because he was suddenly cut off in mid-shriek and replaced by a Gentile, who continued to give out revised casualty estimates into the early hours of the morning."

>> No.15514814


>> No.15514819

I'm not sure what you're talking about. I'm only here to discuss a novel I've just read.

>> No.15514831

It's meme shit that you feel the need to defend because of idpol, the camp of the saints is the actually well written wignat novel

>> No.15514849

You read that with a straight face?

>> No.15514851

That passage is a turgid, juvenile slog. I always thought butthurt reviewers were just exaggerating to dissuade people from reading it but that truly is awful. You should feel bad for ascribing intellectual importance to anything so ill-written

>> No.15514892

I find that it portrays the villainous essence of the reporter quite well.
Yes, the book is quite good.
Thanks, I'll read it. What do you like about that book?

>> No.15514926

The author of the camp of the saints, has actual literary skill, I don't know if you're larping for (you)s or if you're a sincere wignat but if the later you can at least do yourself the favor of reading something more substantial

>> No.15515004

I never could get past the first chapter...

>> No.15515152 [DELETED] 

It's (((THEM)))

>> No.15515163

You know exactly what he's talking about

>> No.15515792


>> No.15515825

>Here's an example of the prose found within this novel:

Sounds like Jake Tapper desu

>> No.15515839

>Yes, the Whites and their criminal racial pride have been wiped out in California, but now we must kill the racists everywhere else, so that racial harmony and brotherhood can be restored to America. We must kill them! Kill them! Kill! Kill!...

Hard to deny that captures the current gestalt.

>> No.15516165

I'm currently reading it, am about 1/3 through. What annoys me is that the author always uses "which", without a comma mind you, when in fact "that" would be appropriate.
It's badass when he describes the violence exerted by the revolutionaries, and I like the matter-of-fact style of the protagonist's diary, but a lot of the dystopian fantasy is so over-the-top that it's not even funny and overall it's a book for young boys that are attracted to feeling dominant, being part of a super secret powerful in-group, knowing the truth when the majority is blind, etc.
Normally I read the Wikipedia article for the plot of books like this, but Wikipedia really does have a liberal bias when it comes to stuff like this.
I rate it 5.5/10.

>> No.15518063


>> No.15518678

I wanted to like this book. But I found his solutions absurd. The only way he could figure out a "realistic" way for the movement to win was to nuke 40-60% of the known world. And they spared too many white people. The secret liberals are going to rise up eventually, like they did in Gilead from the Handmaid's Tale. The book is only good if you want to wank to white supremacy fanfiction.

>> No.15520494


>> No.15520542

>What annoys me is that the author always uses "which", without a comma mind you, when in fact "that" would be appropriate.

That's just an older style of writing. The whole which & comma thing is only from the 1930s or 40s or so.

>> No.15520544

Mein Kampf is often said to be unreadable but that's not true, it's just informal. Other WN shit like Turner Diaries is literally unreadable garbage.

>> No.15520548

It doesn't at all, The Turner Diaries is power fantasy by the author.

>> No.15521528 [DELETED] 

white rights are human rights

>> No.15521534

>an example of the prose
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here

>> No.15521541

What is this ridiculous shit?

>> No.15521592

>His tongue flickered wetly over his lips and his dark eyes gleamed balefully as he described the hail of nuclear annihilation which he said had been unleashed on California that very afternoon:
How can you read this amateur bullshit

>> No.15522734

>claim to love the white race above all else
>spend most of your time fantasizing about killing other whites
why are rightoids like this

>> No.15523872

This book is incredibly retarded and inane. From the vastly exaggerated "kill-counts" of all their actions, to the pure stupidity of a self-admitted group of "less than 4000" taking over the world. No other country steps in, and he reduces every single problem in the world down to race.
Here's how they win: they nuke american cities and thereby gain a huge following (???) and then people in other countries immediately revolt and kill the jews and have no other problems every again beyond that. Plus the writing style is annoying. This book is YA-tier writing and complete and absolute garbage

>> No.15524372


>> No.15524815

Because WNs don't have a consistent ideology or theory. Upper middle class white liberals are hated, but no class analysis is made.

>> No.15524860
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This book predicted whites LITERALLY kissing jogger boots.

>> No.15524883

I got to chapter 3. It's pretty awful. The only book that I read part of that was worse was Ben Shapiro's True Allegiance.