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15507727 No.15507727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Look at how masochistic the tactics of the white leftist are. This exactly what was described in his manifesto.
Also, is anyone else getting Color Revolution vibes from all of this shit?

>> No.15508103

It’s masochistic to stay in a police state

>> No.15508853

But that's not what they're protesting against. Their protests aims at too speciazlied and nebulous of a problem (racism) to tackle, one that the majority of the police force is already against. A platform protesting the gradual militarization of police would be too rational to stir up any passions and would actually get an iota closer to the real problem.

>> No.15508879

Ted Kaczynski is the masochist for wanting to destroy the only major achievement of the white race: industrial technology. The quickest path to Ted's nirvana is the complete extermination of all white people.

>> No.15508890

Change literally cannot happen without activating the passions.

>> No.15508917

Civilization is a more important white achievement.

>> No.15508966

Civilization was a North African and Mesopotamian achievement, and represents the first stage of the process leading to the current quandary that Ted addresses.

>> No.15508972

Civilization and technology are intertwined.

>> No.15508979

No it wasn't, civilization is a process and whites are responsible for its biggest advances.

>> No.15508995

Read Uncle Ted. Those are not advances.

>> No.15509005

Do you really think Mesopotamia was black by the standards then? What about the kurgan hypothesis?

>> No.15509009

Yes they are. "Advance" is not a value judgment.

>> No.15509021

I mean can’t you agree that the police generally suck at their jobs. Sure I want them to protect citizens but they often go too far or abuse their power. A guy who just got outta high school and doesn’t fully understand the law shouldn’t be holding so much power

>> No.15509023

They've taken humanity backwards.

>> No.15509028

Someone should just open fire on these genetic failures, just a gatling gun like they have on helicopters or something, with 10s of thousands of rounds.

>> No.15509045

>Do you really think Mesopotamia was black by the standards then?
Looks like you're replying to the wrong post. I never even mentioned blacks.

>What about the kurgan hypothesis?
What does a hypothesis about the origin of Indo-European languages have to do with anything? Are you in the right thread?

>> No.15509048

It doesn't matter what you think about it, civilization is an achievement by definition and whites are responsible for it.

>> No.15509053

I'm guessing you haven't been to any of the protests, but they're actually about both racism and police brutality as a whole. Many of the demands are to denilitarize police, remove the national guard, and hold officers accountable. But that's not what you want to hear anyways.

>> No.15509054

The protests are about SYSTEMIC POLICE BRUTALITY. Don’t let MSM tell you what’s going on. They play your mind more than poltards (hell, they’re manipulated by the media they consume)

>> No.15509059

Not according to Ted Kaczynski. He's a prominent self-loathing white man famous for his manifesto and serial killings.

>> No.15509069

>we're non-conformist anarchists fighting the establishment! (with a little support from basically all media channels and big corporations)

>> No.15509071

Genociding all whites would certainly help solve the technology problem Ted has brought to our attention in his writings and terrorist activities.

>> No.15509074

What makes you claim they are all leftists. Im sure there are a few capitalist supporting liberals in the bunch

>> No.15509076

How can one person be this out of touch with reality? Do you truly believe that's what's going on?

>> No.15509081

What is going on? Have you decided on an official narrative yet?

>> No.15509094

Racism can't be ended with any protest. No amount of them will end racism ever. As long as there are different humans, there will be racism. So it's an endless idealistic protest that has no end.

The officer involved has been arrested and charged and police stations are removing the teaching of the knee-on-neck method. Militarization of police is in direct response to such things as we're seeing, i.e. mass looting/destruction.

The "real" problem is already being addressed, i.e. holding the police accountable. However, a lot of the idealists want the extreme step of, of course, removing all police forces because they live under the notion they can police themselves better -- which is clearly not true. Along with the fact they will eventually establish their own hierarchical forces to police eachother.

Idealists can't be appeased because they have utopic thinking.

>> No.15509100

Yeah, because I was actually at a protest (unlike you). It's almost entirely people that want to peacefully protest with a few bad actors mixed in that create scenes which are sensationalized by both sides of corporate media and Twitter. See >>15509053

>> No.15509101

cultural marxism is what's going on, the left wants to normalize pedophilia and repress all opposition to woke capitalism

>> No.15509110

Unpunished racism in policing* is what I should have said.

>> No.15509115


>> No.15509117

Of course I haven't been in a protest, I'm not an american mongrel. You should know that what the rest of the world sees of your "peaceful protests" is looting and burning buildings. Should have kept those monkeys on a leash.

>> No.15509118

>I never even mentioned blacks.
You asserted that civilization wasn't a white achievement, but Mesopotamia would have been considered a white settlement back then. The kurgan hypothesis only further supports this view by suggesting that Mesopotamia was largely built by fairer people from up north.

>> No.15509124

lot of sweet ass in leggings. I'm in Portland, I know where I'm going today.

Watch for me, I'll be the /fit/izen with his nose up and nostrils flared.

>> No.15509130


Establish an independent inspector body that investigates misconduct or criminal allegations and controls evidence like body camera video. This civilian body will be at the state level, have the ability to investigate and arrest other law enforcement officers (LEOs), and investigate law enforcement agencies.
Create a requirement for states to establish board certification with minimum education and training requirements to provide licensing for police. In order to be a LEO, you must possess that license. The inspector body in #1 can revoke the license.
Refocus police resources on training & de-escalation instead of purchasing military equipment and require encourage LEOs to be from the community they police.
Adopt the “absolute necessity” doctrine for lethal force as implemented in other states. Use of force is automatically investigated by #1.
Codify into law the requirement for police to have positive control over the evidence chain of custody. If the chain of custody is lost for evidence, the investigative body in #1 can hold the LEO/LE liable.

>> No.15509136

Lmao. That's not what the Kurgan Hypothesis is, brainlet. Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations were built by Mesopotamians and Egyptians, respectively. No Europeans were involved.

>> No.15509139

>cultural marxists want to suppress opposition to capitalism
What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.15509149

Not all just maybe murrican cutdicks and some euros like swedes.

>> No.15509153

Define cultural marxism.
>T-the liberals in universities and media!
No. Give me an actual academic definition for the phenomenon you identify as "cultural marxism" and how it is in any wat related to Marx. I'm asking because you can't since you got it from Jordan Peterson who hasn't read anything by Marx but the Communist Manifesto.
>the left wants to normalize pedophilia
Ask me how I know you haven't been posting on 4chan for more than a year. You know how I know? I'll just tell you: the myth that LGBTQ supports the actions involved pedophilia was perpetuated by /b/ and /pol/ years ago to confuse gullible people like you.
>woke capitalism
Lol, is this supposed to be the equally unfounded and oxymoronic antithesis to cultural marxism? There's no such thing as "woke capitalism."

>> No.15509159

>That's not what the Kurgan Hypothesis is
Marauders from the Russian steppes came down and conquered the Mesopotamian area prior to Mesopotamian civilization and along with them introduced things like horse riding, building water wells, and proper military strategy. That's the hypothesis.

>> No.15509163

It's not a matter of opinion but of recorded history.

>> No.15509167

Lmao. No, that is not even close to the hypothesis.

>> No.15509173

I've read about it. You're learning about it for the first time in this thread.

>> No.15509187

You wish. The Kurgan Hypothesis is actually one of my specialties. It's a linguistic theory about the Proto-Indo-European urheimat that has largely been confirmed by genetic findings. Absolutely nothing to do with ancient Mesopotamia.

>> No.15509197

The oldest wooden structure ever discovered is a 7000 year old well in the Czech Republic, but keep pretending to know anything about the topic that still warrants ongoing theorizing by leading archaeological researchers.

>> No.15509222

So now you're flailing around trying to change the subject to NON-Indo-Europeans in central Europe? Lol. Göbekli Tepe is around 12,000 years old and far more sophisticated than a mere wooden well.

>> No.15509228

>fags complain about the term instead of discussion what it represents
every time...

>> No.15509240

It doesn't "represent" anything. That's the problem.

>> No.15509248

It represents post-Occupy leftism

>> No.15509258

You're confusing stock-standard liberalism with leftism.

>> No.15509262

Who do you think was in the region of today's Czech Republic then? Or in the region of Turkey? African tribes that moved north, and BECAME WHITE as a consequence of moving further away from the earth's equator. In other words, white people. Then they came back down with new developments. Or are you saying that horse riding and water wells aren't good developments or part of true civilization? If so, who the fuck cares what you think about anything at all?

>> No.15509277

So tell me what is represents then.

>> No.15509319

>Who do you think was in the region of today's Czech Republic then?
Likely Linear Pottery Culture, which is predominantly haplogroup G2a.

>Or in the region of Turkey? African tribes that moved north, and BECAME WHITE as a consequence of moving further away from the earth's equator. In other words, white people.
You can't be serious with this shit.

>Or are you saying that horse riding and water wells aren't good developments or part of true civilization?
You are deeply confused. Horse riding is an Indo-European innovation from the Stepp that appears thousands of years later.

>> No.15509369

>haplogroup G2a
aka white people. Note that "whiteness" is relative, and is also a relatively recently conceived shorthand — something I think you're ignoring.

>You can't be serious with this shit.
So where do you think tribes north of Africa came from, dipshit? Out of thin air? No, they moved up north from Africa. They became fairer due to the climate change. All the African tribes that moved up north became what we now call "white people," to contrast with the African tribes that remained in Africa, who stayed darker skinned.

All the marvels of civilization from the last 7000-12000 years or so emerged north of Africa and were invented by those tribes that moved north. "White" tribes.

>> No.15509390

imagine what you people could accomplish if you took your own advice

>> No.15509492

>There's no such thing as "woke capitalism."

>> No.15509509

>he thinks only actual marxists can be leftists
see >>15509248

>> No.15509518

If you're not talking about Marxists, then don't use the word "Marxist". It's not rocket science.

>> No.15509521

>the myth that LGBTQ supports the actions involved pedophilia was perpetuated by /b/ and /pol/ years ago
tfw Foucault was a /b/tard psyop

>> No.15509535

Woke branding

>> No.15509537

The real problems are not being dealt with. The real problems cant be dealt with.
Intelligence is the most important factor of success. Different populations have different average intelligence.
Blacks will never be equal to whites in society no matter what social programs are adopted.
There is a reason why poor Asians surpassed whites in two generations.
This is how it is no matter what people think about it.

>> No.15509538
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I do. It would be lovely.

>> No.15509585

He probably meant you should act and not imagine. Talk and daydreams are cheap.

>> No.15509587

Words sometimes don't make sense. See Democratic People's Republic of Korea or National Socialism.

>> No.15509598

>demilitarize the police
Yeah that will work. Just send officers with batons into South side Chicago

>> No.15509604

That's actually a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Words apply based on what you are, not what you call yourself.

>> No.15509608

There’s a couple of right ways to do it, but a whole lot of wrong ways. I’m researching.

>> No.15509620

words dont have single definite meanings. If 100k people use a word one way, and 100k people use it another way, it has two meanings, even if they're almost opposite. Just have to specify which meaning you're using if you're talking to people from the other group.

>> No.15509633

Police is already demilitarized, you dumbfuck. You think the military or the national guard would go around killing niggers or shooting protesters? If anything, the police doesn't follow the same kind of protocols the military does.

>> No.15509636

>If 100k people use a word one way, and 100k people use it another way, it has two meanings, even if they're almost opposite.
No, that's not how it works. Meanings are not determined though a one-person-one-vote survey.

>> No.15509644

you've been reading this book since March you stupid fucking cunt, have you not finished it yet?
BTW do you have a neovagina or a cock?

>> No.15509649

I didn't say they were, my example was meant to illustrate that once a large group of people use a word to mean something you can't say that it only means what your group uses it for. You can have 100k in one group and 1million in the other group, it's not really the point. Words are by nature arbitrary.

>> No.15509650

But that is how it works,eveb with standardized languages.
In Austria they are taught standard German in school but the spoken language is a very different dialect of German with many different words and words with different meanings, quite hard to understand for standard German speakers. This is not standardized but rather its like this because that is how people use their words.

>> No.15509692

If someone makes a factual error, you can't just dismiss it by saying "oh, they must be using words differently -- they're right in their own subjective language." If you use a element of terminology sloppily and aberrantly relative to the usage of knowledgeable people, prepare to be corrected.

>> No.15509720

>If someone makes a factual error, you can't just dismiss it by saying "oh, they must be using words differently -- they're right in their own subjective language."
I didn't claim that, I simply corrected you by saying words actually do change meaning by having people mean different things when using them.
Literally means figuratively in English nowadays. That's a complete negation of the original meaning. It changed because too many people used it incorrectly.
It still mean literally too.

>> No.15509722

This started with 'cultural marxism' right? At this point enough people use the term to mean something like 'jews/progs have decided to use race and gender warfare to undermine the west instead of class warfare'.

This will highly annoy Marxists but Marxists don't control the English language

>> No.15509743

"Cultural Marxism" is an oxymoron, like "square circle". Not that I would expect alt-right mouthbreathers like yourself to adhere to the laws of logic.

>> No.15509754

It's not an oxymoron if you view Marx as trying to fuck up society, and class warfare as being the means, since replaced with gender/race warfare of a rather similar kind, using the same language of analysis and emancipation. Which is how Marx is viewed by the people who use the term.

You are yourself simply incapable of the flexibility of thought necessary to grasp this I guess, stuck on the very literal level of 'but marxism is about economics'.

>> No.15509760

Mesoptamians didn't even speak an Indo-European language, you absolute buffoon. Indo-European tribes came much later like the Mitanni.

>> No.15509769

I am a woman, you perma-virg. Of course I finished reading it.

>> No.15509771

Class warfare has always existed, asshat. All Marx did was shine a light on how capitalism works in practice. What made his approach unique was its thoroughgoing emphasis on material conditions.

>> No.15509775

Mesopotamian civilization was kicked off by an isolate group (Sumerians), then dominated for the rest of its existence by several different Semitic civilizations until it fell to Persia.

>> No.15509779

are they recreating jonestown?

>> No.15509786
File: 479 KB, 868x600, D193DFF8-B682-43E3-A628-D87B1DFE78DF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s pretty obvious that these riots are just a excuse to let loose impulses and indulge in a righteous victim complex

>> No.15509791

I will never understand why people get so hung up on race.

>> No.15509794

Yes and for most people what Marx means practically is 'the guy who promotes communism by pitting the classes against each other'. That is all they view him as, and since he is by far the most prominent version of that in recent history the term is adopted to describe similar forms of class warfare that seem to be promoted by rather similar people, sometimes by actual Marxists.

You keep repeating that Marx' analysis was about material conditions as though anyone were unaware of this. The entire point is that Marx is being reframed by that term as nothing but an enemy agent trying to subvert society, the means by which he does so are secondary.

>> No.15509799

This. As long as people are all treated well identity politics shouldnt matter

>> No.15509813

You can try to ignorantly "reframe" him all you want. You're not going to change history or the English language.

>> No.15509817

And if you treat everyone equally and one group still remains much poorer and much more frequently incarcerated? Hypothetically speaking of course.

>> No.15509825

“Gay marriage” is an oxymoron, like “square circle”

>> No.15509831

The term cultural marxism is already used that way by many people, that was the point, I was explaining to you the meaning of the term. If you mean it will never be accepted in academia, among socialists, in the mainstream press, on wikipedia, etc. you are quite correct, but it is still used that way by many people, you saw it happen in this thread, Im sure you've seen it happen many times before, and you will many times again.

>> No.15509839

Blame capitalism for causing class divide

>> No.15509847

It's inverted racial supremacy. Instead of whites being the master race, they're the only ones with the power to forgive and heal the world. Whites are the only ones with real agency and they must use this power for good

>> No.15509863

>is already used that way by many people
Those people are retards in a bubble who are not interested in substantive discourse on the subject.

>you've seen it happen many times before, and you will many times again
And every time, the thread will turn into a debate about language and terminology, rather than substance. If you want a substantive exchange of views, use words correctly.

>> No.15509901

They discourse among themselves plenty and the term leaks out. Jordan Peterson(who is undoubtedly unaware of the antisemitic origins of the term) used it publicly a bunch of times, disseminating it to his millions of dumb zoomer followers.

And what conversation could there really be had between people who view Marx as simply a philosopher who uncovered a real dynamic in society that led to revolutionary consciousness, and people who view him as a dishonest, evil man who wanted only to sow discord and gain control, the specifics of his theory irrelevant and incoherent?

>> No.15509917

Culture and commonly-held values are downstream of race; culture and values of a state determine what rights are afforded by its constitution and how its laws are constructed. When people of one culture or set of values lives under the laws and values of another there is a discrepancy resulting from holding a group of people to standards which are inappropriate for their inherent characteristics. Appropriate conditions for people of Africans descent are not the same as appropriate conditions for people of European descent. Forcing artificial change of these values can only be destructive.

>> No.15509983

The people you mention there are not ready to have a productive debate.

But there are earnest people of conservative persuasions who have the same objections to "woke" identity politics that Marxists do. However, instead of comparing notes and finding points of common purpose, the encounter turns into a pointless shit-flinging match based on terminological confusion. That's why it's important to correct erroneous or imprecise usage of language, because it often indicates a deeper conceptual misapprehension that never gets cleared up. The result is conflict where there could be fruitful collaboration and discourse.

>> No.15510009

If we never were hung up on race, then those people would not be marginalized. I'm not saying that there are not racial issues that need to be resolved.

>> No.15510026

>If we never were hung up on race, then those people would not be marginalized.
That is why I framed it as a hypothetical. Hypothetically what would you do if the differences remained after equal treatment, because the populations themselves were just different. Is there a solution to that situation?

>> No.15510039

>How can one person be this out of touch with reality?
There has been so many companies pledging their support for the protests. You are being dishonest to say otherwise.

>> No.15510044

Somewhat agree, but I am mostly referring to how people think that since a race does not fit their social norms, they must be genetically inferior. Your example reminds me of when I spent 10 weeks in China. It felt weird and out of place for me, but I never felt any hostility towards me from the Chinese or that they thought I was inferior to them.

>> No.15510049

In that case, just consider each person as an individual. If treatment is truly equal, then there is no longer a point in comparing outcomes based on group affiliation. Needless to say, we are currently nowhere close to that point.

>> No.15510058

Ted is a white leftist. How could any of his ideas be considered right wing

>> No.15510064

It's like pledging support for apple pie and loving your grandparents. Meaningless corporate babble.

>> No.15510065

I don't know how a basic level of respect would be too much to ask in this situation, but then again maybe I am asking too much from people

>> No.15510068

And how would you propose we test whether difference in outcomes is due to systemic oppression or inherent differences?

>> No.15510075
File: 69 KB, 674x457, oof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you imagine being some double digit IQ leftist and worshiping at the alter of some junkie home invader who got exactly what he deserved because you know you're a trash human being and you literally need to virtue signal in order to feel like a good person

>> No.15510077

>Militarization of police is in direct response to such things as we're seeing, i.e. mass looting/destruction.

This isn't a trend that just began today, but I can see it becoming worse because of it. One little problem becomes an excuse for the state to enforce a tighter web of limits on the populace. The coronavirus, 9/11, mass shootings, this event, and so on. A nation of pussies of course welcomes these subtle changes. People get the governments they derive.

>> No.15510080

Does it not matter that cops are shown to be more willing to shoot white people in simulations where both are actually acting the same? Just full blown insanity on display here and it doesn't matter what anyone says because the establishment has spent lifetimes massaging it into people's brains.

>> No.15510083

I was responding to the hypothetical situation that you presented, in which it is stipulated that everyone is treated equally.

>> No.15510088

deserve I mean

>> No.15510091

Not really, its them pledging support for an explicitly leftist cause

>> No.15510093

The idea would be that you would not even think to ask those questions.

>> No.15510095

Citation needed.

>> No.15510103

White people are the least racist group on the fucking planet. This shit is just a linguistic weapon.

>> No.15510109

If you don't test which it is, how do you know?

>> No.15510120

Nope. Even Rush Limbaugh and Mitch McConnell denounced the actions of Derek Chauvin. Transnational corporations do not take risks in their public relations strategies.

>> No.15510159


>> No.15510174

Denouncing the actions of this one specific individual is not all they're doing though.

>> No.15510175

If you are constantly pouring over data to see if racism has ended, it clearly has not. A periodic check would be smart though

>> No.15510181

When someone says "Cultural Marxism" he means the same ideology known as "Neo-Marxism" or "Critical Theory".

>> No.15510191

racism will literally never end and destruction of social cohesion is too high of a price to pay for circle jerking over the presence of people with a particular skin colour

>> No.15510199

"Anti-Marxism" would be a more accurate term.

>> No.15510253

>but they're actually about both racism and police brutality as a whole
lol you people are retards who can't see the forest from the trees, even the protesters don't seem to know what they're actually angry about.
All of what we are seeing is a direct result of the financial collapse of 2008 and government and bank activity since then that has created a generation of young people with no stake in society, constantly being ripped off with no hope of a better future in the current system.
The pent up rage was bubbling away just waiting for a spark to ignite it and a cop killing a black man just happened to be it just like how a street vendor lighting himself on fire started the arab spring.

>> No.15510287
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Why nobody ever suggest dividing the US into different, ethnically homogeneous nations?

>> No.15510289

The chinese are very racist, what you experienced is just the reality of mundane, normal racism that no one except white people see a problem with.
But you've been trained to expect racism to mean some guy yelling and screaming at you or wanting to commit genocide, and that's the whole point of the word, it connects benign and normal in group preference with genocide.

>> No.15510347

I understand and agree with what you are saying, but I did not sense any underlying racism. Most people in the area were friendly and engaging.

>> No.15510356

Malcom X suggested that
But then he was murdered by his ethnically homogeneous religious brothers

>> No.15510357

>racism will literally never end
I wouldn't go that far. It is conceivable that in the far future racism against blacks is reduced to, say, the same trivial level at which anti-gingerism operates today.

>destruction of social cohesion is too high of a price to pay
This I agree with, but I don't think it's about race as such. It's primarily about conflicting cultural values and practices. In other words, the insistence on multiculturalism is the problem. Artificially-imposed multiculturalism can impair social cohesion among the working classes, and thus only strengthen the hegemony of the ruling class. Which is why it is pushed so aggressively by corporate elites.

>> No.15510369

what do you make of this
In early April 2020, Chinese authorities in the southern city of Guangzhou, Guangdong province, which has China’s largest African community, began a campaign to forcibly test Africans for the coronavirus, and ordered them to self-isolate or to quarantine in designated hotels. Landlords then evicted African residents, forcing many to sleep on the street, and hotels, shops, and restaurants refused African customers. Other foreign groups have generally not been subjected to similar treatment

>> No.15510382

Lol I'm not arguing that Chinese are not racist against black people.

>> No.15510790

Portland cops are alright.

>> No.15510796
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Civilization is not a white achievement.

>> No.15510809

varg is in all ways but skin colour a nigger

>> No.15510825

Actually he's a good authority on whiteness. After all he doesn't give a shit about middle eastern religions and cultures. Or even middle eastern rapebabies (south Europeans). He wants pure European culture and genes.

>> No.15510831

Police brings order.

>> No.15510842

Civilization is not white-exclusive.

>> No.15510845

>few bad actors
Bro theres HUNDREDS LITERALLY FUICKING HUNDREDS of looters and vandals.

>> No.15510850

Blame the banks, government and media for that. But nah, they are the ones supporting these protests yall too fucking stupid to realize.

>> No.15510854

Varg's iq is obviously lower than 100, he impulsively killed someone when he was young, and the only thing he can do well is music. He is literally a nigger

>> No.15510859

>fucked a dog to death with a knife
>fucked another to death with a gun
Nothing he says is of any interest.

>> No.15510860

oh also he has like 5 kids, left his native country, and lives off welfare. it's actually comical

>> No.15510875

Christcucks latiniggers obviously triggered when you expel the middle east from european culture.

>> No.15510876

"White" as a race doesn't exist. Each region in Europe is inhabited by different races. When will you dumb, cutdick burgers learn this?

>> No.15510888
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>dumb, cutdick burgers

>> No.15510893

yeah absolutely nobody actually believes this

>> No.15510900

Versus the millions torrenting pirated content.

>> No.15510912

I don't converse with mystery meat.

>> No.15510915

Medes and Persians weren't the only Indo-Europeans in the Middle East. The Mitanni actually came before them.

>> No.15510927

The entire world sees you as white regardless of your obsessing over your nationality

>> No.15510946

>The entire world
Classic burger solipsism.

>> No.15510973

Yeah Chang and Mohammed really fucking care that you're a German or English person, they totally don't just see you as a white guy

>> No.15511011

They see you either as an Anglo, or a fucking germanic. Your people's view on race is fucking deluded. No one but your hellhole of a country thinks like this. Maybe excluding the brits, but they are just burgers lite.

>> No.15511080

can everybody just fucking die already?

>> No.15511096

no buddy, they think 'yt'. That is literally the extent of it for 90% of them. They know what London and Paris are and that's about it.

>> No.15511269

By killing unarmed civilians?

>> No.15511366
File: 90 KB, 1218x665, Eurogenes Global25 - 2018 - AJ_G25_PCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circle the region in pic related that you consider "white".