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15513825 No.15513825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any good books on unconditional surrender?

>> No.15513836

fucking embarrassing.

>> No.15513879

why cant US soldiers be more like their chinese counterparts?

>> No.15513934

sorry, you want a government more willing to abuse its citizens?

>> No.15514376

I saw this earlier. It was disappointing because the woman talking to him wanted them to march together, and wasn't happy with the relatively empty gesture of kneeling. I think she wanted to leave him with a feeling of emptiness towards his powerlessness within the military.

>> No.15514391
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Soldiers, this is your mindset.

>> No.15514401
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The west has fallen

>> No.15514405

whites are truly the master race

>> No.15514406

He's being ironic.

>> No.15514412

Ah, the edgelord cope.

>> No.15514436

This one is good too


>> No.15514437
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>outrage started because of someone kneeling
>protesters getting everyone else to kneel

>> No.15514464

Can't forget this classic either


>> No.15514778

They pepper sprayed Them minutes later.
Fuck, you people fall for the msm all the time

>> No.15514830

She was likely far too stupid to be intent on that. Probably just wanted pictures for her facebook page

>> No.15514854

The person recording it and asking him to kneel, probably to definitely. The person talking to him seemed to have actual values and wanting to take the protest somewhere more meaningful.

>> No.15514881

This part baffels me the most. Why do they demand more kneeling?
>it makes them look like theyre submiting
Ok, sure? For the 30s they do it I guess it could be perceived that way. But if that pittance is all the police have to do stop the looting and end racism then congrats they got off easy.

>> No.15514908

Co-option is a tried-and-true method of diffusing unrest, probably the liberals' single greatest weapon for defense of the status quo. It's funny to see illiterate rightists get mad about it, this is the easiest and cheapest way to kill any movement and we're seeing it employed to devastating effect against their ideological opponents. The riots are winding down, everybody gets to feel good about themselves, and not a single substantive step toward change has been taken

>> No.15514923


>> No.15514939

Civnats are huge cuckolds. Nothin new

>> No.15514942

nah, there will always be progress made during these events. The only true way to defend status quo and even put america on the right track to absolute monarchy is through the state's realization of its power and when ultimate accountability is put in the hands of a sovereign

>> No.15514961

Fucking lmao america is doomed.

>> No.15514995

>t. chang

>> No.15515013

Goblino dynasty

>> No.15515022

step 1. find the state where it was posted
step 2. zoom in on the name
step 3. report them to their superior for doing political activism in their uniform
step 4. Dishonorable discharge????

>> No.15515025

Order must be kept.

>> No.15515038

You're right and it's pretty much what the establishment has done since time immemorial, however the optics and the kick to the pride is still fucking embarrassing.

>> No.15515051

Where is blood and soil now? I thought there were gonna be right wing death squads, what happened to that? Was it empty posturing from the safety of your gated community? A LARP because it wouldnt be edgy enough to say you liked cops? Which is it? The cope is hilarious btw.

>> No.15515089

I think the most significant thing that will come out of these riots is, rather than any left leaning justice reform, the end of the dissident right/alt-right/insert-meme-term-here as a vital political force. They've done nothing but seethe impotently in the background as the left wing has dominated the cultural narrative. The video of George Floyd getting squashed was, in faggot internet meme terms, a massive nationwide bluepilling event.The only thing that will save the American right now is another Trump victory which isn't looking likely. Otherwise, it's back to shadows once more.

>> No.15515108

It's feudal morality, the US is maybe more feudal than it liked to portray itself. As Tolkien argued in the 40s or 50s, doffing your cap is considered, in that frame of reference, to do the doffer much good even if it is no good for the doffee. Kneeling is the same argument, maybe the white lords taking a second to bow will improve their moral spirit.

>> No.15515248

Kek when will the alt-nazi neo-right terrorists appropriate this racist gesture

>> No.15515384

They sort of already did, police have already used it as a honey pot to gas people.

>> No.15515397

The white race simply does not deserve to exist.

>> No.15515421

burgers should've reformed their police institutions long ago, you have 13% of the population who's grandfathers couldn't even use the same bus sits as the rest, and some people still have the audacity to deny the existence of deeply rooted racism in your society and institutions.
this is all your own doing, and now there are so much whites taking their sides and (((entities))) willing to use a just protest for their political goals.

>> No.15515436 [SPOILER] 
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It already doesn't.

>> No.15515443

>The only thing that will save the American right now is another Trump victory which isn't looking likely
Au contraire mon frère! The handwringing going on over how all white people are evil and should use their privilege to help but shouldn't ask black people about anything and also anything they do is inadequate has been turning more and more moderates off of the Democrat party than ever before. Trump is going to win again in 2020.

>> No.15515447

I disagree. I think quite a few whites will get redpilled by these happenings.


All those kneeling cucks you see on the videos are a small minority.

>> No.15515489

Is that a fire extinguisher store next door?

One thing I keep seeing is how ineffectual at fighting Americans are. I know myself and most Euros would have been able to seriously hurt somebody if given some wood or a golf club. It's like toddlers climbing over one another.

>> No.15515492

Stirner is a spook.

>> No.15515499

Drink your milk, you're turning into a ghost.

>> No.15515521

I'm not an American so my view of this is always going to be warped by whichever platform I'm viewing this debacle from. Nevertheless, I'm really not seeing a lot of normie resistance, to, not just the protests but even the rioting itself, on any platform. The silent majority (which is never truly silent) has either got a lot quieter or is no longer a majority. I've always felt that the best indicator of political success is not the polls but momentum. Who is getting the most airtime, sparking the most conversation? The momentum was with the right-wing in 2016, it isn't with you anymore.

>> No.15516222
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The absolute state of ZOGbots

>> No.15516306

I wonder what percentage of posters in this thread are with the CIA.

>> No.15516332

Christianity's fundamental symbol is the method used to execute Jesus.

>> No.15516358

Because his crucifixion is seen by them as a positive thing. As far as I can tell, no BLM activist is saying that George Floyd's neck got squashed for our sins.

>> No.15516372

ever seen a photo of Stirner? Exactly...

>> No.15516382

what has happened to our country?

>> No.15516393

You got brainwashed by kikes and cucked by niggers. The rest of the world is laughing at you

>> No.15516404

>whether something is a spook or not is about if there's a photo of them
Is social media the biggest ego-rotting spook of all?

>> No.15516445

They're too scared to resist publicly. Voting is not public.

>> No.15516454

complete demoralisation

all according to keikaku

>> No.15516463

The rest of the (1st) world is copy pasting these protests, though.

>> No.15516485

Only nigger infested countries like british and french Caliphate. I am quite comfy

>> No.15516500

Copy pasting is not really accurate, they're very toned down.

>> No.15516550

And AUS and NZ and Sweden and Germany...

The list of nigger infested countries is getting bigger and bigger.

Yeah, I didn't mean with all the chimpouts and looting, just the protests. Although there was some of it in France, I guess they already reached the critical mass of niggers there.

>> No.15516568

Puritanism, highly evolved

>> No.15516569

All the British ones I've seen has everyone kneeling, so it's these big crowds of black people and some other not black people kneeling, no white people kneeling to a black person or other nonsense.

>> No.15516573

Sad fate, but at least I will do all in my power to prevent my country from following the same path

>> No.15516691


You're delusional if you don't think that this bullshit is gonna make Trump have a massive turnout in the election. Of course people aren't going to speak out against it in public because before you know it they mark you as a racist and you lose your job, but nobody can see what you do in a voting booth.

They're handing the election to Trump.

>> No.15516700

>his powerlessness within the military.
it's called chain of command ffs

>> No.15516703

mods and jannies aren't even trying anymore

>> No.15516738

Look what happened to American cities after these sorts of riots started happening in the 60s. Nobody wants to live somewhere where the police will not protect their property and it is illegal for them to protect it themselves.

Yeah people posture about being for the cause, but 90% even of progressives lose their shit if you actually destroy their businesses or homes. I saw a bunch of this in the past few days 'burn it down! wait no not my neighborhood'.

>> No.15517598

Chain of command, powerlessness, it's called both of those things and many others. You don't join the military to follow your bliss.

>> No.15517622

try to organize a military without chain of command and then do anything with it

>> No.15518330

Historically riots make people vote more conservatively

>> No.15518343

Twitter has quite a bit of resistance against all this, but more to the point social media is run by progs and is not representative of the population

>> No.15518420

Realy? Shame. I love the honest puritan aesthetic when its not afraid to be called puritanism.

>> No.15518438

>he thinks this is about votes
you retard, you absolute fucking imbecile

>> No.15518465

>try to organize a military
Uh huh, doesn't make an individual any less powerful in the military though. Try to make a point instead of getting butthurt.

>> No.15518514

The point, you fucking idiot, is that there can only be by definition a small minority of people with power in the military

>> No.15518561

Imagine being this guy. Holy shit. Some people look back and cringe at what they've done years later, but I can already see the inchoate regret dawning in his eyes. What's worst is that he actually looks like a normal lad, not some noodle armed faggot whose life is an embarrassment anyway. This is painful stuff

>> No.15518569

There are no black people in australia

>> No.15518634
File: 504 KB, 583x701, literate white man halts protest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever been so engrossed in a book that you hindered racial progress and prevented people from grieving properly?

>> No.15518654

Very very based

>> No.15518686

hi fbi

>> No.15518692

quiet third worlder

>> No.15518726

America is 3rd world

>> No.15518747

>is that there can only be by definition a small minority of people with power in the military
Or at least operating in a way that is compatible with being in the military for a state.

>> No.15518770

Don't bee foolish and underestimate the power of a tactical kween.
Those things are biological WMDs, spreading jungle fever to entire garrisons and pacifying brigades all at once.
I lost fifteen men to jungle fever in the thicket of the Congo...

>> No.15518771

Is this Stalman? Also the absolute state of twitte, the tweet is flooded with right wing man children that can't spell and are obsessed with people being monarchical.

>> No.15518791

>be internet keyboard warrior
>ecstatic whenever a loonie shoots a bunch of innocent civies
>some great political change
>people having conversations out there, experiencing history
>where are conservacucks?
>mobilising their internet divisions intellectually contempful of these le ebin barbaric demonstrations
lmao reminds me of that guy vice got on their show who larped that he'd kill minorities and cried when he was taken to court

>> No.15518806

Local man destroys BLM.
Sir, could you tell us what you were thinking in the heroic act?
'I thought chapter 14 was a little anti-climactic, the book was foreshadowing some eventual uplifting upturn but they stuck to cheap shock value. I've read better, honestly.'

>> No.15518810

>lmao reminds me of that guy vice got on their show who larped that he'd kill minorities and cried when he was taken to court
Anything more to go on?

After the events at Lafayette there does seem to be a distinct lack of mobilization from one side.

>> No.15518811

that they havent finished the reconstruction

>> No.15518843

>some great political change
>>people having conversations out there, experiencing history
blacks and progs are burning down some more cities, just like all the other cities they've wrecked in the past 60 years. Very exciting

>> No.15518850

This anon has great pride.

>> No.15518862
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>Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

>> No.15518864

No really, Minnesota might turn into another Baltimore or Detroit. What an accomplishment

>> No.15518923
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>> No.15518930

Minnesoti I would guess was a lot closer to those places than you realised, you confused the pale face for something trustworthy. Classic age-old American mistake.

>> No.15518958

she couldn't comprehend the idea of an order and how disobeying that order would get him court-martialed. These people are retards who do not understand anything and only took an interest in politics in 2016.

>> No.15519218

>she couldn't comprehend the idea of an order and how disobeying that order would get him court-martialed.
I feel like you might have autism bro. He was happy to march with her, she was asking for more because she feels that a radical action is needed, and you can tell by his reaction that he doesn't disagree but he is not willing to go that far. After what happened today I think you're going to find a lot more people are going to feel a need to fight tyranny actively, and in some cases it will be through going against such protocols.

>> No.15519248

I think you'll find that should you get your wish you won't like anarchy quite as much as you imagine. Do you even own a gun?

>> No.15519255

>Who is getting the most airtime, sparking the most conversation?
Genuinely laughed out loud at how dumb this is. You are delusional if you think this is a good indicator.

>> No.15519263

I don't live in the US m80. This whole situation has shown how ineffectual this gun bullshit is though, none of you can fight, guns aren't going to help you against the police or national guard, and the police in particular are on edge all the time because of the gun shit.

>> No.15519271

He's probably right m8.

>> No.15519285

If rule of law breaks down, the only thing preventing you from getting robbed, raped, or murdered is a weapon

>> No.15519296

He's not right at all, this entire thing is a disaster for the centrist vote. Networks refusing to air any of it doesn't change that, they all can see the footage being posted on social media

>> No.15519300

Go into more detail. Really flesh out that idea you've just laid down.

>> No.15519306

Just read a book about the French Revolution

>> No.15519317

So by weapon you're saying get a guillotine?

>> No.15519321

The west has fallen? Thank god!

After a relatively short bask in prominence at the forefront of human progress, the west has over the past several hundred years progressed from the progenitor and vanguard of the human ideals of freedom to a disgusting, festering cesspit-like mass of bickering, greedy, disgusting, consumerist short sighted individuals so ostensibly infatuated with the archaic ideals of "democracy" and muh free market that they have allowed the power structures they were so ravenously architecting to ensure their freedom grow bloated, corrupted, and now we're feeling the burn.

So if the west is as good as dead, or is gonna die soon, then thank fuck to whatever powers that be, because that gives us a chance to make something better, something more permanent, something less corruptible by the human lust for power and something that won't ultimately culminate in the ability for petty state-funded thugs to crush the life out of their subjects' (and "fellow-countrymen", if you're into that kind of thing) throats slowly on the hot pavement, with a sickening, tell-all smile. (If the CCP doesn't crush the inheritors first, that is.)

>> No.15519323

>He's probably right m8.
Explain how.

>> No.15519338

I don't claim to understand the mechanism, I merely believe in the effect.

>> No.15519340

>that gives us a chance to make something better
yes, can't wait for more "progress"

>> No.15519345

>The west has fallen?
No, the US only. The EU are the new big boys.

>> No.15519348

I see you know absolutely nothing about the French Revolution. A guillotine lol.

>> No.15519353

During the French Revolution, the guillotine became the primary symbol of the Reign of Terror and was used to execute thousands of people, including King Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette.

>> No.15519356

This is not what a society with a future looks like...


>> No.15519365

Calm down sister

>> No.15519368

I think you mean China is the new big boy.

>> No.15519369
File: 221 KB, 489x599, GuerreVendée_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guillotines indeed. Did you even have a point to any of this quibbling though, what do you think will happen if anarchy breaks loose in these cities?

>> No.15519371

Prepare yourself to become C U L T U R E D barbarian. No more McDonald's and Cola for you.

>> No.15519384

China's economy is smaller and less resistant to the pandemic.

>> No.15519404

>what do you think will happen if anarchy breaks loose in these cities?
Nothing where simply having a gun is going to help you. I think you also have in your head that there would be no rules or law of any kind, but you're being too evasive in your answers.

>> No.15519430

Ah yes guns don't work, that's why no police or military use them

>> No.15519432

I'm not asking for an underlying mechanical explanation for the phenomenon. I'm asking for an explanation for why you stated "he's probably right". Also "merely believing" is not the same as "probably right".

>> No.15519474

>Also "merely believing" is not the same as "probably right".
I don't believe you're probably right.

>> No.15519475

Our fault for not genociding the kikes. They are so outrageously evil and always have been. How has nobody learned?

>> No.15519478

I wish France would invade the US and give us a social democracy

>> No.15519489


>> No.15519575

Do you think they're going to work if you have to use them against a highly organised group such as the American military or armed police?

>> No.15519583
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How come this thread hasn't been deleted yet? Nobody in this thread is talking about books. Why are the mods so shit?

>> No.15520069

What the fuck is this thread?
All of you are psychopaths, I can't understand where either sides are coming from, on a human level.
God outside, get a reality check.
Also this isn't /lit/-related so fuck off.