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File: 83 KB, 900x1185, A rare color photo of Adolf Hitler which shows his true eye color (date unknown).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15505245 No.15505245 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book to understand the reason behind men's inherently violent nature and lack of empathy?

>> No.15505269
File: 155 KB, 326x460, hitler poem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lack of empathy

>> No.15505284
File: 43 KB, 551x556, 60854DEC-685D-4E6A-B462-772ECA61D9E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked pissed roastie

>> No.15505285

Women are more violent than men. They usually redirect their violence towards other women and children because they're "afraid" of men. I remember a study that showed that testosterone doesn't actually make people more violent, but it makes them more brave i.e. more willing to take risks and ignore negative consequences for their action.
Estrogens are stress hormones that are actually produced in both men and women before violent altercation or in response to violent images.
The majority of children are killed by women.
Go outside, get a gf, talk to her, she will always shit talk her female "friends"

>> No.15505301

I get this poem isn't concerned with subtlety, but I don't like it. Maybe it's better in German

>> No.15505314
File: 106 KB, 634x952, 28971284-8377809-George_Floyd_a_46_year_old_black_man_died_on_Memorial_Day_as_he_-a-60_1591043584722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just read your first line. Won't read anymore. Just look at this photo and tell me, will a woman ever do this? There's your answer.

>> No.15505325
File: 80 KB, 500x501, bait 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had this thread already, low quality bait, in every field you now what

>> No.15505330

Yeah, a woman would and will. There's your answer.

>> No.15505810

A woman would do this to an innocent children or an innocent woman, yes

>> No.15505907
File: 976 KB, 829x853, looks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think men have way more empathy than women.

>> No.15505919


>> No.15505925

>as if Wikipedia editors have empathy.

>> No.15505934

She's ugly herself and insecure about it
Fuck people's behaviour is blatant sometimes

>> No.15506294

Testesterone has always been a mood stabilizer. It prevents sudden mood swings or taking decision based on immediate outbursts, which is when lots of violence is committed. That's why women start more domestic violence.
For the same reason it also prevents lots of retarded feelings of 'care', like changing your views on importing the third world when the media broadcast some random brown kid dying at a border. That's what women mean when they say men have less empathy.

>will a woman ever do this?
Arrest criminals? Yes, some do.
It shows you've never seen female cops or, even worse, prison guards. True scum that will force criminal Chad/Stacey to fuck her while trashing 90% of inmates for no reason. Even worse in female prisons.

>> No.15506359

He had no problem gassing Jewish mothers

>> No.15506385

Anon, this is 2020. The holocaust never happened.grow up

>> No.15506453

Unbelieveably based post

>> No.15506586

I think she got doxxed by angry redditors.

>> No.15507022

If you had actually read anything written by, or transcribed from the speeches of, Adolf Hitler, on that topic, and had any ethicomoral discernment, you would know that not all humans are qualitatively equal, since there are inherently noble humans, and inherently ignoble humans, each category, firstly: inheriting their traits biogenetically, secondly: having the free election to choose to, either: unite in nobility, or: succumb to ignobility.

>> No.15507219


>> No.15507228

>It's ok to deny history if it goes against my ideology

>> No.15507247
File: 366 KB, 941x750, camps then now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15507332


>> No.15507343

Which was your favorite, the tickling to death or the masturbating to death machine? Or perhaps you are a man of classics and prefer the rollercoaster?

>> No.15507379

The weak (most women, stunted men, primitives) percieve the actions of the strong (conscious women, actualized men, futurists) as violent. You will always resent those stronger than you.

>> No.15507423

this and a lot of worse things

>> No.15507458

bruh you do realize that they are trying to manipulate you into believing that they escaped the camps because the gas ran out

wake up dude!

>> No.15507511

I saw this picture with that filename yesterday because in Archer they say Krieger is a genetic clone but he has green eyes (and also reddish hair) so I decided to check. Tell me where I put my keys you vile fiend!

>> No.15509221

Based and ricepilled

>> No.15509249

Those losers should have gassed him first.