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15508265 No.15508265 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think these fucking morons do with your books when they get the package back home? What are they expecting?

>> No.15508286 [DELETED] 

It's much more likely that a minority strolling by is the thief. What do they do with them? Throw them out. They have very low literacy levels.

>> No.15508293

Leave a bible in a amazon box on your porch. maybe the negro will read it and have a change of heart.

>> No.15508297

They'll use as a tray to roll their blunts

>> No.15508303

This but the quran

>> No.15508309

The delivery driver literally forged my signature with my name spelled wrong and I got the delivery notice with signature while I was sitting on my front porch.

>> No.15508311

>maybe the negro will read
Well, miracles do occasionally happen.

>> No.15508317

Was he black?

>> No.15508319

He had some tribesman name so could be.

>> No.15508324

>stolen by deliveryman
I worked that job and I can tell you nobody risks losing their job for a random package. Plenty of college students and smart people working there at the time so doubt that they are illiterate like you assume.

>> No.15508328

Make sure it was him, and then get him fired.

>> No.15508336

see >>15508309

>> No.15508339

How long did the package sit out for? I doubt the deliveryman took it, you're just a dumbass you cant leave that shit on your porch all day.

>> No.15508344

ITT /pol/ entertains themselves with things that never happened, because they don’t order books.

>> No.15508349

The package didn't even sit out. I was sitting on my fucking front porch you dipshit.

>> No.15508356

Sounds like he wasn't very smart then, should be easy enough for you to prove it and get him fired and maybe even fined. Stealing mail is not taken lightly in most countries, hence why nobody with common sense does it on the job.

>> No.15508360 [DELETED] 

>Butterfly is a race traiotor
I'm not even a little surprised. Get a taste for curb, because fairly soon your teeth will be placed on one, and your traitor teeth will be kicked into your skull.

>> No.15508365

>race traitor

Polish delivery guys do this all the time in the UK

>> No.15508366

>because they don’t order books.
Correct. Piracy is the only ethical option.

>> No.15508368

I can't wrap my head around why people do this. I actually can't understand why you would steal something not even knowing what it is without a second thought.

>> No.15508369

On a second thought what seems more plausible is that he misdelivered it to a wrong address and your neighbour just took your shit for free.

>> No.15508377

This happened to me when I ordered batteries from Ebay. Dumbass delivery guy left it at the wrong address, marked it as delivered, and my neighbor never gave them back. :(

>> No.15508403

Lmao, I can’t believe I didn’t think of this. It’s almost certainly what happened

>> No.15508410

I know my neighbors and get along with them.

>> No.15508426

Shit happened to me more than once, mixed up big deliveiries and ended up giving a client an extra box that belonged to another person. Luckily all clients were honest and eventually called so I could pick it back up and finish my route. Some people are just shitty tho and will even take shit that they don't even need.

>> No.15508431

That's what I don't understand. What the fuck do they do with all the shit they amass that they don't even want?

>> No.15508435

yeah they do that and then leave the parcel outside your door if you don't answer. it's pretty standard to fill in the name bit as you're walking up to the door so you can just hand it to the guy and not have to wait for them and you can get onto your next stop

>> No.15508441

>it's pretty standard
It's illegal.

>> No.15508444

sure but people do it anyway

>> No.15508445

Americans, on average, are trash people regardless of their political affiliation or race.

>> No.15508453

Arrest me, faggot

>> No.15508460

Americans are actually evil. You can easily conclude that anyone who wears shoes inside their house, refuses to return shopping carts, and steals without knowing what they are stealing shouldn't be considered a person.

>> No.15508461 [DELETED] 


>> No.15508482

Kek I used to do this kind of job, I know several people who actually were sent to jail for stealing stuff and I can tell you one thing, no one ever stole books.

>> No.15508484

How would they figure out what was in the package?

>> No.15508515

If the deliveryman steals my incoming copy of Jozef Czapski's lectures on Proust in a Soviet Prison, he better fucking read it. It's already days late

>> No.15508523

Nothing in a 11" by 5" amazon box is worth stealing when you regularly deliver huge flatscreen TVs and graphics cards

>> No.15508525

He stole a 1945 copy Georges Bataille. He'll probably throw it out. What a waste.

>> No.15508547

I don’t think so because this is at least 10x more likely than the driver throwing away his job for a used book
His truck is full of high end electronics

>> No.15508616

Most locally sent packages are usually poorly sealed, just press on the top of the box and the adhesite tape comes off the flap. If it's an amazon parcel, one of those cardboard sleeve things (top item in pic related)with two flaps inside, the flaps weren't even sealed, you could just pull them out, see what's inside, then push them back in.
International items usually have customs declaration on the label and rough description of content (books, printed matter, electronics etc).
Shit from china while most often packaged well to survive a two month journey on a container ship, hardly ever has any kind of tracking or insurance, and stuff from china literally gets lost everyday, people often forget they even orderded stuff after waiting a month for it to arrive.
Also book sellers normally advertise their business, name, logo on the package because they know no one is going to steal a book.

>> No.15508619

No you don't get it, my neighbor gets my packages all the time cause our houses doors are like right next to eachother. He always gives them to me. We get along so well I could walk over to his place right now and ask for a litre of milk and he'd give it to me, same the other way around.

>> No.15508624
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>> No.15508642

Neighbor on the other side? Across the street? It could literally be anyone on your street

>> No.15508657

We're just 2 houses stuck together in the fields. It's hard to explain english isn't my native language.

>> No.15508689

It's like one big house that's actually 2 houses stuck together with the front doors being about a foot apart and it's in the fields with one big dirt road. The closest other neighborhood is under construction.

>> No.15508710

A townhouse

>> No.15508720

>no one is going to steal a book
That's why I'm so pissed off about it. Out of all the times I could have had my packages stolen it had to be a book that no one fucking cares about, that hasn't been printed in 50 years and that I can't even find a transcript of online.

>> No.15508727

Pretty close but just 2 houses and in the fields. Not like one big chain.

>> No.15508825

Stop living in shitty neighbourhoods. I get deliveries like every other day, they often sit outside for hours, and I've never had one stolen.

One time someone delivered a mattress to my house that was supposed to be delivered to a house 2 blocks away. House numbers weren't even remotely easy to confuse. A fucking mattress. And they just left it there. At like 6am, who the fuck even delivers that early? For some reason I ended up carrying it over by myself instead of getting the people who were actually supposed to get it to carry it.

>> No.15508829

>here's your delivery nerd

>> No.15508836

>it had to be a book that no one fucking cares about, that hasn't been printed in 50 years and that I can't even find a transcript of online.
Looks like you've found your answer then, the courier was an avid collector of antique books and saw an opportunity that he just couldn't let slip by

>> No.15508846

I think they call that a "semi-detached."

>> No.15508847

It isn't even worth anything and the outside is in terrible condition it cost me 10 bucks.

>> No.15508849


>> No.15508870

Yeah that's what it looks like. But like a farm.

>> No.15508889

It's like this but prairies.

>> No.15508896
File: 28 KB, 400x300, ebe8a126-b358-4d7f-888e-cbd989465c99.f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I'm a retard forgot to attach pic

>> No.15508911

I know for a fact this is what my neighbor did with The Master and Margarita. Probably opened it with the expectation of it being some movies or video games or some shit, and in their disappointment felt too embarrassed to return it. I know he didn't read it (or couldn't) because he's an obese 40 year old with a lawn care company who yells at his kids. I got another copy at no cost to me, so it turned out fine I guess.

>> No.15508920
File: 26 KB, 700x395, D9998738-BF8D-4ECA-B038-30F0011F8FE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15508950

It's actually not, unless there is a binding agreement made between the carrier and one or both parties that a signature is required by the receiving party.

>> No.15508959

Forgery of a signature is illegal no matter the circumstance.

>> No.15508965

why are black people so retarded?

>> No.15508984

First of all, signature forgery isn't just "writing someone's name". Secondly, that's not how delivery works. Nobody is using a signature here, they're just writing a receiver name. When signatures aren't required for delivery, a name is often written (and some carriers require some sort of name be entered on delivery), but in the case of a delivery where there is no actual interaction between the courier and the recipient it's standard practice to write the name of the intended recipient. There is nothing illegal here.

>> No.15508989

Looters like you should be shot on site.

>> No.15508996

>reading books not in the public domain

>> No.15509001
File: 42 KB, 646x595, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Order Joyce's collected letters online
>package says delivered, but i'm sitting on my front porch and no one has showed up
>delivery driver must have taken it
>next day head to the local fedex office
>ask the desk worker about my package
>"whats your address and zip anon?"
>123 pseud blvd.
>employee stacking boxes starts to snicker
>desk worker has to hide his smile
>I start to sweat
>"heh heh, is something wrong guys?"
>"oh nothing" he's barely holding back laughter
>overhear the other employee whispering to his manager
>"that's the fart nigga!"

they'll forget about it in a month and i'll be able to get my mail then, r-right bros?

>> No.15509008

>signature forgery isn't just "writing someone's name"
If you scribble whatever on any line intended for the signature of another person and try to pass it off as the signature, it is considered forgery. Plain and simple. In elementary I knew a kid that went to juvy for faking his parent's signature for a field trip.

>> No.15509010

>by god, he’s looting the bits and bytes on his harddrives into illegal configurations!

>> No.15509014 [DELETED] 

>theft is liderally worse than murder
Fucking bootlickers


>> No.15509024

>ignores the rest of the post that justifies it not being forgery
For the record forgery requires intent to defraud as well, which again just to be abundantly clear, is not happening in this case.

>> No.15509037

I'm not american. Could just be your forgery laws are retarded or something.

>> No.15509041

I don't think there's a special name in English for that.
If you rent, some people would call that an apartment. Even if it's in a field, small + attached + rental = apartment. Sometimes.

>> No.15509055

ITT: you're still not passing

>> No.15509061

We call it an attaché or a maison de campagne but I don't even think that's the right words.

>> No.15509073

I'm not American either. I can't imagine any country with sane laws not requiring forgery to require intent to defraud, or some other similar limiting factor. Even if we assume the case of "writing someones name in literally anything intended to be used for signatures is forgery" it's still not illegal because unless a signature on delivery is required the name entry being done is documentation of receiver name, not documentation of receiver signature.

>> No.15509084

All property is ultimately intellectual property.

>> No.15509086

Breaking the law doesn't require intent. If you break the law or bylaws and you weren't aware or it was an accident it's still illegal.

>> No.15509104

this is fresh pasta

>> No.15509122

Smh this reminds me of all the times I bought copies of Lolita. Worth it for the collection.

>> No.15509135
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>the collection

>> No.15509155

Holy shit you're a fucking retard. Like unbelievably retarded. It's incredibly common for laws to require intent for acts to be in violation of them. You're confusing ignorance of the law not being a defense with intent not being a defense. In addition to being used to qualify a law as being broken, intent is also used to make different tiers of laws. What you're actually charged with for murder in the US (and several other jurisdictions) for example, is based on intent, murder is always (well, mostly always) illegal, but the actual crime you are in violation of differs based on intent. Making a reproduction of a piece of art isn't forgery (though it might be copyright infringement, depending on the piece) unless you try to pass it off as genuine (ie. you have intent to defraud).

>> No.15509174

I am 100% sure that if a delivery person thrust a tablet with a 2 in wide pen for you to make an electronic signature on you would not be busted for forgery.
It’s completely plausible that they didn’t even realize the package wasn’t theirs until it was too late.

>> No.15509181

Nah I know a guy who got fined 3k for filling a form out wrong.

>> No.15509191

Most laws require intent to commit an act. The ones that don't are usually some form of negligence.
Fraud always requires intent, under the common law definition anyway.

>> No.15509234

It's company policy but it's not illegal.

>> No.15509246

What kind of form?

>> No.15509271


>> No.15509281

looks like your brain isn't lmao

>> No.15509315

That sounds like a civil penalty, not a crime.

>> No.15509332

>make sure it was him
Why bother

>> No.15509334

Were you dropped on your head?

>> No.15509360

Which is why gun control legislation doesn't work.

>> No.15509426

Don't listen to this faggot >>15509271 it had something to do with the number of people living in his house.

>> No.15509734

Either way, a civil penalty isn't a criminal charge like fraud. The standards for civil infractions are lower, and intent often isn't a factor.

>> No.15509765

Intent doesn't really matter anyways in court. Not sure how it works where you are but here it's just a popularity contest with the judge. All the feds do is tarnish your character and all you do is worship the judge. Then, no matter what you do, you lose and they make you pay for all the court fees.

>> No.15509789

If you both already have a litre of milk, why are you going borrowing from the other guy? Your story doesn't add up.

>> No.15509800

The trick is to go viral on Twitter and get a celebrity lawyer to represent you.

>> No.15509852

Nah doesn't matter what lawyer you have or how rich or famous you are. To say judges around here had god complexes would be an understatement. Judges will stop you in the middle of your statement and insult you and throw out midwit platitudes like a horrid amalgamation of judge Judy and judge Dredd.

>> No.15509856
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What if I need 2 litres of milk, huh jackass?

>> No.15509916

piracy (copying digital files) isn't looting
>linking an interview with Chris "fascism is coming to America, but only during Republican Presidencies" Hedges
utter cringe

>> No.15509919

one time i ordered a copy of war and war by laszlo krasznahorkai from amazon and it never arrived
so i sent them an email and they sent me another one and i got that and read it and it's one of my favourite books
i'm still so curious where that first copy is though
it still exists. did it fall off a conveyor belt in a hub and get discarded and is dissolving on a tip by now?
did it get delivered to the wrong house and some guy got this weird hungarian book and was like the 'wtf'
did he read it? i like to think he did, because i mean if i randomly got delivered a book i hadn't ordered i would read it
was it stolen by the courier?
did HE read it?

i'm not bothered, i have my new copy, i just want to know the history of that first one

>> No.15509951

Sometimes I wonder how many hundreds and hundreds of "lost packages" they have sitting in a postal service warehouse.

>> No.15509990

I work in the lost parcels department for a large internet retailer and a large proportion of them just end up back in the warehouse. Mostly I figure because they've been loaded on a wrong trailer and just get returned to sender after a long amount of time whenever they can be bothered. Asides from those it's about 50/50 that I figure are stolen by either couriers/people in the courier network; and false claims from our thieving scum customers.

>> No.15509995

Piracy is just the most low-T form of looting.

>> No.15510050
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>order Democracy in America, as I Lay Dying, and Confessions by Augustine online, pick certain issues because I'm picky
>USPS tracking claims they were arrived but I never got them.

Who took my damn books?

>> No.15510254

For what? The other guy is just going to come over and borrow yours, you sketchy fucking foreign person.

>> No.15510269

But Chris Rock told me to hide money in books.

>> No.15510329

I know you're just fucking around but I've talked to americans are genuinely baffled when I tell them that I just grab food from my neighbor and we take spices from eachothers' lawns and stuff.

>> No.15510421

Wow, I thought we invented that "borrow a cup of sugar" routine.

>> No.15510440

Yeah like the whole joke in the Simpsons where Homer borrows Flanders' stuff. But I guess that time's come and gone.