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15508668 No.15508668 [Reply] [Original]

A man can only achieve true greatness when he sincerely loves another man. Male-male love is the highest and purest form of love, as Greek philosophers wisely taught us.

>> No.15508677


>> No.15508739

>as Greek philosophers wisely taught us

>> No.15508822

Plato and Aristotle condemned sex between two men

>> No.15508835

Love yes, sex no

>> No.15508871

Socrates was wiser than both but sexed Alcibiades. Look it up.

>> No.15508936

You're a fag if you don't want to fuck Alcibiades.

>> No.15508953

The retard wouldn't even be known today if not for the Plato.

>> No.15509098
File: 79 KB, 259x259, comfy_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although I can see the love between men as pure, the inability to form their DNA into another human is what ultimately faults homosexual relationships. Fucking men in the ass is, after all, a substitute for a pussy. My gay friend and his former boyfriend were a really great couple. The warmth of it let me know it was, in fact, possible. Although, I have never seen another couple come close to what Tushie and I share (that is her nickname). The intense nature of her love is unmatched. It consists of part instinct and part gratitude. Her willingness to follow me anywhere no matter the distance. Her willingness to throw away conventions to consider my presence "home". Perhaps the bitterness of the modern world has led men to stray from the beauty of females. I talk about inner beauty and not the obvious external to which degenerates of all creeds enjoy. Homosexuals never become whole. They simply exist in a permanent state of vanity.

>> No.15509314

What about when cloning and artificial wombs become cheap enough for normal gays to have access to?

>> No.15510265

You'll be dead by then