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15504274 No.15504274 [Reply] [Original]

Books that explain this phenomena?
Not the race part, the mobbing part

>> No.15504288
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The Decline of the West.

>> No.15504328

The state violated the social contract, and therefore the people no longer feel the state has any right to power - leading to violence.
Read Hobbes and Locke.

>> No.15504372

Zizeks take

>> No.15504377



>> No.15504383
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Among the Thugs - Bill Buford, he goes to UK to observe football hooliganism and ends up joining in traveling to Spain and getting he ass kicked. Great book.

>> No.15504386

How does it relate? I swear none of you guys who bring it up never even read it and just mention it because it goes with your "muh west is falling" narrative

>> No.15504393

> He relates both first-hand and second-hand reports of hooligan violence, ranging from beatings to stabbings to a supporter biting out the eye of a police officer.

>> No.15504455
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>> No.15504467

denial of death

>> No.15504481

>Presidential speech starts
>Trump calm as fuck
>"I am a president of law and order"
>"Thousand and thousands of heavily armed soldiers deployed"
>"We will dominate these thugs"
>"Now I have somewhere important to mourn the losses"
>Tear gas hits the streets
>President of the united states walks down the road to a burned church and prays
>video after video starts rolling in of looters being pushed back, tear gassed, boxed in

This may be the most based fucking president in the last two centuries.

>> No.15504483

The Psychology of Revolution, Gustav LeBon
From Dictatorship to Democracy, Gene Sharp
How Nonviolence Protects the State, Peter Gelderloos
America: The Farewell Tour, Chris Hedges

>> No.15504488

>it's based to stop rioting
Lmao you're an easily manipulated cuck. Wake me up when he apportions a state or two to the niggers and forces them to move there so they can govern themselves.

>> No.15504491

He’s an outsider so does things with the flair of an entertainer, but he’s just as much a stooge for the oligarchy. You prefer this show over Reagan the cowboy, is all.

>> No.15504493
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It's a good first approximation to the traditional idea that time is cyclic instead of linear. On the more traditional aspect of this idea, this same concept was expressed by the Greeks with the form of the Ouroboros, and by the nords in the form of the Jörmundgander (both serpents eating it's own tail). Solomon Also refers to it in Ecclesiastes 1:9: "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."
On the most specific sense, you'll see that bands of barbarians destroyed Rome in the last stages of his existence, and something similar is starting to happen in the USA right now. The cause of the collapse of Rome will also be the same on the collapse of the West, which i will not discuss here because i don't want to indulge the average /pol/ nazi larper who lately lurks on /lit/.
There's not much you can do neither, we are on the last cycle of modernity, the current set of events was bound to happen. Focus on the spirit instead of the flesh.

>> No.15504498

Oh stormy, will you ever learn?

>> No.15504500

Incredible. 10 years later and it’s word for word still relevant.

>> No.15504603

>not the race part
>not the most important part
>not the part that actually explains

>> No.15504606
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Get reading anon.

>> No.15504737
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The reverse is true. The state upholds the contract despite the people violating it with malicious opportunism. The same people burning down buildings and concaving skulls happily enjoy the peace of the state they abuse and readily collect welfare and unemployment checks. This is evident even presently, there's no end of instances among the rioting where they petition the state for medical care or police protection upon being confronted with anything less than total placation by those abused. I don't save twitter screencaps or I'd post some of them begging for police help on accounts that spend most of their lifetime maligning the police.

The real problem here is that so many people are unoccupied due to the corona virus, it isn't fit for people like this to be bored with free time. These types need to be kept busy, otherwise they become susceptible to bad actors.

>> No.15504877

The race part is the most unimportant part. Riots occur for any number of reasons and the last decade has seen so many for sucb disparate causes just read >>15504372. The race part can be replaced anything else. It’s just the FOTM. Next, it will be Trump getting a second term.

>> No.15504885

The Crowd is probably the most well known one

>> No.15504889

>The state upholds the contract despite the people violating it with malicious opportunism
Stopped reading right there, you don't have any understanding of political theory. The state solely exists for the people, at least since the collapse of absolute monarchy. The people have no duty to the state under liberalism.

>> No.15504892

But these aren't riots really. Riots are spontaneous, these are are on and off acts of vandalism and larceny. There's nothing half so organic to these events as to call them rioting, it's just a breakdown in the rule of the law. Just look at the death toll, it's unlike other riots, so I don't think it's a very good term for what's happening.

>> No.15504896

>It's a good first approximation to the traditional idea that time is cyclic instead of linear.
Ok, then why not stick with someone who's actually relevant like Peter Turchin?

>> No.15504914

Imagine being this stupid. I suggest you revisit whatever sparkotes renditions of Hobbes you base your smugness off of, people obviously do have a duty to the state, that's why it's a social contract, the state IS the people. In violating the very mores have you benefit from, you violate said duty.

>> No.15504922

Young men have certain urges, urges besides the ones they talk about in sex ed. Every young man naturally hungers for excitement, for passionate conflict, and for meaning. The world we live in has compartmentalized those desires and treats them with pale substitutes for the real thing: video games, movies, internet arguments.
All of a sudden, something out of the ordinary happens. Ignore the specifics of the case, given that none of this is actually about police brutality or racial injustice or whatever ivory tower academics want to pretend it is. The only thing that matters is that this incident gives young men -- unfulfilled, economically stagnant young men -- an opportunity to get out there, be a part of a cause, break glass, and light shit on fire. Sure, a lot of them are probably saying something about "opposing an oppressive police state" to themselves as they blow up a police car, but that's just a pretext. It could be anything, as long as it gives them an excuse to fucking live instead of rotting as tranquilized zombies.

>> No.15504946

in dubious battle by steinbeck is really great

>> No.15504973

>the state IS the people.
How can the people violate themselves? Duty to the state does not exist as a concept in liberal theory.

>> No.15504982

>But these aren't riots really. Riots are spontaneous, these are are on and off acts of vandalism and larceny.
On and off you say? But not spontaneous you say?

>> No.15505015

>>How can the people violate themselves?
>agree to do something
>benefit from the agreement
>don't do thing
wew that was tough

>Duty to the state does not exist as a concept in liberal theory.
If you're retarded maybe.

>> No.15505028

Yes? Do you think riots have designated juice breaks and lunchtimes? It's much more akin to a protest than a riot in this respect. But unlike a protest it is neither peaceful nor coherent, there's no clear organization or demands, which is probably due to the Antifa instigators who sparked many of the incidents, the 'demand' in that sense is simple destruction and manipulation of public discourse instead of policy.

>> No.15505030

>agree to do something
You already said the people were the state, meaning both parties in the contract are the same thing.

>> No.15505035

it's typical for thieves to wait for nightfall to begin thieving

minorities or individuals can violate the group

>> No.15505049

>You already said the people were the state, meaning both parties in the contract are the same thing.
Are you suggesting every person in America is out there rioting? This is really simple, I don't know why you bother with these obfuscations. What do you think a crime is?

>> No.15505050

Individuals can violate the social contract, but not the people can't since they are the state.

>> No.15505054
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The mobbing part is because of the race part. When my pal overseas called to ask if I was alright because of the riots I laughed. "Wrong demographics where I live for rioting!" which is why I live where I do. No negroes, no riots, little crime. Simple, but it works out for me! My town is 95% White so I can leave my car unlocked in my driveway and can leave stuff on my porch without fear of theft. Feels good, man.

>> No.15505056

Holy shit, this is why I said you don't understand political theory. People as in individuals can violate the social contract, but the people can't. That distinction is elementary in political theory.

>> No.15505058

glad you admit you're wrong

>> No.15505066

Absolutely no-one in this thread has suggested otherwise, no-one has claimed 'The People' are violating the social contract.

>> No.15505067

the people =/= individuals

>> No.15505072

Really nigga >>15504737
At least read the thread of comments before jumping in to argue.

>> No.15505079
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imagine being unemployed and having nothing to fall back on. then you look out your window, and see stormtroopers kitted in thousand dollar equipment. it's obvious where you're money is going

>> No.15505082
File: 36 KB, 294x400, 501e07df-c13b-4283-a7cf-4d7d25fb5c75.jpg!Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've got a long way to go yet.

>> No.15505108

That's clearly in reference to a subset of people, unless you think they suggest everyone in America collects welfare? Your reading comprehension skills are pretty lacking, 'nigga'.

>> No.15505123

>The state upholds the contract despite the people violating it

>> No.15505138

>why not stick with someone who's actually relevant
You're missing the point of transcendent and traditional knowledge. It is indifferent to me if this truth is expressed through statistical analysis, a religious metaphor, a philosophical and teleological statement, or an old drawing found in a greek amphora; what matters is that it's objectively true.
What i considered when i recommended Spengler was the fact that we are on a literature thread, where the few people that still read is usually more familiar with philosophy and literature than any other field. Also, you must grant me that the title of the book is quite inviting, and it seems to appeal to people on this site.
The Decline of the West may not be the best depiction of the idea of the eternal return, but it's still a pretty good introduction to the concept.

>> No.15505141

>if I take it out of context maybe that will make me look less fucking retarded

>> No.15505149
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>imagine being unemployed
>it's obvious where you're money
If you don't have a job the what are you talking about "you're money", it's the tax payers money.

>> No.15505167
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>> No.15505183

Europeans are more evolved than most Ameritards.
It is our money. The money generated by the nations income. Collectively. We’re supposed to be taxing people and sharing the wealth. How a household would operate.

>> No.15505204

stop falling for retards pretending to be retarded

>> No.15505401

This 100%. All these people looking for some hot leftist take but it's literally within the foundations of liberalism that explains this behavior.

>> No.15505742

they're happening because the media decided to push this story. note how there were two other race baiting top stories immediately prior. this was a concerted effort to stir the pot to cover for the biden gaff

>> No.15505755

extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds by charles mckay is the classic study

i was thinking earlier today if there's a standard riot control manual that gets circulated among police departments, there's gotta be a whole theory that goes into it

>> No.15505768

Its just failed hedonism so this >>15504328
This does not contradict traditionalist criticism of liberalism, it validates it.