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/lit/ - Literature

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15497612 No.15497612 [Reply] [Original]

Just found about this board and it is my fav. I really like you guys and the content. What do you do for a living?

Have a nice day

>> No.15497933

I am a software integration engineer.

>> No.15497937

I'm a prep cook. I work just enough to cover my expenses and spend all my time reading.

>> No.15497942

uber driver

>> No.15497958


>> No.15497970

RIP zyzz

>> No.15497979

Customer service rep at a stupid place and all my coworkers are annoying women in their mid 30s or older that won’t shut up about stupid foods they cook as though that’s so fucking worth talking about. They are very sweet but it’s almost invasive the amount of a shit I feel like I’m expected to give, and I give it because I’m spineless but I am miserable. And I don’t know what job I’ll get next, this is at least office experience but I don’t want to do customer service anymore, or if I do I at least want coworkers with some people of my own demographic. I’ll never be remotely happy with my job because it won’t involve anything I care about and the people will never mean anything to me. And it’s like “work for the day but live your life for what you care about” but I can’t even do that because I have no life and nothing to care about and I never fucking will. 0 friends at all and anything more than friends will never be an option on the table. Goddamn covid makes even meeting people impossible but I’d probably be wasting my time anyway like I’ve done forever. I grow up too fucking slow and now it’s too late for me and I’m too much of a coward to just off myself.

>> No.15498001

>warehouse during the worst hours possible for the most money in shortest time
>i save 3/4 of the checks per month
>work for only a couple months, get fired/laid off
>collect unemployment (nearly the same pay) while traveling the world for several months, being neet/reading
>repeat the process over and over agin
I feel like I've been retired for more time than working over the last decade.

>> No.15498016 [DELETED] 

OP where are you from

>> No.15498019

OP are you from Europe or South America somewhere?

>> No.15498055
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We're all gunna make it

I'm a chemistry PhD student

>> No.15498069
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I'm a last year med student. Studying to get into ortho.

>> No.15498073

Lawyer, unemployed.

>> No.15498077

based af.

>> No.15498083

Mechanic, USAF

>> No.15498091

Graduated college this year, playing it by ear at this point. The one plus side of all this is that I've been able to read books I normally wouldn't have at school.

>> No.15498095

biochemist/analytical chemist; I consider this my home board but damn y'all don't understand shit about science

>> No.15498186

>CS Student with a concentration in Computational BS.

I think I'll end up doing tech sales when I graduate. Make more money that software engineering. Bio is more of passion/hobby.

>> No.15498200

I work at a bookstore. I'm studying information science, hoping to get into archiving.

>> No.15498203

just graduated electrical engineering, NEETing it up at home while I try to become employed again

>> No.15498205

>playing it by ear at this point
does this mean NEET?

>> No.15498214

Student, (paid) museum intern

>> No.15498263

teach English at uni
occasionally translate novels from English

>> No.15498277

How to get to where you are?

>> No.15498286


>> No.15498294

freelance webdev while I NEET in my comfy studio apartment

>> No.15498300

Swing a mop, pretty much get paid to do 8 hours of cardio while listening to audio books. This was the side job, but turned out to be a pretty great job and now is the career, seeing the negative health effects my friends with more sedintary or more physical jobs were starting to experience really made me appreciate this job.

>> No.15498311

I'm ESL but I'm assuming you're an American, so get a BA, preferably in TESOL/English Lit.
Get CELTA (or better DELTA)
Preferably get an MA in Applied Linguistics/TESOL

About translating novels; having a native language other than English helps. So that's rather harder for you, but it's not worth the money anyway.

>> No.15498336

Literally the same.

>> No.15498433 [DELETED] 

Law student, work as a paralegal

>> No.15498870

Most foreign English teachers I see don't teach English at unis, just to kids, that what the MA is for?

>> No.15498878

I work at a guest house.

>> No.15498890

law student

>> No.15498905

NEET gang for now but I should be working by September

>> No.15498963

Public Relations guy

>> No.15499009

electrical engineering phd student

>> No.15499037

It's a matter of preference, some are good with young learners, other with young adults.

Most universities require MA if you want to teach English courses in intensive English programmes or alike.

>> No.15499329

content writer / copywriter in some startup

>> No.15499454

Day trader/finance guru

>> No.15499456

How much do you earn and how'd you get the job? I'd like to do something like this.

>> No.15499459

How much do you earn as a warehouse worker during the worst possible hours? I could imagine doing that.

>> No.15499460

Tin knocker/welder

>> No.15499469

Bachelor's in Computer Engineering, graduated 2 years ago, dropped out of masters have been a NEET for 1.5 years. Probably gonna get another degree in another country. Not feeling like working a code monkey.

>> No.15499472

I am not alive.

>> No.15499475

army>boxing coach/YouTuber>gym manager>student

I want to re-enlist when I graduate

>> No.15499480

>We're all not gunna make it

>> No.15499481

I'm a night shift security guard. I head up to work every night with my Kindle and a tall boy and spend 8 or so hours reading, shitposting, and writing. I'm schizoid, so this job is a fucking blessing for me. I rarely ever have to interact with other people, and when I do it's usually in an "official" capacity. I have all the time in the world to pursue my goals without feeling hurried, or like I need to sacrifice leisure for work.

>> No.15499488

martial arts instructor, TKD based,got the degree from the Kukkiwon and some status in the sport, make good money with a smarter business model than renting a single site and feeding it all my money.
Th lockdown has crushed it for now, but slightly more time to read and draw, training in the garage, gonna have to start from scratch.
Have some buffer cash to feed the bills but holy shit, it's not easy.
Lotsa luck out there OP.

>> No.15499489

The last couple of years I've been working as a cook even though I have no formal training.

Before that I taught philosophy and English in a secondary school. I liked the job but the burocracy was soul crushing, I'm much happier now. I've also worked delivering and assembling furniture which was backbreaking and as a receptionist in multiple hotels, which is pretty boring but allows you plenty of time to read.

Finishing my second bachelors in linguistics now and would eventually like to get into translation, which seems like a pretty comfy gig. Wish I was born rich and didn't have to work tho.

>> No.15499552

Last year archaeology student

>> No.15499567
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>Just found about this board
>posts off topic crap because he doesn’t actually read anything
What a surprise
I’m a med student btw

>> No.15499626

Mining engineer

>> No.15499663
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>> No.15499671

I get paid by the state to study latin and greek

>> No.15499678

Living off inheritance.

>> No.15499693

NEET hikikomori living as a parasite in his parents

>> No.15499699

I work for police intelligence. Want to do something else though. I was looking at journalism as I enjoy writing and meeting people but the market looks so incorrigibly fucked that I don't think I could change now.

>> No.15499753

>It was a cold, dark night...

>> No.15499776
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I scrub toilets

>> No.15499943
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I leach off my parents

>> No.15499948

I'm a lifeguard, pretty comfy ngl.

>> No.15500005

im wondering whether i should go back and finish law school

>> No.15500021

Project manager in market research.

Currently reading The Idiot by Dosto and writing a shitty short story

>> No.15500040

Corporate finance at a huge tech company, recently graduated

>> No.15500041

marketing. looking to pivot out of it and become a code monkey to make some more money

>> No.15500049

Read books or fuck off. Maybe both.

>> No.15500057

Poker dealer

>> No.15500074


I'm an industrial automation engineer and write software & troubleshoot problems in factories

>> No.15500139

You play poker?

>> No.15500142

Lift weights, model, and fuck bitches

>> No.15500145
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been posting in another thread, might as well post here.
dis mine, i run dis:


>> No.15500188

god no I'm terrible at it - I just think that being a poker dealer is a neat way to pay the rent

>> No.15500190

Experimental physics grad student

>> No.15500230

Warehouse slave

>> No.15500380

I am studying CompSci in germany and here you can take your time and study as slowly as you want. I fucking drag it out and basically semi-neet. I will have my bachlors at 28 years. Worst part is I dont even like the prospects, the jobs sound terrible. Some of my friends finished it and they hate work life. I will finish it, but more for my ego and to have something to fall back to. I dont care for money, I just want enough for rent and healthy foods (gymfag). I will finish CompSci and work in it for as long as I can take it, then I will try to be a librarian or something, or study something else. I dont know how people can take STEM jobs. It is fucking soul crushing. I worked in it for a summer job and the people are unbearable. They love being slaves (they even take pride in it) and most of them are dumb drones. I am the guy with the unconventional, simple idea that always seems "lazy" but works best in the end, but it is fucking draining to convince my team. To them it is more import to affect complexity and dilligence. I hate flat hierarchies and "based" boss characters. Dont pretend we are on the same level ALEX you faggot, I hope you read this. The entire culture is just so fucking slavish but not even in a way were you can talk shit with your coworkers, no! They LIKE being slaves. WTF happenend to dignitiy? Fucking nu-males. Honestly I would rather drive trucks and have my solitude. I went out of the office everyday with fantasies of rounding all these assholes up into a gulag. I would then come in wearing crocs and a hawaii shirt to whip those faggots. I bet they would even enjoy it as long as I let them wear their fucking casual clothes. FUCK CORPORATE JOBS

>> No.15500389
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>tfw I'm a cop

>> No.15500423

A cop who's into literature? I don't hate cops but that must be extremely rare.

>> No.15500433

Yes, I agree, are you agreeing with me or are you too stupid to read that I'm quoting OP?

>> No.15500443

Yes, an extremely rare breed.
During training everyone would be surprised because while the other trainees went to gyms during our free time, I would go for a quick run and then go to the dormitory and read.
It was a shock. Even more so because I read books in English (europoor here).

>> No.15500483

incredibly based

>> No.15500493

i play saxophone in a strip club

>> No.15500710

What country? Do you enjoy it?

>> No.15500714

fuck off!

>> No.15500738


You must be fun at parties

>> No.15500742

A poor one.
Enjoy what? Reading in English?
Neither like it or dislike it. It's just that I always try to read book in it's original language.
I find it harder to focus on the book while reading it in English. Might be from the books I've read though.

>> No.15500756


Finance & strategy consultant for biomedical startups/pharma. Also got a fat stack of btc's.

Just want to tend bees on a farm desu

>> No.15500762

No, being a cop.

>> No.15500764


You must be fun at parties

>> No.15500768

Urban beekeeping is more productive bro.

>> No.15500777

This sounds like the dream. I brought this idea up with my mother this weekend because I will graduate soon and she said I can't enter the work force with a job like that cause it will drive me nuts. It shouldn't be hard to get into tho since my dad works in the security business but I guess he wouldn't help me get a dead end job like that.

>> No.15500788

literally me lul but Wirtschaftsinformatik which is even worse becaus its tailored more to the whole corporate slave world

people here are literally busting their ass off and dream to work for soulless slave drone companies like mckinsey or pwc - absolutetly pathetic, my only hope is self employment

>> No.15500793

IT got laid off though, comfy at home being a NEET watching the great chimpouts

>> No.15500816

I went to university but was really miserable there, so decided to follow what I always wanted to be.
Literally just b urself bro tier.
The only gripe I have is the fact that I'm not like most of the others.
Someone like me who likes books and videogames won't find many topics in common with them.
Luckily this applies mostly to the older cops (the place where im working now is full of late 40's cops).
Anyway, its a job that fulfills me, allows me to help the community and is full of perks.
Sadly some abusers shit up the whole institution

>> No.15500859

I'm a cop too and have similar issues with it. In my country, the cops tend to be pretty on edge about anything intellectual. That sounds snobbish to say but they have a very anti-education attitude and completely shut off about these things. It's okay though and I'm enjoying not being made unemployed with Corona.

>> No.15500862

philosophy student currently living with parents due to COVID-19

>> No.15500912

Recruiter, petty criminal on the side

>> No.15500926

It's a shame.
Let's hope the younger generations of zoomers change it.
Hope you're not American, bro. It's ugly there.

>> No.15500940

i am a NEET and i spend much of my day shitposting

>> No.15501039

I feel you. I know that we should be grateful and shit. I talked to a chinese exchange student and for him informatik or wirtschaftsinformatik is much more bleak. In china everybody gets a degree and he has to compete with a billion other fags. We will have a more or less decent career and luxuries but honestly it still feels shitty. I think I could have fun (or atleast not hate 1/3 of life) being a sociologist or psychologist. Do you think you will do Winfo for the rest of your life? I am almost convinced that I will drop coding for something else some day.

>> No.15501249
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I’m a freelance filmmaker in MA, so I work on commercials, features, and documentaries doing Grip & electric, assistant camera, and audio work. The pay is good, IATSE union rates are always going up, and it’s a pretty small local network of people in New England who do this, and everyone is really nice. It’s tough because you have to constantly hustle for new gigs but at the end of the day I’m my own boss, I get to make my own hours, negotiate rates, and each project is Ike picking a new adventure. In my own time I’m chasing after grants from a few nonprofits to make my own documentaries. Hoping to transition full time to that niche of work.

>> No.15501275

OPs question is what do you do for a living. OP did not ask how much money do you save every month.

>> No.15501332


>> No.15501355

is marketing as awful as it seems? can you at least chill at work while producing some bs social media campaign?

>> No.15501361

I assume you teach in non english speaking country? Or is it a uni in actual english speaking country?

>> No.15501363

This is what I plan to do any tips?

>> No.15501402

I work in urban planning. I do all the street names and addresses for new subdivisions and business. I'd like to someday get into more remote sensing/photogrammetry stuff, possibly with my phantom drone

>> No.15501435

Customer service bullshit, live with wife's parents (old people, take care of them, some extra cash from big daddy government), so rent-free, in the process of starting a small side hustle of farm animals (eggs, milkie's, maybe cheese, if we can YouTube it) and I will try to sell it to co-workers.

Job is shit, but not that busy, so time to read and write

>> No.15501444

Yeah but it depends, what region/city are you in? Start out looking for Union overtire lists, for example you have Central Booking Service here in MA. I pay them $50/month to get me work and it’s worth every penny. Also look into working for rental houses where people buy/sell/rent filmmaking equipment. Excellent way to learn the tools of the trade and to make contacts for production work. What discipline specifically do you have in mind? Audio? G&E? Camera?

>> No.15501447


It's all I could find after graduating (in EngLit) so I just cling to this job as it slowly drains my will to live. Might move to London because my company have another role there, but I can't stand the idea of a career.

>> No.15501511

London is awful.

>> No.15501515

I’m a visual artist. My work is mostly sculptural or drawing based. Large scale work. I make a decent living from it, not much more than a small store manager probably. I won’t ever be fabulously wealthy, but I get to spend most days doing deeply fulfilling work, playing, experimenting, reading.

>> No.15501525

Miami but I'm willing to move anywhere.

>What discipline specifically do you have in mind? Audio? G&E? Camera?
Not sure yet. Not experienced at all just have some gear at home while going to school that I do little projects with.

>> No.15501605

That’s a great way to start out. Most people get on set by first doing PA shit which is running supplies, managing entry/exit points, a lot of low-skill gruntwork, but it’s all who you talk to while there. For example I got in a conversation with an audio recordist and he was looking for a boom-operator on another production. I got his contact info and that led to my first gig doing sound. It’s all who you talk to. Also if you’re in Miami there’s a sizable amount of filmmaking going on in Atlanta GA. Look for any state that’s passed a tax exemption for production companies in the past 10 years or so and that’s where you’ll find new opportunities. Toronto, Vancouver, Boston, Austin, and some parts of NM are all starting to do more filmmaking.

>> No.15501611

NES environment, yes.

>> No.15501625

What type of docs are you interested in making personally?

>> No.15501627

>I could have fun (or atleast not hate 1/3 of life) being a sociologist or psychologist
Shit is awful
t.psychologist working on HR because no one wants to take therapy

>> No.15501629

Data miner. Loving this thread

>> No.15501828

Casino security Friday to Sunday, and sometimes specific events. Rest of the week I'm a copywriter and also sell erotica on Fiverr and Amazon.

>> No.15501858

software engineer

>> No.15501913

I'm a sailor / commercial mariner.

>> No.15501917

I've heard it's a terrible job and the guys who do it want to kill themselves is this true?

>> No.15501940

Third year in music theory degree, though I feel like studying something humanities-related else when finished. Thought about sociology since they have more jobs than philosophers and I feel like studying philosophy on my own, but the sociologists I encounter are full charlatans.
Also my parents support me, and I could NEET it out if I wanted (I don't).

>> No.15501942

I made one about an elderly Navajo Weaver out in the middle of NM and it was the best project of my life. Took a year to develop, fund, and research. I love artists profiles and anything with an anthropology focus, and even intervened with WGBH World Channel for a short time. Anything educational about art and other cultures, and how modern artists in those communities interpret that. It’s where I want to focus, but working on commercial bullshit right now is necessary to pay the bills, especially given how the industry has taken a hit due to Coronavirus.

There's a Puebloan sculptor out in AZ I met. He’s got a great life story and his work is incredible, so I’m hoping to make a film with him next.

>> No.15501991

My current job is to act like US citizen and mostly post videos/images on social media of security forces doing bad things.

>> No.15502131

No. Well, it depends on the sector of the industry you work in. If you're a Philippino pulling 15 month hitches on some skeezy Russian oil tanker, probably. But on US flagged vessels it's ok. The big obvious downside of the job is being away from home for long periods. Not a big deal if you're young and single but for anyone with family plans, it can be trouble. Plenty of divorce. Also, the work can be exhausting--many guys underestimate this. But, the pay is not bad, you can get six months off per year, you see a different side of the world, and sometimes you even have fun and feel like a cowboy of the ocean.

>> No.15502143

>t.psychologist working on HR because no one wants to take therapy
Same here and honestly it's not even close to terrible (assuming you don't work somewhere particularly shitty). The pay and benefits are way fucking better than what we'd get being starving therapists. Right now I get to work from home all the time and I can jam to music throughout the entire day while I I type on my laptop since I don't need to talk to people over the phone that often.

>> No.15502152

Does it get to the point where the ocean loses it's beauty and just becomes an object

>> No.15502203

I live in that City its Heidelberg, sie ist wunderschön, aber die asiatischen Touristen-Horden gehn aufn Sack

>> No.15502216

That's a good question. So far... no. You can definitely get used to the water like you get used to the landscape of your own home. But, the sea is always changing. Colors, clouds, waves, weather patterns... it's kind of like watching a fire. Always the same but always different. At sea the sky is huge (not trees or buildings to obscure it) and so the sunrises and sunsets are stunning. They definitely never get old.

>> No.15502623

Are you John C Reily in Magnolia

>> No.15502809


Not if you end up doing market research


>> No.15503189

Unfortunately fitting, yes

>> No.15503607

Navy Boatswain

>> No.15503704

I keep being convinced Punch Drunk Love is a real thing and then I keep remembering it’s not