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15508687 No.15508687 [Reply] [Original]

How can you even think that you really you, an individual, having those illusions of ''me, I am a person, a free being, etc'' while nothing of what you are is really yourself, it's all just a product of chemical reactions.


>> No.15510030
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bump ffs

>> No.15510124

Objectively there's no ''you'', you're just of the same nature as a stone, or a potato, anything, you didn't make yourself, this weird unsolved existence spewed you out in the form of a biomass with tentacles, randomly, it could have made you as a tree. There's no ''you'', there could have been, if you would create yourself freely in the form you will, but instead you're forcibly made as a miserable piece of biomass, and nothing at all was created by your fake default OS, that you call yourself. What you call yourself is just a primitive complex of instincts, put in you biomass to feed and multiply.

>> No.15510136

Because i choose to

>> No.15510344

You've chosen nothing, everything you are you've been forced to be, just like a sheep is forced by ''nature'' to come to this existence as a sheep, suffer and get slaughtered, even though it too thinks ''I am me, I eat grass, breed and hit my fellow sheep with my horns to express ''my'' personal unique pride, individuality. Take a look inside yourself at this very present moment, important, without rushing back and forth in fantasies about things you read or heard. And you will see that your hands, body, thoughts, your is an absolute alien abstract biomass, driven by a ''BIOS''-like sequence of instincts, primitive program that you call ''yourself''. "You'' is nothing else but this default, purely nature-based, little soft, that keeps consciousness fantasize of how big and meaningful ''you'' are, that's where the ego comes from. Take a look on what ''you'' have been just a couple of decades ago, before you were born. Nothing. Darkness. It's such a short period of time, as if it was yesterday. And now you suddenly appeared in the form of this pathetic robotic body, that looks like a bunch of sticks stuck in a pile of crap. And you, that doesn't have an elementary effing clue on wtf he is and where he is, still stick to your ego and think of yourself as a center of universe. Completely insane and illusive.

>> No.15510546


>> No.15510565
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>How can you even think that you really you
woah bro, i never looked like it at that...

>> No.15510584

But I am the chemical reactions, so I still am me. All of what you are is yourself. To deny that would be to say you do not equal yourself. It is to deny a tautology.

>> No.15510598

>*you really are ''you'' Have been typing fast, the point is still there

>> No.15510619

Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?

>> No.15510691

Why would life being an emergent phenomena of chemistry and physics suggest that I am not really me or that my experiences are not meaningful? Chemical reactions aren't random, they follow a coherent natural order. A certain ensemble of chemical reactions and electrolytic potentials is physically correlated to an individual's being; even if a person is not existing or alive at a given point in time doesn't change that a defined and repeatable set of physical processes will in fact result in that person, along with all their impulses and beliefs and experiences all of which emerge from the same rationally-directed natural order which gives form to all things that exist. An individual is as real and defined as the laws of gravity or electromagnetism, because they are all fundamentally part of the same encompassing reality.

>> No.15510712

Wrong, because chemical reactions can not be ''you'' by default, since they're an abstract, dead, ''mechanical'' process of substances being mixed and reacting with each other. If you justify your existence by admitting you're a chemical reaction, than logically absolutely everything around you is the same being as you are, possessing identity and personality. One of the most evident fact proving there's no ''you'' are that you are not responsible in creating absolutely no part of your body, thoughts, or the world you're in, you're completely made by the force as an experiment. Can a car have a ''self'' personality? It can't it's just a pile of scrap, driven by a motor, that is fed with gas(same way as food for you), and operated(let's be modern an take tesla) by an electricity-based signal sequence. Cut gas, and car stops and dies. Same way as you, stop that chemical reaction by not eating, or breathing, you'll be gone in a minute, substances define your existence, where's your self identity then? It faded, gone, because there's no more water, air, carbons, to keep that body mechanism rolling.

>> No.15510775

Nothing you're saying logically follows. If life is a "dead, 'mechanical,' process" because it follows the same natural laws as the rest of reality, then what is there that isn't "dead?" Why would this affect the significance of the self? Yeah, a car with no gas dies. A person inevitably dies. So what? All phenomena are an infinite series of changes. Changing something requires destruction of its previous state to create its next state. All of these are necessary parts, and are demonstrably not meaningless or incoherent.

>> No.15510788

keep chasing that turtle op, im sure some day you will catch it

>> No.15510855

I'm fighting every day, and feel like a puppet in the hands of unknown force, that forces me to eat, drink,do a million time pee-poo routine each day, and many other things, I'm a complete slave of that ''nature'' or evolution force, it just watches me doing her orders, while I feel like that guy from Tusk movie, sewed in an ugly seal corpse, forced to eat tonns of vegs, meat, and basically be this disgusting factory, consuming stuff and producing poo. Is that not humiliating? How can you still have an illusion that you are ''that special individual being'', when you're a miserable leach defined to rot and digest in a couple of decades? You're literally nothing, with absolutely no free will or rights.

>> No.15510872

lol just get depressed and that "puppetmaster" will get bored of you. i go days without eating regularly and i only shit once or twice a week. i'm too depressed to give a literal shit.

>> No.15510883

None of these chemicals remain in my body after a decade. All new chemicals.
How do I retain my thoughts, feelings, memories, personality?

>> No.15510921

they are lies, you die every time you go to sleep

>> No.15511015

Mockey donel

>> No.15512483

This type of thinking is something like tier 3. There are many more tiers. Hence why you posted this thread. You sense something incomplete in your worldview and want to be convinced there is something more, but that wanting to be convinced is itself the way. We can't show you, not directly. You have to follow the path yourself. Have you not been paying attention at all? Have you not seen your dreams, or the symbolism in those stories that most speak to you? The answer has already been given to you in a million ways. All that is left is for you to look. Just look! All this and more will be given.

>> No.15512510

If "you are," in your words, just a product of chemical reactions, then "you" still necessarily "are." The nature of being does not invalidate being. What you're trying to get at here is determinism, but you lack the intellectual tools to articulate it

>> No.15512537



>> No.15512857

>while nothing of what you are is really yourself, it's all just a product of chemical reactions.
Not quite

>> No.15513501
