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/lit/ - Literature

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15496386 No.15496386 [Reply] [Original]

The decline in literature is due to the rise of music. Music is the most direct and easiest passage to emotional transcendence (whereas books reuire far more work) and since literature can't reflect musicality (only rhythm) it's been replaced.

Film, a more musical medium took its place. And TV only started garnering respect when it also became more musical.

We're not getting literature back until music dies.

>> No.15496395

As a fellow /mulit/ poster, neck yourself OP. You're beyond cringe

>> No.15496402

nice reddit spacing fag

>> No.15496405

Not an argument.

Also /mu/ listens to fucking pop music, so what do you know?

>> No.15496429

Music existed before the written word. It is the most primitive, unrefined medium of arts, a mere hail of noises that agitate our ancient humours and disturb the genetic memory. Literature was meant to elevate us above this crude animality, and for a short while it did. Alas, all that rises up must come down. Look at the modern music, most of it is mindless, ritualistic demonic noises full of unbridled, inhuman emotion and directionless sexuality, produced by the werepeople of the charcoal skin, the trumpets of the end times.

>> No.15496440

>unironically saying 'emotional transcendence'

>> No.15496545

Literature declined when poetry became a snobbish club for high asshats. From then it became the reign of the prosaic, utter trash to say the least

>> No.15496641

Once music can replace instruction manuals then I don't think we have an issue besides books being treated as elitist