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15510728 No.15510728 [Reply] [Original]

You don't dream the same dream again. Every day you are dreaming new dreams, every day you are repressing new desires. Every day you are jealous of this person or that person. Every day you are full of longing for power, for money, for prestige, or for saintliness, or for God; the laundry list of your mind is infinite. It begins, but it never ends. And you are in the hands of the other person who goes on imposing his ideas on you.

So all that psychoanalysis does is - after a few years of psychoanalysis, you also become a psychoanalyst - you start analyzing other people. You are not cured; your sickness is still there, but now it is covered with a certain expertise. In three or four years you yourself have become an expert.

You will be surprised to know that Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, never allowed himself to be psychoanalyzed. For the simple reason that he was afraid to expose his dreams and inner world because they were not different from anybody else's. Perhaps they were worse. A man who, the whole day, from morning till evening, is reducing everything to sex - you can imagine in the night he cannot dream of anything else.

Your night is nothing but a by-product of your day. Hence, so many times his friends, his disciples, asked him, "It will be a great experience for us all if you lie down on the couch and start relating your dreams, and we can analyze them." He never agreed. His non-agreement shows his fear.

How can psychoanalysis bring understanding, if even the founder is full of garbage and is afraid of anybody coming to know this garbage? His whole profession, and he established a great profession_ Jews are clever as far as establishing firms are concerned. They don't do small business. One Jew was Jesus, who created the firm of Christianity. Another Jew was Karl Marx, who founded an equal establishment: Communism. Another Jew was Sigmund Freud, who established psychoanalysis. Now psychoanalysts are the highest paid people in the world, and they do nothing.

Observation can bring understanding, but analysis cannot. In analysis you become dependent on the other person. People become addicts of particular analysts; they have to go there. Just as there are alcoholics and there are drug addicts, there are analysis addicts. After two or three days they start feeling fidgety, analysis is needed. Somebody has to listen to all their crap. And of course when somebody listens to your crap for one hour continuously, you have to pay for it.

>> No.15510737

>he was afraid of using his method on himself
>therefore the method is wrong
Are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.15510738

Observation is a totally different phenomenon - what I call witnessing, awareness. It does not make you dependent on the other; it is your own growth of being alert. And the miracle is that as your observation becomes more and more clear, your dreams start disappearing - just as the morning comes close, stars start disappearing. When the sun has risen all the stars have disappeared from the sky. When your sun of observation and witnessing arises within you, all dreams and all problems simply disappear, leaving the whole sky absolutely clean.

>> No.15510765
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>Another Jew was Sigmund Freud, who established psychoanalysis. Now psychoanalysts are the highest paid people in the world, and they do nothing.

Lol therapists and psychologists are con artists

I know pic related is the greatest con artist to ever live so he would know who is a con artist.

Wash your room
Clean your asshole and dickhole kids

>> No.15510811

exactly, OP's conclusion would be that Freud was afraid of psychoanalysis because it worked

>> No.15510874
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Sigmund Freud is reported to have said, “We cannot make man happy, because there is no possibility of man ever being happy. All that we can do is we can make him less unhappy.” This is a significant statement, and coming from the founder of psychoanalysis it has great importance. And he is being true.

One thing must be said about Freud: that he is always sincere. Even though his sincerity goes against many things he wants, goes against his own psychoanalysis, still he remains sincere. He never hides behind facades and masks. He is a simple man in that way. In that way he has some religious quality about him.

But otherwise, psychoanalysis can help you in particular problems: it can give you a little insight into your problems, it can make you accept them. It can bring you down from your feverish state to the average, and that too at a very great cost and years of work.

Meditation can do it within days, and meditation can do far more. It does not help you to become adjusted with the society. It helps you to be adjusted with God, with godliness. The society means the crowd. To be adjusted with the crowd is not growth, it is just the opposite of growth. The crowd consists of the lowest, and to be adjusted with the lowest you have to remain the lowest. Religion takes you to the heights, it takes you toward the sky, it gives you wings.

Religion will always be needed. Psychoanalysis may not be needed one day. Psychoanalysis is a temporary phenomenon. It is only the contemporary mind that needs it. For centuries man had lived without psychoanalysis. In the East we have not given birth to any system like psychoanalysis. We have lived without it, we are still living without it.

It is just the contemporary Western mind that has become too tense, that needs psychoanalysis. It is something like a phase which is going to pass.

Psychoanalysis will soon be part of history, but religion is going to remain forever. Religion is something without which man cannot be man.

And the psychoanalyst himself is in the same trap as you are. He needs religion as much as you. He needs meditation as much as you, or maybe he needs it more than you because he has to live with mentally ill people. He becomes infected by all their illnesses.

Patient: “People seem to think I’m brash, provocative and forward.”

Psychiatrist: “I quite understand, Miss. Now, I want to make a few notes. Would you mind getting off my lap for a few minutes?”

If you live with people like this long enough, you may be helping them, bits of insight may be given to them, but they are also changing you meanwhile.

More psychoanalysts commit suicide than any other profession. More psychoanalysts go mad than any other profession. It is very strange. Psychoanalysts going mad is enough condemnation of psychoanalysis.

>> No.15511005
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According to legend, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung once traveled together on a train, and during the journey Jung began to analyze Freud, probing deeper and deeper into the man's psyche in an attempt to pinpoint the origin of his neurosis. Freud was being his evasive self, so when Jung came to within a hair's breadth of Freud's essence, he impatiently asked Freud to reveal his innermost being, his true, real self.

"I cannot," Freud answered. "To do so would be to give up my authority."

At that, Jung sat back and sighed, "Then you have already lost it."

The real man is always ready to expose himself to the very core because he is not afraid. By saying: "I cannot expose my real self because to do so would be to give up my authority," Freud is simply saying that he is carrying a pseudo self around himself. He carried it his whole life. Although he was the originator of psychoanalysis he was never psychoanalyzed. Many times his disciples approached him and said, "We can psychoanalyze you," but he always refused. He was afraid.

This legend is very symbolic. Out of the fear of losing authority, he was afraid to expose himself as he was. But a real man of authority is never afraid of losing it. He cannot lose it; there is no way to lose it. This is the difference between a man of authority and an authoritative man. The authoritative man has no real authority; he is a pretender. The man of authority can expose himself absolutely because his authority is not something imposed from the outside; it is his very core, his experience, his authenticity.

Jung did well when he sat back and said, "Then you have already lost it."

It is said, that day was the beginning of the rift between Jung and Freud; later it could not be bridged again. I cannot say that only Jung was responsible for the rift; in fact, basically Freud himself was responsible. Freud was suffering from many kinds of neuroses but he would not allow himself to be analyzed.

My whole work here is to help you to expose yourself in your utter nudity. Whatsoever you are, wherever you are, I am going to seek and search you out and bring you into the light. Sometimes it hurts, it shocks; sometimes you feel angry, offended, but please be patient. This is surgery; it is bound to be painful.

>> No.15511008

>The crowd consists of the lowest
This is simple generalization. There isn't only one type of crowd. There can exist a crowd of non-low people.
>Psychoanalysis is a temporary phenomenon
I don't think most people take it seriously, today's therapists use other methods like cognitive behavioral therapy.

>> No.15511016

>More psychoanalysts commit suicide than any other profession.
What's your source?

>> No.15511564

>There can exist a crowd of non-low people.
Doubt. You are ignorant.