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File: 249 KB, 1673x2560, brascubas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15507280 No.15507280 [Reply] [Original]

this is the real deal. i'm sorry you gringos had to wait a fucking century for a decent enough translation, but here it is.

there's nothing like it.

>> No.15507293

wdum theres been translations out for ages. Anyways it is my favourite book that I've ever read so you're not wrong there.

>> No.15507322
File: 566 KB, 1920x1080, fl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bro, i mean a decent translation, extensive notes and preservation of the original ambiguity throughout the text

the 50s version put together by an evangelical translator rendered the part about quincas borba proving the gospels wrong as "he made good arguments". lmao

>> No.15507324


How similar is Portuguese to Spanish? Will familiarity with the latter make the former a walk in the park?

>> No.15507335

portuguese can be easily read and understood if you speak spanish, its practically a dialect TBQHFAM

>> No.15507338

Doesn't gringo mean foreigner?

>> No.15507390


op here. it certainly helps to a great extent but you gotta remember this is 19th century portuguese and machado packs a punch in every other sentence, there are layers of interpretation (and mockery) and i'd guess it would be a bit of a challenge tackling it with a decent spanish alone.

i'd give this english version a shot

>> No.15507420

looks interesting anon. never heard of it before. added it to my wishlist.

>> No.15507435

can you post excerpts and compare them to the next best

>> No.15507446
File: 6 KB, 121x181, miss-bernard-said-7961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quincas borba proving the gospels wrong as "he made good arguments". lmao
He never "proved the gospels wrong"; he co-opted some of Jesus' teaching for his own philosophical system that drove him insane and also helped ruin the life of Brás Cubas. His character is a satire of New Age charlatans. I can't tell if you're just illiterate, or just being purposefully obscure, but come on. And I'm not sure which translation you're referring to, but the one with the skull on the cover is pretty faithful to the original and doesn't skip over any of Borba's autism.

>> No.15507468
File: 31 KB, 329x499, 514k-DhjkkL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the huge complete edition, and while initially I was super impressed, after about 40 stories i realized just how formulaic and reliant on one trick (that of the melancholy upper class individual leading themselves on a road to perdition, with various road bumps of magical realism, inheritances, and infidelity along the way, and the inevitable last page twist) that I had to put it down as it became tedious.

>> No.15507602

>there's nothing like it.
What makes it so great?

>> No.15507699

Same with Italian.

>> No.15507739
File: 242 KB, 880x1360, 71zpdxSxmtL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a decent translation?

>> No.15507830


FSG's editions have been well received, both Brás Cubas and Dom Casmurro. Not as complete and as contextualized but I believe they are solid picks.

>> No.15507982

I feel like you could say this about most authors collected short stories tho, reading them in succession makes the overlap patterns seem more obvious too. I actually love when it becomes tedious, if you like to write this really helps you understand narrative structures.

>> No.15507983

I have the '97 Oxford translation by someone named Gregory Rabassa, is it shit?

>> No.15508310

gringo is anyone who's not brazilian

>> No.15508333

Yeah, "foreigner", but it's used almost exclusively for North Americans.

>> No.15508398

>but it's used almost exclusively for North Americans
not here in Brazil