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15504771 No.15504771[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If anything, the protests happening in the US have woken me up to my privilege even more than I was already aware. I knew I was privileged because of my skin, gender and sexuality, I just was unable to grasp the concept and realize how much.

I really want to fix that.

I’ve just purchased “I’m Still Here” by Austin Channing Brown and “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo by recommendation.

I’m looking for more books like these, that speak of the hardships of what people go through that a white, straight, able bodied male cannot comprehend.

Thank you!

>> No.15504779

Fact: the world would be way cooler if there were no black people.

Also fact: everyone should kill themselves and/or refuse to procreate. Life is suffering.

>> No.15504819

The Gulag Archipelago

>> No.15504879
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I'm not that well read on it but this was good.

Also Native Son if you want more of a narrative and feels

>> No.15504996

Go troll /pol/.

>> No.15505209

I'm kinda trying to accomplish the same thing but i'm mexican. Anyways I bought the mis education of the negro, the souls of black folk, a collection of gwendolyn brooks poems, and if beale street could talk. They all seem promising enough. I also recommend getting books from black owned online book stores, if you can afford it since the shipping can be a bit pricey. Here's a link to one of the stores I bought from, cant find the other one for some reason. Hope you enjoy what you bought.


>> No.15505226

the mexicans have been attacking the black rioters in california, which is really rather based

>> No.15505249

Kill yourself
t. latino

>> No.15505260

and chicago too lmfao
they got tired with the niggers looting their stores

>> No.15505270

Reading is good, but in reality, we'll never "get" it to the extent that others do.

The best path to enlightenment is to just examine times you've felt stifled. Imagine all the times you've held your tongue, recognize how many of them were actually self-imposed, and then realize that marginalized folks do that too PLUS receiving external reinforcers.

Think about the stories you heard growing up. Imagine your parents bringing information they've learned from a life of struggle. How excited they might be for you to have an iPad because they grew up with no resources, which in itself was far better than their own parents, who were literally attacked just for fun. Stuff like that.

It's really not hard to put yourself in the place of someone with a completely different life story. And don't get me wrong. Everyone has privilege. Racism is just a continuous, systemic, omnipresent set of experiences that keep darkies out of the light. If for nothing else, recognize that racism also keeps whites from going through the existential struggle other cultures have had to endure, and that, as such, we've become pretty fucking unenlightened

>> No.15505283

In the grand scheme of things your life won’t ever end up in a textbook so just live out the rest of your days having fun in a cabin in the woods

>> No.15505293

Dunno, bro. Textbook people aren't that nice. Even my country leaders are kinda meh. I'm aware of that Weber thing about politics being violent and everything, but some people go way over they should.

>> No.15505308

I guess it’s more that your life won’t have too much of an outcome on the world. I mean look at pol spending years spreading their cancer yet Americans are still destroying America. We don’t matter

>> No.15505392
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I know this is bait, but if you really want to make a difference, see pic related, and be prepared to spend hours week after week after week after week for years doing the boring work of being engaged with your local community, reading staff and consultant reports, showing up to make public comment at meetings, and developing relationships with your elected officials, their staffs, and the civil servants of your local community.

This is not fun work, and it is both arduous and boring. But if you want to effect any actual lasting change, going to a march or protest twice a year isn't going to cut it.

>> No.15505403
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/lit/ - Literature

>> No.15505415

both takes are cringe. hope this was bait

>> No.15505420

Fuck's sake. Now EVEN MORE whites will sexually ingratiate themselves to blacks out of some twisted guilt-sex fetishism or pop culture fad.

>> No.15505453

Neither is electoralism and handshakes. Only constant social unrest and chaos will bring any meaningful change to society.

>> No.15505475

Social unrest and chaos can start change, but it alone is insufficient to sustain it.

>> No.15505480

*but are alone insufficient

>> No.15505485

Rousseau's Discourse on Equality

>> No.15505492

t. whitey

>> No.15505536

> hardly 1/4 of American eligible youth vote, probably even less in the inner city "BLM" crowd
> they complain "why hasn't anything changed????"
gee, I wonder why

>> No.15505556

Unironically, watch the movie "Do the Right Thing" by Spike Lee. I think it's the only movie that captures the racial tensions in America in it's rawest form. There is difficulty in measuring white privilege because how do you do that? How do we control for white privilege when other factors such as economic status, gender, religion, geographic location, parental relationships, etc, play roles in this notion of privilege? I think people use the term "white privilege" as a proxy for class, or just what is the norm. I don't believe that some white redneck from the woods of West Virginia has the same privileges as some white guy from an upper-middle-class neighborhood in Long Island, who probably has the white privileges that people think of when that term is used. I think when people of CRT tried to find answers to this question using their postmodern framework, I think they were shocked to see that the individual was the ultimate indicator of their own privilege. In a way, you have a set of privileges and adversities truly unique to yourself. It is up to you to learn what privileges you do have in society, and what hardships you endured. No book can teach you this.

If you want to look at the intersectionality of how all these different factors play a role in America, I would suggest being smarter than the average "woke" white retard and read books/papers related to Critical Race Theory, or Intersectionality Theory.

>> No.15505558

I do not care what privileges I have. I have decided to just seek power no matter what. There is no such thing as sinning.