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File: 567 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20200601_085045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15500357 No.15500357[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am going to take the american goverment down

>> No.15500362

tiny leftist feet

>> No.15500364

what are thooooose

>> No.15500375

>A black kid stole my bike today
>I hate leftists now
>Looking up to you, Richard Spencer.

>> No.15500392

are you looking at the wrong image?

>> No.15500396


May Allah guide your Bat Anon, inshala.

>> No.15500397

Lel have you even read the Konkin book?

>> No.15500401

So, this is not a "all leftists are weak s-o-yboys" thread?

>> No.15500407

Give me the essential anarcho-communist books that will teach me what it is you people are trying to achieve.

>> No.15500408
File: 1.30 MB, 1347x742, 1519099976338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute legend.

>> No.15500417

>what it is you people are trying to achieve
Project angst.

>> No.15500418

Like "fascists:, there is no one group of people or goals. They're wildly different, and catch all labels are completely misused and abused.

You have to point to a very specific person or group to get an honest description.

>> No.15500422

>no guns

>> No.15500427

>not even a gun

>> No.15500429

the bear grylls gerber series is trash

>> No.15500600

What's the green plastic thing?

>> No.15500611

>baseball bat
>xenofeminism and bookchin
>mao and konkin
>gerber shit
LARPer confirmed

>> No.15500931

Redpill me on xenofeminism.
What is this about?

>> No.15501125
File: 500 KB, 2048x2048, EOd02yGUEAIMCZK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more books than "weapons"
>doesn't own a firearm
I expected as much

>> No.15501154
File: 92 KB, 736x579, 1590765882131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tools look like they've never been used
All you're gonna take is cock lmao

>> No.15501160

Have fun sweetie. Be back in time for dinner okay. Mom loves you very much.

>> No.15501282
File: 552 KB, 943x1155, 114222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly we are a force of reckoning

>> No.15501286

lmao nice bear grills merch.

>> No.15501289


>> No.15501292

the American goverment is taking itself down without any help from you

>> No.15501501

This one thong bloke is going to run at some armed cop with his stupid ass bat all the while dragging along his Maoist book collection, power to you OP you crazy bastard.

>> No.15501866


>> No.15502324

That is the most poorly designed hatchet I have ever seen. Also, hatchets are kind of useless outside of carpentry, a small axe like a hudson bay or scandi forest generally weighs less and is 100 times more useful in the woods.

>> No.15502904
File: 43 KB, 571x559, gender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll sum it up anon: they want gibs that wouldn't be possible to get any other way. They are either mentally retarded (literally) or ugly as fuck, or -- in most cases -- both. In other words, they are useless. So they are willing to believe and do ANYTHING if somebody promises them shit they consider impossible to achieve on their own.
This is politics taken to its final conclusion. After they've seen that 1+2 can't be redefined to result 4 (as torture and slavery doesn't fly in the USA), they took it down a notch and moved from economics to culture. This is a lot less efficient for blackmail than running the syndicates...
Finally, as uselessness doesn't work on media either, they sunk to the lowest rung and are shitting in their dishes. It's as if they are too cowardly to commit suicide and want to do a collective "suicide by cop."
tl;dr What they are trying to achieve is to follow orders coming from China.

>> No.15502939

the virgin "revolutionary"
the chad world master

>> No.15502946

Everytime I see this kind of retard shitting out barely intelligible word salads on his keyboard a small piece of me dies, and I then remember the times when lit was better, and another piece of me dies.

>> No.15502978
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>when lit was better

>> No.15502981

Who are you talking to?

>> No.15503001

yeah you should really leave

>> No.15503010


It's basically feminism + accelerationism. Manifesto is pretty brief: https://laboriacuboniks.net/manifesto/xenofeminism-a-politics-for-alienation/

>> No.15503018

Those are literally the Gerber/Bear Grylls knife and hatchet you fuck.

>> No.15503022

9/10 would fuck.

>> No.15503037

No firearms and an ideological mix of popular "leftist" texts that have little in common with one another. Seems legit.

>> No.15503049

are you male or female?
because those seem like some small feet
someone needs to do one of those autistic "measure your height/feet utilizing one of the objects in the room" diagrams

>> No.15503052

Anon, if you feel the need to protest that’s fine. Just know that it isn’t contributing anything to genuine leftist praxis. Corporations are giving out the same messages as organizations. As a leftist, this should frighten as much as an authoritarian police state. But, by protesting, you are joining the circus, and that is exactly what they want. Stay safe.

>> No.15503095

Thank you anon lol

>> No.15503099


>1/3 books shown are by women
>small feet
>not showing off a gun

all signs point to woman

>> No.15503114

Post more feet

>> No.15503237

You should’ve just bought a gun you fucking dork. KM didn’t advocate for disarming the populace.

>> No.15503290

based bulber

>> No.15503424

>anarcho kiddie
damn, you just lost the lottery of life didn't you?

>no gas mask
not gonna make it

Ok, this is epic.

>> No.15503451

wtf is this shit, this is all air.

>> No.15503466

Tiny onions leftist feet, what are you, 5'6?

>> No.15503474

Where's your copies of the invisible committee books?

>> No.15503485

The only thing you'll be taking is Bubba's 13 inch BBC into your gullet and the rest of your moist orifices

>> No.15503489

Was this post generated by an AI in its training phase?

>> No.15503526


>> No.15503556
File: 673 KB, 714x1140, 1560878907740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left communism

>> No.15503565

Les Stroud far superior to bear grylls

>> No.15503617

>no grenades
>no ak-47

>> No.15503628

funny how is never other race huh?

>> No.15503675

for revolution
meme gear
never used

>> No.15504083 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15504089


>> No.15504295

y tho