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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 317x450, oscar_wilde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1550198 No.1550198 [Reply] [Original]

Oscar Wilde "It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances."

he also wrote "Only the shallow know themselves"

and "It is only the superficial qualities that last. Man's deeper nature is soon found out"

These all make me somewhat confused and troubled, what does he really mean?

>> No.1550202

He was questioning the "deep thinkers" of his time..being an irrationalist and general BAMF

>> No.1550206


he wasn't good looking

being shallow now. i bet he would hate my guts for telling it to his face IF he read it.

>> No.1550219

I think he's telling you not to overthink stuff, like you are now.

>> No.1550216

This is very typical of Wilde's "wit."

He built a career out of saying such mindless "paradoxes" that are actually quite easy to conjure.

"Oh, I firmly believe in promptness, and that's why I always arrive late, wherever I go."

Real formulaic.

"I admire immensely the poor, which is why I absolutely insist on socialising with the rich."

Don't take it seriously. He's just trying damn hard to be "clever."

>> No.1550231

"It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances."

Only "deep people" judge people on what they think or do - like if they are homosexual, or have different ideologies.

You may appear to be a faggot, a shallow person would not judge you on that, but on how your clothes look.

>> No.1550239

He was playing on the idea of surface depth. For example we know the very nature of man, we can measure his chemical properties, his neuronal activities, and his atomic structure. And yet for all of this we still think that there is something 'more' to man.

So the idea is that what is 'really' real for us is surface i.e. culture. They present us with the true mysterys. Nothing of depth is actually deep. In other words, 'yes' still waters do run deep, but there is nothing deep and interesting about them.

I disagree with him, but I appreciate his position.

>> No.1550242


You are all morons btw.

>> No.1550253

It appears so.

>> No.1550259

Are you judging me?

>> No.1550279
File: 714 KB, 800x818, 1274625235354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You blew my mind man, and then you called me a moron. Is this what sex fees like?

>> No.1550282

only if you paid

>> No.1550288

you say the ideas I can't think of words for, poifectly

>> No.1550291


As are you, my friend.

>> No.1550292

try drawing pictures

>> No.1550336

>For example we know the very nature of man, we can measure his chemical properties, his neuronal activities, and his atomic structure.

Oscar Wilde? No. Just no. Youre dumb.

>> No.1550348

He's trolling you, bro.

>> No.1550413

>I disagree with him, but I appreciate the position I have projected onto his flagrant bullshit.


>> No.1552019

This thread should live a bit more.

>> No.1552128

Please, refrain yourself from posting if you are going to say dumb shit like this.

>> No.1552140

He's just being contrary for the sake of being contrary. He doesn't care for being correct or even consistent.

>> No.1552143

Look I'm not gonna read this thread but I gotta say Wilde was one of the uglier cunts to ever scribble shit on paper.

>> No.1552147

>I know not the true definition of "wit

>> No.1552149

i respect what you're trying to do here

but not to my Wilde

why can't you just find another?

>> No.1552154
File: 26 KB, 460x300, bukowski460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me?

>> No.1552161

Fabs, I hate to say it if you're a fan, but I motherfucking detest Wilde. Don't you remember at Jade Sally's birth when I asked him to join me on the "shit talk Wilde and Dickens" front?

>> No.1552165

Mr. Wilde is clever! Formulas do not write great novels and plays idiot.

>> No.1552168

yes i remember perfectly

i had hoped at the time that you had chosen him only because he was nothing but deserving of his literary fame

but i see now that we really are each others' nemesis

what about Wilde do you detest the most?

>> No.1552175

Fabulous only likes Wilde because he's under some really foolish delusion that being a fag means he's just as witty and worthy of fame.

I give it five years before he grows up and chucks Wilde in the trash for someone not so flamboyant.

>> No.1552174

I could eventually love you

but don't call him clever

cleverness and wit are two different things

>> No.1552177
File: 84 KB, 852x369, indieanyquestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1552189

I feel insulted

i assure that my fascination with Wilde has little at all to do with something as paltry as my favored sex

when i first read Wilde it was on a whim; i knew not that he was a breed of homosexual himself

>> No.1552192

this complaint is nothing but illegitimate

>> No.1552195

Well I mean, I hate his writing. He comes off as the obnoxious theater-major queen at a college Halloween party. OOOoooooo look at me! I've said something shocking again! How irreverent I must be! teeehehehehehe".

I fucking hate Wilde, man.
but i still lub u

>> No.1552207

I imagine you read Dorian Gray?

i will say that Lord Henry was a very likeable character for me

and for you, he might be detestable

but Wilde designed him to be only an image

an image of what society thought of Wilde himself

Basil was Wilde and Dorian was who Wilde would like to be

of course, i've heard different, but i could beleive it

>> No.1552210

but don't think i'm angry

i couldn't be angry at you, of all people

>> No.1552990

It means he was an attention whore and a hypocrite. But aren't we all.

>> No.1553056

You write like an asshole. Read that out loud.

>> No.1553059

i enjoyed 'the importance of being earnest' the most.

>> No.1553065

clever or not, nigga still ain't funny

>> No.1553067

I think he's saying being wise is being simple and unpretentious.

I know an author who said something like "The deeper things are in the surface". Translating roughly from Portuguese, he was probably influenced by Wilde.

>> No.1553082


So being wise is being boring?

>> No.1553089

I'm not sure the word simple is the right one, it may be a compliment in some contexts. A "simple person" is always pejorative in English?

>> No.1553109


He was an aesthete, and what he is pointing to is a kind of Nietzschean understanding of the world as an aesthetic phenomenon, whereby 'truth' is found in what is often dismissed by platonic idiots and dualist retards as 'mere appearance'.

kinda what this guy said >>1550239

It ties into a rejection of every kind of thinking which argues there is necessarily something 'more' - like a 'meaning' which hasn't been constructed by a human say - beyond life and behind the words of a text or the actuality of an image.

>> No.1553148

>platonic idiots
>dualist retards
Nice uneducated dismissiveness there.

>> No.1553153
File: 191 KB, 392x492, sartre.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember going to a small book chain and overhearing a hipster with her boyfriend looking at philosophy books...

The hipster sees the spine of a Sartre book and says "OOOOoooOooo I love Jean Paul Sartre!"

She pulls out the book and sees his face on the front cover....


Boyfriend chuckles.

I thought I would rage but I actually chuckled as a hipster gets the pretension knocked out of her with her with some old fashion female adolescent shallowness.

Whatever Oscar Wilde was blabbering on about, I doubt he was hanging around people who look like Jean Paul Sartre.

>> No.1553154

just so you know there's a mistake in that post with the "with her" and I couldn't be bothered deleting and posting again.

>> No.1553155


He just happens to be right.

>> No.1553157

Nice lack of premises to support your unsupported contention.

>> No.1553163


You are fundamentally butthurt that people not only know more than you, but can express that knowledge fluently.

What you offer is pedantry. You want to quibble for the sake of bringing the smarter guy down. You need to get over this brosef (for your own development), because there will always be someone that knows more than you on some issue.

Your comments are the argumentative equivalent of "hurr you didn't capitalize a proper name". Can you spare me the verbal diarrhea please and come up with a slightly more original way of bringing the smarter guy down.

>> No.1553173

All that's been said is that Plato is worthless (on your part) and I am asking you to justify this thus far baseless assertion.
I also dispute that you're smarter than me. In my estimation you're a damned idiot.

>> No.1553174

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" - Rod Serling

>> No.1553194


Think about what you asking. Herp: <provide knockdown evidence for why platonism is stupid> <provide knockdown evidence for why dualism is stupid>.

No one is ever going to go to the effort to substantiate such a claim, because nothing is riding on it. Especially not on 4chan and especially not in the context of that post.

Protip 1: I'm not the guy that made that post. I just said that he was right i.e. he has a compelling reading.

Protip 2:We are talking about literature and philosophy, we are not doing symbolic logic. Fucking deal with it.

>> No.1553206

No one's asking you to write a thesis.
You can't even provide a simple argument.
No, John, you are the HERP DERP

>> No.1553213


No the point is that you are applying an unreasonable logical standard to a dialogue that you know full well cannot be met (precisely because no one can be bothered to apply that much effort).

So you win by default because no one can be fucked to play your pedantic little game. I'm just saying bro, you have to stop being a sophist and apply some fucking interpretive charity when talking on 4chan.

>> No.1553217

What's that? I win?

Thanks muchly.

Anonymous out.

>> No.1553223

this is gay

>> No.1553232
File: 73 KB, 403x375, 1277408595835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lol'd though.

>ask for refutation of platonism and dualism
>poster doesn't provide.

>Hurr anon wins.
>Anon out